StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 546 You have to live

Pirates and traitors are the two worst things in this galaxy.

It is rumored that the government of the Kemerian Federation is hiring pirates and mercenaries to seize resources in the sector for itself. If this is true, then the purpose of these pirates is not simple.

If they were really instructed to disrupt Imperial trade, they were really stirring up trouble. According to the style of the Emperor of the Tyran Empire, if someone punched him, he would have to punch that person down before stopping.

Who gave the Camorians the confidence?

The Kaimorians have always been an outlier in the Koprulu Sector. They are the best prospectors and miners, as well as the most hopeless gluttons of minerals and resource locusts.

The consortium they established is actually a super trust state where the government and capital enterprises are integrated. There is no clear distinction between the government and the guilds. The state is the enterprise and the enterprise is the country. The leader of the consortium is the heir of the family based on bloodline theory. . Moria is a paradise for the rich and elite, and a hell for the poor.

The problem is, the Kaimorians are no match for the Tyranid Empire. The Kemerian Federation has lost almost everything in the past four years of war with the Tyranid Federation, and it has not recovered yet. What do they have to fight against the Tyranid Empire?

Ister couldn't help but recall the rumors about the Kaimorian pirates. He heard that these pirates had powerful plundering warships and formidable electric field weapons.

The Kaimorian pirates are inextricably linked to the government of the Kaimorian Consortium in Moria, and there are even reports that the Guild Guards of the union have become organized and turned into pirates. The Kaimorians were known for their madness during the Guild Wars. It was said that their spies would plant small nuclear explosives on themselves, and once exposed, they would detonate and kill their enemies.

Regardless of the Kaimorian pirates of the Federation, the Chimera pirates of Umoyan, or the New Trinidad pirates of the Federation, they are all a group of crazy thugs.

The Terran Empire's crackdown on pirates has increased year by year, and it has only temporarily suppressed the pirates' arrogance. With the continuous expansion of trade routes in the imperial era, the newly mapped interstellar routes have reached as far as the far end of the Koprulu sector. There are so many and so long trade routes that it is impossible for the imperial fleet to defend them all.

The prosperous trade allowed pirates to make a fortune, and more and more people took risks with the dream of making a fortune.

"Jin, the Camorians have come in from the cabin!" The second officer rushed into the captain's cabin at this time. This was a tall man with a red nose, wearing a rumpled blue sailor suit.

"Let me deal with these pirates." The captain picked up a notebook from the small table beside the ship, turned to Easter and said: "You follow Owen to the engine room now, if they only care about money. He doesn't care about embarrassment for ordinary crew members."

"This is close to the core world of the empire. As long as a cruise ship receives the distress signal, we will be lucky. Remember, unless you are really smart, don't play tricks with pirates."

Easter hesitated for a moment and immediately followed the instructions. Unless he was a Tyranid Superman, he would not think that he could deal with the vicious Kemorian pirates or make these desperadoes run around with just a few words.

Jin is not a likable guy. He cares about everything, is stingy and noisy, but he does not harm others.

He nodded and followed Jin out, but he didn't expect two Kemorian pirates in black power armor to rush over from the aisle next to the captain's cabin.

As a student of the Stillling Military Academy, Easter could certainly recognize it. This was at least model 300 powered armor. The armor was all blacked out and there were no signs of identity on it.

Today's pirates are so rich that during the Guild War, the Kaimorian Federation couldn't even afford to wear power armor.

However, Istel had seen the armor of the Kaimorian pirates in the past, and they liked to add illegal weapons, including large-caliber railguns and long thorns that could pierce people. But the power armor of these two people, apart from being slightly damaged, looked too clean.

"Who is the captain?" asked one of the Kaimorian pirates.

"Me." Jin pointed at himself and then at Easter: "He is just a young man taking a boat, there is no need to embarrass him."

"Very well, our boss wants to see you."

At this time, Easter could only follow Jin to meet the pirate leader.

Easter and King were driven into the bridge of the Bedford together. Sure enough, the pirates had taken control of the operating system of the spacecraft - in fact, they were actually starting to dismantle it from the old cargo ship. Parts down.

