StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 557 Bad Omen

After leaving the nursery, Augustus ordered someone to bring Princess Louise's little coat and put it on her himself.

In the wide corridors of the palace, which were paved with burgundy carpets, the Royal Guards were ready to go. These loyal royal guards have followed the emperor in his wars since the Revolutionary Army era, and it has been a full ten years now.

The Royal Guards have strict requirements on age, height and service time. All Imperial soldiers who are seven feet tall and over thirty years old stand out after layers of selection. They receive the most rigorous training, are equipped with the most advanced armor weapons, enjoy the highest standards of treatment, and bear the highest risks.

CMC-400 powered armor loaded with Apollo micro-reactors and individual ion shield generating force fields can cope with the most hostile environments, while C-14 electromagnetic guns, Hellfire shotguns, plasma rifles, rail guns and hail rockets are launched The weapon allows the Royal Guard to deal with various types of enemies.

Guard Captain Faraday has already prepared armored vehicles, and the Royal Goliath Robot Spartan Company and Royal Marauder Fortress Guards are guarding the avenues outside the palace. It was noon in Augustgrad, and the warm sunshine shined through the dark blue dome on the huge golden wolf badge of the Royal Guard, with a brilliant golden light.

This is the majestic city center of Augustgrad. Broad squares, parks and green areas surround the splendid palace. Countless skyscrapers made of glass and steel extend in all directions. The city's main roads wind in a serpentine shape. , as coherent as dots and lines on a chessboard.

Those majestic buildings are the sum of a series of modern multi-functional buildings such as commercial building complexes, high-end residential areas, various commercial office buildings, university research institutions, film and television media and entertainment facilities, interstellar ports and military facilities.

Tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people live here, including entrepreneurs, researchers, educators, professional managers, investment managers, lawyers, bankers and senior blue-collar workers. These people come from various territories of the old federation, And their next generation is the new Korhal.

Augustgrad is a complex modern metropolis of unprecedented scale. It has never stopped the process of external expansion. Even if it is only one-tenth of the construction plan, its scale has already exceeded the largest city in the old Tyran Federation. City Tarsonis.

This city demonstrates the ambitious side of the Lantern Emperor of the Terran Empire, and the great city builder Augustus will surely shine through the ages.

As Augustus walked towards the armored car, Captain Faraday of the Imperial Guard opened the door for him himself.

Since the birth of the Royal Guard, Faraday has been the commander of the Royal Palace Guards who is deeply trusted by the emperor. His hawk-like eyes are watching every corner of the palace, and even flies and mosquitoes cannot fly over the high walls of the palace.

Queen Kerrigan also arrived. She was wearing a magnificent silver velvet dress with lace woven with gold threads. Her long red shawl hair, neck and plump breasts were all covered in crystal jewelry and gold. Among the exquisite feathers carved with silver thread and black diamonds.

This luxurious dress was made by protoss craftsmen. It is a work of art in itself, and every detail is carefully crafted. The protoss were willing to accept only a fraction of the royal payment for the garment, as they had no regard for being rewarded for their work.

The El Protoss is such a race. In the eyes of humans, they may be arrogant and as stubborn as boiled cowhide, but as long as they win the recognition of the Protoss, it will be much easier to deal with them.

You can trust an Aspect more than your fellow humans.

The Queen has just taken part in a charity fundraiser sponsored by the Royal Family to help the children of the Empire who are in a state of extreme malnutrition after being abandoned by their parents.

The Queen of the Tyran Empire was already twenty-seven years old and was no longer the budding girl. This was the peak of her charm. She is so elegant and beautiful, and she is worthy of being the undisputed empress of the Tyran Empire. It is no wonder that the emperor only loves her.

Behind her were young and beautiful palace maids in black dresses. They were all elite agents of the OGB, armed with Umoyan laser pistols and other deadly weapons.

Despite this, Queen Kerrigan may be the person who least needs protection from others in the Tyranid Empire. Her powerful psychic power is enough to trigger an apocalyptic-level psychic storm, which will wipe out thousands of troops.

"Louis?" The Queen walked quickly, her high heels clicking on the marble floor. She was once a well-trained ghost agent who could walk fast on high heels.

"Did the event go well?" Augustus asked as he handed his daughter to Kerrigan.

"Of course, I can handle it." Kerrigan couldn't help but kiss Princess Louise's tender face: "I've been worried about you, dear Louis, that brainworm is just a child."

