StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 577 The Frontline: Why We Fight

My mother always said: Killing is sinful, because all life is given by God. Therefore, everyone is a brother, and brothers will not fight each other with swords.

Private Ardo Melnikov, who grew up on the imperial colony planet Bountiful, always believed in the knowledge he learned in the seminary, but now Ardo has wavered. .

If the life of the zerg is also given by God, then who is he punishing by releasing these demons?

"They're coming up again! Overhead! Underfoot! Kill them! Kill them! Fire!"

This hysterical shouting drew Ado back to the battlefield. He put his finger on the trigger of the C-14 Gauss gun, and then remembered that the enemy had already retreated.

"Hold him down! Hold this guy down damn fast!"

A soldier in a black khaki uniform was running between trenches and fortifications, followed closely by several army doctors who threw him down into the muddy trench pit like tigers.

"It's over! It's all over!" Their shouts echoed clearly audibly on the battlefield filled with alloy steel bunkers and solid bunker clusters.

"Only resocialization can save him."

Like other Imperial soldiers around him, Hodor just watched silently from behind the helmet visor of his power armor as the crying soldier was carried back to the combat medical center.

The soldiers who were witnessing all this all made prayer gestures in unison, their eyes filled with sadness.

The soldier was their comrade. He once witnessed a ferocious primitive tyrannosaurus tearing apart many of his comrades alive, and he suffered from mental problems ever since. The field hospital cannot treat this kind of disease, so it can only be sent to Melichs, which is closer to here.

"It's all over." Ado whispered to himself, looking past his comrades to the position: ".Amen."

This is the Tasha front line. The 664th and 665th Imperial Marine Divisions who were ordered to station here have built an impregnable defense line around thousands of islands and reefs.

On the morning of Easter, April 14, thick fog was covering the undulating sea.

Huge fortifications cover the entire coast of Zephyr Cove. This island was once a tourist resort in Tasha. It is warm as spring all year round. The abundant rainfall and temperature create an idyllic and poetic scene. paradise on earth.

The poetic natural environment has naturally nurtured the poetic Tasha people. The science, education and humanities here are unique even among the vast interstellar empire Tyranids.

But now, this once paradise on earth has been transformed into a battlefield.

From flat beaches to steep cliffs, there are fortifications built with concrete and alloy steel everywhere. Dozens of miles of underground facilities connect countless planetary fortresses, bunker clusters and large cannons powered by the Draken. giant turret.

Countless bunkers and firepower points set up on high ground guard the city of Belfalt on the edge of Zephyr Bay. The endless, interlocking fortifications and solid defense support points extend along the once quiet and clear bay. Countless cluster rocket launchers and Super railguns lock onto the sky and sea. Countless cannons and countless flags are engraved with the iron ambition of the Tyranids.

Hodor had seen these giant cannons fire, they were truly prepared for destruction and war. It is no exaggeration to say that the size of some giant guns is not exaggerated even for use against battlecruisers.

When the artillery fire roared, the several-ton shells set off apocalyptic plumes of smoke and dust, and the laser cannons burned the oceans and the land, shaking the mountains in an instant, and everything was wiped out.

The dangerous black jungle of electrified barbed wire, spider booby traps, and widow mines, littered with the corpses of countless primitive zerg, is testament to this horrific war. Some of them are hundreds of yards long just for their skeletons, and they are giant beasts that only exist in mythology.

At this time, multiple large excavators were rumbling on the battlefield splattered with thick blood, cleaning up mountains of corpses, as if they were moving on the ground paved with broken bones and flesh.

Without real personal experience, it would be difficult for anyone to believe what kind of enemies and wars Ado had faced.

In the past nearly four weeks, the primitive swarm has launched an all-out attack on Tasha. At that time, the sky that could be seen with the eyes was covered with primitive insects with vibrating wings. All they heard were deafening and terrifying roars, and everything they touched was death and blood.

Everywhere as far as the eye can see are the corpses of humans and zerg. The poisonous, thick blood of the original zerg polluted the water source, turning Tasha's ocean into a dark crimson for a time.

In the air of Tasha, the content of primitive zerg is even much higher than the content of oxygen.

