StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 565 Good news comes frequently

Today's Augustgrad City is already a highly modern super city. The magnificent and beautiful steel and glass buildings are scattered in an orderly manner along the checkerboard-shaped grid lines. Modern technology can be seen everywhere in the clean and beautiful streets.

With the continuous expansion of the empire's territory, some worlds in the old Federation era have become remote on the star map, which is why today's Mar Sara and Antiga can only be regarded as edge worlds. Korhal is the true center of the empire, and places like Fauna II become new core worlds because of their location.

Just walking on the road of Augustgrad, pedestrians can pay a small denomination of imperial credit coins to take out a copy of Imperial Pravda from the AAI propaganda robot along the way or directly watch the generated holographic projection news, even if it is Cleaning bots can be put away even when thrown away, and small drones delivering express mail or fast food can be seen everywhere in the sky.

These robots are designed to be small machines not much bigger than puppies, driven by motors, running around on wheels and short legs. In essence, they are just naive and cute creatures.

Nowadays, single-person hoverbikes are no longer a fashionable means of transportation, and flashy anti-gravity skateboards are the favorite of young people. Nanotechnology has the most prominent impact on people's lives, triggering a technological explosion in the fields of medicine, industry and materials science in the Tyranids.

This is thanks to the people on Earth who have traveled thousands of miles to come here.

On the summer solstice in Augustus, new grass and wild flowers growing on the wasteland grew vigorously in the warm night, and the half-missed blue moon hung brightly in the sky.

Midsummer was supposed to be about lighting bonfires, setting off fireworks, and dancing around the flames, but this was war time, so things were kept simple.

But even so, you can still buy local firewood with a safe radiation index, fireworks imported from Tarsonis, and cheap and high-quality cakes in Augustgrad’s shops. If someone is willing to sing and dance, the laws of the empire will also apply. Not expressly prohibited.

A smarter person would understand that the Terran Empire has enough supplies to cope with this war. The clean and efficient imperial government mobilized the resources of the empire in an orderly manner and dispatched personnel to ensure that military investment would not cause the original production order to collapse.

As for the imperial capital of Augustgrad, residents living there can clearly feel the price increase and the shortage of some commodities, but the government's direct regulation still keeps the prices of daily necessities stable.

On this lush summer night, the wind blowing into Augustgrad carries the fragrance of flowers and plants.

Augustgrad was not much deserted than before the outbreak of the war, but there were fewer people in the business district, because people had to consider the possibility that the war period might continue.

But in public places, in squares, cafes, restaurants and bars, it is still very lively. The first issue of the conscription order recruited about 40 million recruits across the empire. There were 8 million people in Augustgrad alone. This means that on average, one person for every 200 people joined the army, but in the big cities of Nuovo It’s not as if this person has left the building empty.

Adults discussed military strategy in public places in Augustgrad and commented on the unpredictable troop movements. Even children play games where they pretend to be Imperial fleets and zerg, often ending with the crushing of a few innocent Korhar Beetles.

This day was particularly lively, not only because it was midsummer, but also because encouraging news came back from the Bracken front.

That is, Marshal Edmund Duke, commander-in-chief of the Empire's First Fleet, defeated the invading zerg in the Bracken system, beat the crap out of them and wiped out 100 million enemies. The zerg suffered a heavy blow and had to avoid the Bracken system.

Now, this news was broadcast in every conspicuous position. Marshal Edmund Duke and his First Fleet officers immediately became heroes. People had never praised Duke's achievements so sincerely.

If they thought about it again and wanted to count Marshal Duke's glorious achievements in detail, they would find that there was nothing at all. Of course, Duke fought many battles and had countless legendary stories. Even though he made up half of them himself, they are somewhat valuable.

But just the fact that Duke defeated the protoss fleet in Mar Sara alone was enough for him to brag about for a lifetime. Renault and Duke had a sudden disagreement, and this was the only thing he recognized.

Regardless, Duke is now a hero of the Empire, and he fights a tough fight this time.

The Emperor knew that if he was going to launch a determined and hard-hitting attack, it would be Duke.

Of course, the citizens of the empire who had made such remarks before would say that the victory of the imperial fleet is certain. The Empire has invested so much in this fleet, it deserves to win the war.

