StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 560 Learned Brother’s Operations

Every year, the Terran Empire invests a large amount of imperial credit coins in Korhal's environmental management. Every year, tens of millions of acres of land are rejuvenated with new life due to fast-growing forests and wildly growing grasslands, covering The ocean of radiation dust also became purer.

Since the nuclear explosion, Korhal's moody climate has gradually stabilized, and Augustgrad at this time of year is usually inseparable from several torrential rains that last for several weeks. Amidst the stormy winds and changing weather, only the lights of Augustgrad still shine, and countless neon lights are hazy and psychedelic in the glass curtain wall and rain curtain.

Even with heavy rains, Augustgrad's prosperous industrial parks, business districts, and science and technology parks show no signs of stopping.

Just like when First Contact War came, people were completely unprepared for the arrival of a full-scale war. While the people of Augustgrad were still mourning the fallen soldiers of Kolykov, the Imperial Palace issued numerous decrees aimed at quickly entering the empire into a state of war, and issued conscription orders on all planets.

People's lives were completely changed, and it would be some time before they fully figured it out.

From the stunning giant holographic screen to the streets of Augustgrad, there are notices of mobilization orders, conscription orders, export restrictions and other government orders everywhere. More and more factories have announced that they will switch to the production of military supplies, and drones are delivering the latest printed newspapers and periodicals into the hands of people who are eager to know the truth.

In various public places, the topics people talk about have naturally changed from politics and entertainment to new wars, and the number of people voluntarily donating to the imperial army is also increasing.

Prince Arcturus Mengsk's recent remarks at the recruitment center aroused even more heated discussions. He publicly stated: The swarm is the enemy of all civilization. In the face of the survival of the human empire, there is no civilian left to fight in this war. Word.

The war has just begun, and it is not yet time to mobilize everyone. There must be people in the factories and people in the rear to produce. But if the enemy is a swarm of insects, then you have to consider the worst possibility.

The prince, who is known for his iron-bloodedness and ruthlessness, triggered verbal criticism from some people, departments and the media, but these voices disappeared immediately after he personally led the fleet to the expedition.

If someone complained about the policies of the emperor and the government, he would not necessarily get a response from those around him, but if he said that one of his sons was about to join the army as one of the first conscripts, he would definitely be respected.

If the Emperor of the Terran Empire launches an unjust war that has no apparent meaning, then only those who are truly loyal to the Emperor will support him. But this war is to defend the enemy from outside the country and to protect the homeland of the Tyranids.

Everyone knows who their enemy is, the zerg.

The zerg have never penetrated into a core world like Korhal, but this does not prevent the people who live there from talking about it.

There is a market for forged claims about the existence of aliens just like other anti-intellectual rumors, but there are indeed Zerg on display in Augustgrad, and there is enough evidence to show that there are ferocious monsters like Char in There is so much sand in the desert.

In recent years, alien physiology has become a popular subject, and it is impossible to miss this course in universities in the Terran Empire. Novels about marines and xenomorphs became such a hit that almost every boy's room had a movie poster featuring an Imperial Marine armed with a gauss rifle and a Hydralisk on the wall.

The Empire spared no effort in education and propaganda to reveal the mystery of the two races, Zerg and Protoss, because people must understand who their enemies are, and must understand that to deal with such enemies, they must use strong ships and cannons to win, rather than being superstitious.

On this day, a thoroughfare from west to east led directly to the Imperial Plaza, and the marble pavement was filled with people holding umbrellas. They come from all over Augustgrad, including citizen workers and professional elites in suits and ties.

People here will never forget what they saw today, the day Emperor Augustus Mengsk launched his general mobilization for war.

Many huge monuments and statues stand on the Imperial Forum. Polished limestone columns support the wavy glass dome, and the shining white lights are solemn and solemn. The square was actually built on a hill that had not been bulldozed. It was an imitation of the Augustus altar on Earth. Emperor Augustus and Queen Sarah were climbing up the steps hand in hand, followed closely by the guards. Hold an umbrella for them.

The square is surrounded by tall steel buildings on all sides, and the rain washes away the silent bronze glass curtain walls.

Behind the high platform, two huge Odin MK II mechas were standing calmly. Each Odin cost millions of credit coins to build. Their bodies are decorated with golden five-stars, and the number of golden five-stars represents military rank.

Odin is flanked by four smaller mechas, called Thors - Black Warhammers. Thor is cheaper and smaller than Odin. It is designed for larger needs, and even the mass-produced version has no mecha that can compare with it.

Hundreds of thousands of eyes were watching them. The emperor's prestige was unparalleled among the people of the empire, and his supporters still loved him as much as in the past. Emperor Augustus Mengsk rewarded them with nothing but a look of determination, as he had stood before his people since the fall of Kolykov.

Queen Sarah looked stunning in a plain black gown. The guards were also dressed in black, in mourning for the Imperial soldiers who died on the front lines.

When the emperor read out the general mobilization order, everyone held their breath.

Just as they expected, the emperor's words were still so strong, unquestionable, and full of affection. The Tyranid Empire will never surrender to any enemy, and they will fight off the zerg attacks, just like they have in the past.

Just like in the past, even if we are weak, ignorant, and disunited on a more microscopic level, humans are still the most tenacious race in the universe.

While Emperor Augustus was reading, a huge fleet composed of sixty-five Imperial Minotaur-class battlecruisers was crossing the sky above the lights. These awe-inspiring battleships are like moving steel cities. The towering islands and vertical sides are as high as cliffs. Countless portholes, navigation lights and electronic devices emit dazzling light.

The three ships at the front belong to the independent class of Augustgrad's Pride, and are obviously larger than the other Minotaur-class battlecruisers. Not only is it larger in size, the armor and portholes of the Pride of Augustgrad are also decorated with bronze and gilded golden wolves, and the decoration is as luxurious and shining as the Augustgrad Palace.

