StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 551 Viking Fighter

The Imperial flagship Hyperion is the most majestic battleship that Istel Voss has ever seen. The three-hundred-foot-tall hammer-shaped vertical bow looks like a towering glacier floating on the ocean. The top deck and sides are thickened in bright silver. The heaviness and pressure of the vanadium alloy armor hit his face.

She is the imperial palace where the emperor travels and travels in the sea of ​​stars, and the interior is like a luxurious palace. The open bridge corridors, carpeted aisles, the ship's elevators that are large enough to accommodate many people, and the reliefs of wolves and eagles are also an eye-opener for Easter. He can see new equipment every day here. New instruments.

In UNN documentaries and Imperial Navy recruitment videos, the interior of the Hyperion is no longer a secret, but the promotional images and actual contact are completely different things.

After the Federation Zionists were completely wiped out in the province of Veridia, Ister boarded the Hyperion and embarked on a journey to Korhal to study.

On the Hyperion, Easter was lucky enough to be assigned a single cabin and enjoy the treatment of a midshipman, which he regarded as the care of General Matt Horner.

However, Ister had not seen General Horner much since boarding the Hyperion. I heard that he held an emergency meeting and announced that the sailors were scheduled to spend their vacation on Viridia instead on Terrador IX, and then stayed in the captain's cabin behind closed doors.

In any case, General Matt Horner used his life's ingenuity to avoid his fiancée's pursuit, and went all the way to bypass Viridia Prime and rush directly to Korhal.

Easter had already heard a lot about the love-hate relationship between Matt Horner and General Mira Han from the smiling crew of the Hyperion. Thanks to the title of combat hero, the crew of the ship quickly regarded the young officer academy cadet as one of their own.

To be precise, Mira Han was passionately in love with Matt Horner, but the former was not the latter's type, so it turned into a one-sided chase. But for an honest man like General Horner, who is down-to-earth and strict in everything he does, it would be unbearable for a woman who is too enthusiastic and out-of-the-box.

This became one of the few things that the crew of the Hyperion could do to tease General Horner. The bored and chatty sailors liked to watch their commander have fun.

Easter's life on the ship was fulfilling and interesting. He had his own job. He had to get up on time every day to clean the decks with the recruits. The rest of the time he had to work for the chef in the upper kitchen, without a meal. The meal is free.

This day is November 4, 2497. According to the voyage log, the Hyperion is very close to the Korhal system, the imperial throne world. As it neared the main channel, the radio from the starship became increasingly lively.

At 19:37 on the ship, in the armory located in cabin No. 12, Easter, wearing orange work clothes, was driving a trailer to carry parts boxes on the bottom platform, surrounded by the flash of welding and machinery waiting to be upgraded.

The most eye-catching ones are the two Viking fighter jets under maintenance. Every time he sees them, Istel will admire them from the bottom of his heart. Viking fighters have two modes, air fighter/land mecha mode, which means these aerial beasts can land on the ground and fight alongside the marines.

The last time Istor saw a Viking fighter was at an air show on TV. These beautiful and domineering new fighters gained countless fans as soon as they appeared, and because of this, he once wanted to apply for the Imperial Air Force Academy, but soon It's a pity that it was scrapped in the end.

The A2 heavy machinery hybrid, the Viking fighter, was finalized at the Valhalla Prototype Weapon Laboratory and fully equipped with all armies in the second year after the establishment of the empire. It is now the absolute main fighter of the empire.

It adopts a central reactor and interchangeable servo system design, equipped with four sets of bypass turbines and a set of propellers located in the belly. It is also equipped with MT50 torpedoes and death heat missiles. Mecha mode can use double plus Terling cannons reduce any enemy of the Empire to smithereens.

The Viking fighter is another example of the Terran Empire's military engineering. It is a fine product born for pure killing. It is the pinnacle of human manned combat system design. No other weapon has such flexibility and deterrence. It is a war machine made of all alloy, and it looks like the wrath of a god when it falls from the sky.

As the pride of Imperial Age technology, the most cutting-edge and deadliest fighter, the Viking fighter is known for its wild speed and astonishing firepower. The Imperial Navy had high hopes for this new type of fighter. Admiral Edmund Duke even claimed that the Viking fighter could handle an Ultralisk.

In the era of the Tyranids, fighter planes were no longer in short supply as in the past, but Viking pilots were a rarity.

