StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 571 Are you also a teenager?

"There is no need to panic, Faraday. The enemies I have faced are a hundred times more vicious than this primitive zerg."

The Augustgrad Palace leads from the office to the restaurant. Faraday, the captain of the royal guard, is persuading the emperor to take refuge in the underground secret room.

The palace had just received a warning that the wanted primitive zerg was coming this way.

Although it is the most heavily guarded place in Augustgrad, the palace is the largest and most impregnable fortress in the Tyranids. It is guarded by the most elite and loyal royal guards. Neither Augustus nor Faraday think so. That primal zerg could enter the palace.

But Faraday still hoped that the emperor could stay in a safe place as much as possible, because he knew that this was the only thing that could not be lost.

"But..." Faraday wanted to say something else, but the emperor just told him not to be nervous.

"But I was not born to die at the hands of the zerg." Augustus said to Faraday: "You are not a newbie anymore, so relax."

"If that primitive zerg wants to enter the palace, this is the chance to capture it alive." He said:

"You know what to do."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Faraday had no choice but to obey.

The emperor is like this, he is an action person who does what he says, preferring to face difficulties rather than sitting in the safe rear and waiting for the results.

The corridor decorated with mosaic tiles is very long. The exquisite artworks on the counters on both sides remain silent under the light of the stone ceiling lamp. The portraits of the ancestors of the Mengsk family on the walls are calmly looking at the emperor of the Tyranids. distant.

Augustus was more concerned about the war on the front lines than the primitive zerg that slipped into Augustgrad.

Since the Battle of Tasha, the Tyranid Empire has officially gone into full-scale war with the primitive zerg swarm. More than twenty colonies, outpost worlds and mining worlds have been plunged into war.

This was the largest alien war since the founding of the Terran Empire, and even the Imperial fleet, which was considered unrivaled, fell into a bitter battle.

Although strategically, the Imperial fleet has an advantage with far less troop losses than the primitive zerg, the terrifying thing about the primitive zerg swarm is that they can directly absorb the genes of their dead kind. The more primitive zerg that are eliminated, the more those that survive. More powerful.

For example, although Srifan, the original mother, has died, a new tribal leader, Mulwa, the cave mother, was born from the many descendants who devoured her body alive. The new leader Mulwa led the tribe that originally belonged to Srivan to join the battle again. They were convinced that there could only be one winner in this primitive competition with the Tyranid Empire.

Either the primitive zerg devour humans and become stronger, or humans devour them. This is the survival law of this race.

Every day there is good news and bad news coming from the front. In general, the Imperial fleet withstood the storm-like offensive of the primitive insect swarm as expected, but the salient was inevitably abandoned. Fortunately, the personnel It had already been evacuated in advance in advance.

Casualties were still unavoidable, and reports of casualties from the front lines were increasing day by day. It's going to be an incredibly difficult task for those officer leaders who have to send out death notices, but someone has to do it.

Notifications of death in action will not be sent to family members in the form of cold emails or letters by post. Instead, officers from the military where the victim was alive will be sent to visit the family. Of course, these officers would be regarded as mourning crows.

Augustus immediately ordered that the pension work for the families of the fallen soldiers should be started immediately. The pension must be paid in one lump sum, and their families would also enjoy preferential treatment in housing, shopping, education and other aspects. If you have a family, the empire will bear all the expenses your children need until they reach adulthood.

It is for this reason that Augustus has been wearing black clothes these days.

The emperor's grief was felt by the people of the empire without any lengthy rhetoric, for no one else had ever seen him shed tears.

When we reached the door of the restaurant, several palace maids were walking in carrying dinner plates. Since the outbreak of the war, Augustus has never eaten in a restaurant. He has always eaten in the combat center with the officers of the General Staff.

Today, these sumptuous foods were not prepared for Augustus.

"Are you going to welcome the distinguished guests from Zerus here? My Majesty." The brainworm wearing the uniform of the Imperial Marshal was enjoying the food on the table and swallowed a huge Tarsonis food with one roll of his tongue. turkey.

