StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 575 Cockroach

On the 14th of that month, the Tyranid Empire dispatched troops to the sovereign territory of the Kemerian Commonwealth. An imperial fleet led by General Abram Cruikshank set off from Grnaki Prime.

According to the Universe News Network UNN, this imperial fleet can be described as huge in scale. Countless starships support the dome of the main star of Gernaki, which is clearly visible even in low-Earth orbit. Millions of imperial soldiers boarded at various star ports and orbital space stations at the same time, and the scene was shocking.

Even taking into account UNN's consistent Spring and Autumn style of writing, a half-turn is enough to shock Xiao Xiao.

If the brainworms are also watching the news, they can be frightened for a while.

Reaction within the empire was mixed, with some praising the emperor's ambitions and others expressing opposition.

The people of the empire are not very vocal about supporting the Camorian Federation. People even think that their children should not die for the Camorian people. This is understandable considering the feud between the Tyranid and Kaimorian.

Others believe that opening too many battlefields will lead to over-dispersion of troops, which will face great challenges in both troop recruitment and logistics. Obviously, it was the Tyranid Empire that faced the main force of the swarm. Its military strength was already stretched thin, and it had to take care of two estranged brothers.

Who knows if the Camorians will appreciate it, and these shrewd businessmen may even turn their backs on them.

But many people still understand the truth behind the death of lips and teeth. After all, there are a considerable number of citizens of Camorian descent living in the territories of the Tyranids. The Kaimorian Consortium's regime had effectively collapsed, and it was impossible to expect them to drive out the zerg on their own.

And since the emperor has decided to intervene in the crisis of the Camerian Federation, it is impossible to withdraw his order just because of mere objections.

On the 24th, Crushank's fleet arrived at Boone, the sovereign planet of the Kemerian Federation. Several main divisions of the Imperial Marines boarded landing ships and airdrop pods and landed on the warm and humid forest grassland of Boone. A fierce battle broke out nearby with the zerg.

This is a well-equipped and well-trained imperial army, and its two main divisions are still ace troops during the Revolutionary Army period. The remaining troops are regulars who have served for more than four years and have undergone rigorous training to overcome their fear of the zerg. A truly outstanding Imperial soldier should be as obedient and brave as a Resocialized soldier.

The training of Imperial soldiers is very different from that of the Kaimorian Consortium and Umoyan. Not only are the zerg simulated by holograms, Imperial soldiers also regularly participate in actual combat training - they face a real zerg, a cyborg zerg manufactured by the Cerberus Corporation.

On the battlefield, they will face well-trained Cerberus zerg, perhaps no more than a few hundred, but possibly more than a hundred thousand. Although the zerg won't actually harm them, if the soldiers let up, he and his comrades may end up on the dead list.

The technology of the Cerberus zerg is still immature and there is still the possibility of losing control, so there is still a cerebrate loyal to the Tyranid Empire to control them.

The soldiers all know the code name of this brainworm, because it is the most famous instructor. Its status is equivalent to the AI ​​instructor Mechanical Sergeant Tavis in the old Federation recruit training camp, except that the brainworm is a living highly intelligent creature and is 10,000 times more cunning than the AI.

This somewhat naughty brainworm has undergone rigorous training. It is very strict and is respected by soldiers. If a brigade fails miserably in an actual combat exercise against a Cerberus swarm, they will be teased by their commanders, saying that the cerebrates killed you all while eating popcorn and playing arcade machines.

At the same time, many new weapons and equipment that have never been unveiled have been put into use in Boone, including mechanized troops composed entirely of warrior wolves, evil bats and giant Goliath robots. The ace number troops are even equipped with MK II Odin machines. A. Restrictions on tactical nuclear weapons are also completely relaxed.

The emergence of new units such as Marauders, Medics, Hurks, and Reapers has also greatly improved the combat and survivability of the Imperial Army.

But the zerg have also evolved more efficient and powerful physiological structures and biological weapons. As a watershed in the iteration of weapon updates, the wars before and after Brood War were two completely different forms.

