StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 554 Tychus Finlay, a model among imperial heroes

Chapter 554: Tychus Finlay, a model among imperial heroes

Surian Square is located in the prosperous city of Augustgrad Surian. It is a huge octagonal square with eight wide pedestrian paths paved with rounded gravel corresponding to the eight corners of the square.

The green belt within it is planted with towering silver fir trees, and deep and mysterious paths under the dense shade of the trees wind leading to elegant arc-shaped buildings like the silver moon.

Sufficiently large and abundant public spaces are the main difference between Augustgrad and the main city of Tarsonis. This miracle city built of steel and glass has an astonishingly high proportion of green space, and every part is magnificent. The perfect combination of human architecture and nature.

On this day, Surian Square was in a festive atmosphere with bright lights and colorful decorations. Many bright hot air balloons and promotional yachts hung high in the sky above the square, and colorful lights and imperial flags were lit everywhere.

Ister and his brother-in-law Kalten came before dawn, but they could barely squeeze into the square. This time, Istel finally experienced what it means to be surrounded by a huge crowd of people. Taking advantage of their height and length, they managed to squeeze in.

Members of the Augustgrad Police Department had to set up cordons to divert the crowd to avoid a stampede.

You know, in order to facilitate management, Surian Plaza needs to pre-purchase tickets worth 6 credit coins one week in advance to enter, and the number of places is limited. But as soon as they heard that the emperor would also attend, even those who had not grabbed tickets gathered outside Surian Square, which shows how popular Emperor Augustus was among the people of Augustgrad.

Augustus Grad is so tolerant of people from all origins and territories, and there are so many people living here that there are even gray-skinned celestial scholars who have traveled here living in the city. It is rumored that these people who are allowed to enter The aliens came to study human sociology.

At this time, clever vendors start selling ice cream, fruits or dried flowers to the excited people, and children can buy enough candy or a dozen balloons to fill their pockets with a few coins. Children born at the end of the old federation probably do not remember the difficult years when their parents were exiled to Augustgrad. They only remember the flag of the empire and the sweetness in their pockets.

Easter bought a paper travel newspaper introducing Augustgrad and a photo album of actress Keira Velez from the newsstand at the entrance of the square, and stuffed them into his brother-in-law Kalten's backpack. .

After entering Surian Square, there were fewer people, but it still looked crowded. The Imperial Defense Force (Dominion Defense Force, or DDF, which has an affiliated fleet) wearing crimson power armor guards the central area of ​​the square, while spectators can board a temporary circular stand built with modular steel components to take in the center. exhibition area.

"Where are the prototype weapons on display? Why is there nothing there?" Kalten climbed onto the stand and pointed to the empty center of the square.

As Kalten said, there were only a few beautiful fountains in the center of the square paved with colorful bricks. Other than that, there was nothing else except some imperial soldiers and the UNN camera crew.

"Odin may need to be transported from the Prototype Weapons Laboratory." Ister looked at the various exits of Surian Square: "It should be transported by air."

"No matter how you look at it, this can't be just a new plasma rifle."

At this time, Easter could hear the Dominion Center for State Security broadcasting the latest developments regarding the latest prototype weapon Odin exhibition activities. Everyone could clearly hear General Horace Warfield. the sound of:

"I am General Horace Warfield. The unveiling ceremony of the new weapon 'Odin' will proceed as expected and is on its way to Surian Square. After the exhibition is over. As planned, Odin will walk onto Korhal's The streets were inspected by the people of the Empire, and we assigned a great Imperial hero, Lieutenant Tychus Finley, to pilot this unprecedented giant siege machine."

"Odin is a mecha." Kalten put his backpack aside and sat down on the chosen seat with Ister.

Although Kalten has not been engaged in military-related industries, he still often pays attention to relevant news on weekdays. The people of the Empire were genuinely proud of the new weapons, rather than worrying that they would be used against them.

Kalten and his family are people who have experienced those difficult times, first the four-year guild war, and then the invasion of zerg and protoss. The fear of alien creatures is rooted in the hearts of this entire generation.

"Siege mecha? This word is not simple." Ister had expected it, but he was still overjoyed: "What kind of mecha can be used to siege cities? It should, no, must carry a super cannon!"

No one can say no to a super mecha.