The Terran Empire's military expenditure is one hundred and thirty times that of the United States of Umojan. Most of this money is spent on the construction of the Imperial Navy. Fortunately, the Minotaur-class battlecruiser is worth its price.

At the same time, the major shipyards of the Terran Empire were still building a new batch of battlecruisers, with the speed increased tenfold compared to before the war.

Trade routes closely linked the various territories of the empire. The engines and electronic systems of the Minotaur-class battlecruisers came from the main star of Tarsonis, the armor was produced by Bronte and Knaff II, and the naval guns were produced by Korhal Arsenal. Production and propulsion systems are provided by Bennett Group and Della Group. The final segment construction process is carried out at Bennett Shipyard, Usa Shipyard and Augustgrad Royal Shipyard in Korhal.

The entire empire's heavy industry was converted to war services, dozens of naval academies were added overnight, and there was a shortage of frontline noncommissioned officers to the point where they could not even be withdrawn to serve as instructors. This terrifying war machine is building its own fleet in large numbers. No Terran human, no matter how old he is, has ever seen such a grand scene.

Even the most cunning Umoyan double agent can't figure out how many fleets the Empire has. The Empire has the First Fleet and the Seventeenth Fleet. In short, it sounds like a lot.

Admirals from the Old Federation era were also reused by Emperor Augustus regardless of past grudges. The most famous among them were the commanders of Alpha Squadron, Nova Squadron and Omega Squadron.

The original colonel and lieutenant colonel suddenly became an admiral and lieutenant general because of the lack of admirals in the Imperial Navy. This situation will be alleviated after the large-scale establishment of naval academies, because these schools are not only open to the civilian class, but even the poorest people can start studying, as long as he proves his ability.

The theory of sea power still applies in the stars and seas. The emperor of the Tyran Empire needs a fleet to open up frontiers for him and achieve immortal achievements.

That night, people who thought they knew the inside story began to talk loudly about the significance of the Battle of Bracken. The Emperor never made it clear to the public why he fought the first battle at Bracken, but for every thousand Imperials there are a thousand Hamlets.

Some people firmly believe that when the swarm approaches the planet Bracken, the war will reach a point where it cannot be fought. Some people believe that Bracken's geographical location is crucial because it is the gateway to the Southwest Empire.

In any case, now is not the time to publish detailed battle plans in newspapers, because brainworms also read newspapers.

The only thing that is certain is that the Battle of Bracken was indeed of great significance. The Tyranid Empire needs a victory to prove its current strength, so that its enemies will carefully consider the price they will pay before launching a large-scale invasion.

Tonight, the streets of Augustgrad were packed with people, and countless people sang the national anthem in front of the statue of former Federal Marshal Fowler. The Marshal never saw the founding of the Tyranid Empire, and he died on the eve of the end of the Guild Wars.

He was a hero of the Tyranids, not the Tyranids, but Emperor Augustus erected a statue of him anyway.

The gathered Augustgraders walked through the streets holding huge portraits of Emperor Augustus and waving flags. Both supporters and opponents of the monarchy were silent. The emperor's authority was unshakable, and humans were happy to extend this respect to his heirs.

As long as they are not too incompetent or too outrageous.

The war has undoubtedly changed the lives of the Imperial people, but at least life has not become too bad. The Tyranids hate war, they have no passion for it, but there is no escape from it.

Now, an indisputable fact has been recognized by the public. That is, the destruction of the corrupt old federation is inevitable, and the Tyranids must have a stoic and decisive leader to lead them.

This is a historical necessity.

Not everyone was immersed in victory. Hundreds of thousands of people spontaneously came to the long river outside Augustgrad and watched many red candles carried by small paper boats flowing down the river. Half of these people were wearing black mourning clothes, and the young widows were crying.

When the news of the victory was rushed back to Korhal, it was also accompanied by a list of casualties. About six thousand people were killed in the Battle of Bracken, not even a body was left.

A fleet was setting sail from the Bracken star port, and the sleeping cabins above carried seriously injured Imperial Navy soldiers. Many of them died on the way.

The fate of these injured Imperial warriors will not end here. The disabled will receive prosthetic limb transplants, and the new limbs will not be much different from the original ones in terms of mobility and function. Soldiers who were too injured to return to the front lines could apply for a job as a military academy instructor, which was the choice most made.

That night, the emperor expressed his condolences to these fallen soldiers. This is an astonishing number.

