StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 550 What do you think happened to my brother?

Ister marveled at the indescribable beauty of the imperial princess. Such a beauty looked so heroic even in military uniform. The uniforms of the Imperial Royal Guards, which were smooth, straight and spotless, gathered around Princess Dorothy like stars in the moonlight. The flag bearer held the golden and red wolf flag.

Speaking of admiration, Ister certainly has it. This is human nature. Even the young men in the countryside of Helsinn admired the charming princess, and even when they were looking for a female companion, they had to compare themselves with others.

Everyone who saw Dorothy envied her beauty like a blooming flower. When Princess Dorothy was eighteen years old, she had never even seen a suitor, let alone now.

If a daughter of a Tarsonis noble at this age had no ability to inherit the family, she would have long since started looking for a political marriage partner. Even though the Mengsk family is not a royal family, they have never used political marriage to expand their power.

Princess Dorothy is also a powerful figure in the political center, and her children are eligible to inherit her position as Grand Duke Viridia.

"Your Highness, one of the leaders of the Federal Zionist Movement, Marcus Quigoby, has been shot dead, and the others are still being escorted here. Marcus is the son of Federal General Quigoby, and he should have succeeded his father. .”

Standing next to Princess Dorothy was a young imperial general, the famous Lieutenant General Matt Horner. In the Battle of Jaandara, Horner personally led the Imperial Navy's flagship Hyperion and its attached fleet to defeat Federation Marshal Garth Duke in one fell swoop. From then on, he rose through the ranks until he was promoted to Lieutenant General.

Ister prefers the majestic General Horner to the princess. Matt Horner is a model among imperial generals. He is from a civilian background and is not much older than Ister.

"Marcus Quigoby has killed so many people, and his death is not a pity. All terrorists must be severely punished by the laws of the empire." Princess Dorothy said seriously and calmly: "I can't wait to kill him again."

"General, how is the situation with the hostages?"

"There are more hostages in this base than the command had previously expected. There are more than 2,000 people in the socialization cage alone. Some people's brain tissue and the hippocampus in the inner temporal lobe of the brain are beyond repair. Our doctors simply cannot There is nothing we can do." General Matt Horner put his hands behind his back, pondered for a moment and then said:

"We can only place our hope in the protectors of the stars. They are special stars who control emotions and memories. Maybe there will be a turn for the better."

"Okay, I'll tell my brother when we get back to Veridia." Even though she was no longer the little one crying on her eldest brother's lap, Princess Dorothy still always talked about her brother.

Dorothy was not an unapproachable flower of the high mountains. In private, she was always smiling, lively and lovely, like a clear blue sunny day. Like other aristocratic ladies, Dorothy and her friends would talk about boys at their gatherings. But if someone thinks that the princess's tenderness belongs to them alone and wants to kiss her, they will probably get comments like this:

I think you are inferior to my brother Augustus. I don't think he's as good as Arcturus Mengsk.

"With His Majesty's personal intervention, this matter should be resolved soon." The general nodded. The emperor of the Tyran Empire is too busy. He cares about the entire empire and cannot focus on the people of one place.

"You did a good job, Theodore." At this time, the general noticed the ghost agents Theodore Pierce and Easter who were walking towards him. He nodded and saluted first, and then looked at the somewhat embarrassed young man. people.

"Yes, General," Pierce said with a nod.

"Is this the Easter Foss you mentioned? He was just a cadet at the Stillling Military Academy who had not yet entered school, but he relied on his own wisdom to kill more than thirty resocialized soldiers in one go." He He smiled and said to Ister:

"You have achieved military success before entering school - you will become a legend among this level of students."

"It's just luck, General. Any student who passed the exam would have made the same choice as me." Easter saluted General Matt.

"It's easy to talk about war on paper, but it's difficult to do it in practice." The young general nodded. Matt Horner is the youngest general in the Imperial Navy, but he has no complacency or arrogance because of this.

"Steelling Military Academy has always been sending the best officers to the empire." Princess Dorothy came over. She was so light that her military boots made little sound when she stepped on the ground:

"It is foreseeable that the students in this batch will be quite outstanding."

Stillling Officer Academy is the cradle of the Army, and the new generation of officers comes from this academy. After graduation, these young lieutenants will be assigned to various imperial territories and military bases. It can be said that they are the backbone of the future Imperial Marines.

"Serve the emperor's cause." Easter stood up straighter, not wanting to leave a bad impression on the princess. This sentence is a motto of the Stillling Military Academy, and Easter has long known it by heart. The Imperial Army belongs to the Emperor, and they do not have to take orders from anyone else.

