StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 548 The two of us are killing each other indiscriminately

It must have taken the Zionists a long time to completely hollow out this huge rocky asteroid and turn it into a complex of countless corridors, lifts, and rooms. steel maze.

There are hundreds of intricate tunnels and thousands of fortified doors. If Marcus Quigoby hadn't asked an officer named Conrad to lead the way, Ister would have been lost in them.

Istel could tell that the defense level of this base was very high, and the fine steel fortifications were impregnable and were poured into thick reinforced concrete. Every time you pass through a heavy door, you must pass fingerprint, retinal and genetic tests, otherwise the guards and automatic cannons on both sides will beat the intruder to a pulp.

There are few lights and many dark shadows. The dark tunnel is extremely long, leading to the deep darkness that is invisible to the eye.

The guards were all resocialized soldiers with the same expression, wearing the same brown uniforms, speaking in the same plain tone of voice, and using words that were courteous and cautious. They looked like well-educated aristocratic ladies instead of being able to kill a thin line with one punch. The strong man of the dog.

One always shudders when one stares long enough at the faces of these resocialized soldiers. These people have long lost what can be vaguely called "souls", and they are all imprisoned in their bodies forever.

Frankly speaking, people who have been resocialized are more likely to be satisfied, have a good mood every day, and don't have to worry about annoying things, but no one wants to lose key parts of their brain.

"Don't worry, the so-called telepaths can guess you pretty much just by looking at you." Conrad is a tall and thin man with fierce eyebrows and a scary appearance, but he is still kind to Easter.

Conrad is a lieutenant wearing a Union Marine uniform and wears the corresponding rank insignia on his clothes. These remnants of the Federation, who are immersed in the dream of restoring the United States and are unwilling to wake up, still match their military ranks, as if the glory of the Federation in the past still remains.

He carries a CK-27 rifle on his back. This semi-automatic weapon is often equipped by pirates and rebels. It has a simple, reliable structure and low cost. There is a submachine gun with the same positioning within the Empire, which is the Ferromag SMG equipped by the Imperial Stormtroopers.

"I've told you what mind readers are, but don't be afraid, they won't eat you."

It seems that even the Federation, which has been criticized for its rigid and bloated system, has also kept pace with the times. In the past, the old Federation only used to capture and kidnap children with psychic potential like witch-hunting campaigns. Now it has begun to use telepaths to distinguish between loyal and traitors.

Emperor Augustus Mengsk was the originator of this concept. The Tyran Empire has a special position of psychic prosecutor, which is divided into two independent prosecutor departments, one responsible for criminal cases, and the other for internal investigation of public corruption of imperial officials.

Legend has it that there is another secretive department responsible to the Emperor that oversees the former federal departments. The three departments do not interfere with each other, and they even know little about their colleagues in other departments.

Not all people with telepathic abilities are suitable to become ghost agents. Some telepaths are not good at fighting, but have extremely rare special abilities. For example, profiling ability is a magical skill for solving cases, and fire control ability is the nemesis of Zerg.

The new prosecutorial system created a clean and efficient government, but also kept imperial officials in a state of high tension because they always thought someone was watching them behind their backs. This also caused a lot of ridiculous things.

"Don't be nervous, unless you are really a spy sent by the empire." Conrad chuckled as he spoke, and the laughter made Easter feel cold:

"It's funny to think about it. Those who were shot still cried out that they were loyal to the Union until they died. They really refused to tell the truth until they died."

"How difficult is it to deceive a mind reader?" Easter asked.

"Unless he is sophisticated enough to deceive multiple telepaths, which is almost impossible," Conrad replied.

"What if the telepath is also undercover?" Easter asked again.

"Each ghost agent's brain is implanted with a psychic suppressor. This device allows them to obey orders unconditionally. You won't understand it even if you tell me." Conrad seemed to be annoyed by the question and couldn't help but wave his hand. : “You’ll know when you get there, it’s the next door.

Easter stopped asking further, but he remembered that all members of the Federation's Ghost Project had been wiped out long ago, and now I'm afraid no one can figure out whether these psychic suppressors are working normally.

The active ghost agents of the Tyranid Empire are all former Federation ghosts. The empire's own ghosts are still being trained in the two ghost military academies of Korhal and Tarsonis, but usually military academies must complete four years of study before they can graduate successfully.

