StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 564 Eat my Yamato cannon

In the jungle of death where the Tyranid Empire fleet's torrential artillery fire intersects with the biomass shells of the primitive insect swarms, countless dexterous and swift fighter planes shuttle between the shadows of large battleships and the extremely ferocious small primitive zerg. A ship like the Valkyrie Frigate is nothing more than a small boat in the stormy sea.

There has never been a human fleet of this magnitude in the Koprulu sector, and there has never been a war like this in the history of Terran humanity.

The empire's top commander, General Edmund Duke, always looked down upon the world, as if he already had a chance to win.

The flagship Norad III was bombarded with artillery fire under the bridge windows. From time to time, huge space torpedoes and ATVX missiles flew past rapidly. The lattice defense system on the ship was using lasers to intercept all kinds of strange and strange missiles that were speeding by. The original zerg projectile spattered highly corrosive acid onto the energy shield.

The battlefield is strewn with debris and stumps, and the rate of loss of life increases exponentially.

The Imperial fleet, which is well versed in the doctrine of firepower superiority, has always had the upper hand. Imperial engineers who designed new warships adopted many groundbreaking ideas in the Minotaur class, such as more laser cannon groups, and missiles for targeting small and agile raiding ships. Secondary guns and additional missile launch bays.

Higher speed, stronger artillery, thicker armor, significantly increased hull volume, and affordable cost make the Minotaur a new class of capital ship for the Tyranid Empire. The newer Gorgon-class prototype Vulcan is said to have firepower like divine punishment.

As for Augustgrad's Pride-class battlecruisers, there are very few, probably only about eight. They are battleships personally commanded by the Emperor of the Tyranids. Some components are not even mass-produced and can only be manually stamped and welded by engineers. In comparison, August's Pride has more powerful firepower, and its more powerful plasma cannon is enough to kill the Minotaur in an instant.

An unknown number of artillery shells were poured onto the battlefield in just over twenty minutes. Used in orbital bombing, this fleet could destroy cities in an instant.

This did not cause ripples in Duke's heart. He had seen more cruel scenes than this. When the Protoss Empire and the Insect Swarm broke out with Aiur as the center, the boundless fleets and the boundless war spanned multiple countries. galaxy.

"Except for the Bennett, Thomas, Flash, and Indomitable Will, which were unable to keep up with the fleet due to damaged hulls, the jump engines of all warships are ready," Scott said.

A picture like this popped up on the main screen of Norad III. The jump technician in the cabin was making final preparations, and the other picture showed the drone assembly platform in the armory.

"Confirm the jump coordinates for the last time, listen to my command and prepare to jump with Norad III." Duke ordered while looking at the mechanical watch in his hand.

Not only the battlecruisers as capital ships, but also frigates and destroyers as small as Viking fighters and Wraith fighters all have different types of jump engines. Although the distance is limited, it is enough to keep up with the short-distance jump of the fleet.

On the tactical headquarters simulated with three-dimensional images, the mighty primitive zerg army was still arriving through the constantly opening wormholes, overwhelmingly rushing toward Duke's Imperial fleet.

The swarm of Slivan, the mother of the primitive swarms, is the largest primitive swarm and wins mainly by sheer numbers. In contrast, Agdra's Ash Worm swarm is composed of a large number of fire-breathing worms that can breathe fire, while Zulwen's swarm is composed of powerful ancient primitive zerg and their countless centuries of history. Made up of the most powerful descendants.

At this moment, the number of the Srivan swarm is close to 100 million, and judging from the calculation of the observation results of the trajectory of the huge original swarm, this is only a part of the original swarm.

However, these insect swarms are not enough to occupy the Bracken galaxy. In the three-dimensional universe, they are just a point emitting heat in the darkness, and they are pink krill accumulated in the ocean.

On the screen, these glowing red lights were densely attacking the Imperial fleet. Even if the Imperial fleet's firepower has a clear advantage, the opponent is still a defender in the eyes of the primitive zerg.

This is not to say that the primitive swarms, like their distant cousins, attack regardless of losses and never fear. The nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is also reflected in the original zerg. The difference is that they only succumb to the strong.

Marshal Duke would not stand here stupidly waiting for the enemy to attack. He spent most of his fifty-year-old life charging into battle, and he had to adopt an offensive strategy even if he only had two landing craft in hand.

