StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 559 The Second Total War

"The Kolykov outpost fell, the Blinoel settlement was attacked by zerg, and the reports of sightings of Gromel, Valias, and Sango continue to increase."

There are hundreds of control screens flashing at the same time in the control center of the Augustgrad Palace. Information from various departments across the Tyran Empire will be gathered here in front of Emperor Augustus Mengsk.

At this moment, the central main screen is displaying the picture transmitted from Blinol. The immigrants are retreating in an orderly manner under the protection of the nearby imperial fleet. Frightened and bewildered people lined up to board transport ships and warships, and the spaceships took off one after another, leaving the unfinished city behind.

The other display screen is a star map composed of countless straight lines, curves and numbers. On it, the area belonging to the Tyranid Empire has a golden and red flag, and hundreds of red dots are moving from the lower right corner of the star map in an extremely slow and timely manner. The calculation speed penetrates towards the empire's territory.

These red dots have covered the four imperial settlements. Several or dozens of red dots are divided into different clusters by circles of different colors: the green Zulwen primitive insect swarm and the Yagdra primitive insect swarm. , Srivan primitive swarm, red Tiamat swarm, purple Jörmungandr swarm, orange Gamu swarm

"How is the evacuation going? Regal is in charge of this." Augustus was still sleeping when the news of Kolykov's fall came back to Korhal. As soon as I woke up, the bad news kept coming.

Fortunately, Augustus had anticipated this and did not show any panic in front of people. As ruler of the Terran Empire, any negative emotions he has are amplified among those below.

When disaster strikes, people never want to see their leader unprepared for it, panicking like an unreliable wimp, and that's all.

"General Regal used all available ships to evacuate more than 60,000 immigrants from Blinouel in a timely manner. Except for two people who were injured due to accidents, there were no other casualties." Opposite was an Imperial man. Officials of the Department of Security, which is divided into two departments: the Department of Internal Security and the Department of External Security. The former has functions equivalent to the Department of Homeland Security, and the latter is the Department of Defense.

"The General begs you to punish him because he thinks he has lost His Majesty's Brinoel."

"I will not punish anyone unless they abandon their own people and run for their lives alone." Augustus' serious expression did not change at all. He would never punish his generals for such a thing:

"On the contrary, I want to commend Rhaegar, who made the most correct decision and helped the empire avoid countless losses."

Brinoel is a potential settlement that has been discovered in the old Federation era. It is very similar to the human home planet Earth, and has a single natural satellite similar to the moon that can provide stable tidal force.

It is a lush planet with numerous low-level plant communities and native creatures in the insectoid stage. In Bullinoel, where its plants struggle to compete with the best-of-the-best human crops, farmers simply sow and wait for harvest.

Such a planet is really rare on the edge of the barren galaxy, which means that the empire can acquire a very valuable colony with only a small investment of resources.

Therefore, when Augustus compiled the database left by the old federation, he immediately made Blinoel his first colonial target.

In the past four years, the Tyran Empire has established more than two hundred new colonies. From a purely rational perspective, the resources of these colonies can be used not only to build fleets to support the army, but also to expand the strategic depth of the empire.

Of course, Augustus formulated clear policies to protect the interests of these emerging colonies, establishing local governments with a revolutionary party at the core to increase control. The empire learned from the lessons of the old federation and did not regard the new colonies as sources of raw materials that could be plundered. It also explicitly prohibited capitalists from controlling the local economic lifeline.

"Now the immigrants from Blinoel are evacuating to the core world, and the immigrants from Gromel, Valias and Sango have also boarded the ship." The official continued:

"The primordial zerg had a chance to intercept, but they seemed to have little interest in attacking us."

The term "Primordial Zerg" comes from a Dark Templar Dark Priest named Azma, who also appeared in the report of Commander Paul of Kolykov Base.

Dark Master Azma believed that this new zerg species was the ancestor of the Broken Swarm, even though the two different races had long since diverged in their evolutionary paths. The dominant swarm is a distinct hive mind, while the primitive zerg emphasizes the individual.

