StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 574 Send troops to Moria

This evening, in the hazy fog of Augustgrad, shops, restaurants and bars lit up with colorful neon lights. The continuous traffic flows for thousands of miles, converging into countless overlapping, flowing bands of bright light.

Stars are sparse at the edge of the Milky Way, and sometimes such light bands can be seen in the sky. They are linearly arranged speed cars and spaceships, and the lights of large-tonnage freighters are more dazzling than the stars.

A few years ago Augustgrad was a deserted place, but now the brightly lit city is clearly visible even from Korhal IV's high-altitude orbit.

The night in Augustgrad was breezy, but Mah Sakai, the diplomat of the Kemerian Federation stationed in Korhal, who was waiting outside the palace, had cold hands and feet and was pacing around, anxiously waiting for the news.

At this moment, the eight Royal Guard soldiers guarding the gate of the palace stood motionless. They were wearing gilded crimson power armor, shining with golden light, and standing as tall as pine trees, like giants made of gold and blood. Only at the changing of the guard do people discover that these warriors are living humans rather than statues carved in gold and stone.

At this time, imperial officials in suits and senior imperial officers in uniforms walked into the palace from time to time. They all knew the purpose of Zacchaeus' coming here, but they didn't say much, they just cast sympathetic glances.

After many years, the insect swarm once again launched an attack on the entire star. The threat of the zerg is never far away, and the Terran Empire never lets down its guard, but this is not the case for the Kymorion Consortium.

With the vast Terran Empire acting as a natural barrier, the rulers of the Commonwealth seemed to be able to sit back and relax.

About six days ago, Moria, the first star of the Kaimorian Federation, was attacked by the Zerg. It suffered heavy losses, order collapsed, and hundreds of millions of people died in a short period of time. The Kaimorians resisted, but the swarm grew larger than they could have imagined.

Not only Moria, but also the remaining colonial worlds of the Commonwealth were caught in the flames of war, with countless dead. The zerg seemed to pop up suddenly. They had never appeared in the Commonwealth's territory before, and there were rumors that disappeared quickly.

At first, the Federation Executive Board asked Umoyan for help, but the United States was only willing to provide all support except sending a fleet, because their few troops must stay to defend the homeland.

As a last resort, the Executive Board could only reluctantly seek help from the more powerful Terran Empire. They are all smart people, knowing that this will definitely give Augustus Mengsk the opportunity to intervene in the politics of the Federation, and everyone knows that this emperor is the biggest careerist in the entire Koprulu sector.

But if they don't ask for help from the Empire, they will suffer greater losses.

As a diplomat appointed by the coalition, Zacchaeus, who shouldered important responsibilities, was even more worried that the emperor did not want to meet him at all.

The Tyranid Empire is facing the main force of the swarm, and they may not be able to spare any effort to help the Kaimorian Federation.

Zacchaeus met Emperor Augustus many times, and even a strict man like him had to admit that this young monarch had many valuable and noble qualities. However, no one can see through Augustus Mengsk, and no one can tell clearly what kind of secrets are hidden under his glorious appearance.

Is he really a revolutionary hero or a power-stealing careerist?

"Mr. Zacchaeus, your request to meet the emperor has been approved. Please come with me." At this time, several people wearing royal guard uniforms walked out of the palace gate.

Seeing them, Zacchaeus felt relieved.

Even though it was not the first time he walked into the Augustgrad Palace, Zacchaeus was still shocked from the bottom of his heart.

The Royal Palace is a symbol of the peak of Emperor Augustus' power. Through the gorgeous domed entrance of the Royal Palace, you can see the open arches on both sides and the escalators carved with leaves and floral patterns. Multiple long corridors inlaid with gold and jade lead to various luxuriously decorated rooms. The corridor leading to the main hall alone is a thousand feet long.

The golden and red Terran Empire flags are erected throughout the palace, with the emblem of the Mengsk family emblazoned on them. Continuous colonnades, stone domes, complex planes and gorgeous Baroque decorations jointly create a grand and majestic atmosphere. Never in the history of Koprulu has there been such a large single building, and never before has there been so much art in human history gathered together in one building.

It is a symbol of wealth and power that makes the lavish home of Moria's richest guild leader nothing more than a humble country manor in comparison.

