StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 569 The Bard of Zerus

Today is another day when Augustgrad is in safety.

Malcolm Kelerchian is an experienced Imperial agent. Counting the time he spent in the Tarsonis Police Department before joining the Imperial Security Agency, he can be regarded as an experienced expert in this line of work.

As an agent within the Imperial Security Service, Kelekian's duty is to combat all attempts to subvert the Terran Empire, which means he and his colleagues are responsible for criminal cases, counterintelligence, and counterterrorism. .

Keleqian is a case-handling expert with keen insight and careful thinking. He has solved three times the number of cases as his colleagues, which has won him the appreciation of his boss and the opportunity for promotion and salary increase.

As a result, Kelekian was transferred to the newly established Psychic Investigation Division last year, specializing in investigating cases related to psychic and non-human crimes.

In other words, Kelekian has been fighting against the Umoyan Shadow Guards and other sneaky non-human alien creatures that have infiltrated Augustgrad since then. This kind of non-human alien creature mainly refers to a species of zerg called Mimic Hatchlings, which only appeared in the past year.

Even among the zerg, the Mimic Hatchlings are extremely weird creatures. They are twisted alien shapes composed of biochemical induction substances, thick nutrient mucus, muscles and organs, and can perfectly transform into the humans they have seen. There is nothing wrong with this kind of simulation in terms of appearance, and even family members have a hard time telling the real thing from the fake one.

Moreover, the mimic hatchlings have very high intelligence and can even use computers, which increases their danger even more.

These mimic hatchlings are almost pervasive, and they often sneak into the empire's military bases or the homes of high-ranking officials to steal confidential information. At present, the people of the empire know nothing about the existence of this creature, but as its range of activities continues to increase, it is only a matter of time before the number of sighting reports continues to increase.

Keleqian saw this thing once two months ago. The person who noticed it was an official from the Imperial Intelligence Department. He drank some wine and was so dazed that he didn't realize that the sexy blond took the initiative to embrace him in the middle of the night. Something's wrong with the girl. By the time the girl turned one of her hands into a sharp bone blade, it was already too late for the idiot who was immersed in pleasure.

But since there are aliens in this world who can discharge electricity, it is normal for some strange things to appear. Ten years ago, if someone told Kelekian that someone could choke another person to death with "willpower", he would just say, man, you are so funny.

These days are so bizarre, with monsters and monsters running rampant, Augustgradu has psykers, protoss, zerg and shape-shifting creatures gathered together, giving the Imperial Security Bureau a headache.

No, the mission given to Kelekian from above this time seems weird.

No matter how many times Kelekian confirmed it, he still felt that the monster on the wanted poster looked very much like the dinosaur toy he had when he was a child. It was a tyrannosaurus with several small arms. But dinosaurs became extinct on Earth 65 million years ago.

His mission is simply to arrest one or more dinosaurs scurrying around in the world of reinforced concrete and glass at the end of the 25th century. It is almost like a story from Jurassic World.

From the perspective of convergent evolution, if the environment of a certain planet is very similar to that of the Earth in the age of dinosaurs, then it is not completely impossible to develop a race with the same physiological structure that has evolved to the extreme for brutal killing.

As far as Kelekian knows, this is a primitive zerg, a branch of the zerg. Their evolutionary path may have diverged from the current zerg tens of millions of years ago.

Everyone knew that the Tyranid Empire was fighting the original zerg, but it was still on the border of the Empire, far away from Augustgrad. Now that such a creature has openly infiltrated Korhal, someone must have lost their official title for it.

In any case, Emperor Augustus must have been extremely angry, otherwise he would not have used so many people or even an army to search for this primitive zerg. You must know that almost all Kelekian's colleagues were sent out. It is conceivable that if the residents of Augustgrad find that the zerg has appeared on their doorsteps, public order will be greatly affected.

Taking a step back, Keleqian simply couldn't imagine how many people this ferocious and violent monster had eaten in Augustgrad. Any missing report might point to a terrible tragedy.

Even if he doesn't take credit for his achievements, Keleqian believes that he has an obligation to maintain order in Augustgrad City.