"Young and promising." Dorothy walked up to Easter, her small and soft nose was prettier than any actress the latter had ever seen: "General Horner will record this credit for you, and it will Clear away many obstacles for your official career."

"Well, UNN TV station may arrange an exclusive interview for you to use as positive publicity."

"But I'm still rushing to report to the college." Easter spread his hands and said honestly: "Frankly speaking, I don't want my family to worry."

"I'm about to go back to Korhal. You can come with me." General Horner liked this brave and astute junior. The Stillling Officer Academy was founded by Horner and his comrades, and Easter was also counted as his student.

The Korhal Revolutionary Army, the predecessor of the Terran Empire, suffered from the lack of professional military quality among its officers. The officers of the Revolutionary Army of that era fought with wisdom, firm will, and inexhaustible courage. Therefore, the emperor and the imperial generals established many military academies, and those schools were the cradle of future imperial commanders.

"I have no problem, General." Easter was surprised, but felt that there was no need to be polite. The battlecruiser was so huge that it didn't matter if he carried one more person. He has grown so old that he has never been on a real battleship.

Theodore Pierce patted the young man on the shoulder, feeling genuinely happy for him. Pierce's psychic level is level 6. He can see what Easter is thinking without much effort. Scanning thoughts is an innate ability of ghost agents.

Often, Pierce sees people more clearly. There are so many mountains hidden in the hearts of many people, and the surge of thousands of emotions is just a torrent in the vast ocean. But Easter is a man of integrity, as easy to guess as Marshal Jim Raynor.

"That's good." Matt nodded. The words of these two men were straight to the point, without any twists and turns.

At this time, a group of Nova Squadron Marines wearing bright purple power armor quickly walked into the central control room, escorting several Federal Zionists wearing high-ranking officer uniforms. They must have put up a fierce resistance before being arrested, and one of them was limping.

Nova Squadron is a naval squadron with a long history, having fought against both the Protoss and the Zerg. They were originally the garrison fleet of Antiga Prime, but they were transferred to Viridia Prime in the past year.

"Let Augustus Mengsk come talk to me, you are not qualified!" Someone shouted loudly from a distance: "You bunch of imperial bastards! There is no end between us!"

"Who is he?" Dorothy raised her chin, her cold gray eyes like blades.

"General Lionel Macaby, your highness, he was the commander of the Confederate Third Marine Corps before the fall of the Confederacy." An officer of the Nova Squadron answered.

"As far as I know, he has another identity." General Matt said:

"Lionel was once the head of the second recruit training battalion of Turasis II, which means that he trained His Majesty Augustus, Marshal Reno, Marshal Lundstein and General Harnack. from."

"I made a huge mistake!" General Lionel McBeal was a ruddy-faced man with a broad forehead and a meticulously trimmed beard. Three fingers on Michael's right hand were broken by bullets, just the three fingers holding the pistol.

Lionel is a strong man, but he is still no match for the ghost agents. The reaction speed and physical strength of these super soldiers far exceed the limits of humans.

He was still shouting at this moment: "I made a mistake and did not see the true face of Augustus Mengsk. This was a mistake from the beginning, he is the son of Angus! This bastard, I really He should be strangled in the cradle of his birth!"

Before he could finish speaking, Easter felt his eyes flash. Princess Dorothy, who was standing next to her just now, took two steps forward and hit General Lionel with a beautiful flying kick. The latter rolled his eyes.

"What do you think happened to my brother?" Dorothy said and stepped on Lionel's foot twice.

Dorothy was not petite, but she was a full 20 inches shorter than the tall Lionel. She leaned into his arms like a little bird, then stepped on her soles, and arched from left to right:

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Easter rubbed his eyes and was shocked. This kick hit the mark.

Of course he didn't know that Princess Dorothy had been studying with a martial arts master since she was a child, and she could kill someone with one punch.

The two Marines of the Nova Squadron who were holding Lionel's hands were also stunned. The only thing they could do was to clamp the prisoner tightly so that he could not fight back.

"That's enough, Your Highness, there are clear regulations in the Imperial Army that prisoners cannot be abused." It seemed that this was not the first time General Matt had seen such a scene.

Princess Dorothy has never been a gentle and lovely flower of the empire. If she were a flower, she would be a piranha.

"Huh - this can't be counted." Princess Dorothy clapped her hands before walking back with satisfaction. When she turned to look at Lionel, the sullen look on her face was still there.

