StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 568 Strange Creatures

That night, the General Staff outlined a detailed plan in accordance with the emperor's order, covering everything from troop mobilization to logistical supplies. Augustgrad's bureaucracy was very efficient and organized, and the army set off as soon as equipment and supplies arrived.

Among the troops reinforcing Tasha, in addition to the Carolina Davis fleet, there is also the Fourth Fleet stationed on Tarsonis Prime. The commander of this fleet is the famous Vice Admiral Pryor.

Both fleets are large mixed fleets, with battlecruisers, light cruisers, frigates, destroyers, minelayers, landing ships, high-speed transport ships and drone carriers that meet the standard organization, which are sufficient to deal with various forms of current wars.

At the same time, many naval fleets also arrived at the front lines of planets such as Zern, Gargres, New Alsace, New Wickingham, Gartlet, and New Caribbean. They were commanded by outstanding and prestigious generals from the Tyran Empire. , has made immortal achievements in the wars against the swarms.

On the other hand, Korhal and the people of the entire Empire certainly knew nothing about this at this time, and they were still discussing when the Protoss Empire, an ally of the Tyranid Empire, would launch an attack.

As for the Emperor of the Empire, Augustus Mengsk, by the time he actually got the detailed battle plan, the scorching summer sun in Augustgrad had already risen.

There is no way to continue sleeping this day.

Of course, three hours was enough for Augustus, who had just turned twenty-nine. He had plenty of energy to rule his empire from the throne of the palace. Although there were a large number of court ministers to share the worries, there was much that Augustus had to do personally.

Augustus did have a group of hard-working bureaucrats, most of whom were young backbones of the Pan-Talonian Party. The older people had also shown their talents in the corrupt old federation.

The emperor already owned an empire and was still so diligent and self-controlled. The wealth, power, and fame in this world were all at his fingertips, but he didn't take any of them.

The two palace maids served breakfast and hot tea and hurriedly left. They knew that every document and order on the emperor's desk would determine the future direction of the great Terran Empire.

It is rumored that all the great nobles of Tarsonis have been purged, but this is not the case. The daughters of noble nobles with innocent wealth can still enter the palace. They are all born beautiful and charming, gentle and virtuous, full of youthful vitality.

Emperor Augustus did not have an excessive taste for beauty. He could put his hands under the skirts of the palace maids and caress their round thighs, just like those Tarsonis financial tycoons who kept young girls in captivity, but other Amazing restraint throughout.

At this moment, in Augustus' office with bright windows and clean windows, the air cleaner was working to bring in a refreshing cool breeze, keeping the temperature, air pressure and humidity here at the most comfortable level.

The furnishings of the emperor's office are much simpler than those in other parts of the palace, with only some colorful carpets and tables and chairs made of bamboo. Sometimes there would be a palace pet sitting on the cushion next to it, usually a bulldog or a brainworm.

In addition to pens and documents, there are several battleship models on the desk, including the Gorgon (Gorgon) class battleship that was newly sent by Rory Swanto, the chief engineer of Aurora Shipyard. Cruise ship.

The Gorgon battlecruiser was exactly twice the size of the Minotaur and was large enough to fill Char's Bone Trench. No matter what, the older one always looks mighty and domineering.

The Gorgon Battlecruiser will surely become the pride of the Tyranid Empire.

Augustus looked out the window at the pure sky of Augustgrad and the golden sunshine scattered in the huge glass windows, and once again focused on the plan submitted by the Empire's High Command - namely, by Jim. Marshal Reynaud proposed and formulated the plan to divert the disaster eastward.

Augustus always gave full trust to the generals of the empire and allowed them to do whatever they wanted. In the era of the revolutionary army, which was short of talent, Augustus personally commanded the fleet, but when the empire's army was far more numerous than before, and when he had a reserve of talented generals, all that was needed was trust.

A brief summary of the plan to divert trouble to the east is to avoid fighting with the main force of the primitive zerg to preserve their vitality, forcing the primitive zerg swarms to redirect around the territory of the Tyranid Empire, and let the Tal'darin protoss, the neighbors of the Terran humans, deal with them.

