StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 578 Boring, I want to see a river of blood

Slane, a dark world of dry heat and terrible storms, is as unforgiving as the Tal'darim protoss. This place is full of cruel murders, despicable betrayals and barbaric atrocities, where the fittest survive and the strong are respected.

The lonely and majestic peaks of Winter's Gate (Ladder Map) stand amid the wind and snow and the tree-like lightning across the dark sky. The rough, ferocious and extremely beautiful Ta'darin Black Fortress is located among the mountains.

Even though Tal'darin are absolute pragmatists and don't care whether their buildings are as refined and practical as the El Protoss, these majestic and solid fortresses are also works of art with a dark and murderous aesthetic. Even if the Tal'darim never deliberately modify their buildings, a keen sense of beauty still flows in the blood of the protoss race.

Tal'darin parted ways with the El Protoss long after the Aeons War, but this talent was innate.

Look at those buildings that combine grandeur and ferocious beauty. Even the tight lines of cold carvings on the fortress have been sharpened like thin pointed blades, and the bright blood fragments exude blue and red luster. The vertical and towering walls of the fortress stretch straight into the sky. The sharp outline of the spire and the asymmetric structure demonstrate the extremely impactful strength and tension.

From the blood crystal spire that stands like a blade to the pass flowing with bright blood-red light, the huge vertical drop is like a gate to heaven, enough to make any creature that dares to step fall to pieces. Towering spiers and blood-red bridges of light connect the battlement towers into the sky, hidden among the storms carrying snowflakes.

The unparalleled spiers of Blackwinter's Pass dominate Slaine's skyline, and once you reach the top, you can dominate all living beings.

The cold wind blew the blood-red robe of Alarak, who was now the first to be promoted, and made a sharp and piercing scream, like swords clashing. Even in the already harsh Slane, Blackwinter Pass is a dangerous place to be in the cold.

In the darkness, the eyes and ears of the high-ranking lord Marash must be secretly watching every move of the first person promoted, speculating with the most malicious intentions on his purpose of coming to the Black Winter Pass. The Ascended Ones throughout Slane are coveting Alarak's power and status, and countless blood hunters are thirsty for the blood of the First Ascended Person.

Then let them guess. Lies will never come true as long as they are not acted upon.

Alarak's heavy combat boots stepped on the snow, and he couldn't help but think that he was just trying to act idle so that the high-ranking lord wouldn't think that the first promoted person who was now one person below ten thousand people had other agendas. .

High Lord Marash is not in Slane now. He is listening to Aemon's teachings in the Temple of Iris on the planet Atrias. In this way, the first ascended person is already the true master of this planet.

But that was not the case. Even tens of thousands of light years away, the high-ranking lord knew everything that happened in Slane.

Of course, Marash was more wary of Alarak, because the first ascendant was already at the top of Slane's power, and the next step would be his position as a high-ranking lord.

Not long ago, Alarak was only the fourth upgraded person. In front of him were the first upgraded person, Nuloka, the second upgraded person, Gulaki, and the third upgraded person, Zenich. They are all strong men determined in the Rak'sir ceremony, and every Alarak must be extremely afraid of them.

Those who reach the top of the chain are feared warriors. It is no lie that one person can defeat an army.

But now, they are all dead, killed in the last Rak'shir ritual. Nuloka, the former first person to be promoted, arrogantly launched a long-planned Rak'sir ritual to the high lord Marash, and involved the first four seats in it.

Judging from the results, since Marash is still alive, Nuloka must have failed. That's enough. Tal'darin only cares about the result, the process is not important, and no matter how wonderful the conspiracy is, it is just the icing on the cake.

So the former fourth promoted person was promoted to the first seat, and the promoted people below him also ascended to heaven.

Even now, Alarak still clearly remembers the thrill of the Rak'sir ceremony.

Before the Rak'shir ceremony began, in order to win over Alarak to ally with him during the ceremony, Nuloka revealed to him a shocking secret that was extremely heretical and rebellious.

Even Alarak feels ridiculous and blasphemous when he thinks about it now. Starting from a low-level cultist, Alarak is a follower of Amon, as is every Tal'darin. As a Tal'darim, if you dare to betray Amon, you are an absolute heretic.

His will cannot be violated.

It has long been known to everyone that Xel'Nagaemon, the god of darkness, the god that the Tal'darins believe in fervently, intends to return to the real universe and destroy the world to end the reincarnation of the universe. At that time, the stars will be extinguished and all things will perish. Atop the ruins and embers of the world, Amon will be the only god and ruler.

And Tal'darin believed in it.

Amon promised the Tal'darim that when that day truly comes, they will ascend into true hybrids and rule the world together with the gods.

