StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 572 Dehaka with full intelligence points

"So powerful. I am no match for her."

Dehaka used his hazy yellow eyes to look at Kerrigan, who was cutting his nails with a nail clipper, and seemed to still have lingering fear: "I can't win on my own."

Primordial zerg resemble dinosaurs, but they are not the reptilian creatures that people think of as living in a cold, dank evil. The impression that Dehaka gave Augustus was that of a small dinosaur standing on two legs and dragging a big tail, but its body was covered with numerous black bone plates and sharp claws. These weapons, designed to kill, foreshadow just how dangerous Dehaka really is.

Among the original zerg of Zerus, Dehaka should be the only one with hair, that is, the funny goatee on his chin. Augustus couldn't figure out the purpose of these beards, so he decided to leave it to Stetman to study.

In Augustus' view, the current Dehaka is far from evolving to its true final form. In the StarCraft II cooperative mission, Dehaka, who has absorbed enough essence, is comparable to Super Tyrannosaurus Rex and Godzilla.

At the moment, it seems incredible that Dehaka has not absorbed enough of the essence when the Primordial Zerg and Overlord Swarm have been fighting on Zerus for so long.

"It turns out you are a rookie." The brainworm said sarcastically: "No wonder you came to join humans and voluntarily obeyed such a weak creature, while the noble insects would rather die than beg for their lives. Please have mercy!"

"You have no right to say that. Others say you are a dog raised by my family." Kerrigan crossed her legs and put her hands on her thick cotton pants to pick her nails.

"I didn't do it voluntarily, I was forced." Nao Chongxin said, how could a man be willing to stay under others for a long time.

"Brain worm, powerful essence. Don't anger me." Dehaka really wanted to eat this brain worm:

"I want to know how your essence tastes? Let me take a bite, anyway, because the brainworm will regenerate."

"No." Brainworm stuck his head out and said:

"You bastard, what do you think a brainworm is, a buffet?"

"I understand what you mean." Dehaka immediately replied:

"That's right."

"What on earth did Dagos and the others do in Zerus? The old master has been completely disgraced." The brainworm was shocked. It didn't know that the original zerg had even sucked several brainworms.

"Dehaka, tell me, what's so special about you that makes it worthy for me to take you in." Augustus waved his hand to signal the brain worm to shut up: "I can see that you are a primitive zerg. The smartest one."

"But one waste in the palace is enough."

"That's not what you said when I worked hard for you in vain. I am a noble brain worm, the son of the Lord. I will never forget this humiliation!" The brain worm was angry, and the flexible fat man immediately jumped up. , high enough to be ten inches high, and pretending to bite Augustus's head.

But the Cerebrate failed to get what it wanted. Before it could even fall down, Kerrigan used psychic power to strangle the non-existent neck tightly, causing it to immediately cough and curl up like a person about to suffocate to death. Like a scalded insect.

"Help, help, help, help, help!" Brainworm screamed.

"Forget it, Sarah, just let it suffer a little." Augustus was also tired. This brainworm is actually just a naughty child, but a child can also control an army of hundreds of billions of insects to devour the world.

Unlike the serious Warfield and others, this brainworm is a first-class living treasure. At least half of the joy in the palace is caused by this guy. Augustus raised this brainworm as his son/daughter, and it was precisely because of his love that he allowed it to run wild.

"It's getting really rampant," Kerrigan said, dropping the cerebrate to the ground.

The brainworm rolled on the ground and soon returned to the table as if nothing happened. It quickly focused on the food. Even the dragon that will eventually devour the world is still a cub.

Augustus looked at Dehaka again, hoping it would answer his question.

"I am Dehaka, I can absorb the essence." Dehaka had been thinking for a while and said seriously: "I am very strong."

"This is just a clone of me, and I made many of them. I control them, like the tree and its fruit, its roots and leaves."

"There are many versions of me in this world."

"It's amazing." Augustus' eyes lit up: "So my people have found your footprints on many planets. So, your body is actually still in Zerus."

"That's right." Dehaka agreed.

"What are you doing in Zerus?" Augustus asked.

"I'm protecting the Primordial Split Pool." Dehaka tried to explain to Augustus what the Primordial Split Pool was: "That's where the original zerg was first born, with the first and most powerful essence."

"The Lord has not yet occupied the original split pool." Augustus responded quickly.