Naturally, it is not easy to achieve this goal.

Marshal Reynold described this as herding sheep, and the Imperial fleet were herders on horses and with sheepdogs. Obviously, compared to the sheep, the original zerg is like a lion and a mouse sleeping together, and there is no comparison at all.

If you are not careful, the out-of-control primitive zerg may poke holes in the Tyranid Empire one after another as it rushes left and right.

Reno believes that the more complex a combat plan is, the more likely it is to have accidents, so his plans are often known for being simple and crude but surprisingly effective. Even so, a large fleet is still needed to pursue and intercept.

Overall, the key to this war is massing troops, attacking by surprise, and concentrating superior forces at points of contact.

The officers of the Imperial General Staff are all excellent, with great strategic vision and military literacy. Under the leadership of General Ulysses, they further improved it and discussed it in sections to add details to ensure the smooth implementation of the combat plan.

It would have been nice to have protoss help, but the zerg were attacking Sargulath in another direction at the same time, and they came from Aiur. For unknown reasons, Aiur's wild zerg once again united into a huge group and launched an attack on the colonies of the Protoss Empire, so the Duram Protoss of Sagulath are now also in a state of distress.

In this way, the Tyranid Empire had to face the swarm on its own.

From Augustus's perspective, this was a disturbing signal, because the trajectory of the world had undergone tremendous changes, and the emergence of the original swarm and the El swarm was not in his expectation.

Augustus didn't know if this meant that Amon's plan to destroy the world was about to be brought forward.

But even according to the original timeline, the final apocalyptic battle was only a few years away.

Naturally, Augustus had to worry.

At this moment, the door to the Emperor's office was opened, and Queen Sarah Kerrigan walked in.

"You look really good." Augustus raised his eyelids and said to Kerrigan who walked in: "New ghost equipment?"

Today, Kerrigan was wearing a white ghost combat uniform inlaid with blue circuits on the surface. The tight-fitting combat uniform fully showed off her curvy figure. Now Kerrigan is no longer the budding girl, she is now as juicy as a ripe kiwi fruit.

Kerrigan's suit is very different from the ordinary ghost combat suit. The most important thing is the pair of blades on her back made of titanium alloy memory metal and nano-regenerated materials.

This pair of detachable sickle-shaped mechanical appendages was designed by Egon Stetman, Rory Swann and Karax. It has an extremely small nano-neural interface connected to the user's hindbrain nerves and can act like The hydralisk's bone scythe stretches, cuts and chops with ease.

The weapon was designed specifically for Sarah Kerrigan and could only be wielded by a psyker as powerful as her. Even if it is interrupted, this pair of war blades made of nano-regenerated materials can quickly recover in a very short time.

Ghost Queen.

As the noble queen of the Tyranid Empire, Kerrigan no longer has the need to fight in person, and even without using such weapons, she can rip out the throats of her enemies with the power of her mind alone.

Such weapons are designed to deal with situations when psychic powers cannot be used.

"Yes, modern technology is really advanced." Kerrigan said as she walked.

With that said, Kerrigan snapped her fingers with her other hand, and several royal ghost figures in light golden uniforms appeared: "Your Majesty the Queen."

Kerrigan waved her hand, and the ghost agents of the Royal Guard disappeared into the shadows. Among the ghost agents here, the lowest PSI level is level 7. Killing someone with your mind is like picking something out of a bag.

"You still can't forget these high heels." Augustus noticed the alloy high heels Kerrigan was wearing.

"Egon said this could be used to kick people," Kerrigan replied.

Ghost agents don't fight in high heels, but these super-soldiers with extraordinary physical abilities can kill people with their swan dance even in ten-inch heels.

Augustus' heart almost stopped when he thought of the image of the bald, greasy middle-aged man, Sacco Angelini, the principal of the Ghost Military Academy, fighting on high heels.

"This is something he will do." Augustus commented: "It will make your walking look more elegant and more queenly."

"What a sweet mouth." Kerrigan walked to Augustus' desk: "But do you really think so in your heart?"