The Imperial army that landed on Boone encountered a swarm army mainly composed of new zerg variants, cockroaches and poisonous banelings. These monsters with multiple pairs of appendages have wide bodies and carapace covered with sharp spikes and protrusions. There is a pair of high-density cutting sickle-shaped claws on its back, which are sharp enough to cut through human armor and synthetic steel.

Cockroaches are also the most notorious species in the current insect swarm. They are often deployed on the front lines by brainworms as the backbone of the group. They are a classic variant that emerged as the modern insect swarm continues to evolve and become stronger.

The salivary glands in their mouths can secrete a lethal corrosive liquid. This strong acid is ejected through the contraction of the surrounding muscles, and can even melt the alloy steel armor of a siege tank into a pool of smoking flowing metal. In general, cockroaches actually attack by spitting.

Even the highly mutated tissues of cockroaches are not immune to this strong acid, but their powerful self-healing abilities can neutralize it. The self-healing ability of cockroaches is so powerful that Imperial soldiers once saw many cockroaches that had been blown to pieces burrow into the ground for a while and then crawl out intact.

When swarms of cockroaches appear on the horizon, it will be a sensational sight. These monsters covered with hard black carapace are shaped like small armored vehicles. The pair of sickle-shaped claws standing up on their backs are like walls and forests, like countless The marching blade.

The characteristics of the cockroach strains in each region are different. For example, the cockroaches of Moria absorb the rare earth and metal elements that are too large on the planet to grow a carapace that far exceeds other varieties. It is a unique cockroach species. After death, it can also split into multiple small cockroaches.

Compared to the cockroach species found in Char, these in Boone are larger and have thicker carapace, like black armored tanks.

The Imperial soldiers who landed on Boone called these cockroaches black lunchboxes, and used the issued individual repulsor rockets and self-destruction robots to deal with them, jokingly calling them open boxes.

Against the dense heavy armor of cockroaches, the Gauss rifles of the Imperial Marines had little effect. They could only use heavy weapons such as armor-piercing grenades, large-caliber railguns, and D-series cluster explosives. The Imperial commanders on the battlefield People are more accustomed to calling in artillery and air support when they see large groups of cockroaches.

Not only cockroaches, but new variants such as poisonous banelings, infected worms, swarm hosts and brood lords also appear in the genetic sequence of the Boone swarm.

The last thing the Imperial Marines want to encounter is a swarm of poisonous banelings. These bloated creatures filled with strong acid are mutated from ordinary springtails. A single baneling can wipe out several squads of marines. .

And since this is still an era dominated by brainworms, past variants such as lurkers, scorpionworms, queenworms, and devourers have not been forgotten, but have joined the battlefield in another highly evolved form.

It's no wonder that the Kaimorian Alliance is unable to withstand the rapid offensive of the swarm, because they still use the old weapons of the past to deal with the zerg. When the Zerg invaded, the Boons were still using rifles, steel helmets, and slow tanks from the Kailian War to deal with their enemies.

Even so, one has to admit the bravery of the Camorians. They drove tractors converted into tanks to wrestle with the Ultralisk, and used laser drills originally used to dig mineral veins to sweep away the Zerg. The Kaimorians modified mines with nuclear devices and used laser guns as fuses.

The Camorians dared to engage in trench warfare and guerrilla warfare with the Zerg in the deep and complex underground mines. No matter what, even though they had been abandoned by their leader, they still resisted desperately.

In particular, Boone was originally just a mining planet with a population of only 200 million, and the corporate government of the Commonwealth banned the military development of colonial worlds out of fear of an armed rebellion.

The kaimorians of Boone kept fighting, even as they were torn to pieces by countless springtails, melted by the caustic saliva of cockroaches, and trampled to pieces by ferocious Ultralisks.

By the 24th, Boone's main city had not yet fallen. After General Abram Crushank's troops arrived, the surviving Boones even launched a fierce counterattack.

The battle to defeat the invading zerg lasted until the 28th, and Crushank's main fleet had already set off for the alliance's capital star, Moria.

A battle ten times more massive immediately began in Moria.

On the 29th, Augustus, who was in the Augustgrad Palace Operation Center, received the news of the recovery of Boone and several other combined worlds, but the battle situation in Moria was still very anxious.