The Mengsk family are true aristocrats, and the most powerful and wealthy among the Camorians are ultimately profit-seeking businessmen.

The palace is huge, but there are aisles and elevators everywhere. It takes twenty minutes for these elevators to go up from the ground to the top.

Zacchaeus originally thought that Emperor Augustus would summon him in the drawing room of the palace, just like the past few times, but what he did not expect was that the emperor would allow him to enter the combat center inside the palace.

Although Zacchaeus did not know that the Palace Operations Center was already the highest military organization of the Tyranid Empire, so many Imperial officers working and arguing at their desks also made him realize that what was going on here was closely related to the war between the Zerg.

This did not scare Zacchaeus.

Zacchaeus was not a politician. On the contrary, he was the greatest general in the Commonwealth.

During the Kailian War, it was Zacchaeus who led the fleet and fired the first shot against the Tyranid Federation. At that time, the Kemerian Federation and the Tyranid Federation were still on par with each other militarily, and even had an advantage at the beginning.

Since then, Zacchaeus has been the military leader of the Commonwealth, and although his victory made him regarded as a hero by the Camorean people, the Commonwealth was ultimately defeated.

After the Battle of Kailian, the Federation lost most of its planets and its strength plummeted. If it weren't for Zacchaeus's extremely high prestige, he might have ended up like the other generals and become the scapegoat for the federation's guild government after the defeat.

Later, like many former Caymorian soldiers who were idle after the war, Zacchaeus became active in politics and anti-war lobbying. After this, he became a diplomat in Augustgrad, looking for ways to bring the two countries back together.

"Hello, Mr. Ma Zacchaeus." When Zacchaeus entered, Augustus was bowing his head on the holographic simulation sand table in the combat center:

"Sorry, it happened suddenly and I was not polite."

While the emperor was speaking, Ulysses Hargrove, whom Zacchaeus recognized, brought him a cup of warm coffee.

"Thank you." Zacchaeus took the cup and immediately said respectfully to the emperor who was looking at him: "The eagle of Moria will also lie at your feet, the great Emperor Augustus I."

The Koprulu Sector is so big that no one doesn’t know Augustus Mengsk. Gray pupils and gray hair are very rare, and everyone in the Mengsk family is handsome and beautiful. It seems that there has never been an ordinary person in this family.

This was not the Augustus in the many anecdotal stories, but a living imperial monarch. Ten years ago, he was just an ordinary soldier in the old Terran Federation Marine Corps. At that time, Zacchaeus was the general of the Kaimorian Consortium.

But now this self-proclaimed emperor does control a powerful empire, a behemoth that spans the Koprulu sector.

Augustus Mengsk used his skill and ambition to create his powerful Tyranid Empire in four years, while the Kaimorian Federation has become increasingly weak and lingering in the shadow of endless turmoil and economic recession.

Augustus looked at Zacchaeus and nodded, smiling.

If Ma Zakei was in the Tyran Empire, he would definitely be able to become a general, but it was a pity that this man refused to abandon his nation and country.

This is a gloomy-looking man, completely bald in his forties. He has a nose as sharp as an eagle's beak, and his face is like an eagle's, with dark eyes hidden under a pair of eyebrows that are always furrowed.

Although he seems to be very difficult to get along with, Zacchaeus is usually a very gentle person. He didn't look like someone who had been one step away from defeating the Tyranid Federation.

The defeat of the Camerion coalition was due to the intensification of internal conflicts and the weakening of national power. In the later period, Zacchaeus could only rob federal soldiers of weapons and supplies to maintain his army.

"I know what kind of crisis Moria is facing, and I also know your purpose of coming." Emperor Augustus walked up to Zacchaeus and said without any mincing words:

"I can also tell you my answer."

Zacchaeus stared into Augustus's eyes. He had never been so nervous even if it was his first time to shoot and kill.

"Of course, the Tyran Empire will send troops to Moria, why not do that?" Augustus shook his head:

"The vicinity of Moria is the territory of the Empire. We must not sit back and watch the zerg occupy this rich planet and use its precious crystals and high-energy gas to build and strengthen their hive warriors."