It may be extremely chic and cool to pilot a multi-ton Viking fighter to switch from high altitude to mecha mode and descend from the sky, but this tricky flying maneuver can only be mastered by the elite of the elite. Controlling these beasts of the air is so difficult that most pilots are killed in their first fight.

Those who can fly Viking fighters are the elite of the elite, because they must be proficient in fighting in the sky and on the ground at the same time, and they must be able to fly fighter planes and control land-based mechas.

Despite this, the number of Viking fighters is enough to appear on various battlefields in the empire. Viking has become a symbol of the Tyranid Empire era, and the Wraith fighter, which was the dominant force when it first came out, also seems outdated.

Nowadays, the technology of Viking fighters has become very mature, and various models are in full bloom. For example, the Archangel model is a super Viking, which is even larger and comparable to a battleship. Of course, the Army also has its own superweapons. It is said that a super mecha Terra-tron is being developed in secret.

"Foss, come here and help me transport these mining mules to the warehouse. Brother, move them gently. I repaired them after a lot of hard work." The speaker was Milo Kachinsky ) is the current chief engineer of the Hyperion.

Milo Kaczynski is the younger brother of Victor Kaczynski. He came from Moria last year to join his brother. Since Rory Swann and Victor were transferred to Augustgrad one after another, the original engineers of the Hyperion Engineering Group were sent to various imperial fleets as the backbone of the engineering group. The emperor made the final decision and appointed Young Milo served as Hyperion's chief engineer.

Milo, who was newly appointed, took a fancy to Easter's talent in mechanical engineering and asked him to come and help. In just two weeks, Istel has experienced things that many people will never be able to experience in their lifetime.

"They always break easily." Easter drove the trailer to Milo and waited for him to hang the trailer on the car.

"The mine mules are still in the experimental stage, and they are often sent to dangerous areas where space engineering vehicles are difficult to operate." Milo is a young Morian with dark brown hair and eyes. At the same time, he also has the unruliness of his age. Untamed and far less calm than his brother.

"Mind you, the last time Ross broke a Raven, it cost him thirty months' salary. If Polly hadn't repaired it in two days, that guy would have been in trouble."

"Although the mining efficiency of mining mules is very amazing, they always consume energy very quickly and will shut down soon." Miro said to Istel: "For this reason, I am considering increasing the endurance energy—— But that will inevitably increase the cost significantly, so the gains outweigh the losses.”

"The advantage of a mining mule is that it can harvest ten times or a hundred times the minerals at a very low cost. If the cost is increased, then why don't I use the consortium's planetary excavator."

Mine mules, whose full name is multifunctional lunar excavators, often use newly developed airdrop pods to drop into ore veins.

A large number of mining mules can dig out an entire mineral vein in a very short time. When the shadows of a few mining mules appear on high-altitude orbits, it is enough to make the empire's allies furious.

In addition, the mining mule received strong recognition from Marshal Jim Raynor, who believed that this new mining robot would significantly improve the competitiveness of the Imperial Army on the battlefield.

The Mine Mule was Marshal Reno's favorite.

"Poor Milo, why don't you build a super mining mule, big is good, tonnage is justice." Although Easter had only known Milo for a short time, the two of them had a good relationship. This may be because most of the engineering corps are uncle-level figures, and there are very few young people.

"That's why I didn't build an upgraded mining vehicle, we don't have such a big drop pod - in terms of mining technology, the Kemerian has almost finished the journey."

"You don't have to be in such a hurry." Easter drove away the trailer: "You are still very young."

"Go and rest after you finish your work." Milo shrugged his shoulders: "If it weren't for the shortage of manpower, I wouldn't ask you to do it."

"This is also for salary." Ister said with a smile: "Although Steelling students are not only exempted from all tuition fees and have scholarships, I also need money to do other things."

After finishing the job, Easter, who was in a good mood, first went to the sonic bathroom on deck 5 to take a shower, and then went to the upper dining room to prepare for dinner. Everything was done with ease. When he first boarded the ship, Easter had to read the Hyperion Crew Manual, but now he has become accustomed to the rules on the ship.

Compared to the small cabin of the Bedford, which was only thirty feet wide, the dining room of the Hyperion was too luxurious. The red carpet on the floor, the candlesticks on the table and the classical paintings were a piece of classical art. breath.