Both groups are able to evolve themselves by hunting for high-quality genes, but the original zerg emphasize independence and individuality, while the other group is loyal to the concept of the group rather than any one of them.

The wormhole opened by the new Overlord when escaping from Char led to the birthplace of the Zerg, the planet called Zerus by the original Zerg.

Obviously, this was also recognized by Emperor Augustus. The zerg are aliens, they did not grow from the lava of Char.

The new master's swarm is chasing the primitive zerg. They are too busy running for their lives to pay attention to humans. Humans are not very attracted to the primitive zerg, which may be one of the reasons.

However, this respected dark patriarch has been missing since then, and Augustus believes that he will definitely return to Sagulas to move reinforcements. The zerg appear again, and the protoss of Dallam will not ignore them.

In fact, even over the past four years, the Protoss have been tirelessly burning bugs across the galaxy.

"I need an exact number. This number must prove that no one has been left behind." Augustus said to the Imperial Security Department official:

"Give it to me as quickly as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Augustus, have you figured out the reason for this invasion?" At this time, Marshal Jim Reynolds walked in wearing a black military uniform. Because it was raining outside, there were signs of getting wet on his clothes.

"Look." Augustus drew a line on the star map with his hand: "Priest Azma gave us a lot of very important information."

"Four years ago, the opposite side of the wormhole opened by the second Overlord was the place where the Zerg was born. The first Zerg came from there." He said: "Zerus, the hometown of the Zerg."

"When the wormhole opened, Azma and his Dark Templar warriors were also involved. Since then, they have been observing and studying these two different zerg groups on Zerus."

"He believes that at some point a long time ago, the first generation of Overlord left Zerus with a part of the zerg, and this part of the zerg was the predecessor of the overlord swarm. And the part of the zerg that stayed in its hometown evolved For today's primitive zerg, they retain some of their ancestor's genes."

"After the second-generation Overlord returned to Zerus, a protracted war immediately broke out between the two groups. The entire planet became a cruel battlefield. Countless zerg died, countless zerg were born, and the cycle started again. These two Once races have the same origin, they can quickly complete evolution by plundering each other's high-quality genes, so the differences between them are constantly shrinking."

"In the end, the primitive zerg were defeated, left Zerus for the first time, and began their escape."

"Does that mean we are right on the escape route of these monsters?" Renault's face was clouded.

"Yes, but I guess it's not 'just in time'. The Overlord Swarm deliberately drove the primitive zerg in our direction." Augustus shook his head on the main screen, and a Minotaur-class battleship A super monster that was much larger than the cruiser jumped out.

The Minotaur-class battlecruiser was over half a mile long, but less than half as long as the tiny wings on its back.

"It's really insidious," Renault said.

"Zurwin, the ancestor of the worms, Azma, the Dark Priest, saw with his own eyes that it devoured a huge swarm Leviathan alive, and also grabbed a handful of thunder beasts to serve as a side dish for wine." Augustus looked to the side. Renault said. Of course, the sense of humor of the protoss would not be described in this way. This passage is described by Augustus.

What was on the display was a video taken and transmitted back by a distant galaxy detector. Even so, it only captured part of Zulwin's body.

Zulwin has huge curved front legs like Earth's sauropod dinosaurs and rough skin. The skin is covered with layers of joined shield-like scales, each scale being as big as a Goliath robot. But note that its similarity to lizards or other reptiles, such as snakes, only ends there.

This unparalleled primitive zerg is very different from the flying dragon with vibrating leather wings. Zulwen has a huge mouth, a huge body and a pair of giant claws, but its lower body resembles a multi-legged crab. Possessing numerous sharp-edging appendages and tentacles, each one larger than a Valkyrie frigate.

When flying in space, Zulwin is more like a green jellyfish with a hard carapace, but its many eyes that are like molten brass seem to be burning.

"No one is an ally, but a faction of its own." The spiritual language sent by Zulwin was captured and transcribed into human language by human equipment, and it obviously knew that it was communicating with humans.

