StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 573 Frontline War

The combat center set up by Augustus in the Augustgrad Palace originally had only more than 50 staff officers. Later, this number increased to 400, and even several other vacant rooms were temporarily used as additional office locations.

The people in the command center always need to be small and talented. They must be excellent, respond quickly, and cannot make mistakes. Even so, an interstellar war that started out as spanning hundreds of galaxies would require more people to handle planning, intelligence, operations, and logistics.

At its peak, more than 60,000 people worked in the palace, multiple marines and naval departments. They were senior military officers, intelligence personnel and government officials. The governors of various planets also sent people to Augustgrad to wait for the emperor's latest instructions.

By this time, the orderly streets of Augustgrad were also covered by wartime clouds, and festivals and holidays were cancelled. Resources such as crystal mines and high-energy gases should be given priority for military use. More and more factories are turning to the military. Therefore, the list of goods in the purchase restriction order is also gradually increasing. Exports have shrunk significantly. Imports are medium, especially for Umoyan. Demand for cutting-edge thruster technology also continues to increase.

Concern among the population is growing, especially as casualties on the front lines continue to increase. But they still firmly believed that Emperor Augustus Mengsk would lead the Tyranid Empire to victory as always, but this time victory would come later.

The actual situation is more serious than the people of the empire imagined. Whether it is the original zerg or the zerg controlled by the Overlord, they are extremely formidable opponents.

Although Edmund Duke's fleet had already dealt a heavy blow to the primitive mother Slifan's tribe in the Bracken system before the war started, the primitive zerg swarm did not back down. For the original zerg, there can only be one winner in a primal competition.

Due to the large number and incomparable tenacity of the primitive zerg, it is unrealistic to imagine that victory can be won in one or several key battles, and it will be difficult for both sides to determine the winner in a short period of time. This quickly turned into a massive inter-galactic war.

Starting from the Bracken galaxy, the battlefield covers hundreds of light-years and multiple galaxies. One-seventh of the worlds in the Koprulu sector have directly or indirectly felt the approaching war. It wasn't the greatest war in history, but it was jaw-dropping.

In less than ten days, the Tyran Empire's main fleets and marine armies have fought more than a thousand battles, large and small, around these galaxies. The smallest ones were just between a flying squadron and the original mutant dragon. The confrontations range from the surface of the planet to the edge of the galaxy.

This war has brought great losses to both parties involved, and has brought painful pain to the people of the Tyranids who lost their loved ones, but it is far from over.

Despite this, the situation remains favorable to the Tyranid Empire.

On the way from the center of the galaxy to the Koprulu sector, the primitive zerg of Zerus had no chance of encountering an opponent. They devoured countless groups along the way, and those with the ability to travel through time and space also fled in all directions.

But they were defeated in front of the seemingly weak humans. The most terrible thing is that the more terrifying master insect swarm is behind them.

On the morning of March 10, a report from the frontline war arrived at the palace via the fastest route, and it immediately attracted attention. Soon the report was in the hands of General Jim Raynor and the Emperor.

"The opportunity we have been waiting for has arrived." In the conference room of the combat center, Renault couldn't hide his joy. Before, even an optimist like him always had a frown and a serious look on his face.

"Zulvin couldn't hold his breath anymore." Augustus put his hands behind his back and clenched his fists: "It didn't expect that we could block ourselves here for so long. Even though the primitive zerg is still moving forward, the speed is... It’s much slower than before.”

"The Overlord and its swarm are chasing after the primitive zerg. According to the reconnaissance report, the Jörmungandr swarm of the cerebral worm Ark has bitten the tail of the primitive zerg. Now Zulvin But it is attacked from both sides, so it cannot be allowed to jump over the wall in a hurry."

"And we're not in a rush at all."

In front of him is the star map of the war zone. Data from all over the front lines are being imported into it at all times, and then organized and marked on the star map by humans and supercomputers.

Up there, the primitive zerg marked in green had eroded many gaps in the red Tyranid Empire fleet defense line, but could no longer move forward. At this time, the Overlord Swarm, which had been chasing the original zerg, was already closely following them.

