StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 57 Edmund Duke

In the temporarily cleared landing area on the landing platform of Fortress Howe, an APOD-33 Gladiator transport ship landed on the asphalt runway still stained with blood under the guidance of the signal light. The engine thruster switched to the vertical state, setting off a wave of hot air with the smell of ozone. The ice condensed on the stabilizer wing at the rear of the transport vehicle melted immediately, and the white steam was quickly blown away by the cold wind at dawn in Turasis II. .

A group of airborne troops in white power armor lined up from the lowered ramp, with their commander, Major Edmund Duke, walking at the end. Immediately afterwards, a Goliath armed robot painted in pure white was walking out of the entrance to the belly compartment of a transport aircraft.

"The 33rd Assault Division, oh, I'm an old acquaintance. This is not the first time we have met, Horace Warfield. The last time I saw you at Onuru Sigma, you were still working for Mengsk." Private'." Major Duke did not give the order to attack, but walked calmly toward Warfield. At this time, Augustus was standing behind Warfield, just like his aide-de-camp.

Major Duke is a big man, with broad shoulders and a sturdy back. The thick and sturdy power armor that surrounds him makes him look even taller and burlier. The major's stride was strong, but as he vigorously swung his two strong arms, he looked more like an angry silverback gorilla than a heroic federal officer.

"It's not easy to be a fire captain. Without Alpha Squadron to change your diapers, you will lie in the crib and scream." Duke's helmet visor slowly moved up, revealing a thin, wrinkled face. He has deep eye sockets and a narrow chin with thin lips under the prominent diamond-shaped cheekbones.

"What's going on with that Marine behind you? Is that a Hygorosaurus?" Duke quickly discovered something was wrong with the Augustus armor painting.

"No, they are all genuine federal soldiers, and I don't need to explain to you the cause and effect." Warfield did not give Duke a good look, and did not even lower his mask: "Long time no see, the famous Edmund Du Major Gram, at only forty years old, is already a rising star in the Duke family of Tarsonis."

"It is said that Duke of Alpha Squadron is victorious in every battle and has more medals and medals than any active general. But when you were on Planet Sigma, your troops were losing every battle." Warfield said.

"Three years ago, you and Arcturus were only second lieutenants. Now, he is already a colonel."

"Nonsense, the promotion system of the fleet and the marines can be the same. So far, I am not familiar with you. There is nothing more to talk about between us." Major Duke's nose was so angry that he no longer cared about Augustus. What's wrong with the paint on the armor: "My troops will be ready for battle soon, where are your men. We must retake this fortress without delay."

"That year, I single-handedly subdued two terrorists in Nolandol. Then, thugs ten times my size surrounded me, each armed with a shotgun." Next, Duke, who couldn't lose his face, started again. Bragging about his early exploits in the Marine Corps.

"I remember the five you mentioned last time." Warfield frowned.

"That time it was on a satellite of the swamp planet A1977."

"You are talking about Nolandor."

"You remember wrong." Duke's face was expressionless. He was originally here to bury Warfield, but it didn't seem to go well.

Warfield didn't want to hear Duke brag anymore: "Now let's get down to business. My people have recaptured the landing platform of Fortress Howe, but the rest of the area has fallen into the hands of the Seago Dragon Army. My people have captured a few Prisoners, I learned that there are about two hundred Hai Gelong Legion soldiers in this fortress, and leaving aside the wounded, there are even fewer of them who can continue to fight."

"This is my attack plan." Warfield said and continued: "Fortress Hawe is divided into five different areas. We should retake the command center first."

"That's enough, I don't have time to listen to your long talk here." Duke crossed his arms on his chest and squinted his eyes: "Who do you think you are? Those clowns from the staff who talk nonsense?"

"In my opinion, there is only one way to win, and that is to move forward courageously." When Augustus looked at him, the arrogance on the face of the Alpha Squadron major was clearly visible: "The federal army is an army from hell. And I've proven time and time again that the Camorians are nothing more than cowards, a bunch of rubes sticking their butts out to dig for shiny stones in the mud."

"Any useless strategic deployment is just a waste of time. We have two airborne companies and four Goliath armed robots. We don't even have to plan the route before crushing a group of ants. Move forward and crush the obstacles. Kill everyone on the road and kill every Camorian."

"Alpha Squadron does not accept surrender and does not require prisoners!"

Duke said impatiently: "Warfield, if you are afraid, you can just stay where you are with your Marines."

"My men got out of bed at three o'clock in the morning. Without even having a sip of decent hot coffee, they went to this hellish place in the ice and snow to clean up your mess. With any luck, we can fight quickly and we can still I can go back and catch up on some sleep.”

"Alpha Squadron, assemble!" he immediately ordered.

"Sailors, what is our slogan?"

"The first battle, the first retreat. We are the Blood Eagles!"

With the rotation of the servo motor, Duke's mask closed. He led Alpha Squadron to advance eastward along the road Augustus came from. This force of several hundred people was so powerful that it disappeared from the eyes of Augustus and Warfield in a short while.

"Is he always so confident?" Augustus asked Warfield, who stood watching Alpha Squadron go away.

"Edmund has always been like this. His mindless battle plans have made him suffer a lot, but he still goes his own way. Your brother and I have known him since we were still on Sigma." Warfield said, "What kind of person do you think he is?"

"Arrogant, rude, cruel," Augustus replied.

"You're very good at reading people." Warfield turned to look at him.

"What does Arcturus think of him?" asked Augustus.

"Well, a gorilla who is always running rampant in his own little jungle is always in a state of anger and unable to extricate himself because of his small brain capacity," Warfield said.

"That's not bad at all." Augustus nodded in agreement.

"The metaphor of the Mengsk family is always magical." Warfield seemed to see the shadow of Arcturus in Augustus. They had many similarities, but they were completely different in nature.

"Okay, little Mengsk, it's almost time for us to follow them."

"We can wait a little longer." Augustus said: "Duke is eager to win and insists on taking risks. Let Alpha Squadron charge into the battle.

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