StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 555 Losers Party in the Palace

"Everyone knows that men are all so stupid!"

"I agree with this."

Someone used pliers to add a few more pieces of Chasala wood to the fireplace, and a beautiful old-fashioned record player was playing "Stories from the Vienna Woods." Just like the thousands of songs recorded on the record player, humans in the Koprulu Sector may not have heard this song for hundreds of years.

Cello, French horn and flute form an elegant and moving movement, as if sunshine and rivers are passing through the forest.

Several beautiful women were sitting on the French soft sofa nearby, and the colorful coffee table with mosaic glass next to it was filled with exquisite pastries and fruits. They just talked about women's topics, sometimes smiling brightly, and their snow-white thighs were as warm as washed suet.

The palace kitchen prepared delicacies every day to entertain guests, but the emperor himself had no requirements for this. Here are the most outstanding top chefs in the Terran Empire, but the Emperor only needs them to deal with three dishes and one soup.

"The emperor is not a stupid person. He understands it better than anyone else. He can only pretend not to see it." Princess Juliana is no longer the one who will be attacked by Acker. Turs Mengsk is a sweet-talking girl who becomes more mature and charming as she grows older.

This is a corner of the Augustgrad Palace, part of Noda's reception room, and the decoration can be described as magnificent. An ivory and silver-encrusted chandelier hangs from the bas-relief ceiling, and diamond-jeweled frames illuminate colorful rugs and exquisite easy chairs of wood and steel.

As for the silver-blue and golden-green crystals, they were made by the Durham Star Spirits. Each crystal was as tall as a person and was carefully cut into geometric crystals that perfectly followed the golden ratio. These crystal clear crystals exude a colorful and beautiful luster even during the day, and are even more radiant at night.

These luxurious and luxurious objects once belonged to the arrogant founding families of the Old Federation, and the emperor was not willing to burn them just like that. The aesthetics of the Federation nobles seem to still be stuck in the ancient Earth of the 19th century. Even the people on Earth today cannot remember the complicated and artificial etiquette of the past.

Occasionally, when they have free time, the royal family and the female relatives close to the family will gather here.

"Kerrigan is beautiful and young, she is never lenient, and most importantly, she is very capable of fighting." Clara Terra laughed:

"How can there be such a queen who can crush a 20-inch thick steel pipe out of thin air in a fit of anger and tear people apart like a well-cooked chicken?"

Clara is a typical artificial beauty. She is also a beautiful woman with red lips, white teeth, bright eyes and good eyesight. There are no traces of laser plastic surgery.

"Kerrigan is indeed very powerful, and Arcturus is not happy either. He doesn't want the emperor to have a bad reputation of being henpecked." The princess said, "Of course, I don't think this is necessarily a bad reputation."

In terms of tradition, Prince Arcturus can be called conservative, mainly to maintain the authority of the royal family.

Princess Juliana still regrets having believed Arcturus Mengsk's lies, but the result is considered good. The position of her natal family, the Pasteur family, in Umoyan has been unshakable.

She no longer believes in love.

This can be regarded as a successful political marriage between the Tyranid Empire and the United States of Umoyan - although that was not the original intention of the two people.

"No matter how I hint, he doesn't dare to come to see me." Lisa Cassidy smiled softly and didn't care much. It seemed that she had failed at this kind of thing many, many times:


"Unless he is not afraid of having his head screwed off by the Queen." Clara said, "How dare Kerrigan let a loser like you in? Do you think she is magnanimous?"

"In the past, the emperor always sent you away. This was of course to avoid a direct conflict between you and Sarah Kerrigan. In short, it was also to protect you. You know, even a hundred of you cannot be her opponent. "she says:

"The emperor doesn't like old women, so you have no chance."

"How do you know he won't get drunk and sleep with me one day." Lisa was obviously very confident in herself.

She has the capital to be confident.

Lisa Cassidi is as loyal to Emperor Augustus Mengsk as anyone, and she's certainly beautiful.

On this day, Lisa was wearing a purple-red long-sleeved tight-fitting dress made of fine wool, and ordinary woolen trousers underneath, which had nothing to do with a graceful lady. But it is undeniable that the clothes that stick to the skin make Lisa's figure even more sexy.

To be fair, big breasts and wide hips are enough to conquer most men. Lisa is even more naturally beautiful and has beautiful curly ginger hair. She is a charming and charming woman, very different from Queen Sarah Kerrigan's queenly temperament. Lisa thought she was no match for Kerrigan, so she lowered her demands and humbly just wanted to be a lover.

Kerrigan also thought that Lisa was a loser, and even led a wolf into the house without taking precautions. He would definitely regret it if he treated her with such contempt.