Moria has long been considered to be the richest mineral planet among humans in the Koprulu Sector. Even though it has been exploited for two hundred years, there is still no sign of depletion. It contains extremely huge ore and gas resources, which are the key to the rise of the Kaimorian mining empire.

During the original battle of Brood War, Moria was poisoned by zerg and protoss because of its rich mineral deposits.

Relying on Moria's rich raw materials, Augustus can build an invincible fleet, but if it falls into the hands of the Zerg, the result will be the same.

Therefore, Augustus would not sit idly by and watch the fall of Moria.

"The Camorians will always remember your kindness, kind king." It can be seen that Zacchaeus is indeed very happy.

It is a pity that the current Kemerian Federation no longer has an army for Zacchaeus to command. It is internally divided, and the major guild families are opposed to each other. The largest armed force is the mercenary organization hired by these guilds.

"I will send a fleet to support Moria, and for this I need the cooperation of the Commonwealth's army." Augustus waved his hand, he did not need the gratitude of the people of Camoria:

"How much resistance does Moria have now?"

According to the intelligence obtained by Augustus, the one attacking Moria was probably the Griffin Hive of the brainworm Carlos. The terrible epidemic prevalent in Moria was the iconic fighting method of this hive.

The zerg virus continues to evolve, becoming more and more powerful, and there are even clusters of carpets capable of infecting protoss. The nano-serum developed by the protoss in the past has gradually lost its effect, and the black god of death is ruthlessly harvesting life among humans.

Augustus could almost guess what the brainworm Carlos was planning.

In Char, Stukov, who was like a god with his troops, accomplished the task entrusted to him by Augustus brilliantly, and defeated Carlos, who was making a comeback.

So, this cunning brainworm decided to pick the weak persimmon and took advantage of Moria's evil intentions.

Using Moria's resources, Carlos can regroup his forces and make a comeback.

"I don't know. There are fighting everywhere. Men and women who can still walk have taken up arms. All the heavy factories are producing tanks and Goliath robots. But the regular army has long been defeated by the swarm." Zacchaeus also felt that it was too embarrassing to say this in front of the emperor of the Tyran Empire.

But this is the truth.

The mercenary legions of the Camorian Federation were simply vulnerable. In the end, the strongest resistance was the armed workers and Camerian pirates. The entrepreneurs fled early to Umoyan, Tarsonis, and Korhal, leaving the people of Moria to fend for themselves.

The war potential of the alliance is actually very amazing. Their home planet Moria and its affiliated colonies, which are extremely rich in mineral resources, have a complete industrial system, and most of them are heavy industries that have been developed for hundreds of years.

During the war, these factories were used entirely to produce tanks, aircraft, and space battleships, as evidenced by the combined combat style of the Kailian War. Although there is no large-scale professional army within the Commonwealth, the nation of Kemerian has never lacked brave and capable warriors.

Originally, even when facing enemies like Zerg, Moria had every chance to expel them with its own power.

But the Kaimorians, who were tough and brave by nature, were completely defeated.

This is entirely due to the cunning operations of the directors and legal persons of the mining guild in the consortium.

When the disease initially spread through neighborhoods built from discarded aluminum panels in Moria's cities, mining guild managers and executives didn't take it seriously. Regardless of the risk of the spread of infectious diseases, they hastily kicked out these infected people and hired new workers. Only civil society organizations, the Red Cross agencies of Umoyan and the Terran Empire are actively taking measures.

In less than a month, the infection quickly spread throughout Moria and its colonies. Only then did the rulers of the alliance panic. After all, output and profits were greatly affected.

But it was too late. By the time the zerg invaded, the streets of Moria were filled with dying people.

That was all. When the elites of the alliance confirmed that the zerg had really arrived, their first reaction was to flee with their families. Even the legal person of the Kelanis Guild ran away.

The flight of a large number of rich people in power caused panic in the whole society. Coupled with the spread of diseases and the emergence of many new species, the zerg slaughtered a large number of Moria people without any effort.

"I understand." Augustus was silent for a moment, thinking that he might have to help Moria restore order in the future: "The Camorians are our closest brothers after all."

He had no interest in annexing Moria, but it did represent an opportunity to control the concentrated resources of the Commonwealth planets.

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