StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 580 Dog Emperor

"Why do you want me to test weapons? If you need someone to pull the trigger, the Augustgrad Palace is full of people." The brainworm didn't understand why and couldn't help but lower its stance.

The suspicious brainworm smelled something was wrong, and searched hard to find any reason. However, even though it has extremely powerful telepathic abilities, it is extremely difficult to figure out what Augustus was thinking.

There is only one thing that Brainworm is certain about, and that is that this shady guy definitely has no good intentions.

Augustus Mengsk knew how to hide his thoughts when facing telepaths. This skill must have been honed by spending time with Sarah Kerrigan and the protoss, and even those with powerful psychic abilities Even the brain worm has difficulty deciphering his thoughts.

So the brainworm stretched its neck and took a look at the Xel'Naga artifact floating quietly in the three-dimensional device. The assembled dark triangular prism was emitting a bright copper-blue light.

Its innate keen perception ability makes it stay away from the Xel'Naga artifact. In human terms, this thing is quite evil even to the Zerg. The Xel'Naga artifact can absorb the energy of protoss and bugs. For the person who created it, grinding the protoss and bugs into powder and converting them into pure energy is as easy as taking a nap.

Neither humans nor protoss can understand the heights Xel'Naga has reached, and can only exclaim as a miracle. In other words, even if the pigs saw the slaughterhouse rising from the ground, they would not be able to figure out that it was for killing pigs.

"Speak!" Seeing Augustus's delay in answering, Brainworm was a little scared: "Why don't you speak!"

"Don't be afraid." Reno on the side laughed first. He probably guessed what Augustus wanted to do.

"You will know soon enough," Augustus simply replied.

He was gearing up and wanted to verify the power of the Xel'Naga artifact. If the Xel'Naga artifact can purify the brain worms, then it must also be effective against the Overlord. Raise insects for a thousand days, use them for a while.

"My psychic intuition tells me that this is definitely not a good thing." The brainworm's triangular bright red eyes were darting around, already looking for a way out: "I'm sorry, let me refuse."

"I'm not asking for your opinion, nor am I discussing with you." The emperor showed his sinister face, and then summoned four royal guards to follow him, asking them to work together to drive out the brainworm.

"Catch it."

"What are you doing?" Despite its fat body and slow movements, this brainworm is surprisingly strong, and its skin is as smooth as a mirror and is extremely difficult to grasp. It actually slipped out of the hands of a group of royal guards in an instant.

Next, the scientists in the laboratory saw a strange scene, that is, a fat, big white insect was moving flexibly among the crowd, extremely slippery. With a burst of sprint, the brainworm almost rushed out of the laboratory door.

But after a while, the brainworm was still pinned to the ground by those strong men of the Royal Guards whose muscles were as hard as granite. This fat white bug had its tail stamped on, and its upper body was twitching at an animal-like frequency, like a fish jumping desperately on the shore.

"Please cooperate with our work." Not to mention, even a large group of royal guards can hold this guy down.

"Augustus Mengsk! You are worse than a beast!" The brainworm twitched and howled: "You are trying to kill the donkey!"

"Your Majesty, the brainworm is a valuable asset of the empire after all. Wouldn't it be bad to do this?" Dr. Narud was so smart that he had already seen what Augustus was thinking.

Maybe the Xel'Naga artifact can indeed kill Zerg on a large scale through Nova Impact as he said. Such an effect can also be achieved by the Psychic Crusher, but the emperor also hopes that the artifact can kill high-level aliens with psychic abilities. insect.

"What are you going to do!" Nao Chong looked fierce and internalized. Frankly speaking, it has been a little carried away recently. It is not impossible for the chicken-hearted Augustus Mengsk to take the opportunity to take revenge. This is indeed what he likes to do the most.

"Tell it, Mr. Steitmann." Augustus looked at Dr. Egon Steitmann, who was hiding far away. The latter was holding a data panel and looking at it from a distance.

Stetman was very happy to hear that the emperor actually called him "sir" with "respect" and even said it silently twice. Obviously, this young scientist cares more about others' recognition of himself than the life and death of his brainworm friends.

"Uh-huh." The happy Stetman cleared his throat and did not immediately answer.