As for how much the Tal'darin want to become a hybrid, it can be seen from their willingness to become the experimental subjects of Amon and God Narud.

His cold will and determination to end this cycle of corruption are flowing in the veins of the void, and the final day will come when the great death fleet will destroy all life in this universe in his name.

End the cycle of decay and the world will stop for eternity.

Today, Amon's world-destroying plan has entered the final stage, and his will is about to revive in the real universe. The Tal'darim's death fleet is ready, awaiting the day of Ascension.

But suddenly Nuloka told Alarak that all the promises made by the God of Darkness to the Tal'darin protoss were lies, and the day of ascension would never come. Because Amon believes that death is truth and death is ascension.

Amon named the site of the Rak'shir ceremony the Ascension Pit, and those who failed would be pushed into the endless abyss. This is actually a sad travesty, defeat is the only way to ascend.

Only the final winner of countless Rak'shir rituals performed by the Tal'darin can obtain the right to ascend, but in Eamon's view, those losers who were buried in the Ascension Pit have already obtained the right to ascend first.

lie! cheat! betray!


Tal'darin, the one chosen by God. This race has served the dark god Amon for countless generations, and will continue to do so.

Now it seems that this is a joke.

Alarak had reason to believe that what Nulok said was true, and the latter did not need to use such heretical lies to win over people's hearts. This is an act even crazier than deviant, because the first ascendant in the Chain of Ascension actually ordered Alarak to kill Eamon with him! Kill the gods!

Unless Nuloka is crazy, he is really aware of the truth. Kill Eamonn? Even the Tal'darin's power is indirectly or directly derived from Amon, which is ridiculous.

Of course, considering Naion, there is a possibility that he might actually go crazy.

While Alarak was walking expressionlessly among the steep rock walls filled with terrazine in Black Winter Pass, he was also absorbing the surging energy of terrazine as much as possible.

Terrazine, the Breath of the Creator, no matter what it is called, is the ultimate treasure for the power-hungry Tal'darin. It can grant Tal'darin endless power, and is also a medium of communication with the void and Amon. There is no Tal'darin protoss who does not desire power, otherwise, he is not a Tal'darim.

If there is a fool who is a low-level creature and hears strange noises while absorbing terrazine, tsk tsk tsk~ then he must have hit the jackpot.

Whenever this happens, Alarak's connection with the Void and Amon becomes even closer. And it was while deep into the void that Nuloka discovered Eamon's true thoughts - Eamon didn't even bother to hide his intentions from Tal'darin.

But no Tal'darin ever doubted it. If there were, they were all dead.

But ever since, seeds of doubt have taken root in Alarak's mind. Alarak couldn't help but feel angry at the thought that his lifelong pursuit was a lie.

In Emon's view, all life in this universe is just a mistake of endless reincarnation. Why do the Tal'darins believe that they are not included in this mistake.

Tal'darim was originally part of the cycle of corruption that Eamon spoke of. And the more I think about it, a lot of the suspicious things before make sense. For example, none of the Tal'darin who volunteered to become Narud's experiment subjects came back.

Eamonn treats everyone as a fool.

You deserve to die, Eamonn.

But Alarak knew that if he wanted revenge, his own strength would not be enough. At the very least, he must first become a high-ranking lord and control the entire Tal'darin.

To defeat the current high-ranking lord Marash, Alarak must enlist the support of powerful allies. Alarak already had an idea. Most of the Tal'darim support Marash, and they are simply unreliable.

In this case, Alarak decided to use the power of foreigners, because the Rak'sir ritual had never stipulated that this could not be done. Since there is no regulation, it is tacitly allowed.

So, who can help Alarak defeat Marash in the Rite of Rak'shir?

For a moment, Alarak thought of the Terran Empire humans who had had conflicts with Tal'darin, but then he felt sick. It is impossible for Alarak to cooperate with humans. He wants to reverse the trend of subverting the world and take revenge on Eamon, but humans are simply not qualified.

A flood is about to sweep away all living things, and Alarak has to form an alliance with the ants in order to stop the flood?

Even humans have proven themselves to be a force to be reckoned with in the war against the Tal'darim.

Humanity. He is equipped with primitive technology, but he thinks he is great. Those weak reptiles exude a primitive impulse - fear. Their ridiculous emperor's understanding of war was lame and ridiculous, as naive as a two-hundred-year-old child.

Tsk, Augustus Mengsk. Alarak would not bother to execute such a fool himself.

Human beings are not qualified to be slaves.

And the protoss of El and Sagulas actually formed an alliance with humans, which is really a bargain.

Duram Protoss is a good choice. As long as you put a high-sounding savior hat on them, they will obey immediately. Although Duram is flirting with humans, why not obey them since he has fallen so willingly.

Working with Duram, they will surely bring the Human Empire with them.