The defenders suffered unimaginable casualties. At the most difficult moment, the Zephyr Bay position was almost completely occupied. The surviving Imperial warriors were trapped in isolated fortresses and bunker clusters, resisting until they ran out of ammunition or Detonate a nuclear device and kill your enemies together.

Ado and his comrades have fallen into the quagmire of despair and failure time and time again, relying solely on mechanical fighting to survive through the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. As Prince Arcturus said: You will become the agents of death, eager to fight. A gun is just a tool, a heart of stone is a weapon.

In this massive all-out war, individual ingenuity and will did not play a big role. Ado and his friends were able to survive in the end because of good enough luck.

Finally, fortunately, General Pryor arrived on horseback on the emperor's order and solved the siege of Tasha.

Now, the primitive zerg have finally evacuated Tasha. Although this once picturesque planet has long been devastated, she is finally saved. The original insect swarm, they are gone, leaving only trauma and suffering in this world.

But as an ordinary soldier, Ado didn't know why the original zerg desperately wanted to capture Tasha and suddenly left without interest. Like, Hodor couldn't figure out why they were coming.

"Melnikov, Ado Melnikov." Platoon leader Lieutenant Sheffield came out of the bunker on the other side. The man with a big nose and flat eyes had to lower his head to get out of the low bunker exit.

Since a large amount of communication equipment, logistics support equipment, and ammunition depots must be installed in the bunker, the space left for the Imperial Marines is much smaller, so that a class of soldiers inside can not even get half a stool.

"Lieutenant." Ado immediately walked towards Sheffield: "What's the matter?"

"You have been promoted." Sheffield waved to Ado: "Now you are the corporal squad leader of our class, and you also received a gold star badge with your appointment."

Hodor nodded, not surprised by this because he was one of the last two people in his class alive. In some units with particularly serious attrition, some people were even promoted to captain during the war, while all the officers above him, including platoon commanders, company commanders and battalion commanders, died.

This is the front line, and the emperor can only choose his outstanding commanders from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Although the Imperial Army's structure and armaments have been comprehensively optimized since Emperor Augustus Mengsk ascended the throne in Korhal, with more and more new power armor, mechas, and tanks being prepared for the entire army, the original alien Insects are, after all, extremely formidable enemies.

The primitive zerg race has spent endless years in their homeland of Zerus, and the entire race has evolved endlessly for the purpose of killing. If the armies of the old federal era encountered them, they would have little chance of winning.

A lot of people from Ado's division survived, and some of the brothers' troops were unable to gather the number of people for a headquarters in the end.

"The order has arrived, and our division will immediately move back to the rear to rest. The transport ship will arrive in half an hour. They are always on time, and the people who drive the spaceship don't like to wait for people." Lieutenant Sheffield continued:

"After that, newly arrived troops will take over from us."

We are talking about rest and reorganization, but in fact the most important thing is to retain the establishment and wait for the re-establishment of the army, because the two divisions stationed in Tasha and the more than 20 divisions that were later reinforced suffered heavy losses. For much of the battle, Tasha was the main battlefield.

The empire's commanders obviously did not expect this at the beginning, so the elite main force initially stationed in Tasha was not the main force.

"Where to rest? I don't know how far it is from Fenfeng." A Duo wanted to go home and take a look, because he might lose his life next time.

It's not just Ado, there are too many people who have never looked back on the battlefield, fearing to miss home when the smoke clears.

Fenfeng is not close to the front line, but it can be reached in less than a week by a spaceship equipped with the latest warp engine. For Ado, he doesn't know whether this is good news or bad news.

"This is not something I can know, kid. But I promise, you will have a chance." Sheffield walked past Ado's soldiers and said in a low voice:

"Now go to the airport to report. You don't have to be in a hurry. There is more than enough time. I think there are not enough seats on the spacecraft."

Ado is only nineteen years old this year. He is indeed a child to Sheffield. His youngest children are older than this young boy.

"Yes, sir," Hodor said.

Lieutenant Sheffield said before leaving: "In the name of God, you are now a veteran. Remember, it is the son of a bitch's war that makes you a real man."

"Let's go. Since he said so." At this time, Will Woronoff was walking out of another bunker. The order to evacuate to the airport was given by the command channel in the power armor, but he just heard what Sheffield said.

