StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 556 The Insect Maid of the Mengsk Family

"Louis Sarah Mengsk - Hey, be a good girl."

The Emperor of the Tyran Empire had a nursery that had been prepared in advance in his palace in Augustgrad. It was luxuriously decorated, with burgundy felt carpets covering every corner, and Chasala Sun patterns on the walls. Wood paneling. At this moment, the midday sun is shining through the deep window frames embedded with color-changing glass and shining from the high dome of the palace.

A baby wearing an orange onesie was jumping happily back and forth on the belly of a fat brainworm, as if he were stepping on an amazingly elastic trampoline.

This baby has gray eyes and gray hair that are very rare even in this era. In the Tyran Empire, this means that she is probably from the Mengsk family and is of noble royal blood.

Her mother is the tenth-level psyker Sarah Kerrigan, but judging from her hair color, it is obvious that the blood of the Mengsk family has an absolute advantage, which is completely opposite to Valerian.

Princess Louise inherited the beauty of her father and mother, with big eyes, round jaws and a high bridge of nose, and a cute smile.

As for this brainworm, which is one size larger than a crib, it is Marshal Alpha of the royal brainworm. As for the seventy or eighty self-proclaimed titles, it is not convenient to go into details here.

Overall, the baby's weight is nothing for a powerful brainworm and not worth the fuss. Although there is no thick chitin carapace on its skin, it is not something that a child of just over two years old can injure.

But this scene is really horrifying, you know, just the big bloody mouth of the brain worm is enough to swallow the child in one gulp. What's more, this brainworm really eats people.

However, the royal family gave this brainworm enough trust. Perhaps in the heart of Queen Mother Catherine, the noisy brainworm is not much different from the corgi at home.

In addition to this brainworm, there is also a whole team of strictly trained royal maids in the palace nursery. They all come from former federal aristocratic families that declared allegiance to the royal family of the Tyran Empire. They are ladies who are well-educated and well-versed in etiquette.

Obviously, they have received enough training to accept that the royal brainworm is taking care of the child.

The butler is a Dark Templar Alikka who is shrouded in a shadow-like black robe. This Dark Templar master who is trusted by the royal family is also one of the little princess's future teachers.

Nor is he the only Dark Templar Master in the Palace.

The Dark Templar masters in the Tyranid Empire were once followers of the Dark Master Zeratul, powerful psionic masters and deadly shadow assassins. Zeratul's Warband once participated in the final war against the First Overlord in Aiur. They all stayed at a certain moment when Zeratul visited the Emperor of the Tyranid Empire and served the alien race.

No matter in which period of the Protoss Clan, this move is unbelievable.

Only the Emperor of the Tyranid Empire and a few court ministers knew their true purpose, but without exception, their actions had the tacit approval of the Dark Patriarch Zeratul.

Even the High Templars of Sirac are in awe of the power of the Dark Templar Master. These powerful but humble warriors are also knowledgeable xel'naga scholars. They believe that they have been inspired by the gods of the void and must protect the children of prophecy, the destined future saviors.

But no one knows the so-called true savior, not even the masters of the Dark Templar themselves.

The Dark Templar Alika is an exception. He is not a follower of the Dark Master Zeratul, but one of the three Dalam protoss directly appointed by Archbishop Tassadar of the Dalam protoss. The first two are responsible for diplomacy and maintaining military alliances respectively, while Alika's current responsibility is to raise babies.

"Master Alika, please bring my phone." At this time, the personal terminal next to him beeped. Cerebral worms have no hands or feet, and currently cannot evolve these things, so they can only rely on others.

"I'm meditating."

The Dark Templar Alika on the other side just opened her eyes and said nothing more.

"When I meditate, I can only hear strange words in the void." The brainworm has a pretty good relationship with this dark templar. Although he is cold, he is not always as cold as his compatriots in Aiur. A superior attitude.

The Zerg and the Protoss are feuding, but the Cerebrate Alpha is on good terms with the Protoss. For brainworms who have always possessed high intelligence, it is not difficult to learn human cunning and greed.

"Be in awe of the void," Alika said.

"Fucking void." The brainworm spit out fragrance: "There is nothing normal there."

"Fucking void." Princess Louise, who was jumping on the belly of the brainworm, suddenly said.