Even the fastest information on the star map occurred at least two days ago. This means that for today's original zerg, things could be even worse.

The second-generation Overlord regards the original zerg as cannon fodder that consumes human power. It is a war supervisor. It holds a sword in its hand against the back of the original zerg's neck and makes them fight against humans.

In comparison, humans are easier to deal with. The criterion for judging the strength of primitive zerg is the strength of the essence, but humans are special. These terrifying erect ape essences are very weak, but they can use terrifying tools.

Zulwin, the most powerful primitive zerg leader, thought so at first, but now he suddenly discovered that humans are a tough nut to crack.

"Be careful when a dog jumps over the wall." Renault said as he connected the fleets of the Tyranid Empire on the star map with the insect nests of the clans of the dominant insect swarm with blue colors.

It's clear at a glance that the primordial zerg are surrounded by humans and overlord swarms.

Reno, wearing the marshal uniform, is confident and steady. Who would have thought that ten years ago this famous imperial commander was just a farm boy driving a harvester.

Facts have long proven that Jim Raynor is a real general, not a lucky guy who happens to get to know the emperor.

Before the war began, the idea of ​​blocking and slowing down the primitive zerg and dealing with them with the hand of the Overlord was widely recognized by the generals.

The disagreement was that Horace Warfield advocated building and holding a few important fortress worlds as a defense line. But Augustus soon overturned this proposal and adopted Renault's views.

The biggest difference between Reynaud's advocacy and Warfield's was that he believed that empires must take advantage of strategic depth.

The Imperial fleet should first give the primitive zerg a head-on attack on a few worlds, further shrink the defense line and engage in mobile warfare instead of sticking to a few key worlds.

At the same time, the strategy of strengthening the wall and clearing the field is also applicable. Using orbital bombardment to eliminate all creatures on the planet will prevent the primitive zerg from absorbing more essence. In this way, even if the primitive zerg went to great lengths to seize a world, it would not make much sense.

"Judging from Matt's report, Zulwin has assembled its most powerful tribal warriors in Exgelia IV." Renault said:

"This even includes some ancient primitive zerg that are as old as it. Dehaka said that these ancient primitive zerg were dug out from active volcanoes or underground by Zulven not long ago."

After the Tyranid Empire absorbed the primordial Zerg Dehaka, it immediately became a military advisor responsible for providing intelligence to the Empire. Of course, Augustus actually preferred to communicate with Zulwin and other primitive zerg leaders through Dehaka, but the stubborn primitive zerg were unwilling to believe the cunning humans.

Although this guy didn't provide much useful information in the end, Augustus still appointed Dehaka as lieutenant with a wave of his hand, becoming the only Zerg with a military rank in the empire.

This aroused the dissatisfaction of Corporal Tychus Finley, who believed that giving pets an official rank was an act of ignorance.

"Zulwin is going to fight to the death." Augustus heard about the ancient primitive zerg of Zerus from Dehaka.

Primordial zerg are nearly immortal, surviving as long as they are not killed and continue to evolve. Therefore, the older and older the primordial zerg are, the more powerful they are.

This means that Isilia's Imperial forces will bear the brunt of the attack.

Asilia was originally a world discovered by the UED expeditionary force. After the defeat of these earthlings from afar, the planet was immediately included in the territory of the Tyranids.

This is a beautiful planet with beautiful lakes and seas. Due to historical issues, the place names and city names above are all named after the earth. The most famous of these waters is the New Aegean Sea, around which almost all the cities of Eicilia are located.

"Esilia." Augustus marked this world on the star map.

"It's time to start the second step of Raynor's plan. There are so many primitive zerg crowding in front of our defense line. If we don't give them an opening, we will have no good results if Zulwen is pressed."

The core of the plan under Raynor's command was to force the primitive zerg to change its direction, which was much more difficult than changing the course of a river. If the plan goes smoothly, the primordial zerg will change course as expected, and the Tyranid Empire will gain some breathing space.

