StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 552 Stillling Memorial Officer Academy

That night, Easter said goodbye to the friends he had just met and boarded a military shuttle that took off from the Hyperion. This was General Matt Horner's special plane, and he himself transferred to the APOD transport ship and went straight to the palace.

It's hard to say clearly whether this was a move used by General Matt to escape the golden cicada.

I knew the pilot of the shuttle, Istel, named Imsher. He was born in Marlowe and grew up in a poor community there.

Irmscher often talks about that time now, saying he graduated from high school with no hope for the future and woke up every day with no expectations for the next day.

The last days of the Tyranid Federation were an era of chaos, darkness, and despair.

At that time, Marlowe was in social unrest under the influence of the Great Depression of the old federal economy, and the unemployment rate was rising. Imschel could only knock on doors with leaflets and do black market phone calls.

Like other young people in this class, Imsher spent the rest of his money on rent in underground bars that provided stimulants and enhancers. His life was completely different from the life of the elite in Malo Star. world.

One day, several revolutionary troops came to Marlow. They brought revolutionary theories that the Marlow people had never heard of, calling for the establishment of freedom and democracy, and the return of rights to the people. Imshel didn’t know much about the so-called revolution, but he still followed the golden and red flag.

Imschel was eighteen years old that year, just like Istel Voss.

"When I was your age, I didn't know as much as the hair on your legs. You know? Four years ago, I was busy singing and dancing with a lot of girls, and now I'm about to get married. "Imschel was sitting in the main pilot's seat of the shuttle, and his friend Istel was in the passenger seat next to him.

"I remember her name was Mary Lou. You showed me the photo." Easter looked out through the cockpit glass at the various types of ships passing by quickly like a fleeting glimpse of light. He paid tribute to the prosperity of the Keha Waterway. Depressed. These fixed routes are like endless highways, with all kinds of spacecraft passing by every moment.

He could make out a number of container ships and space trucks, each bearing the insignia and tags of its shipping company.

Korhal IV is a prosperous industrial planet with a permanent population of 2.9 billion, only slightly less than Tarsonis.

With large tracts of land covered by dangerous and desolate radiation deserts, Korhal relies on imports of fresh vegetables, meat, and pure water. Cargo ships loaded with food, live animals, and crystal mines sail to Korhal every day. , the departing ships carried high-tech products, engineering components and military products.

Tens of millions of people work in jobs related to this route, and it is closely connected with the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people.

There is no doubt that Korhal is the political, economic and cultural center of the Terran Empire, and the people of the Terran Empire regard her as a symbol of imperial power and destiny.

Further away, Ister could vaguely see some huge shadows, which were most likely part of the Sky Shield orbital defense platform.

"Mary is a beautiful girl. She has naturally curly blond hair and eyes like the sea. I can't believe she chose me in the end." Imshel couldn't remember how many times he mentioned this matter. Anyway, when he talks about this, he can't stop talking:

"I miss her every day in the past. I write to her whenever I have time and wait until I am in a safe place to send it out."

"Yes, you've probably told me this a hundred times. My point of view has never changed: after all, Imshel, you have to have some confidence in yourself." Ister could almost do it. He could guess what his friend was going to say next. Whenever he had free time, he would take out the photo of the blond girl and say that he survived those difficult years just so that he could return to his hometown to marry her.

Imschel is not just an ordinary pilot who drives a shuttle. He is a real captain of the Imperial Navy. He is usually the full-time driver of General Matt Horner. During the Battle of Aiur, he also served as the driver for Augustus Mon. Emperor Skok sailed past.

He is also an Imperial Double Silver Star Battle Hero. Only more than a thousand Imperial soldiers have received this honor in previous battles, and many of them have died.

The blond Mary Lou might be a child of a wealthy family in Malo. In the past, it was almost impossible for a poor boy like Imshel to gain the approval of his parents, but now it is different.

As an officer in the Revolutionary Army, Imshel owns two properties in the center of Augustgrad in Korkha. His family enjoys the treatment and subsidies of an imperial officer's family. His children can attend military academies and are recommended to There are more opportunities at famous military academies.

Regardless, Imsher succeeded in the end. I heard that Imshel went through many twists and turns when he returned to Marlowe to get engaged to Mary. At first he was dismissed as a thief who had tricked and kidnapped him, and later when he returned, he drove a special car of an imperial general.

"You are right, Istel, I hope you can come when I get married." Imsher said.

"Definitely." Easter was actually not sure whether he would be able to take leave at that time, because the management of Stillling Military Academy was very strict.

At this time, Ister finally saw Kohar outside the window and was attracted by the dreamlike picture - it was a beautiful planet shrouded in hazy purple light, and the dark side facing away from the sun was shining with countless lights. Colorful lights.

"That's Korhal, that's Korhal!" Imshel said this twice, with a different tone each time. Korhal is more than just a character. To mention Korhal is to mention the great Tyranid Empire.

Heroic Korhal! She is the epitome of the Tyranids' resistance to the tyranny of the old Federation and their pursuit of freedom. The history of Korhal is the history of the Federation's overthrow of the Empire and its rise to prominence.

Korhal was completely destroyed by the old Confederacy, but now it still stands tall.

In a world like Halsain, when someone talks about Korhana, they are probably referring to the Empire.

"That's Korhal," Easter repeated. This was the first time he saw Korhal in full.

Four years ago, the war almost completely destroyed Ister's hometown of Herzen. Affected by Korhal's preferential immigration policy, Ister's sister also joined the army of immigrating to Korhal. His sister studied while working and later entered the Augustgrad City Hall as a civil servant.

Istel was basically raised by her sister.

"I have never actually been to Korhal before it was destroyed by the nuclear bomb, and I will never have such an opportunity again." Imshel said: "But I am too familiar with Korhal now, if there were not other Things, I really should take you to see today’s Keha, today’s Augustgrad.”

