StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 570 The fugitive primitive zerg leader

This primitive zerg with a thick and long tail was really amazingly powerful. It kept digging hard with its short forelimbs, and kicked the ground hard with its two strong and powerful hind legs. The muscles covered in tough leather have a texture as dense as marble, containing unimaginable strength and explosive power.

But even Keleqian didn't expect that the petite Delta would pull the little monster by its tail. This strange scene was no less than Lin Daiyu pulling up a weeping willow.

Kelekian stood nearby, and for a moment he didn't know whether he should help Delta pull the big tail swaying from side to side.

After all, he was a seasoned Imperial agent. He immediately took out the C-9 electromagnetic pistol he wore and aimed it at the exposed buttocks of the original zerg. Unexpectedly, when the two shots were fired, there was a sound like the collision of gold and stone and the sound of swords. The other party was unharmed despite the sound.

For Kelekian, this is really shocking. You must know that the C-9 electromagnetic pistol can easily cut a human into two pieces. This monster's butt seems to be made of diamond. Now Keleqian was afraid that the flying bullet would hurt Delta, so he immediately did not dare to continue shooting.

At this time, Delta shouted loudly, the veins in his arms popped out and the muscles appeared, and he used his strength to pull out the primitive zerg that was about to be buried in the ground by more than ten inches, which shocked Keleqian.

The ghost agents possess strength far beyond that of ordinary humans, and can even bend the barrel of a gun with their bare hands, but Keleqian originally thought that was when they were wearing combat uniforms.

Could it be said that Delta is born with divine power.

"It's coming out." Delta's face turned red.

The next moment, the big tail broke free from Delta's hand, and the powerful female Imperial agent sat on the ground.

All of a sudden, the original zerg with its wagging tail disappeared.

"How can you be that monster's opponent?" Kelekian hurriedly went to see if Delta was injured. No one in the security department cared not to like this little girl with a pleasant personality.

This primitive zerg is not a kind creature. The row of knife-point spines on its spine is covered with black bone plates, and the tail covered with sharp scales ends in a dagger-like bone spike.

As expected, Delta's hands were already bruised and bloody, and the upright scales looked like rows of files. That's it, Delta didn't even shed a single tear. Instead, she immediately put her head into the big hole dug by the original zerg:

"Too bad! I almost succeeded."

"Don't get in there." Kelekian stared at Delta while waiting for backup. She knew that the girl really wanted to get in.

"If you jump down now, you still have a chance to catch it!" Delta gestured with a pair of bloody hands. The scene was quite horrifying.

As she spoke, she put her head in again and lit a blue flame with her fingers. This seems to be a tradition inherited by the Ghost Military Academy from the Celestial Spirit lineage. The general ability of psychic energy is lighting.

Delta's psychic fire can stick to the enemy's body like bone-eating maggots, causing huge amounts of pain and damage. It turns out that Delta cannot master this power very well, but since the Imperial Ghost Military Academy invited high-level templars from the Protoss Empire to serve as teachers of psychic control and psychic braking, the human students have learned more system of valuable knowledge.

For example, always exercise restraint to avoid harming others around you with your psychic powers.

"Just wait, the medical team will be here soon." Kelekian sighed.

A few minutes later, two drones arrived belatedly, followed by a large number of investigation officers from the Imperial Security Department arriving in special cars. Then the Reaper Company of the Augustgrad security force "Death's Head" (the elite Reaper force of the Tyranid Empire that appeared in the Battle of Death Head Swarm) descended from the sky and quickly took control of Surian Square.

The turbojet pack was originally a civilian technology used for mining, but now it is the symbol of the famous Reaper force.

This scene alarmed many residents of Augustgrad. This city has not dispatched so many armed forces for a long time. But considering that the Tyranid Empire has already gone to war with the Zerg, this kind of scheduling is also reasonable.

"Star Agent Mal, this time you caught the bad guy again." A G-226 medical transport plane fell from the sky, and a blond girl wearing a gold-red uniform of the Royal Guards walked out of it, with the Mengsk family logo on her collar. It is a symbol of royalty.