"Even couples need a little private space." Augustus hummed.

"I heard Tasha was under attack." Kerrigan held the blue combat goggles with her hand on her protruding crotch.

"It's not just Tasha." Augustus dug out a report from the pile of documents next to him.

"Primitive zerg have been discovered in more than thirty worlds, and nine of them are currently at war, which means that the territory in the southwest corner of the Tyranid Empire has turned red." He said: "Our warriors are on those planets. A bloody battle with the primitive zerg."

"As much as it pains me, I must be prepared to abandon these worlds, and I have ordered the evacuation of the inhabitants of planets in the war zone."

"We must not give up these worlds easily unless we have to. Every time the swarm acquires a planet and converts it into a brood world, the enemies we have to face will increase exponentially."

Kerrigan nodded. "That's why we fight on enemy soil whenever possible."

The planet's output, including the food it relies on for survival, are very important to humans, but the Zerg don't have so many concerns. This means being barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

"Guess what important information our friend Dark Master Zeratul sent." Augustus looked at Kerrigan and said.

"The coordinates of Zerus? The birthplace of the zerg, the true home of the swarm, its status is equivalent to the earth to humans, and El to the protoss." Kerrigan immediately saw what Augustus was thinking.

"I asked you to guess, but you never guessed." Augustus was helpless. His inability to tease the lovely queen made life less fun. In comparison, his stupid eldest nephew is much easier to play.

"What are you going to do?" Kerrigan made a fire gesture: "Blow up Zerus?"

"I decided to send a detachment of the expeditionary fleet to raid Zerus, led by Jaco." Augustus turned on the holographic projector on his desk, and a yellow and green planet was suddenly on it.

Augustus is well versed in my eldest brother Sun Yifeng's family-changing strategy. As the saying goes, advantages can be changed into families, disadvantages can be changed into families, and everything can be changed into families.

"Zeratul is there."

Zerus was originally a green planet, but now seen from outer space orbit, ugly scars are all over it, like an ugly scab wound.

Now Zerus has been transformed into the mother nest world that dominates the insect swarm. Countless hatcheries, splitting pools and evolutionary chambers are scattered all over it. Walking on Zerus, every time you throw a stone, you can hit one. A zerg.

"Huh? What is Zeratul doing there?" Kerrigan has a very good relationship with Zeratul, who can be said to be her teacher.

"He said that he received inspiration from Xel'Naga and decided to go to Zerus to find out." Augustus replied:

"As for what he found in Zerus, we will only know after some time."

"The old man never refused to explain the whole situation directly." Kerrigan stared into Augustus's eyes:

"Zerrus is important?"

"Very, very, very important." Augustus paused and finally emphasized:

"It has to be in our hands."

"Zerus is separated from the Koprulu star sector by a quarter of the galaxy, and communications can't keep up." Kerrigan just knew that Zerus was important, but didn't understand why Augustus was so sure. Generally speaking, although Zeratul always misses the mark and speaks vaguely, he almost never makes a mistake.

"The expeditionary force will be isolated and fighting alone. But Jaco is qualified for the job. I also sent Hank to set fire to the mountain." Augustus nodded.

Each of the two first-generation demons of heaven was Augustus's confidant brother.

"Hank?" Kerrigan smiled: "If he appears, someone will be unlucky."

Augustus thought for a while, and then took out a printed picture, which was cut out from the Ian crystal image sent back by Zeratul.

Dark Patriarch Zeratul is in a withered primitive jungle, and the dead ferns smell of decay and decay.

It was a picture magnified many times, and Zeratul wasn't even the main character in the picture. Deep in the withered jungle, a multi-armed small tyrannosaurus with a goatee was hiding in the tree crown and quietly observing Zeratul.

There are still primitive zerg left in Zerus now, and they are still resisting.

"What is this?" Kerrigan asked.

"Strange thing." Augustus quickly answered Kerrigan's doubts about why he listed this creature alone.

He took out many more photos from various planets, and this small tyrannosaurus-like creature appeared on each planet.

Even Korhal.

"I have ordered a manhunt for this primitive zerg."

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