"Save some, save some!" His Majesty the Emperor said:

"You greedy brainworm, why did the Master create such a wonderful thing like you?"

This brain worm is likely to be the last brain worm created by the master. The biggest difference between it and other brain worms is its extremely strong plasticity.

Because it was so weird and refused to accept the rule of the new master, Augustus often suspected that Prince of Blades Tosh was just a cover, and that this brainworm was the savior appointed by the master.

"The great master used up all the virtues in the world and poured his great thoughts into me when he created me." The brainworm chuckled: "I am its most outstanding work, you know nothing."

"The Dog Emperor!"

"Idiot." Augustus was also a man of temper.

Faraday, the captain of the Royal Guard, silently wiped the sweat from his forehead and pondered whether to truthfully add this sentence to the emperor's daily routine.

One day, the royal brainworm cursed the dog emperor, and the emperor responded: idiot.

"How much does the Lord know about the fallen Xel'Naga Aemon?" Augustus sat down at the dining table and frowned as he watched the brainworm feast.

"Amon created the Overlord, created the psychic link and today's swarm of insects. From then on, it was the so-called war of gods." The brainworm sneered at the original zerg:

"The original zerg have no psychic connection, are brainless and often fight among themselves. They are really pathetic."

"Amon wanted to control the original zerg, so he created the Overmind." Augustus frowned.

"Yes, I think it should be like this. Amon wants to use the talents of the zerg to absorb the genes of other races." Brainworm said: "But the original zerg rejects Amon's rule."

"The pursuit of freedom is the instinct of life." Augustus said.

"Domination can create power." Brain Worm said: "Although the original zerg are powerful, they are internally divided, so they cannot be Piggy's opponents."

The primitive zerg are not unpowerful. The pressure they put on the Tyranid Empire was even much greater than that of the Overlord Swarm during the First Total War. Fortunately, the current Imperial fleet is no longer what it used to be.

During the Battle of the Windsor System, the Ember Swarm led by the original Zerg leader Yagdra even severely damaged the Crimson Squadron. The flames spewed by that extremely powerful Ember Worm were hotter than lava, hotter than the core of stars, and flowed like gold and stone.

Zulwen, the Zongzu, is even more shocking. Its abyss-like mouth can chew up battleships. But even so, they were still driven out by the insects.

At this time, an officer from the operations center pushed in the door and delivered the latest information from the front line.

Augustus looked at it, and his face didn't look very good.

Windsor, the jewel of the southern territories of the Terran Empire, fell. This was a young imperial colony that Augustus ordered to establish after he ascended the throne. The purpose was to stabilize the rule of the border.

Augustus had long expected the fall of Windsor, because the Windsor galaxy was right on the path of the original insect swarm, and it lacked strategic depth due to the lack of satellite worlds. If heavy troops are deployed, a large number of fleets will be needed on both wings, but the problem is that the front is too long.

This beautiful planet is a wonderful world like Alice in Wonderland, with giant umbrella-shaped fungi like colorful forests. Green pastures abut the coast with gray-white cliffs, dense shrubs are luxuriantly flowery, filled with all kinds of strange creatures, and warm breezes blow against the beautiful seascape.

Her fall was a heavy blow even to the powerful Tyran Empire. It was the largest industrial hub as well as the economic and cultural center of the province. It was home to numerous magnificent crystal mine smelters, heavy factories and military factories. It was difficult to lose. estimate.

Although the original zerg did not destroy the planet as completely as the modern zerg, these gluttonous groups will eat all the creatures on it.

"Your Majesty, Nova reported that the original zerg just stopped outside the palace." Faraday walked towards Augustus: "It seems to be looking for a way in. I have ordered the Royal Guards."

"Let it in." At this moment, Queen Sarah Kerrigan was walking in.

Since she did not have to appear in public today, the queen was dressed like a housewife today, wearing a thin silk shirt and a long pink and white cotton coat, and a pair of loose slippers on her feet, as if she had just come out of the kitchen.