"Where is Matt?" Emperor Augustus looked less tired tonight than before. Perhaps the news of victory gave him some encouragement.

"At Ponteful, Agdra's Ash Worm swarm is expected to arrive there in two standard days." Royal Guard Captain Faraday said.

Faraday was younger than the emperor, but as calm and rigorous as an old butler.

"If the war starts there, the primitive insect swarm will soon enter our encirclement." Augustus was walking on the road with flashing lights.

At this moment, Horace Warfield's second fleet, Prince Arcturus's sixth fleet and Matt Horner's imperial fleet have deployed a huge one within seventeen light-years of the Bracken galaxy. Pocket array. This big net blocks the original insect swarm's only path, just waiting for them to get in.

Once a fight begins, the loss of battleships and casualties are inevitable.

Augustus knew that the number of casualties at the Battle of Bracken was probably less than one percent of the war.

At the same time, Augustus also deployed a fleet at Charxin, led by Vice Admiral Jackson Holler. Together with Stukov's fleet, there were more than a hundred battlecruisers alone.

Carlos the Cerebrate's Griffin swarm also launched an attack, and it was obviously supported by the Juggernaut.

"It won't be long before the news reaches Augustgrad," Faraday said:

"The Empire will win!"

"Even if you say we might lose the battle, I won't cut off your head." Augustus said.

"We have the most powerful fleet of the Tyranids and the greatest emperor." Faraday said: "It is impossible to fail."

Augustus glanced at Farah for the first time and knew that this was not flattery, that was what she really thought.

"Tychus, what are you doing?" Augustus looked at Tychus beside him, who was rolling his eyes.

"Your Majesty, I want to pee," Tychus said.

"You are really out of your mind." The emperor knew that this guy was angry with him because he refused to let him drive Odin to the front line:

"Don't pee in your pants."

It's not that the empire didn't send Odin into the battlefield, but that Tychus's aircraft was ruined by himself in the past two days. This old boy also knew this, but he was as depressed as a retard.

"I'm going to throw you to Jimmy right now and let him throw you to the worms," ​​said Augustus.

"Yeah!" Tychus cheered.

This is not the streets of Augustus Grad, but the Aurora Royal Shipyard located in Korhal's synchronous orbit.

Next to it was the vast berthing platform of the Aurora Shipyard, and the signal lights of the acceleration track flashed brilliantly in the darkness. In the distance, Korhal IV turned into a dark blue background, with thousands of lights emitted by the spacecraft's wake and navigation lights shining like stars.

Ahead is the core area of ​​the Aurora Shipyard, which has more than a thousand slides of different sizes and dry docks that can accommodate Gorgon-class battlecruisers. Ammunition and supplies are piled in huge supply stations.

In the Aurora Shipyards, the symbols of the Tyranid Empire can be seen everywhere, on every banner and flag.

There is also a city-sized drone manufacturing factory here, where tens of thousands of assembly workers are working at the same time to produce attack drones (Assault drones) and fire-suppression drones that can be carried by battlecruisers. , lattice defense drones, repair drones (Repair drone), auxiliary targeting drone (Targeting drone) and a series of drones.

Thanks to the advancement of AI technology, Augustus cooperated with the United States of Umoyan to develop new intelligent machinery. However, the current technology is still not perfect and needs to be assisted by manual operation.

These drones can replace fighter planes in bombing, interception or rescue missions.

A battlecruiser can also be a drone mothership. This small drone does not take up much space. As long as the drawings are uploaded to the control center, any imperial starport can be produced.

Parked in a dry dock was the Hyperion, which was undergoing repairs. This old-fashioned Behemoth-class battlecruiser was a hero of the empire, and even now Augustus is reluctant to retire her.

When Augustus walked to the cabin entrance of the Hyperion and took a look, the engineers inside were floating in the air, working with wrenches.

"Boys, I've fixed the gravity compensator!" Swann's loud voice suddenly came.

Before he finished speaking, the engineers fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

Augustus originally wanted Swann to be a cabinet minister, but Mrs. Mainho refused to do anything and wanted to hang out with nut-wrench oil. His pleasure in life was drinking beer from a big, round wooden barrel cup. Chew on pretzels.

Swann married several times, but none of them went smoothly.

"It seems you already know." Swann felt aggrieved:


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