"Kill or die."

(No allegiance but to self. Kill or be killed.)

"It's really ridiculously big." Renault stroked his recently grown beard: "It seems that the master has called his mother here."

"Zurwen may be the largest single organism we have observed so far. It is the oldest known hunter among the primitive zerg." Augustus called up the intercepted picture of the primitive zerg swarm and enlarged it:

"The difference between this race and the Overlord Swarm is that there is no psychic link between the primitive zerg, and they tend to fight independently. Therefore, psionic emitters, psionic disruptors, and psionic crushers have no effect on the primitive zerg. .”

"Since we can't use psychic technology, we can only use real ones." Reno looked at the enlarged picture of Augustus: "These guys look more like mythical dragons, but they are much weirder."

Some of the primitive zerg flying around Zulwen look like Tyrannosaurus, and some are more like Stegosaurus, with rows of bone plates on their backs, but somehow, these monsters have evolved something similar to The wings and blowholes of pterosaurs are all varied in appearance.

"Steitman told me that the zerg came from a direct copy of a gene, so these bugs are basically the same," he said. "But these, these original zerg are not."

"The good news is that the number of primitive zerg is nothing compared to the swarm of zerg following them." Augustus called up the shocking numbers on the display:

"Bad news: One primitive zerg is worth ten, and the powerful individuals among them, also known as the patriarchs, are even more terrifying."

The red area in the small right corner of the star map is still expanding, and it is obviously only a small part of the huge insect swarm.

"Zerus is in the center of the galaxy, and we are at the edge of the galaxy, separated by a quarter of the galaxy. Who knows how many races they have swallowed up along the way, and how many high-quality genes they have absorbed." Augustus explain.

"Old man, the zerg today are much more powerful than they were four years ago. And they have also learned a lot of new things from the original zerg. There are different strains of zerg guards inside a certain worm hive to protect the brain. insect."

"But you anticipated this situation four years ago, and have been preparing for this day every day since then." Renault said: "But the idiots of the Federation only know how to cause trouble for us."

"Well, I have trouble sleeping and eating every day in the past." Augustus nodded and turned around:

"I originally thought that the Overlord would directly locate Char's coordinates and open the wormhole. Now it seems that it either does not dare to do so, or has given up for other reasons."

The Nidaime was really scared of being beaten, and if you think about it carefully, anyone who received a good beating from the protoss and human heroes when they were just born would still avoid him when they see him in the future.

"It is much better for them to come from a visible direction than to appear inexplicably in the hinterland of the empire."

"Fortunately, we have new weapons and an ace army that is different from what it used to be." Augustus said to Renault: "I have ordered Warfield and Duke's First Fleet (First Fleet) and Second Fleet to report to Noa, Doran, and Aegean planets, where they will snipe the primitive zerg."

"As long as the original insect swarm can be held back, they will be bitten by the insects behind them."

"That old guy Duke was really happy when he heard the news that the zerg was coming back. I almost thought he was in the same group with the worms." Renault paused and looked at the twinkling star map:

"But what about me? What am I going to do now?"

"I think you know the answer." Augustus still answered Renault: "I need you to stay with me to deal with other unexpected situations that may arise."

One wall of the control center is a huge floor-to-ceiling window, which is deeply embedded between brass-colored all-metal frames. It was dark outside and raining heavily. A bunch of bright beams of light flickered in the clouds, which were left behind by the Imperial fleet heading towards low-Earth orbit.

There were no people on the street, and a boy in the distance was running in the rain.

School ended early today and he overslept.

"It's time for formal pre-war mobilization. Korhal doesn't know yet that war is coming." Raynor said:

"Is the speech ready?"

"Open your mouth and come." When Augustus walked out of the control center, the main screen behind him had completely dimmed.

Densely dense worms.

The layer upon layer of biological battleships of the insect swarm occupy the entire Blinol system, even blocking the starlight and the sun. It is nothing more than the passage of locusts.

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