StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 579 Use your invincible new star impact to find a solution

An Augustgrad's Pride-class strategic cruiser is opening a space-time channel. The surging space-time vortex is like the rising second sun. Countless small and medium-sized warships are following the flagship in overwhelming numbers, brightly lit. The orange or dark blue plasma thruster wake is brighter than the white star.

Before this generation, humans in the Koprulu sector had never seen such a huge fleet.

Children who grew up in the era of the Tyranids were lucky enough to witness the launch of this epic fleet, watching the city-like battleships accelerate into meteors in the sky. Children can often hear news from the front even in school. If their parents happen to work in factories related to the supply of arms supplies, they will be able to experience the depressing and solemn atmosphere of the war even more.

The junction of the late 25th and early 26th centuries is destined to leave a strong mark in history. This year, many families with friends and family on the front lines have had sleepless nights.

This day is April 16, and the battle on the front line has finally come to an end.

In the morning, Emperor Augustus ordered General Jim Renault to sit in the combat center and coordinate the overall situation. He took the time to convene the palace ministers of the imperial cabinet, including the ministers of finance, transportation, human resources and other heads of ministries to listen to their opinions on their work. content and the problems they encountered.

It is worth mentioning that the head of the cabinet, the imperial prime minister appointed by the emperor, is his father, Finance Minister Angus Mengsk.

The emperor believed that the reason why he had to work so hard to be an emperor today was that his old father was to blame. In this case, Angus has to share his son's worries.

The Imperial Prime Minister has great power and is the head of government. He has full authority to handle domestic and foreign affairs and can convene cabinet meetings according to the emperor's will. The Prime Minister has the power to decide on the establishment and abolition of various departments and the appointment of ministers, and to coordinate conflicts between departments to ensure the orderly operation of the imperial government.

In other words, except that he cannot interfere with legislation and military command, the prime minister can be regarded as half an emperor.

Even if Angus's greatest achievement is considered to be giving birth to Augustus Mengsk, it cannot be denied that he is indeed a very capable politician. Tough, hard-working, energetic and charismatic, Mengsk Sr. was also an outstanding leader.

Angus Mengsk has aged many years since he decided that he was absolutely responsible for the destruction of Korhal IV. And his son, the emperor of the empire, gave him a chance to atone for his sins. Although Angus once defended freedom and democracy at all costs, the centralized Tyranid Empire now seems to be the best outcome.

Now, only by working hard and day and night, fulfilling the original promise to the people of Korhal, and building an empire where everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, can Angus feel less guilty.

And it was precisely with the assistance of Angus Mengsk, who was skilled in internal affairs management, that Augustus was able to establish a sound and efficient government system in such a short period of time. You must know that half of the current Tyran Empire government is left over from the old federation, and half is directly from the ruling team of Korhal IV in the past, and these people were all trained by Angus.

On top of that, Angus was the Emperor's father. With just this status, this gray-haired old man can also control the high-ranking imperial ministers in cabinet meetings, and the emperor will basically accept his opinions.

Even if they disagree with Angus on politics, no one dares to verbally insult the Prime Minister unless they don't want to live anymore.

When Augustus met Angus today, the latter still maintained abundant energy and high enthusiasm for work. If it weren't for Angus's skill and ability, Augustus would have died of exhaustion on the throne.

Angus also brought good news to Augustus: after the Terran Empire fleet recaptured Moria, the capital star of the Kemerian Federation, he had taken full power to take over the Federation government through forced intervention as the emperor wished. And announced that the resources of Moria and all its colonies will be reasonably allocated by the new government based on supply and demand during wartime.

As for the Imperial Fleet's defeat of the brainworm Carlos to regain the lost territory of the Federation, it was already two weeks ago.

Part of the reason for this is that the empire sent troops quickly and heavily. In addition, although Carlos believed that it had disintegrated the government and army of the Commonwealth, the fighting power of the civilian armed forces was far stronger and their will to resist was far beyond their imagination.