Currently, there are more than fifty Minotaur-class battlecruisers and hundreds of troop carriers, landing ships, and gunboats in the Moria system. The population involved in the battle is as high as 60 to 7 billion.

This is also a true battle for the insect swarm to hatch new species on a large scale. Cerebrates are extremely intelligent creatures. If they analyze a new species or a new genetic sequence that is completely superior to past species, they will immediately be added to all groups.

The second-generation master, that is, the younger master, also received support from the old master and his subordinates after his recovery, including the evolution master Abathur. Strictly speaking, Abathur is a creature independent of Cerebrates. It is similar to Cerebrates but also very different.

The cockroach may be the work of Carlos and Abathur, the brainworms.

The cockroach turns out to be just a creature called the Zantar that lives in Garrxax, the empire's territory. It has terrible self-healing abilities and can secrete a mucus that can corrode alloy steel plates.

It was not until 2497 that Grex was discovered by a Terran Empire research ship. However, private adventurers and smugglers had actually discovered this planet for a long time, but Augustus did not learn about it until two years later.

Augustus knew that the Zantar was the predecessor of the Cockroach, and he immediately ordered a blockade of the system and deployed a large number of troops in Glex. What's interesting is that this time, the nearby Umoyan colony thought that the Tyranids were about to start a war. They were so frightened that they immediately sent beautiful diplomats to the palace to inquire about the situation and observe the situation.

In 2498, empire scientists established a science station in Glex to study the self-healing genes and highly corrosive mucus of Zantar bugs for medical and industrial use. The planet also officially appeared on the empire's star map.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

Although the Empire banned private smuggling and research on the Zantar on the grounds of preventing invasive species, the creature had appeared on the black market long before then. Zantar worms are sold at high prices to collectors who like to collect alien creatures, extremely ambitious biotechnology companies, or human businessmen bribed by the brainworm Carlos.

As a result, new variants emerged. The size of the tiny Zantar increased dozens of times in a few life cycles, and they quickly developed the Zerg's signature hardened carapace and fangs and claws capable of cutting through fine steel.

However, the uncanny workmanship of nature is amazing after all. There is also a special vine growing in Gleix. The sap of this plant will explode horribly when it comes into contact with the Zantar worm.

This discovery can be regarded as making up for the loss. Before the Zerg discovered and evolved the relevant antibodies, weapons made by synthesizing the juice in the industrial era could be used as secret weapons to reduce the losses of the Imperial army.

At this moment, it was noon in Augustgrad, and the palace combat center was full of busy senior officers. They were either communicating with other departments, or following the emperor's orders to discuss and formulate new combat plans.

"Several old troops lost more than half in Boone. It is really regrettable, but the result is good. The newly trained troops also accumulated valuable experience." Augustus was talking to Marshal Reno:

"Abram is a capable man, tenacious, brave and resourceful. Although he has a bad personality, compared with General Edmund Duke, he is simply a weak girl."

"I have met him a few times. Duke thinks Crushank is not very capable, and his nose is turned up to the sky." Renault shook his head: "Don't blame me for laughing at his lack of self-awareness."

"Now it seems that expelling the zerg from Moria and other planets should not be a problem. We just need to see whether we can reduce the losses as much as possible." Augustus was still talking about war, but his eyes were already set further. The place:

"I have received reports that 80% of the Kaimorian guild giants and elites have fled to other planets. Of course, since they have done this, if they want to recover their assets, they must pay a sum of money."

"At the same time, if they cannot come back, we will have to take over their properties."

"I guess the directors of the Moria Guild and the Kelanis Transport Guild don't dare to say anything." Renault also hummed:

"If their people knew that these people had fled long ago, it would be a big deal. Because now these people have weapons in their hands, and they were not issued by us."

"Moria has to help us build battleships and chariots, and the rest of the Commonwealth world has to do the same. Of course, we will definitely pay, and we will mention the same work as the internal enterprises of the empire." Augustus said:

"But we will pay the money directly to the workers."

"Let's do this for now. The war on the Tasha frontline is the top priority. If the corporate directors of the consortium come to me, let them wait first."

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