StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 576 It doesn’t matter, I will take action

At the same time as the Kaimorian Federation was dispatched, the Tyranid Empire's battle with the primitive insect swarm army on the southern border also reached a critical stage.

From the Revanscar asteroid belt in the east to the frontier world of Roxara in the southwest corner, this seven-hundred-light-year-long front encompasses as many as forty-nine Tyranid Empire colonies. world.

On the Terran Empire's planar star map, it is an acute triangle outlined by a diagonal line that cuts downward from right to left. In the war zone, even on the surface of the planet, the density of zerg is still rising, equivalent to hundreds or even thousands of zerg distributed on every hectare of land.

Small colonial worlds formed by mining and early geographical exploration may only have a few hundred thousand people in small towns, and large worlds may have hundreds of millions of people. At last count, the affected empire's population amounted to as many as four billion. The cost of evacuating refugees from the war zone alone was astronomical, and even yachts equipped with warp engines were being mobilized.

The formidable fleets of the Tyranid Empire appeared in every world that called for the empire, and the scale of the epic sea battles that could be recorded in the annals of history was enough to dwarf any battle in the history of the Koprulu sector.

Wherever the battle is fiercest, the Imperial Marines are there.

Fierce battles were raging everywhere, whether in the vast deep space or the vast alien world. Unparalleled starships were burning, cities were razed to the ground, and countless people died. This may be one of the bloodiest, cruelest, and most horrific battles in human history.

People have experienced hardships and times of peace and prosperity at the same time, only to realize that the present is hard-won, so they will never allow the same fate to befall themselves and future generations.

The soldiers bid farewell to their hometowns and went to the battlefield. Some even traveled across the Koprulu sector to reach the front line, and many of them will have their bones buried in places they have never heard of before.

The Milky Way in Copluby is just an inconspicuous corner, as insignificant as a speck of dust, but for human beings whose life is short, it is everything from birth to death.

By now, few people thought this was just a small invasion that would soon subside. The universe is so vast that there is hardly room for human beings. There are hundreds of billions of stars and hundreds of billions of worlds in the Milky Way, but only the land beneath our feet is our home.

Not everyone voluntarily enlists in the military, especially in a prosperous world that has never experienced war, and there are many people who evade military service. There are so many people in this world, and human nature is so complex that simply dividing them into cowards and warriors is too one-sided.

Even the soldiers who join the Imperial Army are not born to be heroic warriors. I don’t know how many of them are disgusted with the war they are participating in, and feel at a loss about the meaning of their own fighting.

Because compared to the millions of large armies and fleets, the power of one person is too small to change anything. In front of the insect swarm, humans seemed so worthless. Human beings are not facing beasts, but another race and another civilization.

But some people may think that the War of Kailian should not have been fought from the beginning, but if they stand up and say that humans can live in peace with the Zerg without fighting, they will definitely be considered to be talking nonsense.

From top to bottom, people in the Tyranid Empire began to believe that only war could bring peace, because their enemy was the Zerg.

On March 30, Augustus, who was in the Augustgrad Palace, finally received news from the front.

Augustus has been staying in the battle center of the palace these days for eating and sleeping, and the same goes for the soldiers around him. These people are all young people about the same age as Augustus, the oldest is only forty-five years old.

They sleep little and are always working, for the fate of humanity in Koprulu rests on their shoulders.

It was dawn at this moment, and there was an inverted meteor shower falling in the sky over Augustgrad. It was a fleet of giant barges flying through Korhal's thin atmosphere, and such a meteor shower could be seen even in the daytime. arrive.

The many desks and consoles in the operations center were full. Some people had not slept for two or three days. Even when his colleagues were arguing about the details of the battle plan, they fell asleep on their chairs.

The emperor's combat center contains almost the most outstanding military tactics and strategic talents in the Tyran Empire, with flexible minds and quick reactions. Everyone who can come here is a talented person, regardless of their origin or blood.