The Kaimorians are natural adventurers, good at exploring mineral deposits and doing business, but they are also a tough and martial race. Their civilians' enthusiasm for war is different from the other two brothers in the Koprulu sector.

Carlos saw that he could not attack for a long time, and feared that he would be surrounded by imperial reinforcements, so he decisively ordered his troops to retreat. Brainworms are such creatures. They can accept failure calmly and never get discouraged.

Since then, the imperial army has actually controlled the entire Commonwealth. After all, although the Kaimorians have many planets, most of them are sparsely populated mining worlds.

It is easy to ask the gods but difficult to give them away. When the coalition government has actually lost the trust and support of the people, the Tyran Empire has no intention of stopping here, but is using this to support a new government.

Former Kemerian Consortium diplomat in Augustgrad, Ma Sakai, has been appointed chairman and CEO of the consortium's board of directors. Since the company was the government in the Kemorian government, Zacchaeus was the actual ruler of the union.

As for the legal persons of Moria's largest corporate guilds, they have wisely announced that they will hand over the company's management rights and all resources to the reshuffled joint board of directors, in exchange for the right to retain assets after the war. As for those who were unwilling to hand over power, Augustus' generals politely pointed out that the nobles of the old Commonwealth were a lesson to them.

Currently, the resources collected from the Kaimorian Complex mining area are placed under an organization called the Wartime Resource Management Committee.

As a result, all the industries and shipyards of the Commonwealth have been converted to serve the Tyranid Empire, and massive resources are being converted into power armor, armored combat vehicles, and star battleships. Although not directly annexed to the Tyranid Empire, the Kaimorian Conglomerate effectively became a client state with a government in name only.

In this way, no matter how much Zacchaeus argued and swore that he would never betray the interests of the alliance, it seemed to be a certainty that he had a secret deal with the Emperor of the Tyranids.

In fact, the ones who suffered the most were the very large guild companies in the Camorian Federation. Even their founders were unable to decide on the day-to-day management of their companies and any resources.

As for the common people of Camorion and even most of the middle class, they find that they are better off than before. Not only do they have additional subsidies, but their salary levels have increased significantly, and their working hours have been continuously shortened, in line with the enterprises of the Tyranids.

Not only that, Augustus also spent huge sums of money to help the people of the Commonwealth rebuild their homes, which not only gained popularity among the Camorians, but also calmed the dissatisfaction of the people. After all, the money spent is the money of the shareholders of the giant companies in the Consortium Guild, so they have to show their willingness.

In addition to garrisoning troops in Moria and other places, Augustus also ordered the formation of the Kemorian militia, recruiting and training a large number of new soldiers. Clad in full-face armor in the color of rust and mottled brass, these warriors immediately became a force to be reckoned with and could be seen clearing out zerg across the Commonwealth.

After the war is over, if the many guilds in the federation want to cut workers' wages, it may not be an easy task.

By the afternoon, Augustus was back at the center of operations at the Augustgrad Palace.

Good things come in pairs, and good news comes from the front line. According to the report of the scientific ship that has been tracking the primitive swarm for a long time, the primitive zerg that were expelled from the Empire have encountered the Tal'darin Protoss to the west of the Empire. Both sides are warlike races, and they fight without asking for any reason. There is also an opponent in chess.

The cold and cruel Tal'darim protoss looked down upon the primitive zerg at all. As protoss, they remained as arrogant as ever.

At first, the Tal'darin protoss and the primitive zerg only came into contact on a few planets in local areas. Once the war was ignited, it immediately expanded rapidly. But after being exposed to many terrazine production areas, the Taldarin protoss suddenly became anxious and even mobilized a fleet.

Judging from the current situation, the primitive zerg and Tal'darin will continue to fight for a while, until they realize that they cannot absorb the genetic essence of the protoss no matter what. By then, these interstellar gluttons may go home.

Anyway, the Tal'darin Protoss suffered a loss, and the wicked Augustus was happy.

