StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 547 Federal Zionism

This pirate ship is more than one level better than the Bedford. It is a light cruiser with a wide deck and a majestic and bright bridge. From the appearance, the light cruiser is shaped like a long and flat nautilus. The armor on the side of the ship is embedded in layers like threads, and the elongated tail smoke of the propeller is shaped like a glassy blue tentacle.

In the interstellar era, non-low-Earth orbit dual-purpose interstellar ships will spend their time in space from the time they are completed in the orbital shipyard to the completion of their lifetime mission. Therefore, these spacecraft do not have to follow aerodynamics or be bound by the gravity of the planet, and the malleability of human engineers' imagination has been fully reflected.

A spaceship can be an exquisite work of art or a square container with cold lines. It all depends on the designer.

And even from a critical point of view, the Cyrus is a beautiful battleship. She is smaller than her cousins ​​serving in the Imperial Navy fleet, and is used more for transport duties than for capital ship duties.

The Cyrus light cruiser is equipped with an ion thruster, a heated combustion chamber, a Titan nuclear reactor, and a third-generation warp engine. They are all cutting-edge technologies in the interstellar space industry of this era. They are the latest Minotaur-class battleships. Cruisers cannot avoid these technologies.

But judging from Easter's observations while walking in the corridor inside the ship, the condition of this light cruiser was not very ideal, otherwise the remnants of the Federation that had become pirates would not have been able to fish from the broken ships of the interstellar merchants. Component.

The Cyrus's hull had obviously suffered heavy damage. Some of the cabins have not yet restored energy supply, and burned cables and screws are floating in a weightless posture. The only thing that can cause such damage to the Cyrus is a higher-level warship.

Looking out from the side of Cyrus, one can also see more than a dozen Griffin fighter jets (Griffon) flying around the light cruiser.

This highly maneuverable light space fighter is equipped with amazingly powerful Talon missiles and is mainly used by Kemorian pirates and mercenaries. Although it is difficult for Talon missiles to pose a threat to capital ships, the large-scale Griffins cannot be underestimated.

It can be seen that the Cyrus once belonged to a fleet of the old Terran Federation, and the crew members were all soldiers of the Terran Federation. Now this fleet has probably been completely destroyed, and the remaining ships are useless. Who would have thought that federal soldiers who sang songs of justice and glory in the past would turn into pirates.

In any case, the captain, Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Quigoby, is quite satisfied with the status quo. Although the conditions were difficult, it also reflected the perseverance of the revolutionaries.

Augustus Mengsk said that revolution is a long march.

"Forth, we have the great mission of subverting the Empire and reviving the Federation. The Federation, a great democratic system, has dominated the Terran human race for more than two centuries. It should undoubtedly continue to be maintained."

Quigobai led Easter through the hangar and lower deck of the Cyrus, through the life support cabin and the reinforced alloy steel structure: "The beast of Augustus Mengsk will not be too arrogant. It’s been a long time, I can’t be more sure of this.”

From time to time, pirates wearing light green shirts passed by in the aisles of the Cyrus. They were all muscular, with arms and thighs full of muscles, and shiny bald heads. Apart from their appearance, they seemed to be made from the same mold. . The pirates all had smiles on their faces and only responded to Quigobai's commands.

Resocialized Soldiers, an evil product of the evil dark ages of the old Terran Confederation. Emperor Augustus Mengsk ordered the closure of almost all resocialization factories, leaving only two remaining for the execution of the most heinous prisoners.

Easter knew that resocialized soldiers came into being in response to the high death rate and low enlistment rate during the Guild Wars, but the sin of the Federation was that they would also brainwash and reform citizens who were not criminals.

The resocialization project is an inhumane and immoral cruel plan, and it has now become one of the crimes of the Terran Federation's inhumanity. If a person loses his past memory and is transformed into a resocialized soldier who obeys orders, then the person he was in the past is actually dead.

"Sir, what should we do against the Imperial fleet? Even the United States of Umoyan dare not provoke the Empire." Ever since Ister walked into the Cyrus, the voice that had surfaced in his mind had never appeared again. .

But Easter believed it could not be an auditory hallucination.