"New Fortinier." Reno pointed to another galaxy. On the star map, the New Fortinier System is located at the westernmost end of the Empire's defense line: "It has to be here."

Stationed at New Fortinier is Lieutenant General Gregory, the former commander of Omega Squadron, who leads a huge main fleet.

"I have ordered Gregory's fleet to gradually withdraw from New Fortinier, giving the original zerg the illusion that they are retreating." Augustus said.

"If all goes well, the primordial zerg will flood into the system and find new ways out," he said.

"This places high demands on Gregory. He cannot give orders hastily, otherwise there is a risk of a complete collapse."

"Next step, when more and more primitive zerg take off from New Fortinier, the eastern fleet will shrink westward, and an inverted loophole will gradually take shape." Renault marked on the star map:

"And the direction of the exit of this funnel has deviated from the empire's territory. As long as our main fleet on the eastern battlefield continues to exert pressure, the primitive zerg will follow the route we want them to take."

"I hope so." Augustus nodded: "Otherwise we can only activate the preliminary plan."

"At the same time, there will still be a considerable number of primitive zerg entering the Empire's territory, which is inevitable.

On the route calculated by the supercomputer, the redirected zerg would pass through the territory of the Tal'darim protoss. It is foreseeable that there will be a battle between the Tal'darim, who are cruel and warlike by nature, and the primitive zerg.

"We have made all the preparations." Augustus said: "The rest depends on Warfield and the others. It will take a few more days for us to know whether this plan is successful."

"As a headquarters, Korhal is still too far away from the battlefield. I don't like this feeling, but in fact, even if I sit in the palace and sleep, you can still win the battle."

"Maybe Warfield, Matt and Pryor are all famous generals, but it's because of you that they can fight together." Leno said:

"Without you, Augustus."

"Maybe after retiring from the Federation Marine Corps, I followed Tychus and became a gangster, riding a vulture car in Koprulu to do justice. Of course, there is no what if."

The border was too far from Korhal, so Augustus was unable to understand and control the entire battlefield in a timely manner and command his generals. Of course, even if he is somewhere on the front line, wanting to command different armies and wars that take place on battlefields at different times is tantamount to fantasy.

There was no need for Augustus to do this. He had to delegate power because commanders like Warfield and Horner were already good enough.

The combat center will provide a combat plan, but when it is broken down into each battlefield, each commander must execute the plan according to the plan. It doesn't matter how they do it, but they have to be done.

Many times, generals like Warfield had to formulate battle plans with their own staff when they were on the front line. You know, the size of their fleet is already equivalent to that of the old Tyranid Federation.

"People like you can shine wherever you go." Augustus said to Reno.

"If you had not established the Tyranid Empire, these people would not know where they are now." Raynor said: "They may be gold, but only you can discover them and unite them."

"It's just that this era happens to require me to stand up." Augustus smiled.

The imperial soldiers on the front line are very brave, and their morale is generally maintained at a high level. The Tyranid Empire had its share of victories and defeats in the battles with the primitive zerg, but in general, the empire that waited for work and adopted advanced tactics suffered less losses and achieved greater results.

"Your Majesty, the diplomat of the Kemerian Consortium stationed in Augustgrad requested to see you." At this time, an officer hurriedly walked in.

"Why did he come to me?" Augustus showed no expression.

"He said that zerg were discovered in Moria, and the directors and executives of the Consortium asked us to send a fleet to help them eliminate them."

"The guild guards of the Federation haven't fought in a long time, don't they know how to use guns?" Of course Augustus knew about the discovery of zerg in Moria.

Now it is entirely up to the Terran Empire to support the human race in Koprulu. It is the de facto big brother in terms of politics, economy and military.

Frankly speaking, the zerg in Moria have nothing to do with Augustus.

Moria was relatively close to Char, and found that the zerg were nothing to be surprised about, but this time it was a large-scale invasion.

The coalition has basically not developed its military in the past two years, relying entirely on mercenaries to maintain the situation.

"Let him come to me."

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