Augustus originally thought that since Zulwen and other powerful primitive zerg had fled Zerus, the Overlord should have already controlled the primitive split pool.

"Not yet." Dehaka said: "The essence of the original split pool cannot be tolerated by ordinary zerg."

"We are tenacious, we resist the Lord's attack. The Lord's army is the flame, and we are the weeds."

The modern Overmind Zerg also has a Split Pool, which is a huge chamber pool filled with viscous liquid. It was originally used to provide a place for Zerglings to evolve, but now it can also be used for the evolution of other Zerg.

The original splinter pool can be said to be the first splinter pool for Zerg, and it is naturally extraordinary. There is no doubt that if the Overmind controls the original split pool or even merges with it, the swarm will become more powerful.

Dehaka brought crucial information.

This primitive zerg is extremely smart and sleek, while the rest of its kind value strength rather than evolved brains.

As the future leader of Zerus, since Dehaka wants to surrender, Augustus will not refuse. Dehaka is of course very useful. If Dehaka can be used to form an alliance with the original zerg, then the Tyranid Empire will have another big help in the end of the war.

Of course, he won't be very attentive. Since Dehaka has come to seek refuge with him, it means that he is the one who seeks help from others.

After all, Dehaka is a Zerg, not a human, and the way to deal with it cannot be the same as humans.

Numerous human commanders in the game are under the command of Augustus, and there are also many Zerg. When necessary, he can call Sagulas to shake people, and Phoenix and Artanis can come to support him.

"Fortunately, we have Zeratul, he is in Zerus." Augustus suddenly thought: "Faraday, pass my order to let Zerus' expeditionary force arrive at the primitive split pool as soon as possible."

Augustus thought that after returning, he would have to send a message to Zeratul who was currently in Zerus. He must let him control the original split pool, and even if it was destroyed, the master could not get it.

I hope Zeratul can get it.

In any case, Augustus can still trust his old friend's ability to do things.

The "Primal Split Pool" brainworm has been listening, and it immediately said: "As soon as you get the original split pool, the power of the insect swarm will be transformed. Augustus, you have to find a way to get it to me!"

"Yes, once the Overlord gets its hands on the Primordial Splinter Pool, we may never be able to kill it again," Kerrigan also said.

The brain worms on the side were a little frightened. In the eyes of the brain worms, the master is both a father and a mother and a god-like existence. But in these people's mouth, killing a master is like killing a chicken. So, the brainworm stopped interrupting.

Perhaps Zeratul has already noticed the Primordial Split Pool. With the ability of this dark priest, he will never let the master succeed easily.

"If you have any other important news, let's share it together." Augustus looked at Dehaka.

"I know that Zulwin has always wanted to swallow the essence of the Overlord so that it can become the supreme overlord of Zerus." Dehaka thought for a while and said.

This primitive zerg is full of things like essence. In its view, survival is the first priority, because only by surviving can it have the opportunity to absorb the essence. Everything must serve the above purpose.

"But it failed in the end, and failed miserably," said Augustus.

"Yes. So, it escaped," Dehaka said.

"This is not a shameful thing, but ancient primitive zerg like Zulwin are not actually afraid of death. Even if they know they will die, they will fight to the death to devour the Overlord." Augustus told Zulwin The realization surprised Dehaka. The primitive zerg couldn't make human expressions, but at the moment its tongue was hanging down from its mouth in surprise.

"But Zulwin still ran away. What he was afraid of was not the master, but what was behind the master, right?"

"That's right." Dehaka said:

"The master served by the Lord will swallow all the essence. If he is still alive, all the essence will be swallowed by his, the change will stop, and I will resist to the end."

"That master should be Amon, the fallen Xel'Naga, the self-proclaimed God of Darkness. Tal'darin worshiped him as a god, and the Lord was also affected by it." Kerrigan said.

At present, humans and protoss still know very little about Aemon's true information and true purpose, and they only think that he is a void god with malicious intentions.

"Zulwin saw his shadow in the Overlord, and his influence was also exerted on the Breaker Swarm. The Overlord has returned to Zerus, and he will also return." Dehaka said.

Dehaka knew that Aemon's existence was not unbelievable. The powerful primitive zerg were extremely sensitive to danger.

The fear that Amon brought to the original zerg is almost engraved in their genes.