But after sending away the original zerg, the master swarm behind is the real threat.

After four years of recuperation, the new master's mind has matured and he has truly taken control of the insect swarm, and the several cerebral insects under his command have undoubtedly become more powerful. What follows is a truly bloody and cruel battle for the Tyranid Empire. The current insect swarm is no less than during the War of El.

Fortunately, Augustus was already prepared.

"Your Majesty, Dr. Emil Narud is here." The Royal Guard guard guarding the gate of the combat center brought Narud, who had been traveling through wind and rain for many days, to Augustus.

All the senior imperial officers in the combat center rushed to shake hands with the famous Dr. Narud. This giant in the field of science was hailed by the emperor as a treasure given to mankind by God. It is no exaggeration to say that Dr. Narud has made Tyranid human technology stride forward for a generation. Without Narud, it is conservatively estimated that it would have taken at least thirty years for humans to reach the current level.

Dr. Narud is responsible for multiple scientific research projects at the same time. He is not only repairing the Xel'Naga world ship in the Sigma Quadrant, but also responsible for the Skygeirr Platform and Prometheus space station, the Empire's secret weapons laboratory. Preparatory work.

In order to protect these confidential projects, Emperor Augustus specially sent the Moebius Corps to assist.

"The beloved First Emperor of the Tyran Empire, His Majesty Augustus Mengsk. When I learned that you were going to summon me, I immediately put down all the work in my hands and rushed to Augustgrad without stopping." Dr. Narud He said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with a white square towel.

The doctor wore a crisp suit, and his tie, trousers, and leather shoes were all meticulously cared for. He is a Xel'Naga who prides himself on being noble. Even if he becomes a human, he is still a noble among them.

"Dear Emil." The emperor looked very happy: "I have ordered the kitchen to take care of you. It is really hard to travel all the way back from the Sigma sector."

The Sigma Sector is a borderland among borderlands. Although colonies have been established on more than a dozen habitable planets, the material life is ultimately not as good as the prosperous core world.

Even returning to Korhal from the Sigma Sector would require spending many days on the road.

"Time is tight, let's talk about work first." Dr. Narud is a well-known workaholic. Even scientists who are forty years younger than him can't keep up with his inhuman work intensity and internal content. Excellent work schedule.

If one were to select an employee model worker award within the Tyran Empire, Tanarud would have deserved it every year in the past four years.

"When the spacecraft docked at Brontë Prime, I heard rumors of the Jormungandr swarm landing in Tasha, which indicates that the swarm army will soon arrive in the Koprulu sector." Narud said worriedly: "Jörmungandr has always been the vanguard of the Overlord in every insect invasion."

"Your Majesty, let me see the Xel'Naga artifact. If my research is correct, then it is a magical weapon to deal with the Zerg."

"That's what I meant." The black-hearted boss Augustus pondered for a moment and then agreed. This hypocritical guy had no intention of entertaining Narud. It would be a waste to feed him anyway.

There is a science laboratory in the Augustgrad Palace, which contains the most advanced cutting-edge equipment of the Tyranid Empire. If you take the elevator, you can get there in a few minutes.

Therefore, Augustus ordered Lieutenant General Ulysses to stay in the combat center temporarily to control the situation, and took Renault and others to the palace laboratory with Narud.

As soon as he arrived at the laboratory, Dr. Narud was immediately excited by something suspended in a three-dimensional tripod device and glass curtain wall.

It was a Mitsubishi cylinder that exuded a soft copper-blue luster. The dark surface of this Mitsubishi cylinder seemed to have been baptized by countless epochs, and was outlined with mysterious and magnificent lines. The sky-blue light emitted from it was like the sacred radiance from heaven.

Even the rude barbarians and the most insane thugs who don't know what art is will be impressed by this creation that contains the artistic beauty of Xel'Naga, as if every cell, every DNA and RNA in them is exclaiming in admiration.

The beauty of natural rhythm and harmony has been imitated by the stars for thousands of years, but they are still imitating it.