"What are you humming about?" Brainworm narrowed his eyes. This evil bad thing actually has no qualities that can be called good. It can't help but think that when it escapes from death, it must dip Stetman in sauce and eat it whole as revenge.

"Are you involved in this too? Aigon?"

"I objected." Although Steitman likes to brag, he is quite honest.

"It's very simple. Your Majesty, well, Your Majesty needs you to test the power of the Xel'Naga artifact when it switches to weapon mode." Stetman felt sincerely happy and proud of this discovery:

"According to our speculation, it can release a powerful subsonic shock wave, which can kill hundreds or thousands of zerg in the blink of an eye. To test its power, we must use living zerg of all strains and even buildings sample."

"You are treating me as a target." Brainworm was furious: "Is this something that humans can do? It violates human rights!"

"This is so inhumane!"

It could easily read Egon Steitmann's thoughts. Although Stetman is a very intelligent human being, his brain is undefended against powerful telepaths. If Augustus's ideological fortress is a solid wall, then Stetmann's is a sieve full of holes.

Even so, it wasn't that afraid anymore. After all, Augustus couldn't really kill a useful brainworm.

But when it comes to weapons experiments, those who shoot are very happy, but those who are bombed will not think so.

"I didn't ask for your opinion on this matter." Augustus wanted to enumerate the many crimes committed by the brainworm in the palace, but he felt embarrassed: "I told you earlier, you should restrain yourself, don't think I can't deal with it. you."

"Didn't I just eat a few bulldogs raised by Edmund Duke? What's this? It seems that in your eyes, I am worse than a dog!" Brainworm thought for a while and said:

"They came into my stomach on their own, and I am very innocent."

"I said that old guy Duke was jumping up and down like a monkey in a hurry, and he refused to tell me what happened to him." Reno suddenly realized.

Dr. Narud on the side was also lost in thought. It seemed that the strange words and behavior of this brainworm shocked him. At least, the master would never add the genes of living treasures when creating brainworms.

The Overlord created the Cerebrates, and the new Cerebrates are just a blank slate in terms of personality, often obeying the orders of older and more powerful Cerebrates. God knows what it learned from humans, causing it to look like a ghost.

I guess I must have spent too much time with Egon Steitmann and his ilk.

Narud was shocked.

"." Augustus just stared at the brainworm without saying a word, waiting to see how it would self-destruct.

"No one can tell for sure? I guess you are jealous of me because those palace maids like me so much, but you can see it but can't eat it." Brainworm thought again.

"You whore." Augustus' face darkened: "Drag him out."

No need to lose face.

"Tell me I'm right!" Brainworm was still shouting before being dragged out.

"Go to the experimental site." The emperor glared at Renault, who was laughing: "Faraday, prepare the ship."

"Hey, we all know you don't dare. Forgive me, I haven't laughed so happily for a while." Renault put away his smile: "This is not a shameful thing. I heard the sound of two mice fighting in the palace. Queen You can all hear it, how dare you use your brain."

"I can hear your laughter clearly." Augustus shrugged at this time: "This is not a very happy thing, Jimmy, you know, the damn emperor has enough jokes. That’s it.”

There is a prototype weapons laboratory in Augustgrad, which is claimed to be the Simonson Munitions Factory, but is actually a secret prototype weapons laboratory.

From the outside, the Simonson Arsenal is a giant building made of reinforced concrete and alloy, with huge gates leading to heavily guarded warehouses. This is one of the most heavily guarded areas in Augustgrad, and more than one Umoyan agent has tried to pry open Simonson's door and steal confidential information.

On this day, the atmosphere in the fortified Simonson Arsenal was even more solemn than usual. Imperial soldiers in red power armor blocked all traffic arteries. Anyone who wanted to walk in and take a look would be immediately taken away for interrogation.

When Augustus' transfer plane arrived at the tarmac of the Simonson Arsenal, he was immediately ushered into the prototype weapons testing room.

The test site was a huge empty chamber that could accommodate twenty Odins. The straight walls were two hundred feet high, and the top was a giant dome supported by nanomaterials. At the bottom of the wall are multiple gates connected to high-voltage electricity, and each gate leads to a stable full of living insects.