"It's always you," she said.

"It's always me." Kelekian knew her. She is Nova Terra, the daughter of Annabella Terra, the most famous socialite in Augustgrad, and her internal number is X41822N.

A super psyker, a superhuman genius.

"Stand aside, the Royal Guards are coming to the rescue." Nova shrugged: "It's not something you can deal with."

"It's up to you," Kelekian said.

"Nova, it didn't run far." Delta and Nova knew each other because they were both students at the Tyran Empire's Ghost Military Academy at the same time.

Nova Terra is a star in the military academy, not only because she is one of the few remaining descendants of the founding families of the old federation, but also because she is the only tenth-level psyker other than Principal Sacco Angelini. .

The school system of the Ghost Military Academy is four years, and Nova graduated in only two and a half years, which can be said to have made history. Nova was barely sixteen when she graduated, and subsequently joined the royal guard of Emperor Augustus the Great.

Speaking of which, the people who came out of the Ghost Military Academy were all weirdos with cold personalities, but they were not difficult to get along with. As telepaths who are extremely sensitive to thoughts, they are actually quite eager to be recognized by their own kind.

"You are injured. That primitive zerg may be highly poisonous. Let the doctor take a look." Nova and Delta have a good relationship.

"There's nothing wrong with me here. We have to catch that primitive zerg quickly." Delta said anxiously.

"Don't worry, I will lead the team this time." Nova's straight Royal Guards uniform looks particularly eye-catching, and the slim waist design just accentuates her good figure.

"It can't escape."

Royal guards wearing gold-encrusted power armor walked out from behind Nova, with a dazzling array of modern weapons, and some even carried rocket launchers. Kelekian knew that these glittering armors were not just showy. The Royal Guards were all elite troops, veterans who had followed the emperor in the north and south of the Koprulu sector for ten years.

A Royal Guard soldier carried a black square box with one hand. After opening it, hundreds of black widow spider mines crawled out of it. These micro-machines that resembled four-legged spiders quickly disappeared into the darkness as soon as they entered the cave dug by the original zerg, with only a faint red glow of electronic eyes visible.

"This is not the first time this guy has appeared in Augustgrad - someone found that his home was gone when he came home from get off work, and it was his fault." Nova said:

"People from the Ministry of Security and the OGB worked very hard to block the news. Now it's our turn to clean up the mess. Fortunately, it hasn't hurt anyone yet."

"Thank God." Kelekian followed Nova onto the ramp of the transport plane.

"Let's go, Black Widow will lock and locate the exit of the cave. We have to get on the ship and leave quickly." Nova took out a personal terminal that looked like a personal tablet and pointed to the medical transport plane next to it.

"Can it cross Augustgrad by digging a tunnel underground?" Kelekian suddenly realized: "No wonder we can't find it at all."

God knows how sharp its digging claws are. You must know that in the early days of Augustgrad's construction, in order to isolate the source of radiation, a foundation comparable to the size of the continent was built with lead and concrete. Just under Surian Square There are hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete alone.

It's not just about cracking mountains and cracking rocks, it's probably not a big problem to dig through the core of the earth.

"How fast can it dig?" Kelekian asked Nova.

"Just like swimming in the ocean, our scientists suspect that the digging ability of modern zerg is also inherited from their ancient ancestors." The other party replied.

"Even I can see it," Kelekian said.

As they spoke, they had already entered the huge cabin of the G-226 transport aircraft and sat down in their seats, fastening their seat belts. Before the spacecraft rose steadily into the air, Keleqian was suddenly startled by a scream not far away.

It was a thin man wearing a white lab coat, sitting between two bulky Royal Guards, like a chicken sandwiched between muscular lions.

"What's going on? Where am I? Who are you?" Egon Stetman screamed, finally seeing Nova next to him:

"Nova, hello."

"Hello, Dr. Stetman," Nova said.

"Hey, you kidnapped me?" Stetman said in hindsight.

"I'm sorry, His Majesty ordered you to come with us to capture this primitive zerg, but you refused to cooperate. My people could only knock you out." Nova's cheeks were slightly bulging, as if she was suppressing a smile. :

"Aside from Dr. Narud, you are one of our best zerg physiologists."