"Yeah" Augustus thought Dehaka was right.

At some point long ago, the Xel'Naga Amon arrived in Zerus and broke the rule of the Xel'Naga not to interfere with creation. Amon forcibly transformed the original zerg at that time, kidnapped most of the original zerg and created the original Overmind.

And Zulwen was the ancient primitive zerg who was lucky enough to witness that terrifying scene. The stylish and still weak primitive zerg trembled in front of Eamon. So after the Overlord returned to Zerus, Zulwin's fear of Amon returned.

Primordial zerg have no fear of death, for death, survival, or evolution are the laws of Zerus. But the primal zerg, especially the most powerful among them, would rather die than be enslaved.

Life is not under control, life can always break the shackles, they open up new areas, break through obstacles, there is pain and even danger. But, that's life, life will always find its own way.

Just like a seed pushing against a rock when it germinates, a plant's root system will continue to extend underground in search of water. For example, the root system of the Marsala stone rose may be hundreds of feet long.

"The Overlord tries to control the insect swarm, to dominate and control all evolutionary directions. But life cannot be changed, life will find its own direction." Dehaka said:

"He will devour all the essence."

"We can't grow in a world like that."

"We will never give in."

"That's right. We will never give in. Eamon thinks he can play with all living things, but in fact he is just a clown." The brainworm jumped out again at this time:

"Amon doesn't care about the Overlord's great plan, but he will regret it one day. The Swarm will never be a slave!"

"We are the tide, the enemy is just duckweed." Dehaka said: "The enemy is wildfire, we will burn."

"So we fight."

"We cannot drift away like fallen leaves, we must hold on."

Judging from the information obtained so far, Eamon is definitely the real mastermind. Augustus also knew Eamon's overall plan and knew that he was preparing to create a super hybrid as a host to return from the void to the real universe, which is the so-called rebirth.

Once Amon's consciousness returns to the real world, the army it controls will destroy the entire universe, causing everything to wither and the stars to die.

The cliché script of an evil villain destroying the world, but that’s what Eamon thought. What Augustus is trying to do now is to thwart Eamon's plan. Everyone thinks that the zerg are already extremely terrifying, but they are just part of Eamon's army.

"Well, I also want to ask you, why don't you follow Zurwen to absorb the essence of human beings, but instead form an alliance with weaker humans." Augustus asked: "I'm very surprised."

It is impossible for Dehaka to seek refuge with the Overlord, but it would be strange for it to give up its position and mingle with humans.

"Zulwin has no intention of defeating humans. It just wants to escape." Dehaka said seriously: "It is not worthy of belief."

"As long as I can follow you to collect the essence of the original zerg and the zerg, I can become stronger." Dehaka said: "The original zerg will rise."

After all, it still looks down upon the essence of human beings, but although the quality of human essence is not very good, the quantity is not bad.

Humans are a very strange race. Their essence is inferior but they can create terrible tools. Although Dehaka disdains human tools from the bottom of his heart, it has seen the power of the imperial fleet.

"Keep him alive, but you can't eat people in Augustgrad, do you understand?" At this time, Augustus thought about it and decided to keep Dehaka. After all, the palace still lacked a caretaker.

"Humanity, the weak essence, loses more than it gains." Dehaka said: "Humanity will avenge the dead race."

Dehaka looked at Kerrigan and said, "I will serve the Supreme Overlord of Mankind."

"He is the emperor." Kerrigan pointed at Augustus and joked: "According to the ancients, he is my master."

"The essence of clumsiness." Dehaka looked at Augustus, who vaguely heard it snort.

The majestic Emperor of the Tyranids was actually looked down upon by a primitive zerg.

"You don't think it talks like Tosh?" Augustus asked Kerrigan.

"It's quite similar to not speaking human language," Kerrigan said. "It's not surprising. Zeratul is like this too, because they are not human in the first place."

"Call Stetman over and ask him to check this primitive worm to see if it carries any infectious diseases and deworm it." Augustus ordered and then said to Dehaka:

"Since you have come to seek refuge with us, you must abide by human rules. Then, I will let you get what you want."

"Essence!" said Dehaka.

".Okay." Augustus was convincing himself:

"It will be useful if we fight against Zerus one day. At least now Dehaka will teach us how to deal with Zulwin."

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