At this moment, Easter realized that the Mengsk family were wolves, and what maintained the family was sincere feelings rather than interests. After all, the power of a lone wolf is limited, but a pack of wolves is better than a bear or a lion.

"You" Lionel's eyes were filled with stars, and he couldn't say anything for a moment. He really didn't know that the other party was a ruthless person who would attack without saying a word.

"Shut your stinky mouth. Now, I'm telling you, listen." Dorothy frowned, not allowing Lionel to speak any more, and she couldn't allow him to breathe when the momentum came.

"The crime you committed will be judged by the Imperial Chancellor and judged by the people of the Empire, and I am just executing it on your behalf." She said: "I just want you to understand one thing, Lionel Michael must General, no matter what your so-called noble purpose is, it is untenable to disregard human life."

"Even the brainworm is nobler than your ugly soul."

"Pull it down."

"Are you surprised? But that's how she is." Pierce, the ghost of the Empire, suddenly said to the stunned Istel:

"The princess turned out not to be like this, but she respected her father and brothers very much. When Angus Mengsk's uprising failed, many people slandered and slandered him, but she could do nothing."

"No, I just didn't expect it." Ister felt in his heart that country girls were pretty good, at least the girls from Helsain were quite gentle. In contrast, there are no girls in Mar Sara who can't use guns. They can ride on vultures and use revolvers to lift off the scalp of unfaithful lovers.

"Okay, tell the soldiers to search carefully again and make sure that everyone is found." Dorothy clapped her hands: "Then we will return to Veridia."

"The fleet of Nova Squadron will escort you back. I will take the Hyperion and Ister back to Korhal directly." General Matt said: "His Majesty is waiting for me to come over and has urged you several times."

"But General Mira Han's resort in Veridia is waiting for you." Dorothy reminded him as if she suddenly remembered something again.

"What, Mira is coming? Just tell her I'm not here." Hearing this, General Matt was surprised. He couldn't help but look back, and his calm expression turned into panic in an instant. God knows who that person was, but his face didn't change even when he saw the Zerg General.

Mira Han can always play some new tricks. She is not like a female general of the empire, but a gangster queen. Last time, even Matt forgot his birthday, only Emperor Augustus, Mira and mother still remembered it.

The emperor brought a piece of chocolate that Matt loved to eat, which really made him burst into tears. Mira sent a big gift bag, but it contained herself, which immediately scared Matt and ran away.

"Didn't I tell you?" Dorothy exclaimed.

"I'm pretty sure you didn't." General Matt's wide-eyed look surprised Easter, who was completely confused about the situation now.

"Oh my god, I really don't know what holiday you have." Dorothy said: "Don't worry, I went to the headquarters to ask before, you still have seven days of vacation time at your disposal. One day can't delay anything. .”

"Your Highness, I would rather work in third shift." He was anxious.

In one day... Mira Han could finish him off in less than two hours.

"Sister Mira won't eat you." Dorothy showed a devilish smile.

"I'm afraid you can't guess, there won't even be any scum left." Matt groaned, as if he was about to cry.

"What's going on?" Easter asked Pierce cautiously.

"General Mira Han is the fiancée of General Matt Horner." Pierce thought for a moment and said, "They are...well..."

"Still in love, things are not going well emotionally."

"Okay." Easter accepted this statement. It seemed that General Matt was also a romantic figure: "Mr. Pierce, can I borrow a personal terminal to write to my sister in Korhal? If it takes too long to receive She will definitely be worried if she doesn’t hear from me.”

Not long after, Pierce found one for Easter, which may have been used by a member of the base.

Easter was already very tired. He took his personal terminal and found a corner to sit down. He edited the message he sent to his sister, determined not to tell her what happened today:

In Veridia I met Princess Dorothy, who was absolutely beautiful. I only hope that you can be as good as one-tenth of her, so that I can coax Kalten Bolandt into being devoted to you. Now, I am about to board the spaceship to Korhal.

The spaceship is about to set off, and I won't be able to write to you for a long time. Before setting sail, I implore you to bless me, and I hope to hear the good news of your happiness.

Last time, you told me that you were pregnant with Kalten's child. According to Foss family tradition, I had to go to him with a gun - he couldn't be a bad guy.

To be honest, I'm not ready to be an uncle. But you said you want to give birth to this child, and I agree with you. Of course, you are always too stubborn to listen to anyone's opinions.

This child, unlike us, was born at a good time.

I want to protect you, protect him (her), protect the Terran Empire, and don’t let this go back to the past.

This is so awesome, guys!

Restore the light of the stars!

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