Emperor Augustus was not a womanizer, but he had great self-control. But no one is perfect, even a saint may not be immune to mistakes.

Back then, Augustus wanted to get Kesidi to quit his addiction to stimulants at all costs, but in fact it was just to avoid the ending in the original timeline where the entire team of Heavenly Demons would be wiped out because of her. Because a person addicted to drugs cannot control himself at all and will eventually betray the devil in heaven.

And Augustus never expected how much a woman who relied on him to survive her drug addiction would love him.

"But he has never been drunk at all." Clara curled her lips: "Don't worry, poor Lisa."

"Opportunities only come to those who are prepared." Lisa had no ambition to begin with, and now she is even more doomed. Now she is thinking about creating some scandals for the emperor.

"Remember to call me when the time comes." Clara said, "But I suspect that woman just doesn't need the monitoring equipment. Not even the slightest disturbance in the palace can hide from her."

"You know how scary Kerrigan's psychic abilities are now. She's basically not human anymore."

"That's just for some excitement." Lisa shook her round and plump thighs.

"Don't make things too outrageous. As long as you don't get pregnant with the emperor's child, there will be no problem." The princess is also an enlightened elder.

"That's how the Queen of the Tyran Empire is. You can never ask for more from this." Nova Terra replied to her sister calmly. She was more concerned about the credits of the Ghost Academy than this topic.

Strictly speaking, the Tyranid Empire has three academies open only to telepaths, namely the Ghost Academy of Tarsonis left over from the old Federation era, the Ghost Academy of Augustgrad on Korhal, and the one located on the moon of Korhal. The Usa Ghost Military Academy is the only military academy that trains ghost agents.

Nova is about to be fifteen years old and is currently studying in the high school of the Ghost Military Academy. She not only studies traditional compulsory education courses, but also studies subjects such as mind control and mind braking. She is very talented and intelligent. She has skipped two grades this year and is about to enter university.

She is the daughter of a great nobleman of the old federation and grew up in an environment with abundant material and a comfortable life. She inherited her mother's beauty and excelled in beauty.

As usual, Nova was only wearing a bud-yellow dress, and her long blond hair was piled high on her head into a fluffy bun. She acted very casually at this time, her clothes were skewed, her exposed soft shoulders and her white swan-like neck were as white as butter, and her delicate and cool skin seemed to be made for kissing.

What a gorgeous and graceful beauty, her green eyes are like gems, and lying there is a round-faced Persian cat.

If Nova stood up, her breasts would be visible for the first time.

The bodies of girls at this age have begun to develop, and Nova has even grown taller than his brother Zebediah. This is what she is most happy about recently.

And Nova was well aware of her charm. If the sons of the empire's meritorious generals saw her current lazy appearance, they would probably have bad thoughts.

"I can't really fight with Kerrigan, pulling her hair and clothes. What does it look like, making people laugh every day." Lisa put her left leg on her right leg.

"That's because even in this aspect, you have completely failed." Clara showed no mercy.

It's not that I haven't beaten him before, it's that I can't beat him at all. Lisa Kelsidi was knocked down by Sarah Kerrigan in less than two rounds, which was not at the same level at all.

No, a small piece of the back of his head is still bald. Regardless of whether it is a literary or military fight, there is no chance.

"What right do you have to ridicule me? Ugh, I don't dare to say anything when I see Kerrigan." Someone said anxiously: "I'm different."

"Really? After Louis was born, Kerrigan brought up the idea of ​​letting you enter the palace. You were so happy that you didn't even want the general position you were about to get. Who was the sure winner?" Clara said. Call:

"Now do you dare to say no to Kerrigan? You little mistress."

"I was obviously the one who came first, you have no right to criticize me." Lisa also shouted.

"How to move, how to move, vomit roar - vomit roar - vomit roar -" Clara stood up and glared at Lisa. They didn't argue, they just tried their best to compete with each other to see whose voice was louder. Nova on the side was helpless and could only cover her forehead.

"What a loser's party. Sisters, I shouldn't have come to this trip." The person who came was Rosa Morales, a former UED expeditionary force medical lieutenant who is now a royal doctor appointed by the emperor. That is, Lisa Kesidi's colleague.

They are not miraculous doctors who can restore health, but they are more than enough to be responsible for the emperor's diet and physical examination. However, doctors who were medics are better at using laser suture knives and nail guns. On the battlefield, they only need to throw away the damaged nanobots to repair them, and everything will be fine.

But this does not mean that doctors do not have a heavy responsibility.

"Kahidi, the royal family didn't pay us to invite you to have afternoon tea with the ladies of the Terra family." Moralis was wearing a white open-collar uniform and took off her medical power armor. Wasp waist and round hips.