Unfortunately, the current Archbishop of Durham, Tassadar, is a true leader, and he may not be fooled by Alarak. In comparison, his apprentice Artanis is an immature idiot.

It doesn't matter, Alarak already has a plan.

Stay calm, be patient, and think before you act.

This is the key to Alarak being the first to be promoted.

"Sir." In the darkness, Jinara, now the second promoted person, walked slowly. In terms of the aesthetics of the protoss, Jinara is fit and well-proportioned, but the thorny shoulder armor and the betrayal blade at her waist show how dangerous she is.

"You're looking for me?"

Her voice was so weak and trembling that if Alarak hadn't known how cruel Jinara was, he would have almost believed it.

Jinara should indeed be afraid, she already knew Alarak's methods.

In the Rak'sir ceremony between the former first ascended Nuroka and the high lord Marash, Alarak played tricks on everyone. He first declared his allegiance to Nuloka and killed Gulaki who supported Marash. Then he declared his allegiance to Marash and killed Nuloka instead.

Alarak was indeed a despicable villain, but he only violated customs, not rules. Now, he, Alarak, is the first person to be promoted.

The beneficiaries of this Larkhill also included Jinara, who was promoted to three seats without even joining the ceremony.

"I'm looking for you." Alarak stared at Jinara with slightly narrowed scarlet eyes, making a mocking expression.

And Alarak admitted that he liked to see the frightened and trembling look of this lower-ranking person, even though he knew very well that this was just an act.

Yes, he just likes it.

Never tire of it.

Alarak's thoughts were so meticulous that even the protoss who were used to reading minds couldn't figure it out. He would never understand why the Templars could stand Kara.

The Tal'darim are all well aware of each other's dark and cruel characters, and this is probably the only thing that can be understood between the tribesmen. Therefore, it is extremely foolish to talk about big heart to other Tal'darim.

While humans in the Koprulu sector are still fighting for survival, the Tal'darin protoss far away on the edge of the galaxy still haven't given up their intrigues and struggle for power.

"Waiting for your order." Jinara knelt down on one knee without hesitation.

Even if she was only one position higher, Jinara could not disobey Alarak. Rather than being colleagues, we are more like masters and servants.

"I got a report from the outpost that an army of zerg is approaching Slane, and now they have invaded multiple worlds." Alarak was silent for a long time, as if to read Jinara's unpredictable thoughts.

Jinara's intelligence network was unaware of such an important matter. The Alarak soldiers came calmly on foot to inform them in order to establish their authority.

He didn't take the zerg seriously at all, nor did he care about the gains and losses of one or two planets.

Ruthless, efficient, and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, Tal'darin pursues a path to victory and the rest is a path to death. Tal'darim only do things that are beneficial to themselves, and sacrifices and dedications are nothing more than coaxing children.

"What is your order?" Jinara didn't dare to doubt.

"What do you think we should do?" Alarak said.

"Fight back immediately." Jinara's answer was impeccable.

"It's not a fight back, it's a massacre." Alarak said, "I want to see rivers of blood."

"This is what happens when you piss off a Tal'darim."

"I want you to lead the death fleet to defeat these bugs and regain the lost ground." He said to Jinara:

"Leave now."

Just like their weak cousins ​​in Aiur, the Tal'darim have also established many colonies on many far-flung planets, all for the purpose of absorbing resources to expand their territories and to conquer and rule like kings. After plundering all the resources, most of these colonies have been abandoned. No matter how beautiful they were before, they are now dead.

Tal'darim are accustomed to building temples dedicated to Amon on planets rich in terrazine, in order to seek the favor of the dark god.

Nuloka, the former first ascendant, was born on a warm and humid planet.

Not only the Tal'darin protoss, another protoss branch that left Aiur at almost the same time, Ihan-rii (Xel'naga was respectfully called Ihan, the mentor by the protoss), also established an ancient and powerful protoss. Protoss Empire.

"I will dedicate my victory to the God of Darkness." Jinara said.

Would the wails, the pain, the blood, the endless reaping of life really please Eamonn?

Maybe God just doesn't care.

Eamonn didn't care.

"Even if those despicable beasts glare at you, you will disembowel them and throw them to the elemental creatures and Zoanthisk." Alarak showed a cruel expression.

At the same time, Alarak was thinking about how to use this sudden war to strengthen his control over the Death Fleet. And even if he is distracted, he can handle it with ease, and he has countless plots and tricks at his fingertips to use his allies and weaken his enemies.

He said: "Tal'darim takes no prisoners"

I have to take a day off on the 1st of next month. Please forgive me, because I have been suffering from insomnia recently.

——I have to say that the map translations of the previous Chinese servers felt very good. When I played, I would imagine what kind of stories would happen in these different worlds.

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