The pride of Augustgrad is a powerful capital ship, equipped with a plasma cannon and multiple sub-jump engines that can be activated at the same time. Both firepower and armor belong to the flagship level. Battlecruisers of this class belong to the Royal Guard, and their crews are strictly selected Imperial warriors.

Whenever a Pride of Augustgrad arrives on the battlefield, the morale of the Imperial soldiers will be greatly improved.

At the same time, more than a thousand fleets of fighters, bombers and transport aircraft flew over the Imperial Square in the center of Augustgrad one after another. Some new aircraft models were even shown to the public for the first time. appear in front of.

The most eye-catching one is the Archangel, a massive aircraft that thunders as it flies across the square.

This is not a simple military parade. All the warships fly over the square just to receive the last gaze of the emperor and the people of the empire, and then they will immediately rush to the battlefield.

After four years of hard work, thanks to breakthroughs in modular segmented warship construction technology, the Tyranids' fleet has continued to increase in size. Not counting those still under construction and those that have not been announced, the number of Minotaur-class battlecruisers on the surface has reached 480, which is enough to form a naval squadron from Alpha to Omega.

During wartime, the Empire's many orbital shipyards can also speed up production.

This is also why the Kemorian Alliance and Umoyan dare not have a head-on conflict with the Tyranid Empire. They are simply impossible to rival.

On this day, at many railway stations and ports in Augustgrad, the first batch of young people who were about to go to Turasis II Recruit Training Camp were ready to go.

Turasis II was once the focus of contention between the old Terran Federation and the Kaimorian Federation during the Guild Wars, and there are still many Imperial recruit training camps there.

In this land that once trained Emperor Augustus Mengsk into a true warrior, countless others will follow.

Five million people were drafted into the army on the first day, and this was just the number in the city of Augustgrad. There were more people in the sparsely populated edge worlds who volunteered to join the army than in the core world.

Not only Korhal, Emperor Augustus responded to the call of many people in the land of the Tyran Empire. Among them, the fastest responders were Mar Sara and the Tarsonis. The former was for revenge and the latter was to wash away the shame.

Most of the soldiers who joined the army in 2499 were born between 2478 and 2480. They experienced four years of guild wars as children when they could barely remember. After that, the first contact war and the first all-out war followed one after another.

For these young people who grew up under the rule of the Tyranid Empire, the Empire represented unity and peace. The establishment of the empire stopped artillery fire from falling on their crumbling houses, gave their unemployed parents jobs, and allowed them to return to school after being displaced.

This time they did not enlist for the old Federation's hegemony in the Koprulu sector, but to defend the hard-won peace.

The Guild War originally originated from the greed of federal capitalists and nobles, because they did not want to purchase the ownership of the mining areas discovered by the Camorians through money or interest exchange. In comparison, plundering and enjoying the benefits was more attractive.

A war is enough to change the balance of power between the Kaimorian Empire and the Terran Federation, and then re-divide the colonies in the world.

So the war began, and the rich sent the children of the poor to the war, which in turn provided income for their factories.

And Emperor Augustus convinced the people of the empire that such an era was gone forever during his reign.

Anyone with a clear mind understands that they are fighting for their homeland. The swarm wants to destroy everyone. They are not the protoss. The protoss will at least talk some sense to you.

The arrival of the mobilization order urged couples to get married before the men went to war, so the church in Augustgrad was not enough. Young men and women held weddings at the train station and the star port, and set off after the wedding.

Scenes like this can be seen in many train stations in Augustgrad: when the train starts, the men are still waving from the windows, and countless and unclear white skirts move with the slowly accelerating train, like It's a floating cloud. Flowers were scattered all over the ground, petals flying.

In the military camp, young men and women in black military uniforms were still swearing an oath to the emperor and the empire, while more and more people were working to ensure the logistics of the war. A large amount of arms and supplies were sent to the train. Star port, and then sent to the front line by interstellar cargo ship.

Secretary of State Mike Liberty compared the Tyranid Empire to a super machine. The parts of it prepared for war have not been started for a long time, but the gears can be turned again after being rusted, polished and painted whenever the Emperor needs it. , the steel tracks can roll forward.

The Terran Empire has never launched a war, but it has never stopped preparing for war.

"The navy is the decisive force that determines the direction of the war, but the real battlefield is on the planet." On the way back to the palace from the Imperial Plaza, Augustus was still talking to Marshal Jim Raynor:

"Jimmy, the zerg don't care if a planet becomes barren, but we can't destroy our colonies unless we have to. So we need both more fleets and more marines."

"Fortunately, we are all born as landlubbers, except for Duke." Leno said.

As we all know, the difference between the navy and the army is as great as species.

But in fact, the boundary between the two services is not that strict. If you want to become a true imperial marshal, you must have the ability to command both ground armies and fleets. You cannot be biased at all.

Horace Warfield, Jim Raynor, and Edmund Duke all had this ability.

"Honestly, it's not a good feeling to send those children to the battlefield with your own hands. Let's forget about our old bones, but the best time in the children's lives has just begun." Augustus sighed.

"You're only twenty-nine, why are you talking like you're forty-nine?" Renault said, "I think you should see a psychiatrist. You're still so sentimental after so many years, but you're more ruthless than anyone else on the battlefield. "

"Why are you talking to your emperor?" Augustus glared at him.

"Shit emperor, do you think I haven't seen your naked butt?" Renault said.

So both of them chuckled, and after a while, Renault said:

"I said, you have been preparing for four years. For four years, your family is already strong enough. Just leave the rest to Duke and others."

"Come on, I still hope to win more battles." Augustus clicked his tongue.

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