"Having a dog is more useful than this. What a shame for a brainworm." Augustus said and got into the armored car: "Let's go, everything must be according to the schedule, and it will be a few seconds away." Chaos. And I don’t want to miss Valerian’s opening ceremony. The kid wants me to be there.”

"It's not easy to be the emperor." When Kerrigan climbed in from the other side, the waitress had to hurriedly straighten the queen's too-long skirt, otherwise there was a risk of it getting stuck.

She sat down next to Augustus's seat and placed Louis in the infant seat.

"You can't resign and quit. Arcturus said that I can at least be the emperor for another hundred and twenty years. Thank you so much to him." Augustus said to himself, it doesn't matter if we are hard and tired. For my people.

At this time, Captain Faraday also sat in the passenger seat and signaled the driver to drive immediately.

"It's not like you have never been lazy. Last time I heard that the king of a country actually sneaked out of the palace in the middle of the night to race. Guess who was racing with the emperor? One general, two lieutenant generals, and a Prince Keturs, together we can form a table of international mahjong." Kerrigan hummed.

Others sneaked out to find lovers, but the two brothers went racing and were considerate of the people's sentiments.

"As long as you don't say it, no one will know about it." Augustus was well aware of this, and it was obviously not the first time he had done this. Occasionally, the Emperor had to look back on his happy days racing in Ayr and Char.

As the Emperor of the Tyranid Empire, Augustus's favorite thing to do in his free time is to go racing with Jim Raynor, known as the Korhal duo. When Renault was not in Augustgrad, the emperor would find other old friends and young generals and government officials he valued for secret inspections.

It was an honor for those who were favored by the emperor, but racing with Emperor Augustus was no easy task.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about accidentally overtaking the emperor and rubbing his face, because he will always be the king of racing, but if the rising emperor decides to give you a ride, it’s all over.

Prince Valerian was deceived, and he never got into the emperor's car again.

"That's right. On the way, I also helped the Augustgrad Police Department catch a fugitive fraudster. As expected of you." Kerrigan was fully aware of this matter.

"Two days ago, I even went to receive the banner of the enthusiastic citizens of Augustgrad." Augustus said, let's see how good I am.

"I'm just telling you to be careful," Kerrigan said. "You know, there are quite a few people who end up breaking their own necks riding hoverbikes."

"This doesn't scare me." The emperor couldn't be an ordinary person: "Even if something goes wrong, the Dark Templar warriors who follow me will definitely help me in time."

In other words, the Dark Templars who have merged into the void can keep up with the wild horse-like Emperor of the Tyranid Empire, but they may not be willing to mention what they saw and heard in Augustgrad to their compatriots in Sagulas.

Stillling Memorial Officer Academy is only a seven-eight-minute drive from the palace, and is located among a number of universities and art museums in the Tyran Empire.

Through the polarized bullet-proof glass windows of the armored vehicle, Augustus could see the poetic park buildings between the Royal Palace and the Stillling Military Academy. Here, the construction engineers of the Terran Empire pioneered anti-gravity technology to integrate mountains, rivers, and forest waterfalls. This magnificent beauty is another postcard of Augustgrad.

The Imperial Palace is located next to the Imperial Parliament Building, the Augustgrad Municipal Government Building and the UNN Headquarters Building. These extraordinary buildings are more magnificent than any of the Sky Towers in Tarsonis, but still not as majestic as the Imperial Palace.

In the meantime, the neat streets are filled with vehicles and pedestrians. Millions of people are walking in the center of Augustgrad at the same time. From high in the sky, they look like a black ant colony.

Soon, the armored vehicle stopped at the entrance of Stillling Military Academy, and the parents of the trainees who crowded at the entrance gave way to the emperor.

Stillling Military Academy is completely modeled after the former Stillling Academy. The granite used to build this city academy alone used 120,000 tons. The school is composed of hundreds of mutually inclusive square courtyards, with an orderly and rigorous look. Every brick and stone inside is carefully polished, and every corridor is inlaid with marble statues of great men and their mottos.

Thousands of tall fir trees are densely planted in the military academy. These tall firs and the high side windows between the high walls are the embodiment of the strict and tidy spirit of Stillling Military Academy.

Augustus got out of the car, and Kerrigan, who was holding Princess Louise in his arms, waved to the enthusiastic crowd, and then walked through the porch supported by yellow marble pillars at the entrance of the military academy.

When entering the campus, the first thing you see is the green grass, sports fields and library. In the teaching area in the distance are rows of white and tall masonry buildings.