"Could it be an improved version of the Goliath armed robot? The giants brought by the people on earth are already taller than a building." Kalten had seen Goliath on the streets of Augustgrad. Those two-legged steel giants were often used to maintain order in the past, but now they are no longer used.

Every street in Augustgrad is equipped with surveillance cameras, with turbine drones patrolling back and forth. Once there is a car accident or criminal case, surveillance can be called out immediately. The number of psykers with profiling capabilities in the Imperial Investigation Bureau has greatly increased. The success rate of solving crimes and pursuits.

"We'll just have to wait and see," Easter told Kalten.

"Yeah." Kalten trusted Easter's judgment, not just because he was a student at the Stillling Military Academy. This young man has a unique set of views on the world and is often able to hit the nail on the head.

"It's Your Majesty!" Suddenly, like a pot of boiling water hitting the lid of a pressure cooker, the entire Surian Square began to boil. People waved their flags, and fathers raised their children above their heads and shouted the emperor's name.

"Where is he!"

Ister immediately looked over, and the emperor had already arrived at the stand guarding the royal guards not far away.

The emperor was only twenty-seven years old this year, but he seemed to have ruled the empire for many years. He wore a satin dress with gold trim and a sword at his waist. It is said that this dress was given to the Emperor of the Tyranid Empire by the Duram Celestial Spirit. It took nine of the best Kalai master craftsmen for two years to make it from the finest silk fibers. It can resist the rudeness of telepaths. Peeping.

People were fascinated by this man, and not just because of his supreme authority.

He recognized that the person beside the emperor was the beautiful and charming queen, who had become even more charming since giving birth to Princess Louise. There was a woman with long ginger hair walking behind, holding Princess Louise in her arms. Easter thought she should be a noble lady or a head maid who was deeply trusted by the royal family.

Princess Louise is one year old and she is as sleepy as any other child in the world. The Kedarin crystal talisman given by the protoss can protect the child's mind, otherwise her too powerful telepathic ability will uncontrollably accept the thoughts of more than 100,000 people present.

"It's Admiral Reno!" Easter saw the man with short dark brown hair behind the emperor at a glance. He was none other than Jim Reno, the first principal of the Stillling Military Academy.

Reynaud himself was a naval general, but was later counted as an army admiral. In short, he is the Supreme Leader of the Imperial Marines, while Lundstein, another Army General, is the Commander of the Imperial Defense Forces.

"No one in the empire does not know his name." Kalten also said: "Admiral Renault was born in Shiloh, which is an agricultural world like Halsain. In time, you will definitely become as great a general as him. "

"Definitely," Easter said. "Jim Leno is my idol."

When the emperor waved to the people, the cheers were louder than the waves, which was deafening.

Istel knew the reason why the Emperor of the Empire had such a reputation. Four years ago, most of the world in the Federation was in turmoil. Starvation was everywhere, the unemployment population surged, prices soared, and more than 10 billion people did not have enough to eat.

Emperor Augustus brought peace, instituted a new order, and most importantly gave thousands of people jobs that gave them money to support their families and children. In contrast, even when the old nobles of the Terran Federation were about to perish, they were always trying their best to suck out the bones and marrow from the people.

Amid the cheers of the people, Emperor Augustus sat down gently on his seat. Before the shouts subsided, a huge Hercules-class transport ship was slowly descending through the clouds towards Surian Square.

At this time, there was no need to wait for the cover covering the new mecha to be lifted. Istel could just raise his head to see Odin in full view.

In an instant, one word popped into Ister's mind: great.

Underneath the Hercules transport ship are hundreds of silver iron chains and steel cables made of new alloys and fine steel catalysts, each one thicker than an adult male's waist. If such a chain is not binding a terrifying super thunder beast, it is an unparalleled steel behemoth.

It was really a huge thing, bigger than any walking machine in human history. It is true that the huge Hercules-class transport ship seemed to be struggling to tow the steel behemoth.

Spartan Company's giant Goliath robot is over twenty feet tall, but it's not even one-third the size of its giant steel feet. If the parts on both sides of the mecha are regarded as arms, then its arms themselves are two unparalleled super cannons.

There are four giant cannons on Odin's back, and each cannon seems to have been directly transplanted from a battlecruiser. The pitch-black muzzle is so thick that it is terrifying.