"Thank you for the compliment, I think so too." Dr. Stetman waved his hand: "This is too rude. The scientists of the Hyperion never obtain experimental materials by themselves. It's always like this."

"Hello, doctor, we met last time at the biological laboratory in Augustgrad." Kelekian wanted to go over and shake hands with Stetman, but by this time the spacecraft had already taken off.

Kelekian did meet Stetman once, to be precise, it was more than once. At that time, he was ordered to escort a dead mimic hatchling to the alien laboratory, and also talked to Stetman in the laboratory. Chatted for a long time.

The two sides chatted very well, and it was a long time before they met.

"Really?" Stetman stared at Keleqian for a while, the embarrassment on his face clearly visible:

"It's you, Mickey."

"No!" Just as Kelekian was about to say something, Stetman shouted, almost breaking free from his seat belt and jumping up in excitement.

"Oh, you are Gao Fu." He made a wait gesture:

"Sorry, I don't remember much, Xiao."

"." Keleqian was speechless for a moment. He already knew the scientist's character: he was used to immersing himself in his own world. A sudden shock, the society is afraid of the patient.

"Oh my god, my experiment isn't finished yet." Stetman remembered something again and suddenly wailed: "I told you to wait a moment, Nova."

"It doesn't matter, Doctor." Kelekian said: "The experiment can be done again, and fresh original zerg experimental materials are rare."

"You're right, Shaw," Steitman said. "You're such a good guy."

Meanwhile, a Royal Guards medic was treating Delta's injured hand.

"You are the first wounded person I have accepted since I put on this uniform." The medic is also a young girl and does not look like a veteran: "I am a little nervous."

"I didn't ask to see your medical license," Delta said.

"It might hurt a little," the medic said.

"Come here." Delta looked at the other person and said.

As he spoke, the medic took out his backpack and spread Delta's injured palms under the green light released from his back.

The medical soldiers use a nano-medical kit that can release a green light composed of countless nano-robots. Nanorobots will quickly repair damaged bodies, and skin injuries will not be a problem at all.

Delta's hands healed immediately and at an astonishing rate, and even the skin healed so well that it didn't look like there was any sign of damage.

"Nano medical kit, Earthlings' stuff is so useful." The medical soldier breathed a sigh of relief.

"I feel like I can also be a medic," Delta said.

"No, more and more modern technology has replaced labor. I may be unemployed in two years." The medical soldier said pitifully.

"Okay, okay, let's get back to the point." Stetman on the other side cleared his throat loudly: "This primitive zerg is scurrying around in the great Augustgrad. Only we can Stop it.”

"This creature is, in a sense, able to traverse the continent like the Nydus Worms by tunneling underground at such great speed that no one but the zerg can catch it underground."

"This is the Cerebrate Headquarters. We have received the movement trajectory of the original zerg underground, and the agent worms are ready to go." At this time, a holographic projection image suddenly popped up in the cockpit of the transport ship.

Opposite is a brainworm wearing a marshal uniform.

Kelekian rubbed his eyes several times and slapped himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"What's going on with that human, Aigon?" The brainworm tilted its round head in confusion.

"I saw something I shouldn't have seen." Keleqian understood and said to Nova.

"It doesn't matter. Someone will help you erase this memory when you go back."

"He's just never seen a brainworm like you." Stetman said: "I have to remind you, Xiao. If that brainworm calls you a close friend, then it is definitely harboring evil intentions and trying to harm you. you."

"It's rare but strange." The brain worm put his hands on his hips: "That ape-man worm has been hiding in Augustgrad for so long, and even my worm has not been found."

"I'm more curious about how it came to Kehal. At present, it does not have the ability to fly or jump through time and space." Stetman said.

"Nova, where is it going now?" Brainworm asked.

"What? That direction is the palace." Nova looked at the data panel in her hand and said in surprise.

"It's looking for death." The brainworm also exclaimed in surprise:

"It looks like I can get off work early today."

I was really in a hurry today and was out of shape. Please forgive me.

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