"Are you there?" Easter asked in his mind, wondering if the imperial ghost named Theodore Pierce was still following him.

"Mr. Pierce."

"Calm down." The ghost agent replied quickly.

Most ghost agents are like this, cold and talkative. Most of their views on the world are cold and pessimistic. Ghost agents from the old Federation era did not have to think about the value and significance of their missions because the memory of each mission would be absorbed. All they have to do is complete the task without having to bear the consequences or leaving any burden in their hearts.

All Ister can do now is to wait and see what happens. He doesn't know how many "own people" there are in this base, and how far the empire's plan has progressed.

Only one thing is certain, once the empire learns the specific location of this base, it will not be far from destruction. It's just that there are a large number of hostages here, so the rescue operation will inevitably be tricky.

He reckoned that he was actually a very unlucky "lucky guy", as these Federalist Zionists captured the Bedford the last time they went out to fight in the autumn wind.

A few minutes later, Conrad came to a huge stainless steel door. The gate is covered with copper nails, as if there is a medieval castle behind it. There are three security locks on the door, and any failure in any of them will attract the blazing fire of bullets, guns and solid flamethrowers.

Behind the gate is a dark, gloomy hall. The hall has no beauty at all. It only has iron bars for structural reinforcement and lighting lamps nailed to the four walls cut out by laser.

Two telepaths in bright white leotards were sitting behind a long table next to several lamps that glowed orange. This posture alone is enough to make those who have ulterior motives feel uneasy.

There are many resocialized soldiers with live ammunition standing here. If the situation goes wrong, they will use force to subdue Istel.

Resocialized soldiers are competent enough for sentry and combat missions, but special jobs must be done by special personnel. Most of the people in this base are resocialized soldiers, and the remaining people are not good men and women.

Zionists include all kinds of people. They accommodate not only patriots, but also murderers and technological lunatics. Times are tough and there is no room for pickyness.

"Name." The telepath who asked Easter was female, with fair skin and beautiful appearance, with long and tied hair. Easter glanced left and right, and a word popped into his mind: Leng Yan.


"Istel Foss." Istel felt that the other party had also learned the way of checking the household registration of the Tyran Empire.

"Helsein, Foss Farm in Bjorn."

In the territory of the Tyran Empire, no matter where you go, identification is indispensable. The Federation era also had a series of digital IDs representing identities, but the Empire had stricter requirements for this. If you want to obtain an identity certificate, you only need to declare it, but if you don't have one, you are a blackmailer. Not only will your life be restricted, it will even be difficult to move around.

This caused many colonists who had never been registered with the federation to apply, and the population of the empire suddenly increased a lot.

"Are there any other family members?" The other party shook his long cold golden hair.

Even though she was only wearing a tights that looked as thin as fine gauze, she could knock down a group of marines wearing power armor with her bare hands. This kind of superhuman super-soldier usually doesn't appear on the front battlefield, but no matter where they are, they are definitely a nightmare for the enemy.

"I have a sister at home, and she lives in Augustgrad now." Ister waved his hand: "She recently got a boyfriend, and I'm very worried."

"Very good, you passed the test." The beautiful female ghost nodded.

"What?" Easter was stunned.

He was ready to be tortured, and he had to have a whip and a branding iron.

"Have you passed the test, or are you waiting for your sister to buy you a drink? Honey." The ghost snapped his fingers, and Conrad from behind immediately led him out respectfully.

Right code?

Easter was stunned.

One of our own?

One of our own!

This is the secret base of the federal restorationists. They think that the location here is absolutely secret and the defense is seamless. In fact, it is already riddled with holes. The secret base is full of terrorists, with pistols and the red and blue star flag of the Confederacy hidden under the pillow, and poison that breaks under the gums.

But sometimes, what is under the pillow may not be these things. It may be the four-character platform of the Pan-Talon Party drawn up by Augustus the Great himself.

People nowadays don't like others to call them Federation people. They think that the Empire has the momentum, because the Empire can stand up to alien invaders, while the Federation can only run and run, and the defense circle shrinks and shrinks.