In addition, Will is a pastor. Out of respect for the religious culture of Fenfeng, the 417th Marine Battalion is one of the few imperial troops with military chaplains. Although there are less than 12% of Fenfeng people in this unit, it is the recruit training camp there. graduated.

Fenfeng is a religious colony that was established in the 24th century. The people who founded this colony were all members of religious groups, and they were all saints and pilgrims who traveled here.

In the past, Fenfeng refused to join the old Terran Federation, but was later incorporated into the newly established Terran Empire. During that turbulent period, Fenfeng originally launched an uprising against the rule of the Tyranid Empire, because the people living there did not understand this new regime and thought it was no different from the tyrannical Federation in the past.

Until one day, what the people of Kangfeng didn't expect at all was that the emperor of the Tyran Empire came to Kangfeng in person. Emperor Augustus stood among his people and declared that he would grant them the freedom to legally practice religion. He was so charismatic and his voice was so convincing that no one suspected that he was lying.

Will was Hodor's childhood friend. It was a miracle that they survived. I don't know how many times the two soldiers thought they saw heaven.

They are both the same age, grew up together, and are as close to each other as brothers. However, several of their friends who grew up with them are now dead. Some died in Tasha, some died in the Kemerian Union's colony Warrant VI, and some died in space with the battleship.

Many people cannot go back.

Together with Will, Ado summoned his comrades in the same platoon to go to the airport. The airport in Zephyr Bay is very large, and there are huge spaceships at all times. Among them, you can see fully armed imperial troops lining up neatly towards the transport ship.

These newly arrived troops have bright armor, apparently because they have had enough time to maintain it. Another group of imperial soldiers came to Tasha, and Ado didn't know what was waiting for them.

There are rumors that Tasha will give up soon, because even if the original zerg leave, the overlord swarms that follow are even more terrifying.

But the high command obviously didn't want to think otherwise. They seemed to have a secret weapon to deal with the Overlord.

There is a huge Odin mecha parked in the airport, and I heard it is at the prototype level and is even more powerful than the average Odin.

Ever since Ado had seen that towering steel giant being thrown onto the battlefield from thousands of feet in the air by a Hercules-class transport ship, creating a huge bloody pit among tens of thousands of primitive zerg, he had never thought about it again. There was no doubt about the power of this war weapon.

At this moment, several engineers were driving T-280 space engineering vehicles to perform maintenance and repair work on the damaged Odin, using plasma welding guns to weld pieces of battlecruiser-level electroplated ceramic composite steel plates.

Will was madly in love with the iron giant and was walking around it. But Ado just found a secluded corner and took out the photos in the armor storage unit to look at them.

It was a blond girl with blue eyes. Her hair was like the wheat fields in autumn and her eyes were like the sea in winter.

Perhaps, every boy of this age has such a girl in his heart.

Aduoduo wants to see her again.

"Borrow me a fire, buddy." A tall man walked over from behind, a cigarette in his mouth. His face was covered with flesh and scars, as if he had walked out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

A corporal, just looking at this, Ado is probably about the same as him.

Ado threw the laser lighter to him, and the other party lit a cigarette and looked at the photo.

"What's her name?" the man said.

"Melani Bradlaw," Addo replied.

"Have you had sex?" The other party was an old gangster.

"No." Ado was stunned for a moment, then emphasized: "Of course not."

"Phew - she is the driving force that keeps you alive."

"Stay alive until the end of the war." Tychus exhaled a puff of smoke: "I have seen too many widows. Even if they receive pensions, most of them will get married in the end."

This was Tychus Finlay's unique form of comfort.

"Goodbye, little brat." Tychus shouted to the engineers setting up the construction trucks before leaving: "Guys, lubricate my baby, I'll need it later!"

The scrolling subtitles below the UNN news after the hidden level of the Wings of Liberty campaign ended mentioned the news of the immigrants from the Star of Bonfeng declaring their independence, and there were also cameos in the subsequent battles.

This planet was originally going to be included in the world destruction mechanism of Heart of the Swarm, but later this very good mechanism was abandoned. We had the opportunity to see more unique StarCraft planets and experience them in the campaign. It’s such a shame that the characters are as diverse as Star Wars.

The popular science video of upDNvader at Bilibili is very good. It is one of the few ups that has been carefully researched. If you have time, you can check out his video. In comparison, those marketing accounts are really misleading.

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