As far as the distance between the Imperial fleet and the mother of the swarm Slivan is currently half a star system, the Yamato cannon also has a certain chance of hitting Slivan, but what Duke wants is a precise hit rate, but what he wants is to concentrate his firepower on A single blow kills in an instant.

So Duke's plan was crazy, just like in the past, he was going to jump in his enemy's face, slap him in the face and walk away.

So, after careful consideration, Duke decided to smash the entire fleet directly into the opponent's face. And if the leader is Jim Raynor, he may choose to abandon the Bracken system and pretend to retreat, and then lay many traps on the path that the original insect swarm must pass.

Despite this, Duke is not a brainless man. When he confirms that the situation is over, he will do everything possible to escape. He just likes to keep the initiative on the battlefield firmly in his own hands.

"But what should we do if the battleship is too late to catch up?" Lieutenant Colonel Scott asked.

Obviously, if the fleet makes a jump, the remaining ships will soon be exposed to the terrifying and ferocious fangs and claws of the primitive insect swarm.

Unless the damage to the hull is extremely severe or the jump engine compartment is punctured, it is impossible for a capital ship to be unable to keep up with the jump. This shows that the health condition of the ships Scott mentioned just now is already very bad.

"Once the original insect mother realizes that its life is threatened, it will shrink its population to protect itself, and our people can evacuate safely." Duke just looked at his watch.

Even if Scott didn't explain them one by one, Duke could still count the number of crew members on the four battlecruisers. Although the hull is larger and there are more systems, the Minotaur-class battlecruiser does not necessarily have a larger crew than the Behemoth-class. The superior artificial intelligence-assisted operating system can well make up for the lack of manpower. Optimize unnecessary positions.

The Minotaur-class battlecruiser has a carrying capacity of between 4,000 and 6,000, usually around 4,000, including some Marines. The sinking of a battleship will take away many lives, and the quality of the crew of the First Fleet is the best. It takes more than time and money to train them.

"If this doesn't go as you expect," Scott said hesitantly.

This is a simple and easy-to-understand truth. It is impossible for everything to develop as Duke expected. If Srifan had not done what Duke expected, tens of thousands of people would have been reimbursed.

Edmund Duke was the most experienced admiral in the Imperial Navy, not even Horace Warfield, which was why Emperor Augustus Mengsk entrusted him with such an important role.

Duke's upper and lower limits are very high. When he is strong, he can force Tassadar back, but when he is frustrated, he can't even defeat the pirates. Sometimes it's hard for him to see clearly the enemy's traps, and he's even worse at seeing people.

Using soldiers like a god has no use for Duke at all.

"The Empire will remember their sacrifices, and the Emperor will shed tears for them." Duke's face was cold and expressionless. He was the kind of evil person who would abandon his subordinates and run away. He and Warfield were two extremes. .

"Prepare to jump, countdown command 10." Duke said.

"For the Empire." Scott made a prayer gesture: "For the Emperor."

The whirlpool of time and space flashed away in an instant, and the moment when the imperial fleet flagship Norad III took off seemed to be infinitely stretched by time, but there was not a single ripple.

This was a signal. About 6,000 battleships and fighter planes of various models, including battlecruisers, took off at the same time. Hundreds of thousands of Imperial Navy soldiers loyally and without hesitation carried out the marshal's order. This is a reflection of the Imperial Navy's well-trained training and extremely high morale. Generally speaking, such an order will most likely cause a mutiny.

This massive and epic scene left the primitive zerg at a loss. It probably took them a few seconds to figure out what was going on. Only the psychic super primordial zerg have the ability to jump in deep space, and this primordial zerg is extremely rare among this race.

The imperial fleet jumped over a dozen astronomical units in an instant, like a giant sword piercing the heart of the Slivan swarm. The leaping battlecruiser even smashed many of the battlecruisers at the jump landing point. of the original zerg.

Immediately afterwards, deadly orange single chains poured out from the Imperial warships, and thousands of missiles and space torpedoes were ejected, including super nuclear bombs capable of detaching hundreds of tactical nuclear bombs.

The weapons that poured out immediately cleared a huge empty area in the center of the primitive insect swarm, and the battlefield was reversed. The concentrated imperial fleets lined up one after another, forming a firepower network facing all directions.