That's right, he was that kind of decent imperial agent who silently guarded Augustgrad from behind. In the end, he walked away, hiding his merit and fame.

"Mal (Malcolm's nickname), I dare say that primitive zerg must be here. Believe me, I can smell the zerg on it."

"Yes, but you have to take care of yourself, little girl." As a veteran, Kelekian is also guiding the newcomers: "It says that this primitive zerg is very dangerous. Once encountered, you must call for support immediately, but you cannot do it yourself. Just rush forward.”

Of course, he is not a pure newcomer. He is a top student who graduated from the psychic reaction department of the Usa Ghost Military Academy. He is a telepath with a level 7 psychic ability. This kind of talent is just put down to practice, and will have to be transferred back to the headquarters after a while.

People who come out of the Ghost Military Academy are often guys with upturned noses and a cold face. But the little girl who followed Keleqian was a girl with a good personality. She was lively, cute and considerate. She was simply the white moonlight in the hearts of men.

Delta Ambrose, number X10128B, is a petite girl with ocher hair and green eyes. She has extremely strong telepathy, and her special abilities are fire control and precognition.

"Okay, I know, I know." Delta replied a few words and said to Kelekian:

"Follow me quickly!"

In the central park of the city of August Grazulian, Delta, wearing a black Bureau of Investigation uniform, is a pretty sight.

Kelekian also admitted that the other party was beautiful and that Delta was definitely an excellent choice for his girlfriend, but he stayed away from her except at work. This was not due to the age gap between the two, but because Kelekian suffered from severe headaches whenever he was near the telepath.

Keleqian's psychic level happens to be 3.5. This level does not have the telepathy ability that is at least level 5, but it is very sensitive to people with telepathy. The reaction on his body is a headache and he must eat Medicine can relieve it.

In the past, the old Federation used people with similar abilities to search for people with telepathic abilities, but the current Terran Empire no longer does this. Usually, the Terran Empire does not need to establish a special organization to search for telepaths. Their parents will send their children to specialized schools themselves.

"Do you really think that guy is hiding here?" Kelekian is still dubious about Delta's statement. You must know that Surian is considered the central area of ​​​​Augustgrad, and the original zerg mixed into the population. What exactly do you want to do in a dense area?

The people in the outer city haven't had enough. Does this monster come in and want a change?

Why did it come to Augustgrad? If you just want to eat people, there is no need to go to the heavily guarded capital of the Tyran Empire.

The intelligence of advanced primitive zerg is generally higher than that of their distant relatives, but except for some extremely special individuals, the intelligence is very limited.

Some Tyran Empire alien biology experts believe that the primitive zerg are a group of creatures that imagine what they can eat to make up for what they want, although they do not appear smarter after eating human brains.

But this one must have very high intelligence. Even if it eats many people, its modus operandi must be quite clever. Nowadays, the police department and security agents of the Tyranid Empire are not the idlers of Tarsonis. It is difficult to imagine that a primitive zerg can lurk in Augustgrad for so long.

Judging from its movement trajectory, it is quietly approaching the palace.

It's really bad.

Kelekian couldn't help but think that if this monster came to assassinate the emperor, then he must not let it succeed.

Although he only met the emperor a few times, Kelekian firmly believed that the Tyranid Empire must not lose Augustus Mengsk.

He was not an enthusiastic supporter of Emperor Augustus, but he was a thoroughly intelligent man.

"I'm sure, one hundred percent sure," Delta said.

"Another nightmare?" Kelekian followed the bouncing little girl, feeling like an old father going shopping with his daughter:

"You know, this ability always goes wrong."

Delta has precognitive abilities, as do some of the Protoss Dark Templars, and even the dead First Overlord may have had them.

But Delta's ability is not very stable. She often has nightmares, and these nightmares often point to a terrible future. But she doesn't see far, and she doesn't always see accurately.

Even so, it is precisely because of this ability that Delta and Kelekian become an excellent team partner.

"Occasionally things go wrong," Delta added.

"You probably get it right a few times out of a thousand," Kelekian said.

"As long as it succeeds, even if it is right once in a thousand times, it is enough." Delta replied.

She's right.