The cadets of each phase of the military academy were already standing neatly on the playground, and the teachers were counting the number of people present. Since the Territory Empire's territory is so vast, spanning the entire Koprulu sector, students from all over the country are never able to attend the opening ceremony in time.

This is despite the fact that the vague geographical concept of the Koprulu Sector continues to expand with the continued expansion of the Tyranid Empire. Some students just spend several months on the road.

In the long run, the Sigma Sector will also be expanded into the territory of the Tyranid Empire. The Imperium of Mankind, under the rule of Emperor Augustus Mengsk, was entering a phase of accelerated expansion that far exceeded any period in the history of the old Terran Confederation.

As soon as Augustus entered the playground, the students in black uniforms started cheering. The teachers obviously couldn't keep order, because even they were doing that.

As soon as the emperor waved his hand, he caught a glimpse of the words engraved on the entrance to the playground: For the Empire! Let's go! --Marshal Edmund Duke, Admiral of the Navy.

This person is a typical example of someone who loves great achievements. He likes to brag to others and make up history. If it weren't for Duke's deeds in the typical case in the reference book, people in the Imperial Naval Academy would have almost believed his lies.

Edmund Duke, the only redeeming quality of this man was that he never won a quarrel or was defeated in a fight. As soon as Augustus gave an order, Duke would immediately lead his men to charge forward, no matter who the enemy was.

Even if someone told Duke that you were facing a fleet of gods, he would still rush up and slap the enemy twice.

Augustus simply promoted Duke to admiral. The old man who loved Desser naturally tried his best to avoid being removed from his position like Tychus.

"You're finally here, Augustus, we've been waiting for you." Principal Jim Reynolds, wearing the same black uniform, walked over from the tree-lined path on one side.

This year, Renault is already twenty-nine years old, and he is no longer the young boy he was when he was just starting out. More than ten years ago, Renault was still a farm boy in Shiloh. The federal Goliath robot just walked around in front of this guy, and the latter got on the pirate ship with eyes shining.

Of course, a person like Renault is not destined to be bound to the land beneath his feet. He must have a look outside the sky.

Leno is much more mature than in the past and has grown a beard. Now, he can proudly say that he has truly become the hero his father expected.

Jim Raynor, one of the Emperor's most trusted military leaders.

His father pursued fairness and justice throughout his life and had a clear conscience, but he never asked his son to be like him.

"These children are the hope of the future of the empire." Augustus found that he could naturally call all the students in the college children.

Although he can still be called young, he is about to enter the age of thirty.

"Yeah, they're just as old as they were when we got to Turasis boot camp," Leno said.

"Now you are also a principal, hahaha, your original dreams have come true one by one." Augustus laughed at Principal Lei:

"I'm so happy for you, bro."

Only then did Augustus notice that behind Reno was a child with darting eyes. That was John Reno. This child is extremely intelligent and has a very keen sense of telepathy. People's thoughts cannot escape his eyes.

In a flash, John was seven years old, as old as Augustus was when he first met Valerian.

"Johnny." Augustus opened his hand, and John immediately jumped into the godfather's arms. A seven-year-old boy is no longer young, but the emperor of the Terran Empire has not relaxed his training. He is still very strong, and his arms are full of muscles.

Augustus was not a tall and thin man. He was tall and strong, and his muscles seemed to come from a lion.

"The happy days of the past are gone forever. I would rather go back to Mar Sara and be a cowboy, and occasionally go to Shiloh to reminisce about my childhood days," Reno said.

"I can't live without you." Augustus said: "None of you guys who sent me to the throne of God can even think of running away."

"The arrival of the second total war will not be too far away. The protoss also issued an early warning. Tassadar told me that his reconnaissance fleet discovered many strange zerg species on the edge of the Koprulu system. These strains are from this It just popped up in two years." He said:

"It is foreseeable that this is preparation for a larger war."

"You're not old yet, Jimmy. Your heroic legend has only just begun."

All in all, this year is the year when the first batch of students from the Stillling Memorial Military Academy graduate, and they have entered various imperial armies as the backbone of the new generation. As soon as they graduate, they may have to face the ensuing all-out war.

Zerg are still the greatest enemies of humans and protoss.

How long can the peace in the Koprulu sector last? The prosperity and tranquility of Augustgrad will eventually be broken one day.

Augustus walked up to the podium with worry to address the new students attending the opening ceremony. He may never know that a student named Istel Foss was cheering for him in the audience.

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