This is the Duke offense, plain and simple fleet riding in the face.

Edmund Duke is good at using the advantages in his hands and will not hide them.

This devastating fire strike immediately exploded in the center of the primitive zerg swarm, and even caused fear in some primitive zerg, causing them to flee in all directions. From the perspective of the wisdom of the original zerg, which was still stuck in tribal competition, this is really difficult to understand.

Humans may be one of the strangest races that the original zerg have ever encountered. They can be very united and sometimes rescue the old, weak and sick even at the expense of many people, but sometimes they are very cruel and kill countless people casually. compatriots,

Marshal Duke's flagship Norad III is at the forefront of the fleet, surrounded by countless primitive zerg. Those ferocious-looking primitive bugs have the characteristics of both dinosaurs and insects. Some are as gorgeous as shimmering silver plankton, and some are like Komodo Tyrannosaurus with a huge mouth. The only common feature is that they are all dangerous. And brutal.

Lieutenant Colonel Scott had seen a similar scene in the Marine Ecology Museum in Augustgrad. Outside the huge glass curtain wall, all kinds of strange aquatic creatures were lying on the glass with grinning teeth, trying their best to He stretched out his tongue with all his strength, trying to reach the human inside.

They are so enthusiastic that they want to integrate humans with themselves.

A primitive flying snake leader with a body as long as the Norad III tried to use its long tongue tube to stick to the battleship's shield and pull it towards him. Surprisingly, it almost succeeded. But other small primitive flying snakes that tried to follow suit simply smacked against it.

The energy shield of Norad III only lasted for more than ten seconds before it began to panic. A slight shaking indicated her situation.

But Duke didn't have time to order someone to bring him a glass of Tarsonis brandy. He is so confident that he will win.

Matt Horner uses his troops cautiously, while Duke is just a prodigal on the battlefield. At the gambling table, if Duke had a table of chips, he would definitely put them all on it.

The huge primitive zerg leader Slivan is in the center of the bridge porthole. He is indeed a super monster the size of the moon, a broccoli with a ferocious mouth at its root.

Now, this monster with a bloody mouth is screaming out of fear. It is not a sound, but a scream of the soul that can go straight to the soul. Just such an attack put hundreds of crew members on the Norad III on the spot. Fainted.

Even so, the translated language is still a poetic curse.

Countless primal zerg surrounded and protected their great mother, as if they were at the center of a whirlpool.

After devouring the brainworm, Srivan's wisdom also increased. It shrewdly hid outside the range of human battlecruisers, using the offspring clinging to its World Tree-like body as a barrier.

The main guns of more than one hundred and ten Terran Empire battlecruisers were aimed at Slifan, and the same bright light flickered from the huge muzzle.

"Fire," Duke said.

A compressed nuclear blast penetrated the distance between Norad III and Slivan, the Mother of the Swarm, reducing all primal zerg in its path to ashes. The Minotaur-class battlecruiser's Yamato gun was three times more powerful than the original version and was powerful enough to penetrate the Alexander's armor.

This was a volley of Yamato cannons. More than a hundred beams capable of destroying cities and compressed nuclear explosions bombarded the huge body of Slifan, the mother of the swarm. The explosion caused instantly burned to death countless descendants of Slifan.

Slifan is probably the first individual creature to be able to enjoy this kind of treatment. The previous record holder was the flagship of the old Federation fleet, and she survived the sixth round of Yamato cannon.

More than a hundred, enough to destroy the city of Tarsonis twice.

The roar seemed to still be echoing in Duke's ears, and these Yamato cannons were just opening the way for the fusion missiles behind them. Each battlecruiser carries a large number of fusion weapons, enough to destroy the hive worlds of multiple swarms.

During the continuous bombardment, Srifan's skin was immediately torn apart, his crowned back was torn apart, his body was almost split into two, and blood spurted out like a torrent from a mountain stream.

But even so, Srifan is still alive, but has become weaker.

Suddenly, the primitive insect swarm no longer attacked the imperial fleet, but flew towards Srivan. The scene was eerie, like a colony of ants swarming over molasses.

"They didn't collapse," Scott said.

"But there's no revenge for their mother," Duke said.

Srivan's children are hungry for their mother's flesh, and one of them will take his place.

I feel so bad about not being able to post pictures in this chapter...

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