The steel giant, whose whole body was covered with heavy steel module armor, was slowly falling to a building in front of everyone. It was so majestic, towering like a mountain, and awe-inspiring.

Easter couldn't help but think that the talented imperial weapons engineers had really built a giant steel ship that could travel on the ground, a mobile steel fortress. That being said, the presence of multiple huge cannons that should be installed on a battlecruiser on such a steel giant should not be eye-catching.

"Odin, a new generation of heavy weapons, an unparalleled magical weapon. The person who built Odin was another giant in the engineering community of the Tyranids - Rory Swann." General Warfield is happy to do it for people Commentator:

"Odin is carried on the most stable chassis, and what drives it is the most advanced nuclear reactor. Odin is equipped with two T800 cannons, a set of Hellfire anti-aircraft missile bays and four 330mm barrage cannons. The firepower is enough to level a city," he said:

"Odin can serve as a mobile planetary fortress to provide massive fire support for the Imperial Army, and can also serve as a nuclear weapons launch platform. All this will change the history of war."

When Warfield finished speaking, Odin had just landed in the center of Surian Square. It seemed to just step lightly on the ground, and the floor tiles cracked open, causing a burst of flying dust.

There is no doubt that no part of Augustgrad could withstand the weight of this behemoth.

Rumor has it that this prototype alone cost millions of empire credits (The project cost millions of credits comes from interviews with developers). An astronomical sum.

If cost is not considered, there should be no technical barriers to the Empire's manufacturing of Odin Units II and III.

At that time, the Empire could throw Odin into the war zone.

The popular Imperial hero Tychus Finley walked from beneath the auditorium and walked directly towards Odin in Surian Square. The so-called sword matches a hero, only such a hero is worthy of Odin.

Ister had heard of Tychus Finley, known as the Lion of Mar Sara, the Scourge of the Empire, and the Bearer of the Emperor's Sword.

In this way, it is incredible that he is still just a lieutenant. He probably has some regrettable secret.

The anger seemed to stay on that square and serious face forever, and those resolute blue eyes made Easter couldn't help but be in awe.

Those scars are the marks of the imperial hero's military exploits, the scars of honor - those eyes looking into the distance, how resolute they are! How sharp! On an ordinary person, the blurred eyes would be more like a daze, but if it were Tychus Finley, he would be staring at the enemy of the empire!

Tychus Finley!

That look in his eyes looked so untamed and arrogant, as if there was no one else in the world worth looking up to except himself. But that was Tychus Finley, not Jim Raynor.

He walked firmly towards the elevator in front of Odin's cockpit, walking like flying as if he was really about to fly.

Ister hopes that he is the one driving Odin, but considering the school he applied for, this must be a bit difficult.

But now he feels that he no longer has to watch the Navy's battleships become sour.

When Odin raised his head and moved its two giant fortress-like feet, the earth actually trembled. The people cheered again and shouted long live the emperor.

There is no need to prove the capability of this weapon to the people. Odin's mere appearance here must be an epoch-making mecha.

Easter's eyes moved along the mecha. No matter how much he looked up, he could not see the full view of the skyscraper-like mecha. He had no doubt that if the driver had been a madman, the entire square would have been razed to the ground.

"Odin Pilot Tychus Finlay is a true hero who has fought for the Emperor for a full decade. Now, his speech will be picked up by the radio station."

Amidst the thunderous cheers of the people, the warm music timely came to mind in Surian Square, pushing the atmosphere to a higher climax.

New Folsom Blues - Murloc Mia Rhapsody - Minotaur Death Rock

Easter was stunned. He thought it would be the song of the Imperial Marines or the Navy. It took him a while to realize that it was the music coming from Odin.

Emperor Augustus on the other side also tilted his head, as if he was asking the person next to him when Tychus got a stereo.

It seems that there may be something wrong with Odin's communication system. This is a prototype weapon after all, and flaws are inevitable.

But it should be harmless.

"——These nerds are so thoughtful that they actually built a toilet. I'm so happy that I really want to drain the toilet right now——"

"--ah, look what I found, a Tarsonian ginger beer--now I can make a home in it. That short guy from Meinhof should put in another refrigerator and fill it with cold beer ——And of course No. 8 whiskey, Jimmy loves to drink it.”

"Oh - hiccup - hey - I'm so high -"

"What a fool - who plotted against me?"

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