Being able to work with the Emperor is proof of this. There is no Imperial Marshal who has not served here.

There are about five hundred people here. If the air purification system was not still working normally, the smell in the combat center would have been turbid and unbearable.

Emperor Augustus stood among the officers as always, and before receiving this news he had been furious at the negligence of Tarsonis' officials.

The recruitment and training of new recruits have been going smoothly, but since equipment and supplies must be transported from the core world, it must rely on Augustus's painstaking efforts to build the interstellar shipping system. On the other hand, those large merchant ships that were built in peacetime and were comparable to battlecruisers were also prepared for the coming of war.

A few days ago, supplies that were supposed to be sent to the front line were piling up in Alexandria Port in Tarzansia due to a lack of cargo ships. This was not an unforgivable thing, but it turned out that the official in charge actually tampered with the computer system to change the voyage schedule in order to steal supplies, causing chaos.

The Tarsonis transportation official was so stupid that Emperor Augustus lambasted him for his lack of brains.

Now, it is a sure thing that this person will be sent to New Folsom. There are people who deserve the crime, whether they are pirates, rapists, human traffickers or other murderers. In short, there are unimaginable crimes that can be imagined in this sector. All can be found in New Folsom.

The emperor always had very strict requirements on officials, which inevitably put them under great pressure. But unless he has absolutely no choice or is really angry, he will not punish these people easily.

The only exception was Tychus Finlay, who always seemed to find novel ways to annoy the magnificent emperor. The last time he named twenty-eight workers at an illegal entertainment venue in Aurora, he actually asked the boss to go to the palace to demand payment because the emperor should pay him next month's salary.

At this time, Augustus actually sent Faraday to get someone, and it was really shameless. Considering that Tychus has done this kind of thing not once or twice, the palace has no temper.

Tychus is considered a founding hero of the country. He has no hobbies, that is, eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling. He enjoys himself every day in the world of entertainment and entertainment. Fortunately, Tychus has now been sent to the front line to drive Odin. This old boy took advantage and ran away immediately.

"There is no need to be angry with this kind of person. All of us sitting here are responsible for his ability to get into this position." Renault said while flipping the flag on the tactical sandbox:

"Look, the primitive zerg are walking according to the route we have marked for them. So far, it seems that they are not dissatisfied."

On the sand table, the original defenders of New Fortinier in the lower left corner have retreated from the Palaven system. At this time, the primitive zerg that were blocked at the border immediately poured out of this gap. Only some zerg that were not very flexible in their brains were left and did not react. They were still biting the Tyranid Empire's defense lines in other areas desperately.

At this time, the Imperial Prince Arcturus will take action.

After the defenders of New Fortinier withdrew, the reserve fleet led by Prince Arcturus Mengsk launched an attack from another direction, driving the primitive zerg as far away from the Imperial territory as possible.

At present, it seems that Prince Arcturus's attack is quite effective, and the primitive zerg has indeed chosen the most convenient and only way.

As the emperor's elder brother, Imperial Prince Shirahoshi's ability to lead the army may be far superior to that of his brothers, but he just doesn't have many opportunities to display it. You know, Arcturus was Horace Warfield's boss. When he was still a lieutenant, he knew what it meant to be brave in war.

Even though he had never attended a military academy, Arcturus Mengsk seemed to have been born to march and fight.

Arcturus first laid a large number of sky mines in and around the star system around Ethilia IV, and then used the scattered fleet to bluff with fake numbers and electronic signals. This way, the original zerg, who were not good at using conspiracy and tricks, thought that they were falling into the Empire. Being surrounded by the fleet, they could only look for "loopholes" in the encirclement.

The Imperial Prince is not just a politician, he is willing to assist his brother behind the scenes. Anyway, the Tyran Empire also belongs to the Mengsk family.

"Where is Zulwin?" Augustus looked at the sand table and asked this question three times in a row.