It is not difficult to see the emperor's hobby.

"It's part of the job," Lisa emphasized.

"You have to go back and work for me now." Morales bowed gracefully to Princess Juliana on the other side.

"Rosa, how is the emperor's health lately?" the princess asked.

"Singing and singing every night shouldn't be a problem." Morales thought for a while and added: "I don't think it's a big problem."

At this time, a blond young man wearing a student uniform walked quickly through the palace, followed by several Royal Guard officers with gold sleeves and red clothes.

"Valerian——" the princess shouted.

The footsteps outside immediately stopped.

A blond young man with middle-parted hair stuck his head out: "Mom?"

Today is the first day that Prince Valerian Mengsk enters Stillling Military Academy, and he is still very excited. Before, he was studying with the teachers and emperor of the Mengsk family, and had no connection with campus life.

Stillling Officer Academy is a black square-collared single-breasted jacket and matching trousers with yellow trousers, plus a flat cap. It would not be difficult for Valerian to obtain a uniform in advance.

Between the Imperial Royal Naval Academy and the Stillling Academy, Valerian ultimately chose the latter. After all, his uncle and father were both born in the Marine Corps.

The Imperial Marines are the most representative force of the Tyranid Empire in the Koprulu Sector.

"Come here." The princess called softly.

Valerian immediately did so, and the officer behind him just waited outside the door. As soon as he walked in, Valerian lowered his head and did not dare to look at Clara and Nova who were busy carrying clothes.

Valerian's cultivation by his uncle and father was very effective, and he was a very well-educated young man.

The atmosphere in the palace has never been very serious, not to mention that protoss and brainworms often appear here. The faces of the protoss always look bitter and full of hatred, but in fact they are all gentle and kind. Only the playful and smiling bully brainworm was not very lovable. On weekdays he was either bullying the wolf cubs raised by the Queen Mother or napping on the dining table.

"Aunt Rosa, Aunt Lisa" Valerian greeted politely.

Although he doesn't deal with his father, this kid doesn't have any bad intentions. Of course, this is also the tradition of the Mengsk family, and Arcturus has no face to complain.

Lisa immediately showed a cheerful but reserved smile, saying to herself that this child is really sensible.

"Okay, you have grown up." The princess commented to Valerian in uniform: "Remember, your father is a warning, don't become like him in the future."

"Today is the first day of school. You must make a few more reliable friends. They will definitely help you in the future." She warned her son gently:

"You must learn to distinguish between those who are interested in your royal status and who are seeking favors."

"I will definitely remember." In Valerian's heart, his mother who grew up with him is extremely important.

"Be careful on the road." Julianna knew the capabilities of the Royal Guards, but she still warned her out of habit. No matter what time, mothers always care about their children.

"Uncle Tychus drives," Valerian said. "There won't be any problems."

"What did he do again?" The princess still knew Tychus.

Whenever he was punished for committing a crime, Tychus always said that he was not meant to be a high official, and that he could shine for the empire wherever he went. But he has always been like this. Mr. Finley is a dog that can't change his habit of eating shit.

"Is he really capable of doing this - what did he steal again?" Clara asked: "The last time Odin malfunctioned was not Tychus's fault, and it was definitely not because of this that he was punished."

The problem with Odin's communication system was due to a design flaw. Its main designer, Rory Swann, also apologized specifically to Tychus. This was simply outrageous in the eyes of a Camorian who was very confident in his own technology. It is a great shame and humiliation.

Although Tychus Finley was only a lieutenant, no one dared to plot against him, because no one dared to make a joke about this angry lion.

Of course, this guy is thick-skinned and doesn't care about being a hero at all - he never thinks of himself as a person.

As for Tychus, his brain works faster than others, and his bottom line is also lower. Although he is a great villain, he only does some sneaky things. He is not willing to force good people into prostitution, murder, and arson.

The villain was later caught urinating and urinating in Surian Square, making faces and making children cry. But this guy ran fast enough and didn't leave anything behind. He really did all kinds of bad things.

"It seems that a suitcase belonging to a foreign guest from Umoyan was taken away, and then dozens of women from the red light district found the palace because they couldn't pay." Valerian also felt embarrassed when he said it.

"Oh, so that's what happened." The princess thought about it.

In general, everyone is basically used to Tychus having to do a lot of work every once in a while.

Valerian joked: "I guess, if you commit a crime, it will basically be cigarettes, alcohol and money to find a female companion. But Uncle Tychus is more courageous than before. He is the only one who I really can't figure out at all." .”

Sorry, I can't change my schedule, but everyone happens to wake up in the morning and it looks the same.

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