This Behemoth-class battlecruiser originally belonged to the Federation. It was later repaired and upgraded by the United States of Umoyan and became the first battleship of the Korhal Revolutionary Army. Its interior decoration was designed by Arcturus. · Designed by Prince Mengsk, it is said to be exactly the same as the Mengsk family’s holiday manor in the past.

In comparison, the interior of other newly built battlecruisers has a cold and simple pragmatic industrial style. It is no wonder that Hyperion is always the target of publicity. However, as the emperor's flagship, the ship's crew were basically veterans from the Revolutionary Army era and the Royal Guards, so it was not so easy to enter.

When we walked into the restaurant, there were only a few engineers who had just gotten off work. The soldiers and engineers ate at different times, otherwise it would have been much more lively at this time. The kitchen basically supplies hot food and water 24 hours a day, and some lamented that the conditions are much better than in the past.

When the Hyperion was in its lowest condition, the crew could not afford to pay their salaries. During maintenance, Rory Swann even had to demolish one wall to make up for the other.

And because the hull of Hyperion was built earlier, the current Minotaur-class battlecruiser has several different restaurants, which are used for dining by crew members in different positions. The fleet is the Sword of Damocles used by the Tyranids to maintain order, and the navy's food subsidy is much better than that of the marines.

Easter took some grilled chicken with noodles and a vegetable salad and found a table to sit down. The holographic projection screen in the center of the restaurant was playing the latest news. These news are all censored, and most of them are related to politics and military affairs.

The hottest news recently is about the Zionists. Princess Dorothy in military uniform has appeared on the homepages of major media. Easter was happy to learn that the captain of the Bedford, King, was safely rescued. The last time he appeared in the news, he praised the reliability of the imperial army.

The Empire did not conceal the existence of the Zionists, and the far-reaching consequences of this incident did not end there. The emergence of the Federal Zionist organization directly prompted the empire to change the laws of the waterways and invested tens of billions of imperial credit coins to increase the security of the waterways.

Suddenly, a piece of news made Ister's brows furrowed. The empire's spokesperson announced that a new mutant species of zerg named banelings had been discovered. They first appeared in Anselm and were created by Mutated springtails infected by local native fungi.

Banelings are described as bloated, terrifying monsters filled with horrific acid, capable of destroying Imperial outposts with just a few.

This news deeply disturbed Istel. Not surprisingly, with the rapid development of Imperial military technology, the zerg were also constantly evolving. Sooner or later, the strategies and weapons used to deal with the zerg will become obsolete.

Not only the zerg, but the protoss are also accelerating the development of their own military technology. In two or three years, the progress has far exceeded that of the past ten centuries. Archbishop Tassadar of Durham strives to return the protoss' military power to the level of the Golden Age.

The war in the future will be more massive and more tragic, and Ister can't help but worry about her sister and her future children.

No matter what, the Federation Zionists will never succeed, because once the Tyranid Empire collapses, tens of billions of Tyranids will fall into an extremely miserable situation.

"Foss - I heard the adjutant said you are here." At this time, General Matt Horner, whom he had not seen for a long time, walked towards Easter from the open door of the restaurant.

"General!" Easter quickly stood up and saluted, while hurriedly sucking the noodles out of his mouth.

"The Hyperion has arrived in the Kohal system. Next, she will dock at the Ursa Shipyard on the Kohal satellite for necessary maintenance work." The general said: "I will arrange a spacecraft to take you to Ogu. Stegler, so that you can attend the opening ceremony in time."

"Thank you, General." Easter didn't expect that the General not only remembered this, but also came to inform him personally.

"It takes a little effort..." The general's face didn't look good.

"What's wrong with you?" Easter saw it.

"I heard that Mira was in Augustgrad. It seems that I was tricked by her again...she didn't go to Veridia at all!" The general shook his head: "I was really pissed off. Tell you this, no matter what, you don’t understand what it means…”

"Go ahead." He sighed deeply.

It suddenly occurred to Easter that the general stayed at the Usa Shipyard because he did not dare to go to Augustgrad.

He wanted to laugh, but this was disrespectful to General Horna.

I was autistic for a day yesterday and almost fell into depression. Family matters were unpredictable.

Thank you to the leader of the High Speed ​​Buck! It was really refreshing to see it!

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