"I watched Kehal become what he is today little by little."

As he spoke, the outer window glass of the cab was gradually covered by a silver heat-insulating shield, and the light from the outside slowly dispersed. When the shuttle enters Korhal's atmosphere, it spirals down from the sun's surface, and the sun's rays will burn those inside.

"It should be dawn when you arrive at Bennett Airport. If you are lucky, you may have a chance to see the sunrise over Augustgrad. I guarantee that it will be the best sunrise."

The shuttle landed in Korhal's atmosphere, the cabin filled with a steady hum as the ship's hull rubbed against the atmosphere. This shuttle was such a good ship that it was better than any shuttle that Istel had ever flown between space and the ground. The roar of those old shuttles as they entered the atmosphere was a disaster by comparison.

When Korhal's gravity completely replaced the artificial gravity inside the shuttle, Istel knew the ship had settled into its docking station at Bennett Field. When the heat shield outside the window opened, a landing platform filled with people suddenly appeared in front of him.

Bennett Airport is a vast area, consisting of thousands of landing pads at different heights, straight electromagnetic launch tracks and signal towers, all covered by a thin layer of shielding force that appears light blue due to ionization. Inside the field.

At the other end of the apron is the unloading platform where many Korhalian freighters are parked. The top is filled with tall-building-like containers. Towering cranes and electric-driven unloading engineering vehicles are transporting cargo.

A Bennett Industries four-engine heavy transport plane was taking off, making a sound like an angry male peak.

This is Bennett's No. 3 apron. Looking up, you can see the sky at dawn over Augustgrad. From this position under the shield force field, the sun is indigo blue, which is exceptionally beautiful.

The sky is filled with all kinds of container ships, shuttles and yachts, eventually converging into a winding, upward belt of spaceships, like a belt hanging from the horizon. Istel had never seen such a scene before, and couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"Follow the instructions. Once you find the high-altitude rail train platform, you can go where you want to go." Imshel followed Ister as he stepped off the shuttle.

"Goodbye, my friend," said Easter as he bid farewell to his friend.

"Maybe there will be a day when we can fight side by side." When Imshel waved, he was holding a few bouquets of red flowers in his hand, which were a kind of flower from Ayr. Imschel's former comrades-in-arms are buried in the Stillling Cemetery in Augustgrad, and their spirits still remain in Ayr.

Stillling Cemetery also houses the burials of Confederate soldiers who died fighting against the Swarm invasion. At that time, most of the people who were drafted into the army were young people around the age of eighteen, and they were often the ones who bled the most. These young people are still young and naive. They have received only a short training and have no idea of ​​the ferocity of the zerg.

Ister said goodbye to his friends and headed to the train platform via a vertical elevator and a downward ramp. On the way, he could see many advertisements about cutting-edge technological products and promotional posters for a politician running for imperial political office. One of the movie advertisements occupied the largest billboard space.

Keira Velez's new film, This Brainworm Isn't Too Cold - Alpha Films. Mr. Alpha is a lone killer, codenamed Cerebrate because he is as powerful and deadly as the Zerg Cerebrate. Until one day, a little girl knocked on his door.

"So beautiful." Easter knew this actress. There was such a vicious speculation in the bar in Heilsein that Keira Velez was purely attracted by the godfather of the film industry in Augustgrad. With such resources, in order to get ahead, she did not hesitate to call him foster father, and...

People far away from the throne world believe that Augustgrad is not as glamorous as it appears. After all, this was the case with Tarsonis in the past.

When he reached the rail train platform in the airport, Easter found out his sister's address again.

At this time, there were many people standing on the platform, and they were noisy, discussing prices and recent news. Some people were whispering about the recent political situation, while others were talking loudly, saying that the Kemorian Alliance must be secretly supporting the remnants of the Federation, and that the Imperial Navy should immediately strike hard.

Ister was surprised by the overflowing confidence of the Augustgrad people. In their view, both Umoyan and Kemorian were no longer threats.

This statement is tenable. Today, the Tyranid Empire controls most of the Koprulu sector, and the United States and the Federation are like a few sparse points separated at both ends.

The people of Augustgrad are not surprised by outsiders like Ister. This newly-rising city is full of immigrants from other planets. A Tarsonian would have scolded the country folk for coming to Tarsonis again to beg for food.

While paying attention to what people were talking about in Augustgrad, Ister stepped on an incoming high-altitude rail train that circled the city.

The train tracks are supported by numerous elevated structures and steel pillars, making them appear to be floating above Augustgrad. When the train is in motion, Ister can easily overlook the city center of Augustgrad through the train window.

The magnificent cityscape of Augustgrad opened Ister's horizons. The train moved at high speed among the vast squares and countless tall buildings stretching into the sky. The incomparable royal palace, the magnificent city hall, the city square with gushing fountains and the pedestrian islands surrounded by greenery among the roads jointly create a shocking sense of art.

These huge geometric squares and intertwined streets like a checkerboard stretch out to the distant horizon like straight lines, dividing residential areas, large buildings and industrial areas into regular rectangles along broad main lines. Space, every part of Augustgrad vividly embodies the orderliness and harmony of modern urban industrial gears with precision.

Easter saw the Stillling Memorial Officers Academy located outside the palace, saw the walls and gates made of white marble and steel, and the wide walkways surrounding the military academy campus densely planted with tall fir trees.

The fir tree is a symbol of Augustgrad. Whether it is a silver fir or a snow fir, these tall firs like the tips of knights' spears stand in every corner of the city. They symbolize the indomitable will of the empire.

A huge monument visible even from this location in Istres:

Join the Imperial Marines, we can't win without you. --Admiral James Eugene Reno.

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