Of course, Augustus did not have to enter the test venue, but watched the entire process directly from the monitoring center. Although Dr. Narud believes that the Xel'Naga artifact's Nova Impact will not have any impact on humans, Augustus's men will not take it lightly.

Under the watchful eyes of Augustus, Renault, Narud and others, the Xel'Naga artifact was placed in the center of the weapons testing site. After debugging, the artifact has entered operational status, and the copper-blue light on the surface shines brighter and brighter.

"Doctor, where does the energy of the Xel'Naga artifact come from? It has neither a reactor nor a boiler." Augustus deliberately acted stupid.

"Haha, the artifact itself stores a certain amount of energy, which is enough for us to release multiple nova impacts, but it needs to be recharged after use." The gray-haired, well-dressed scientist couldn't help but smile.

"If the Xel'Naga artifact cannot replenish its energy, then sooner or later it will run out of energy." Augustus asked.

"For Xel'Naga, energy, genes and information are all integrated and can be transformed into each other. Based on this theory. In theory, the artifact they built is just like a super Rubik's Cube with infinite possibilities." Narud patiently explained:

"The Xel'Naga artifact has a variety of preset modes, one of which is to absorb void energy. However, at present, the boundary between the void and reality is still tightly sealed, and there are only a few cracks connected to the void, which is very difficult to find."

"Wow." Reno, who was not aware of it, said, "Sounds awesome."

"But you must have a way." Augustus held up Narud: "Because you are Emile Narud."

"Let's put it this way, we have to use a medium that can provide void energy to charge the Xel'Naga artifact." Narud said:

"Then you will need a large amount of terrazine or you can seek help from the Protoss Dark Templar. The best candidate is Prince of Blades Tosh. The powerful energy contained in his body is inherited from the Overlord of the Swarm. Tosh's The power is so powerful that it can be fully charged in just one time.”

"As far as I know, Tosh happens to be imprisoned by you."

"You mean we need a mobile portable charger, which sounds a lot like biopower generation." Renault's mind was spinning quickly.

"Jimmy, you are right." Augustus thought: "Aren't brainworms also powerful psychic individuals that use void energy?"

"There's no need for Tosh, it's just for the Alpha brainworm to recharge. The palace doesn't raise waste."

If the Cerebrate were here, it would probably be able to faint, use its spiritual power to charge the Xel'Naga artifact and turn it against itself. Think about it, this is not something a carbon-based creature can do.

"This is really making the best use of everything." Narud was dumbfounded.

"Your research on the Xel'Naga artifact is really meticulous. I really can't imagine how we would be able to deal with the powerful Zerg without you." Augustus said.

"I'm still far away." Dr. Narud said he didn't dare: "The person who really knows the effect is their manufacturer."

"You are so humble," said Augustus.

"Hehehe." Narud's face was filled with a smile.

At this time, several soldiers from the Simonson Arsenal were riding a ladder and dropping the sack containing the brainworm Alpha on the cold concrete floor of the test site. While Brainworm was yelling curses, the soldiers immediately evacuated the scene.

"Augustus! You don't really want to kill me, do you?" Brainworm exclaimed:

"The Dog Emperor!"

"My unyielding soul will take revenge on you, Augustus! I will release the vicious dogs of war and plunge mankind into endless civil strife and massacre. I am the Cataclysm!"

"Why does it have so many dramas?" Augustus asked Renault: "I heard that this guy watches movies and even musicals about ancient earth every day."

"Perhaps his real talent is to be a top actor." Reno replied: "Isn't he the godfather of August Grad Hologram? Maybe he is good at this."

"Let's start." Augustus confirmed to Narud: "Are you sure you won't kill this guy?"

"The incompletely charged nova impact is far from enough to kill the powerful brainworm, but the specific damage it will cause still needs to be tested." Narud said.

"But let the poor fellow suffer a little," Augustus ordered.

"Wait a moment, Your Majesty, the Nova Impact of the Xel'Naga artifact needs to be manually activated by a dedicated person." Narud said: "Aigon is on the way."

"No, I can't let my scientists take risks." Augustus said: "Isn't it right there? Let Alpha activate the Nova Impact of the artifact by himself."

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