In the laboratory, the five Xel'Naga artifact fragments that were originally scattered and stored have been reassembled and are studied and maintained by Dr. Egon Stetman on weekdays.

"The person who created it must be the real god in this world." Dr. Narud said to Augustus excitedly: "Please forgive me for being gaffey, but the technology of Xel'Naga is like a miracle to us humans."

"So you think so too." Egon Stetman, who was analyzing the artifact, was initially overwhelmed by the emperor's sudden arrival. When he heard this, he immediately said: "Heroes see the same thing."

Augustus glanced at Narud and said nothing.

"To be honest, I have never known how this thing can be used to deal with Zerg." Although Renault is a rough man, he also knows how to appreciate art and beauty. If Hanak and Tychus have already picked up the Xel'Naga artifact Go kill the bugs.

"I said that the Xel'Naga once modified the protoss and zerg life forms on a large scale. For them, something that can destroy their DNA is of course a weapon." Narud looked at the Xel'Naga artifact , very excited:

"Although it has nothing to do with the original intention of the designers, we have found a way to use the Xel'Naga artifact - in a human way."

"I will try to modify the Xel'Naga artifact method, and then make it release a powerful subsonic shock wave, which is enough to kill a large number of zerg on a large scale. I call that"

"Energy nova, or nova impact. And you said that this subsonic wave frequency will not affect humans, which is incredible." Augustus said: "You mentioned the energy nova to me in detail in the report How it works, but I don’t understand it at all.”

This was true, but although Augustus couldn't understand it, he immediately ordered other scientists under his command to conduct large-scale experiments and research on the mode of Xel'Naga artifact releasing energy nova, in an effort to achieve the goal without Narud. Learn how to use it.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Next, I will show you how the Xel'Naga artifact works when releasing Nova Impact." Narud smiled.

Augustus couldn't understand what he was laughing at.

"Now that the artifact is back, Dr. Narud, I hope you won't use it to do strange things." Raynor added.

At this time, a ball of shadow slowly walked into the laboratory. That's the Royal Brain Worm. It lives not far from here and often visits its close friend Stetman for physical examinations.

Half of Brainworm's face was hidden under the navy's large-brimmed military cap, and his fat body cast an eerie shadow in the light.

An extremely ferocious brain worm, the son of the Lord, the overlord of the insect swarm, the salt fish of the empire, the kind that jumps up and slaps you in the face when it gets anxious.

"Are there guests?" Brainworm glanced at the laboratory and crawled in slowly:

"Sorry, I'm not wearing pants today."

"You lazy idiot," Augustus scolded, "You should have been here an hour ago."

"You are being racist." Brainworm said without hesitation: "Dagos, Yak, Gog, and Sass, they are more at home than me."

"I can't control them either," the emperor said.

"You fucking dog." The brainworm arched its back like an angry cat and was about to explode and hurt someone, but found Dr. Narud here. This dog emperor is very vengeful, and only a ferocious insect like him will fight to the end.

"My dear friend! Dr. Narud, last time you said you were going to install a prosthetic limb for me, it's been so long. How is the progress?" The brainworm crawled in front of Dr. Narud and winked. say.

Although the master of the swarm was created by the Master, this brainworm could not evolve limbs. It could only find another way to find people from Cerberus Company to become a cyberworm. However, the professional quality of Cerberus people is really not very high, and they cannot meet the almost demanding requirements of the brain worms.

What it takes is a pair of legs that can run at Mach 300 and hands that are flexible enough to make waves. It is really difficult for someone to do.

"Ah - this matter? Progress." Narud couldn't remember when he promised this brainworm, but he responded quickly:

"It'll be soon, it'll be soon."

"Okay." Brainworm was happy, remembering that Augustus hadn't told him what he was here for:

"By the way, why did you come to me?"

"Let's do a little test." Augustus pointed at the Xel'Naga artifact.

"What test." The brainworm stretched its neck.

"Weapons testing," Augustus replied.

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