"Soon, soon." Conrad seemed a little afraid of the ghost agents, and quickly led Easter out of the hall, and only said to him after going out:

"These two ghost agents escaped from Tarsonis, and Quigobai has no doubts about them. You have passed the test, and you are one of our own. So, I have to warn you, don't provoke these ruthless characters. .”

"They haven't cleaned their memories for a long time, and their tempers are getting weirder and weirder." His words contained some personal grudges: "Anyway, no one has to deal with them except for work."

Easter believes that what Conrad said is not unreasonable. Human beings with telepaths will not be regarded as gods among ordinary people, but will be discriminated against, humiliated and oppressed. This prejudice still exists.

"Where should we go now?" Easter couldn't figure out what Conrad was doing here and there.

"I want to show you what the inside of the base looks like," Conrad said to Easter.

This ferocious man opened a door. Easter tried his best to remember the sequence, but he was also dizzy. When the next door opened, Easter's eyes suddenly became brighter and his eyelids twitched wildly.

He saw rectangular black iron cabinets arranged neatly one after another. There were probably thousands of iron cabinets, spread neatly on the ground with no end in sight. Each iron cabinet is connected to a hose with green nutrient solution flowing, and new nutrient solution is continuously pumped in with the operation of the giant pump in the center.

Nutrient solution is also an accessory product of hibernation cabin technology. The rich rely on it to survive, while the Federation uses it to manufacture soldiers. The latest resocialization technology does not need to be so complicated. It only takes ten seconds to complete the brainwashing step. All that is left is to put the armor on the Marines.

They secretly maintain a small resocialization factory!

This resocialization factory is highly automated, monitored in real time by surveillance cameras, and has few guards. It can be seen that this is probably not the only resocialization facility in this base.

And this is probably the largest base of the Zionists in the core world.

"The Resocialization Factory. It's surprising. The Empire thought it had destroyed the factory it was using, but the technology would not be lost." Conrad said: "The Camorians are also searching for this technology, but those bastards want to Don’t even think about it.”

It is said that the kaimorians can bring all Tyranids to the outside world in unison, while the zerg can bring humans and protoss together.

"Of course, you must not understand what resocialization is." He continued: "The empire's reports on resocialization are all deliberate slander. They only fabricate fake news."

Easter felt a cold air coming out of his gums. How many people have been transformed here so far?

If the Empire wasn't covering up the number of ships missing on the shipping lanes, then these fanatics must have had their hands on the colonial peoples.

Resocialized soldiers are the best soldiers. They are the best candidates to carry out suicide missions. They can be suicide bombers carrying miniature nuclear explosive devices, or they can drive a spacecraft into a space station. At minimal cost, these Zionists could wreak havoc on Imperial soil.

"I don't understand, sir, I really don't understand." Easter's confusion came from the bottom of his heart.

The UNN has always said that the remnants of the Federation are a group of terrorists and murderers, and now it seems that this is true.

"You will understand." Conrad smiled, and in Easter's eyes, this smile was inhuman. Easter stood outside the door of the resocialization factory, feeling extremely angry.

"The operation is about to begin. Now I have to give you a task to guard this resocialization factory and protect the safety of the hostages inside." Unexpectedly, Easter suddenly heard Pierce's voice.

The next moment, the lights in the entire hall and the corridor outside dimmed. Conrad jumped up immediately: "What's going on? Foss, where are you!"

Before Conrad could finish his words, he was hit on the bridge of the nose by an invisible blow and fell on his back with blood on his face.

"Enemy attack! They're from the Empire! Go to the resocialization room!" A group of soldiers in power armor ran quickly from the corridor on the other side, and Istel could even see the flash of their searchlights.

Easter quickly picked up the CK-27 from Conrad's side and said, "Leave them to me to deal with."

However, before he could finish speaking, a gust of wind flew out, causing screams from the other side. In less than five seconds, everyone shut up.

Efficient, cold and ruthless.

Never underestimate the seemingly defenseless Ghost Agents, as they are powerful weapons in their own right.

Theodore Pierce is a seasoned Ghost veteran who graduated from the Ghost Academy of Tarsonis in the Old Federation in 2491, when Sarah Kerrigan was still a legend among them.

"The two of us are really powerful." Ister turned on the safety of CK-27 and shrugged.

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