"Louis, girls are not allowed to speak dirty words." Brainworm said.

"Gods, I actually expected something from a Zerg." Alika stopped talking. He couldn't be called taciturn, but he really didn't have much patience for a brainworm with a novel brain circuit.

At this time, a maid next to him brought the phone and held it steadily for Brainworm. The phone number shown above is from the personal secretary of Brainworm, and the address is an office of Alpha Pictures.

The phone quickly unlocked after the voiceprint was passed, and a sweet female voice came from inside: "Boss, the Imperial Market Administration just announced today that your acquisition of Jaunt Pictures Group involves the Imperial Anti-Monopoly Law. Manager Leuven has been I can't even contact you."

This beautiful female secretary has never seen the boss behind the scenes. This man with great hands and eyes has been controlling his film and television empire in a certain mansion. Capital flowing into the Augustgrad film and television industry must be worshiped before entering the market. Get over this leader, the godfather of the film industry. It can be said that the developed film industry in Augustgrad was created by Mr. α.

Some people say that α is just a codename for him, and that his real identities may be hundreds or thousands. He has never appeared in public, and even the general manager has no idea what kind of person his boss is.

But what is certain is that no one can take advantage of him, and anyone who wants to betray him will not end well. This ruthless figure is the Lord of the Shadows, an urban legend in Augustgrad itself.

Some people believe that one of the top executives of Alpha Company is monitoring his subordinates in this capacity. Some people also believe that α is a clone who can change his face through transformation at will, so it is impossible for anyone to know his true identity.

The only thing that is certain is that this person should not be a Umoyan spy, otherwise the subordinate departments of the Tyran Empire's security department would have struck hard.

"I'm very busy, huh" Brainworm thought for a while, and the phone automatically converted the language of the mind into a voice - it was a deep voice.

In addition to taking care of the baby every day, the rest of the time is either basking in the sun in the garden on the top floor of the palace, or hiding in a corner playing old arcade games from a previous era. It is indeed very busy.

Brainworms don't have any hobbies. They just eat high-sugar, high-fat, and high-calorie foods, play games and watch touching romance dramas that bring tears to their eyes, and occasionally dream about becoming the master of the insect swarm.

Soon, it turned into a sullen voice: "What the hell are the people of the Imperial Market Administration doing? Don't tell me to wait until 2504!"

Excursion Pictures is a well-known Tarsonis company that has had major internal problems in recent years, with management torn apart by internal strife. "Spider Mine IV - Death", which they launched earlier this year, failed to save the brand's declining reputation over the years, and instead became the straw that broke the camel's back.

"But what needs to be done is to tell Keira Velez's agent that the next movie has to be made. I have asked Level 800 Elite Tauren Chieftain to write for the new movie. new song."

"Yes, you are right, he is the one who wrote the song I Kissed a Zerg." Brainworm said: "For this song, I also asked someone to write a stage play. This is new. Beauty and the Beast of the Age.”

This cerebrate is very talented, comparable to William Shakespeare in the zerg world.

The Tauren band has always been famous. They also wrote a song for the Templars of Durham Protoss: The Day of Warp. (I Can't Drive Warp 5.5)

The song successfully made them famous overnight.

The secretary said something else at this time, which made the brainworm obviously stunned: "Who dares to hack my Kayla Velez. Wait, I want to send a lawyer's letter to all Kayla's little hackers! Let me They can’t eat and walk around!”

The extremely angry Brainworm hung up the phone and was about to call his acting consul on the company's board of directors when the door to the nursery was gently pushed open by someone.

"Your Majesty." The maids immediately bowed to the emperor with graceful and appropriate movements. Even Dark Templar Alika, who was meditating, stood up to pay respects to the Emperor of the Tyranid Empire.

"Louis." Emperor Augustus had just returned from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and had finished handling the territorial dispute between the Empire and the Camorian Consortium in the Sigma Sector. He had just signed the imperial labor law amendment proposal submitted by the Imperial Senate two hours ago, and he was very busy.

The emperor's day is always so simple and unpretentious.

Augustus is still wearing a crimson robe, but he is not holding a scepter in his hand. The Emperor of the Terran Empire also never wears a crown, and that doesn't matter to him at all.

Even in beggar's clothes, the people of the Terran Empire could recognize their emperor.