A Kaimorian pirate who looked like an engineer opened the entire operating panel and searched for the parts and equipment he wanted among the colorful electronic circuits and solid-state electronic components. His disassembly techniques were very skillful, and he dismembered the console in a short time.

Jin couldn't help but have a distorted face. Perhaps only he knew how much effort he had put into and how many people he had begged for this old ship.

"We have to take delivery of this ship now. It will be used for more important and urgent tasks." Standing in the cab was a helmetless Kaimorian pirate. He was a middle-aged black-haired man with deep-set eyes. , with a blue beret on his head and a pipe in his mouth.

"This generation is not peaceful." He seemed to be talking to himself, and finally let out a long sigh:

"This was not the case in the days of the Terran Federation."

Two years ago, the remnants of the Terran Federation were still the biggest threat to the Imperial Government, but that was before the Federation completely lost the Saluset and Jaandara systems.

By this year, only the former landowners and squires of Helsain were still nostalgic for the past Terran Federation.

"Friends of Camorion, I will give you all the goods, as long as you don't embarrass my crew." Captain Jin said bravely.

"Maybe you don't understand." The man in the beret stuffed some tobacco into his pipe - to this day, only the old aristocrats who pretend to be noble and elegant use this pipe in a pretentious manner.

"We have to commandeer the ship and everything on it."

"As for you, unfortunately, my ship is short of manpower. Call all the people out, I need to know their occupations and specialties immediately." He stared at Jin and said: "I understand, do it now. "

"Do you think I'm negotiating with you? You're a despicable businessman. I wouldn't look at you in the past, and it's the same now. Even in twenty years, you won't be able to turn around."

Immediately, the pirate leader asked people to push Jin out, leaving Easter alone.

"What do you do?" asked the pirate leader.

"Take the boat, sir, I just want to get rid of the poor life and seek a way to survive in the core world." Easter opened his mouth.

When the zerg invaded Helsain, Ister was just a twelve-year-old boy who killed several springtails with a gun. If someone despises him, he will definitely regret it.

"What are you doing in Korhal?" The pirate leader looked at his men who were working and became interested.

"Visiting relatives," Easter replied, "I have a sister who works as a clerk in Korhal's trading company."

"Visiting relatives? Korhal was still in ruins a few years ago." The pirate leader shook his head and snorted: "Kohal's land and factories belong to the emperor. What is the way out? Augustus Mengsk is the largest landowner. .”

He murmured to himself again: "The Tyranids are finished, there is no hope."

"Now it seems I'm afraid I won't be able to go." Easter followed the other person's words and said, "I miss her so much."

"Boy, what do you think of Augustus Mengsk and his Tyranid Empire?" The pirate leader picked up a few more tobacco and put them into his pipe.

"My family used to run a farm, but now we can no longer do it." Easter did not answer the question directly: "The world is difficult."

But no, the whole family has gone to Keha, and the farm has to be sold. Hailsen is full of great plains. The land is fertile and suitable for large-scale mechanized farming. Many immigrants have also poured in over the years.

He probably figured out that this group of people might not be Kaimorian pirates at all, but more like a local gang using their name to scare people. It seems that they are still dissatisfied with the Tyranids Empire.

It's probably hard to be satisfied.

The Tyran Empire's punishment for pirates is as severe as that for drug traffickers, traitors, and human traffickers. The highest punishment is to be hanged, and the lowest is to be sent to a resocialization factory to be brainwashed and reborn. Even though the pirates are rampant now, they still cry for their father and mother when they go to the execution ground.

"Look, what has become of the life of the Tyranids now. I have said before that Augustus Mengsk is still the landowner of Korhal at heart. He is just a thief who tells lies." The pirate leader looked around. Looking at his men, he lamented the dire straits of the people.

"Well, come and work with me for a while." The pirate leader thought for a while and decided that Easter was a good prospect.

"Be a pirate?" Easter showed a scared expression: "I can't use a gun."

"There are no Tyranids who can't use guns?" The pirate leader smiled: "This is a just cause, kid. Only by overthrowing the tyranny of the Tyran Empire can you save your hometown."

