StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 549 The Women of the Mengsk Family

Easter Foss squatted outside the gate of the resocialization factory for a long time. There was no time recording tool around him, but he felt that about ten hours had passed. Ever since the Imperial ghost agent named Theodore Pierce told Easter to guard this place, he has never left.

He stood in the shadows, his eyes like a hawk on the path that must pass through the corner of the corridor, and his ears did not miss any sound of wind and grass. But Ister could swear to the Virgin Mary that he didn't even see a person.

Ghost agent Pierce has long since disappeared. He is just like a real ghost, coming and going without a trace.

The fighting methods of the Tyranid Empire's ghost agents are different from those of the old Federation. It is said that they asked the Protoss Templar and Dark Templar for swordsmanship and the ability to balance psychic energy. When fighting at close range, they would pull out the two swords on their backs. The long sword with a titanium alloy edge jumps into the enemy and kills them in all directions.

So far, the only bullet Easter fired was the one used to recharge the fallen Lieutenant Conrad.

The energy supply here was completely cut off, with only a few emergency battery-powered lights still emitting a faint pale light. There was no sound of gunfire here a long time ago, and Easter couldn't figure out what was going on.

The Empire must have launched a surprise attack on the base, but Ister had no idea of ​​the fighting that was taking place across the base.

Easter suspected that Pierce didn't expect him to do anything at all, but was just afraid that he would wander around. Looking at it this way, what Pierce said before is simply saying: My child, stay here and don't move. It's best to dig a hole and bury yourself in it, but remember not to hurt yourself when digging.

To be honest, Ister alone can't even think of stopping the armed men of the Federal Restoration Organization wearing kinetic armor. He only had the CK-27 rifle, two fragmentation grenade and one Shredder grenade that were looted from Conrad, and the 500 magazine capacity was less than 30%.

If the enemy came, he would probably have no choice but to sacrifice his life for justice.

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" A burst of neat footsteps came from a distance. Ister quickly followed the sound and saw several tall figures in power armor running from the south passage.

"Lieutenant Colonel Quigobai has an order to kill all intruders. Warriors, the time has come to sacrifice your life for the Federation."

Ister glanced cautiously and saw the blue reflections on their armor and the distinctive multi-star flag of the Confederacy. Zionist terrorists never hide their identities in their bases.

"There's someone there!" As expected, Easter was almost immediately detected by the heat-sensing system of the power armor.

"Don't shoot, you're one of our own!"

In the flash of lightning, Easter knew that he could not be their opponent, so he simply raised his hands to show his identity: "I am Lieutenant Conrad's adjutant. We were attacked by the Imperials just now!"

"Hurry up, they're running away in that direction!"

In Easter's impression, the armed personnel at this base are almost all resocialized soldiers. There were only five members of the team, and the likelihood of being commanded by a non-resocialized officer was low.

According to what Istel learned, resocialized soldiers will only respond quickly to effective instructions programmed but lack the ability to think independently. In this era, the reason why humans are able to defeat computers whose computing power is tens of millions of times their own is precisely because they have independent thinking and imagination.

In other words, resocialized soldiers were unable to distinguish between plausible lies and falsehoods.

Not all resocialized soldiers are stupid wooden people. This is the difference between the degree and method of transformation. Just replacing memories can buy temporary loyalty.

".Empire?" Immediately, three red lasers used to assist aiming were locked on Ister's face at the same time. Just one spiked bullet can crush his head.

"Civilians, where did they go?" One of them looked at Lieutenant Conrad who was lying in a pool of blood, turning a blind eye to the huge wound on the back of his neck. From the beginning, he never thought deeply about the flaws in Easter's words.

"Go straight along this road. I wounded one of them. These imperial bastards can't run far." Ister saw that the other party actually believed it, and he was no longer so nervous. He has experienced the Zerg Invasion War and participated in the battle to defend his hometown when he was twelve years old. His psychological quality is naturally excellent.

"Follow me! The time has come to sacrifice your life for the Federation, warriors!" The man immediately waved his hand, and led the others who believed in him to run towards the passage indicated by Ister. The power armor was so fast that it immediately moved away.

But it was a dead end, and for whatever reason, the excavation crew stopped abruptly after digging a forty-yard tunnel. The tunnel is now filled with scrap steel and garbage, and only some tenacious space slugs live in it.

At this time, Easter took out a breath, calculated the time correctly, whistled while pulling out a fragmentation grenade, and threw it towards the dead end. Thinking that this was not safe, he threw another crusher grenade a moment later.

Fragmentation grenades are powerful enough to tear apart rocks, and the fragments produced by the explosion can kill soldiers who lack armor on a large scale. This grenade is also very effective against the old CMC-200 powered armor, and Vulture vehicles and gun-mounted grenades use similar fragmentation grenades.

The Crusher grenade is also a type of fragmentation grenade, but it is more powerful and is also fatal to Marines wearing heavy armor.

"I'm sorry." Easter picked up the CK-27 rifle that he had just put down amid the violent explosion, and carefully checked the results of the battle.

"May good souls go to heaven."

The grenades caused huge damage in the small environment. Three of them either had their helmets pierced by the bomb fragments or were dying on the spot. It took Easter less than a minute to kill the other two people who were knocked unconscious, and then recovered more weapons and ammunition from their bodies.

A total of five C-14 rifles, four fragmentation grenades, and thousands of rounds of spiked bullets.

Just as Ister, who had gained a lot, came out, another group of Federal Zionist members wearing blue power armor came up again.

"Civilian, what happened with the explosion just now?" This was still a five-person team, and the rigidity and stiffness in their words immediately revealed their identities.

Easter suspected that they were all guards at the same post. There was no higher-level commander commanding them at the moment and they could only follow the orders from the general command channel.