"Zulwin has left Ethilia IV. The prince believes that it is the one leading the group to evacuate." The speaker was Lieutenant General Ulysses.

"If it were Zulwen, after it figured out our true strength, it would not choose to continue attacking." Augustus nodded:

"Zulven is cunning and greedy. What it likes to do most is to make the two families fight so that it can reap the benefits. But Zulwen will definitely not want the primitive zerg and humans to fight so hard that both will be harmed, and then be swallowed up by the Overlord."

"This guy, even though he is just an insect, is very smart."

"When we fight the master, this guy may come back to deal with us again." Renault said.

"If this is the case, Zurwin will definitely choose to form an alliance with us." Augustus didn't see it that way:

"In Zulwin's view, the Overlord is the embodiment of Eamon's will. Guess what, it must be scared to death now, thinking that Eamon will make itself a second Overlord."

"That would have been a horror story from Zulwein's perspective," Renaud said.

"Tell Arcturus that we must ensure that the remaining primitive zerg tribes follow Zulwen." Augustus continued: "It is not the time to celebrate yet. I am worried about those primitive zerg tribes that do not obey. He will find another way and decide to add food to human territory."

"That would give me a headache."

This is indeed what Augustus is most worried about. The advantage of the Cerebrate system is that the Zerg under its command will never disobey orders. But the most outstanding thing about the primitive zerg is their autonomy. To put it bluntly, they are used to being alone. They are likely to become small groups on the borders of the empire, and even threaten the empire's territory.

"Zurwen and Yagdra's tribes are the two largest. If Yagdra also keeps up with Zurwen, it shouldn't be a problem." Lieutenant General Ulysses said.

"It's better to do that." Augustus snorted coldly: "If the Lord hadn't been watching behind him, I would have brought Zulwin and Agdra to feed Dehaka."

"This is not over yet. I want to build the largest interstellar furnace for smelting alloys, and I will use Yagdra as the furnace core."

"Dehaka? Don't say I look down on it, maybe even Duke can arm-wrestle with it." Raynor thought Augustus was joking. He didn't believe that the original zerg could eat the ferocious and violent one. The Ash Worm Yagdra:

"But you are right, these monsters have devoured so many warriors. Good brothers cannot die in vain."

Tasha was once one of the fiercest areas of the war, where it was attacked by the original zerg leader, the ash worm Yagdra. Only the battles of Isilia, Seti and Tiria can compare.

The fleet stationed in the system originally consisted of twelve old Behemoth-class battlecruisers and hundreds of auxiliary ships, and more than half of them were lost in the initial battle.

The huge ash giant Yagdra is like a terrifying Balrog wandering in the starry sky. It is not afraid of high temperatures and flames, and the hottest magma is just warm water to it.

Yagdra is shaped like a snake-shaped dragon, with hot lava flowing through its steel-like skin. It does not need a fusion reactor to create terrible light and heat, because its blood is flowing with hot lava and Fuels body fluids. That huge heart was not designed to breathe, but to boil the hot blood in the body.

According to this violent monster, it once defeated the second generation master and tore pieces of flesh from its bloody body. If what Yagdra said is true, then he is even more terrifying than Zulwen, the Zongzu.

And Yagdra's power is indeed impressive. This terrifying ash giant has chewed up many Tyranid Empire's main fleets.

This gruesome sight was recorded by a military reporter who said he saw Yagdra devour Korhal's Vengeance alive. When the monster hiccupped, tons of molten metal, ash, and lava erupted. Arriving at the vast land of Tasha. Immediately the mountains and rivers melted, rivers of magma flowed over the endless fertile fields, and the earth was scorched black.

For the warriors aboard Korhal's Revenge, even hell was no better than this.

"You know nothing about primal zerg and essence, Jimmy. Dehaka is actually more powerful than you think, much more powerful."

"Seeing is believing, hearing is believing, my mother always said." Reno said.

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