Easter guessed that it should be an Imperial ghost agent. Regardless of how the Imperial ghost got on the ship, it at least meant that the Empire had noticed the situation here.

Suddenly, a new sentence appeared in Easter's mind: Child, I am ghost agent Theodore Pierce X20991N, and the empire is with you.

Hearing this, Easter felt confident again.

In the name of Emperor Augustus I, Stirling Cadet Cadet Istor Voss swore allegiance to the Empire to the death.

Hearing Easter's words, Quigoby's thick brush-like eyebrows twisted, and his small eyes below glanced displeasedly at this young man who couldn't see the situation clearly: "There are so many Koprulu sectors, how can the empire manage them?" .”

By this time, the pirates had emptied the Bedford and were preparing to return home. This bunch of crazy pirates were so desperate that they even tore off the solar panels on the ship.

All the crew and passengers on the Bedford were driven to Cyrus and locked in a dark cabin. The strong young men and women among them were the new recruits of the pirates. As for the rest, It’s unknown.

Abandoning the Bedford, which lost power, the Cyrus soon started up again and prepared to leave. The Terran Empire has a police force specifically responsible for protecting shipping lanes, and imperial patrol ships may appear on such important shipping lanes at any time. The most important thing is that if these policemen feel that they are no match for the pirates, they can also call the Imperial Navy fleet.

Each Imperial star province has at least one fleet of naval squadrons, and each fleet is equipped with enough weapons to destroy the planet.

By the time Ister followed Quigobai to the control room of the Cyrus, the light cruiser had already entered the hyperspace channel.

"Is there any movement?" Quigobai asked the operator as soon as he entered the control room. Everyone in the control room was dressed in Confederate brown military uniforms with past military rank.

Quigobai is a man who is extremely detail-oriented to the point of pathology, and is accustomed to adhering to every rule and regulation from the old Confederate army to the letter. Not only is he strict with himself, he is also not lenient towards others.

Therefore, the pirates on the Cyrus still abide by the troop regulations as they did in the past - at least from the appearance of it, this is still the federal army of the past. The Federation has perished, and this place is like the fragments of its dead soul.

On board the ship is another small society, the small kingdom of Marcus Quigobai. The son of a former federal admiral was still living in the past, when he had a bright future and would not be like a lost dog like he is today.

"Sir, the sensors have locked onto three Imperial Waterway Law Enforcement Officers' heavy gun cutters, and more Imperial spacecraft are on the way." An operator replied: "There are still 30 days left to the Cyrus. mile."

This distance is already extremely close on the scale of space, but Cyrus's advanced jump engine is enough to escape before these law enforcement ships catch up with him.

Imperial law enforcers are almost the most troublesome figures for bandits and pirates. They are either imperial veterans or locals recruited from colonies near the shipping routes. Many local law enforcement officers who were underappreciated during the federal era were also reused.

"You can't catch them even if you give them a lifetime." Quigobai said this, but still urged them to start the warp engine quickly.

The heavy gunship is a slender and rugged-looking spacecraft. During the development period of the Wraith fighter, this type of ship was a competitor to the new fighter. Although the performance of the heavy gunship is not as good as that of the Wraith fighter, and its firepower is also lacking, it is more than enough to deal with ordinary pirates and interstellar traders who violate the law.

Many of the new weapons and equipment in the development stage only remained on drawings or were not prepared for large-scale military preparations for other reasons, but some were mass-produced to equip colonial militias, police stations, and other departments.

For example, the Wyrm, a fighter that can transform into a land-based mecha, appeared earlier than the Viking fighter. They have more powerful firepower, but lack the Viking's strong armor and rapid transformation capabilities. . Later, the Imperial Equipment Department was redesigned and eliminated the Ice Dragon's transformation mechanism, focusing on air-to-air combat. Today, this type of fighter is widely equipped in the Imperial Navy to supplement the lack of superior air-to-air firepower.

As the Cyrus entered the hyperspace route state, the control room became quiet again.

Marcus Quigoby took off his power armor and pulled out a blue cane from somewhere, acting like an old federal aristocrat. He first ordered someone to make a cup of hot tea for Easter, and then asked him to sit down on an unused driving chair.