"After that, I had several more nightmares, and I'm sure it was here. I'm very familiar with this situation. Ah ha, I will definitely succeed this time." She seemed very excited and motivated, and followed Tasang. The old fritters in the Nice police station who just want to hang out and fish are in sharp contrast.

But that's what girls this age should be like.

He didn't look like he had lost his parents at all.

"When did you not say that?" Kelekian could only say, but he still did not let go of any clues in Surian Square that might have been missed.

"This time is the most special one." Delta snorted.

Surian Square was designed by a famous architect. The architecture is magnificent and magnificent, showing the majesty of the empire. A path paved with white gravel winds past pretty light fountains and tree-lined boulevards to the Imperial Gallery, where a statue carved from white Moria marble depicts Emperor Augustus on a horse.

Whenever they see this statue, the people of the Terran Empire will remember who created their happy and peaceful life today.

Since there was not enough evidence that the original zerg was here, Kelekian did not receive much support, but he still tried every means to raise the banner of his immediate superiors and asked the Surian Police Department to persuade them to leave the square. pedestrians.

If the original zerg was found, it would probably be up to Delta to take action.

In fact, this little girl is very powerful, probably even a hundred Kelechians can't do anything to her.

Delta carries a Umoyan laser pistol hidden under her uniform, but she never fails to use it.

If it were on ancient Earth, Delta would probably be what people call a witch. She can control fire and ignite enemies out of thin air. Compared with the ability to predict, Delta's fire control skills are very stable. At least Keleqian saved a lot of money on adding liquid high-energy gas to the laser lighter.

Kelekian is no longer as young as he was when he first became a federal police officer. The specific manifestations are a slightly bulging belly and a pile of fat.

Generally speaking, in the past missions together, Kelekian was the one who sorted out the truth of the incident based on the clues given by Delta, and then asked her to deal with the criminal.

"It should be right here." Delta pulled out the map of Surian Square again.

It was a large public toilet, with many huge trash cans stacked next to it. This row of trash cans and the toilet formed a relatively private space. No one comes here except the rats who come here to rummage through the food.

There is also a billboard next to it for a clothing company called Pretty Emperor.

This is a widely circulated joke in the Tyranid Empire. It says that Emperor Augustus Mengsk was very narcissistic when he was young. He walked into a street light while looking in the mirror, and he also liked beautiful skirts.

Hahaha, this is so embarrassing that no one takes it seriously.

Later, another company registered this trademark, and it is said that it is an industry owned by Prince Arcturus.

Kelekian dug up the wanted poster within the Security Bureau: unidentified primitive zerg, a rampaging monster. The emperor has an order to ensure his own safety, and he must be captured alive.

This primitive zerg is easy to identify, because it is the only one among the primitive zerg swarm in Noda that has hair - a thick goatee.

In this way, the legend of the Koprulu Goat Monster spread, and even became the source of inspiration for many film and television works.

There have been reports of sightings of similar creatures in many places, but there have been no casualties. The responders simply claimed that bearded tyrannosaurs were eating their cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks. Judging from the numerous reports:

This guy really isn't picky about food at all.

It was quiet here, and they soon heard some small sounds.

When Kelekian approached, he was shocked to find that the primitive zerg he had been looking for for a long time was sitting obediently among the trash cans, and sometimes it would quickly use its frog-like long tongue to pick up a flying fly and put it into its mouth. middle.

"Useless essence."



"rua~~~" The little dinosaur yawned boredly, and swept another Augustgrad ladybug into its belly at lightning speed:

"I am the wind, and my enemy is the sand."

"The enemy is the fish, I am the torrent."

It was about the same height as Delta, looked like a smaller dinosaur, and sat like an Australian kangaroo.

"Wait while I call someone over first." Keleqian stopped Delta, who was about to find out, and told him not to act rashly before he shakes someone.

Suddenly, the original zerg looked over, as if there was no blind spot in the field of vision: "It was seen."

Immediately afterwards, it used its sharp claws to dig open the floor tiles of Surian Square. The debris flew and half of its body went into the ground.

Delta's reaction was quick. The brave Imperial agent immediately rushed forward and grabbed the primitive zerg's tail with surprising strength and pulled it out.

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