"My duties do not allow it" Faraday was about to say.

"I say, let it in," Kerrigan said, unquestioningly.

Faraday looked at Augustus, who just shrugged.

"Yes, my dear lady," Faraday said immediately.

Kerrigan glared at the feasting brainworm with her beautiful green eyes before leaving. The look speaks for itself, no matter how wealthy the royal family is, they cannot afford to raise such a pig.

Brainworm almost choked and kept coughing. But this guy has no neck at all, and I don’t know how it manages to choke.

"I'm going out for a minute," Kerrigan said.

"She's not in a good mood right now." After the Queen left, Brainworm dared to speak out.

"A bit angry to wake up." Augustus grunted: "She was always awake when I was sleeping. There should be someone in the emperor's office within 24 hours."

"That primitive zerg is going to be in bad luck." The brainworm gloated: "It can't be Kerrigan's opponent. She is the most powerful human being so far."

"Even I am no match for the queen, so in this world, she is already invincible."

In a rare moment, Brain Worm expressed his exclamation that he was so good at what he did.

Various military works from the Earth Age were often placed beside Augustus' bed, some of which were passed over from Stukov. Among them is the ancient Chinese novel "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". After Nao Chong read this book, he immediately compared himself to Nao Chong Zhongda.

"You can't beat a bulldog," said Augustus.

"But I can beat Duke." Brainworm said.

Next, Augustus picked up a roast chicken from the dining table and ate it. The brainworm also calmed down a little, and he paid a little attention to his eating habits. These two masters, whose appearance remains unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai, will continue to do whatever they have to do no matter what the big event is.

Faraday had been watching the surveillance outside the palace. When he saw Kerrigan pushing away the heavily armed Royal Guard soldiers and beating the primitive zerg with his slippers, his expression and mentality changed subtly. The change.

In less than ten minutes, Kerrigan dragged the original zerg by its tail into the palace restaurant and threw it in front of Augustus like trash.

"Tell me why you're here, primitive zerg." Augustus looked at the satisfied Kerrigan, clapped his hands and sat next to him.

"I am Dehaka the Essence Drainer. I kill, collect essence, and absorb essence." This primitive zerg was not much taller than Kerrigan, and its bruised nose and face were particularly funny. It does not need to learn human language and can communicate using telepathy.

"Zurven is leading the primitive zerg to destruction, and I must survive, to survive in order to evolve."

"I have been observing humans." It said to Kerrigan: "You are so outstanding, I am willing to follow you and absorb the essence."

"Powerful essence, extremely powerful. You will help me and devour the essence of the zerg."

"The essence is change, and change is the only way to survive."

Essence, this word also means essence and essence. Brain Worm α has already mentioned that the essence is the genetic information carried by all living things, which is the key to the evolution and evolution of the zerg.

Both the original zerg and the modern zerg require essence. The difference is that the former can directly use the essence to make themselves stronger, while the latter incorporates it into the gene pool of the swarm.

It's a pity that the brainworm doesn't always talk about the word essence. It cares more about French fries, Coke and fried chicken.

And this primitive insect has three sentences that are inseparable from its essence.

"So, you came to seek refuge with us." Augustus looked at Dehaka: "Why do you think Zulwin will fail? Why don't you seek refuge with the Overlord, the Protoss, or other races."

"And the primordial zerg never ally themselves with others."

"Zurwen, they are like rocks, trees and hills, they will stand firm in strong winds. They want power. But power is just a trap." Dehaka said:

"And I am like a river, I know how to steer according to the wind."

"I can't collect the essence of the protoss. I don't like them."

"Traitor of the tribe! How despised." Brainworm shouted.

"I will collect your essence now." Dehaka shouted.

"Come here, I'll let you use three hands easily." Brainworm was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"rua!" Dehaka roared.

"Beautiful words are better than poor swordsmanship." Augustus said to Dehaka: "It seems that you and the protoss have already met."

"Even if what you say is true, how can you prove your worth." He said implicitly:

"You just lost to a human woman."

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