"If the Empire is overthrown, who will lead the Tyranids?" Ister asked.

"Of course it's the Tyrannic Federation." The pirate leader said anxiously: "How many years have passed, and people today don't remember the Tyrannic Federation?"

"The Federation? Are you from the Federation?" Easter showed a delighted expression: "My father is a Federation Marine. When he was still alive, he often told me to serve the motherland.

That's weird.

The case has been solved. These people are likely to be supporters of the Federalist Movement or terrorists who oppose imperial rule.

The current remnant forces of the Federation have long since ceased to exist.

Istel had studied the cases of the War of Unification and the Battle of Salouset.

It was a brutal battle between the Tyranid Empire and the remnants of the Federation. The Empire's side gathered stars, including Warfield, Raynor, Duke, Mira Han, Martin (Martin, mentioned in the scroll below of Wings of Freedom UNN News (However, he was a retired Imperial General.), while the Old Federation concentrated a capital ship of over forty battlecruisers.

This battle was the final swan song of the Tyranid Federation, spanning forty-seven star systems and lasting two months. The details of the battle were not reported by newspapers, but it was probably the most brutal at the end of the 25th century. Millions of Union soldiers were captured, and more than a dozen Union generals, including Marshal Gather Duke and General Quigby, either committed suicide or were captured.

After this battle, the Tyranid Federation has completely become an inferior force, and the rest are stragglers. But it is undeniable that their influence still exists, and many of today's Imperial resistance organizations are the predecessors of these surviving Federation forces.

"Your father is a respectable soldier." The pirate leader looked at Easter and felt a little more friendly.

In fact, no matter whether what Easter said is true or not, the pirate leader is determined to capture the strong man.

It is not easy to make revolution these days. ——Can’t recruit people. If you want to tell people that you want to be a pirate, that's fine. Otherwise, you could end up dead. The crime of treason would be serious, unless he doesn't care about his family.

Times have changed. Except for those colonies that did not want to be incorporated into the empire and planets where war maniacs emerged in large numbers, people cherished the hard-won peace. No one wanted to fight, and everyone wanted to live a good life.

Compared with the old Federation, the Terran Empire is the true beacon of humanity. Although Emperor Augustus Mengsk was born into a noble family, he truly understood the hardships of people's livelihood and sympathized with the people.

"Are you even becoming pirates now?"

"Funds are tight, and the provisional government is not well-off either. Since the empire issued new currency, it has been a lot more troublesome for bank accounts in the old federal era to circulate." The pirate leader complained, and revolution also requires food:

"No matter how just a cause, someone has to sacrifice. And we are just robbing interstellar traders and imperial lackeys who betrayed the Federation."

"Okay, why am I telling you this?" The pirate couldn't help but sigh. After all, he was also a member of the privileged class that benefited from the federal system in the past, but now he had to do this kind of business.

"Guys, after dismantling this ship, we have to return to port." He shouted: "How about radar surveillance?"

"Sir, there is no sign of government troops," one of the pirates replied.

"Bullshit, we are the government forces!" The pirate leader jumped like a lion whose tail was stepped on, his face red with anger.

"He, Augustus Mengsk, is now the emperor, but back then he was just a recruit in the military camp. At that time, I could use the pointer to whip Augustus's ass so hard that he would look like freshly pooped shit. lie on the floor!"

"That was almost eight years ago, Major Quigoby. At that time, you were just his boss's boss and didn't know him at all. You still regarded Augustus as your lucky star. If it weren't for the Devil in Heaven You have done something good, and so do you." A pirate who knew the true history said:

"Everyone knows that you only got to where you are today because you had a general father!"

"Damn it, just say a few words...forget it." Quigoby's face was ugly: "After getting the parts, go back to the ship. The people from the empire will come at no time. These bastards are as slippery as loaches."

"By the way, what's your name?" he said to Easter:

"Easter Foss, sir," Easter said quickly.

"You come with me, newcomer." Marcus Quigby shouted: "I will train you to be the most heroic federal soldier!"

Easter's heart tightened.

"Do as he says." At this time, a voice in his heart suddenly said.

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