The brainworm had already noticed who was coming. It shook its belly, and Princess Louise, who was still jumping, ejected and flew into the arms of Emperor Augustus.

"Louis" Augustus hugged his daughter and smiled brightly. Although Augustus could have left many tasks to his father and brothers, he still had a habit of doing everything himself.

Apart from work, Augustus didn't have much free time to spend with his daughter all the time. He could only enjoy his leisure time when he was on vacation. But that doesn't mean Augustus doesn't value his family.

Princess Louise was also very close to Augustus. She leaned into her father's arms with a smile on her face, holding on to each other's clothes with her little hands and calling her daddy non-stop.

Augustus nodded to the maids and the Dark Templar Alika, then looked at the Cerebrate aside, his eyes twitching: "Why are you wearing a maid uniform?"

Brain Worm α has been with humans for a long time and has somewhat formed some moral values. At least it sometimes feels that being naked is not a good idea. However, the Cerebrate's clothing has never been very good, and don't expect human clothes to be very decent on it.

As Augustus said, the brainworm was wearing an oversized black maid outfit with a white apron and a turban on its forehead. I have to say, it has always been quick to get into character.

"Zergs have no gender, you don't care what I wear." Over the past few years, the Cerebrates have become not only much fatter than before, but also much bolder. However, it has always been called Emperor Augustus, and no one else dares to do that except him.

"I've seen it a long time ago. Do you want to wear it too?"

In addition, this brainworm is much stronger than before, which is what he despises the protoss. Brainworms are such creatures. The older they are, the stronger they become. This is a magical creature. Its body's self-healing ability is extremely terrifying. Even if a section of its tail is cut off, a new one can grow back in a very short time.

Despite this, it was unable to defeat a dog, and its only victory was against General Edmund Duke.

"I really don't understand your quirks," the emperor said sarcastically.

"I'm not a human being," Brainworm said.

"That's right. In my opinion, you are more like a human being than the worms and trash in the empire." The emperor snorted: "You are almost the laziest zerg I have ever seen, but why, among the officials of the empire, there are still There is someone more decadent and more outrageous than you."

In such a huge empire, no matter how clean the government is, there will inevitably be some scum. After the Revolutionary Army entered Tarsonis and established the Tyranid Empire, there were many Revolutionary Army members who were corrupted by money, fame, and beauty. This was even after Augustus had purged a large number of nobles in Tarsonis and insisted on building a capital on the wasteland of Korhal IV.

Many of them had been loyal Revolutionary soldiers in the past, and had fought bravely and with great success. Once they arrived in places like Tarsonis, Bronte, and Viridia, they fell in love with the gentle land.

In other words, some people are absolutely adequate in terms of loyalty and revolutionary consciousness, but they have no administrative skills and their work attitude is worthy of praise. However, they are amateurs who manage experts, and they become worse and worse.

Even though Augustus had taken many steps to ensure that the imperial government remained as efficient and clean as it was founded upon, nothing was perfect.

In order to ensure control over hundreds of worlds, the new empire's government bureaucracy was also vast, with hundreds of thousands of people in the central government agency in Augustgrad alone. Although it is not as bloated as the old federal government, it is normal for some corrupt officials to appear.

What really made Augustus angry was that there was something wrong with some of the core people who supported his ascension to the throne.

"Humans are just such a race. Their hearts are closed to each other, but their natures are greedy. From this, they can only be suspicious of each other." The brainworm intends to emphasize the superiority of the Zerg's spiritual network.

"I don't have time to argue with you anymore. Now I have to rush to attend the opening ceremony of Stillling Military Academy." Augustus would attend the opening ceremony of Stillling Military Academy every year and meet with the new students. They talk face to face. Not just because his nephew was also admitted to the military academy this year.

"That's right." Before leaving with little Louis in his arms, Augustus said to the brainworm:

"Stukov sent people from Char to send some individual samples of newly emerged zerg variants. You can find a time to incorporate these into the gene pool of the Cerberus swarm. Do you understand?"

"New variants are appearing faster and faster." Brainworm stopped talking nonsense to Augustus: "This is a dangerous signal."

Of course, this position is very strange for a brainworm. But if the new master catches it, it will be brought back under control.

"Counting the time, it's time for the Zerg to regroup." The emperor left with these words.


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