"Where are we going? Lieutenant Colonel." Easter didn't understand why Quigobai was so friendly to him. He could see that he was an arrogant man with an arrogant temper. Very harsh.

Then Easter thought about the resocialized soldiers and realized that Quigobai might be trying to educate himself. The lack of autonomy of resocialized soldiers means that they lack the necessary judgment on the battlefield. Therefore, it is very necessary to train officers who can command these soldiers.

"You'll know when you arrive." Quigobai couldn't help but show off. He didn't think that Ister would reveal this secret: "Of course you don't know, our base is near the Veridia route. .”

The route of the Cyrus' jump was constantly changing, as if it was going in circles. The correct route would only be entered after it was confirmed that no one was following it.

"In my father's time, the Terran Federation had countless military bases." Quigobai lamented: "Since the empire has wiped out all of us, there have been fewer and fewer bases."

Then, Quigobai talked to Easter about his time in the Federal Marines, but he spent a lot of time talking to himself.

This paranoid former federal officer mentioned the glory of the Federation over and over again. This must have sounded like a cocoon to the ears of other people except Ister. And as long as Ister said, "Your Majesty, you are right," Quigoby would be very satisfied.

The days of hiding in XZ seemed to have stifled Kui Gebai. He used to be a vain and show-off person, and he always had a lot to talk about.

He doesn't allow others to not know his achievements and what he has been doing in this hellish place all these years.

When Quigobai talked about his wise and mighty general father for the seventh time and how he tragically died under Jim Raynor's gun, Cyrus finally left the hyperspace channel.

An asteroid located in the asteroid belt at the edge of an unknown galaxy appeared on the control panel. It was much larger than Cyrus and was rushing towards the edge of the galaxy at a speed of nine miles per second.

When the Cyrus landed on the asteroid, Easter realized that the Zionists had almost completely hollowed out the inside of the asteroid, and now a fine steel structure supported the huge internal space.

This military base is filled with all kinds of materials collected by these bandits. They have their own military factories, heavy factories and shipyards. Thousands of Federal Zionists are living and working here.

The Federation Restoration Movement has a large number of supporters within the Tyranid Empire. They are either blind patriots or have inextricable connections with the privileged classes of the past. There are people from all territories and planets here, but the Tarsonis are not the most numerous among them.

Many people think that the Tarsonis hate the Empire the most, but this is far from the truth.

The Tyranid Empire destroyed the aristocracy at the top of Tarsonis, and the wealth of those classes accounted for ninety-nine percent of the entire planet, and Augustus made these nobles spit out their wealth.

During the Imperial Era, the lives of the Tarsonis were much better. Monopoly capitalism was swept away, and the people at the bottom had opportunities to advance further. The effects of decentralization turned Tarsonis into a satellite world of Korhal, a prosperous economic center.

"That damn woman would never have imagined that we were hiding right under her nose!" Quigoby stood up and invited Istel to visit the base:

"This is the starting point for us to rebuild the Federation. It gathers the Federation elites from all the planets near Viridia."

Easter probably guessed who the woman Quigobai was talking about was, it should be Grand Duke Dorothy Mengsk, the ruler of Veridia Star Province, the biological sister of Emperor Augustus.

The Flower of the Empire, Dorothy Mengsk, was known to the people of the Terran Empire for her beauty and awe-inspiring skills, and was loved and respected as her brother. Easter also had a collection of photographs of Duke Dorothy, which he could not help but stress would be common in any adolescent Imperial male.

Only when Istel actually steps into the asteroid's artificial gravity field will he be able to better appreciate the enormity of this federal base. At this moment, captured people were constantly coming out of the gangway on Cyrus' side, and the number of people far exceeded the number of people on board the Bedford.

Why did they arrest so many people?

"This is the largest military base I have ever seen!" Ister exclaimed, his appearance as a countryman who had never seen the world made Quigoby very satisfied.

"Very good." Quigobai nodded very helpfully, and said to Ister: "I want to raise you as my child, Foss, you will become a federal hero."

"Before that, you need to be tested by telepaths. Over the years, the empire's undercover agents have been pervasive, and we have executed many people." He patted Istel and said:

"Of course, I know you must be on our side."

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