"Sir, our soldiers were ambushed in that tunnel." Easter showed a shy smile, because he almost laughed out loud and could not even show a sad expression.

"Follow us! We have to rescue our comrades!" the squad leader shouted and rushed over to check the situation without any hesitation.

"How can we recover Tarsonis and rebuild the Federation like this?" Ister shook his head, took out the grenade and repeated his old tricks.

These people are simply robots that react according to a fixed program. They are still using technology from the early days of the resocialization project and have many flaws. It's no wonder that the Terran Empire has shut down most of its resocialization factories. Such resocialized soldiers can only be used to stuff corpses.

After a while, Easter, who was squatting at the door of the resocialization factory, waited for another wave of resocialization soldiers. Next, he was sure that as long as he stayed here and waited, enemies would continue to come forward and wait to be bombed.

By the time Imperial Ghost Agent Theodore Pierce returned with a field force of Porcupine Special Forces, Easter had already killed five entire waves of people with the same move.

Even the experienced Pierce was shocked. He was originally worried about this child, so he had been following him before. But even Pierce, who is proficient in telepathy, saw the wrong person. The other person looked like a young sheep, but was actually a man-eating wolf.

At this moment, Easter was staring at the corridor outside with a wary face, surrounded by grenades, making up his mind to blow up the tunnel if something went wrong. Suddenly, he was pleasantly surprised to hear Pierce's voice projected directly into the depths of his soul.

"What have you done? Child, to do this, courage and wit are indispensable." Pierce appeared in front of Easter for the first time and took off his ghost agent helmet.

This is a pale man with short brown hair and brown eyes. He has deep dark circles under his eyes and looks tired and depressed. He clearly looked less than thirty years old, and his tone sounded old, like a middle-aged man who had experienced many vicissitudes of life.

"I just took advantage of the loopholes in the resocialization project - there is such a question in the entrance examination of the Khastilling Memorial Military Academy." Easter felt a sense of intimacy in Pierce's body for no reason, as if he was being Infected by the other person’s emotions:

"Have you taken this base?"

"Yes, Archduke Dorothy Mengsk personally led Viridia's Imperial Navy to rescue the hostages. This operation was successful. As soon as Marcus Quigoby was killed, his men were in chaos. "Pierce replied.

"I remember this question. It was a question given by the Emperor himself. I heard Sacco said that he was very satisfied with this question - hahahaha -" Then Pierce let out a chuckle: ghosts almost never laugh, but This is a thing of the past.

"His Majesty Mengsk did something similar when he was young. You can actually do better: tell the resocialized soldiers that you are an officer under Lieutenant Conrad, and then lead them to deal with other terrorists. .”

"The Imperial Admiral, Commander of the Rangers, James Raynor said this: Knock down all the enemies, this is the victory we want." Easter said, nodding to Pierce and said:

"I will consider your suggestion next time."

Admiral Reno once participated in the compilation of the Imperial Marine Corps Drill Manual, and he himself said many famous quotes worth learning. In contrast, Admiral Edmund Duke's words reveal his distinct personality.

Take a moment and stand at attention. Now let me tell you how many victories I have won in my life. ——Edmund Duke.

"There will be a next time." Pierce laughed even harder: "Yes, maybe there will be a next time."

"My child, the Empire needs people like you. You will be a hero, just like your sister and your friends wanted you to be. After a few years of living in peace, many people thought that the war was far away, but Really dark times are coming.”

"Take up arms and defend the Empire. Don't let the Federation and the alien enemies harm the people we love and everything they love." He was much more talkative than Easter imagined.

"Emperor Augustus gave all former Federation Ghost agents a chance to choose, and I chose my current life."

Easter is a preparatory cadet at the Stillling Memorial Military Academy and is sure to shine in the future.

"Come on, kid, you've done a great job." Pierce always called Easter a kid. In his eyes, the other person was still a person who needed to be protected. Ghost agents were once killers, now they are guardians.

"Follow me. Your merits should be remembered."

Without thinking much, Easter followed Pierce through the intricate base tunnels and headed to the central control room inside the asteroid. He guessed that he would be rewarded, but what he didn't expect was the famous Princess Dorothy Mengsk, the flower of the empire.

At this time, the central control room located deep in the asteroid was already filled with Imperial soldiers wearing red power armor. On the ground, there were dark red bloodstains that seemed to be brushed out by brushes. They were the traces of the Federation that had been dragged away. left behind by the corpses of activists.

Looking from a distance, Princess Dorothy and Duke Veridia were standing between the royal guards.

The princess has many titles. She is Grand Duke Viridia, the queen in the hearts of the people, she is a noble flower that cannot be blasphemed, and the dream lover in the hearts of all boys.

But she is not as delicate as those noble ladies, but is famous for her skill and wisdom. Dorothy Mengsk became known as the Blood Princess after she purged a city of Viridian Prime of rebels with iron-blooded force.

The Princess Dorothy that Istel remembers is still the photo taken in Umoyan when she was eighteen years old. She was wearing a floor-length white gown embroidered with gold threads and studded with pearl netting, and a shawl studded with rubies, sapphires, and diamonds draped over her shoulders. She was flanked by two rows of Sons of Korhal guards in white gowns.

And now Dorothy is not only more mature than then, but also more charming.

Princess Dorothy wore a dark blue naval officer's uniform, with her gray hair tied elegantly at the back and decorated with golden wheat ribbons.

A girl in her early twenties is the most beautiful time, the best time.

Her noble neck is as white as a swan, like snow covered with frost. She is so elegant, and the heroic look between her brows is so similar to that of Augustus the Great with the crown on his head.

As the Emperor said, everyone loved Dorothy.

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