StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 584 Insect Queen

In the blazing blue flames, the mimic worm in front of Stone struggled and turned into a viscous dark purple liquid, like a burned out candle. Several other mimic hatchlings that had not been shattered by bullets soon met the same fate. The explosion of flames immediately devoured everything around them, but the ghost agents were unscathed.

"Well done, Tanya." The advantage of Stone is that he never hesitates to praise his teammates.

Although her psionic level is only 5.1, Tanya Caulfield's ability to control fire makes her a weapon against the zerg. Among those with telepathic talents, Tanya's talent is extremely rare. This ability to control fire attacks with thoughts is called pyrotechnics.

"You're right." Tanya snorted.

Tanya has known Stone for a while. This serious young man has a compassionate heart.

In the old federal era, ghost agents had to erase their memories every time they completed a mission. Therefore, it was common for them not to remember the comrades they had fought side by side with, and it was not necessary to cultivate a tacit understanding with their teammates.

This is also the reason why ghost agents generally have a cold image, because since they must be forgotten, there is no need to leave any traces. If you have too many entanglements with other people, it will be the other person who suffers.

This approach is quite necessary. From the perspective of confidentiality, the commander will never elaborate in detail when issuing orders to the soldiers, because soldiers who do not know the secrets are unlikely to reveal the secrets. On the other hand, the memory of the person who was killed will always remain in the mind of the ghost agent, which will increase the chance of the ghost losing control.

In the Age of the Empire, Ghost agents were no longer primarily used to deal with internal threats. They mainly fought against zerg and protoss. The new system made the Imperial Ghost Project much more humane, and Emperor Augustus even allowed ghosts to retire and hold public office.

"Guys, pay attention to what's going on around you when I invade this guy's brain." Next to him, Vega activated his own domination mask:

"If it had a brain."

The instructors in the Tyranid Empire's Ghost Military Academy are very fond of geniuses with mind control abilities. They are usually the best among the students and have extremely high PSI psychic abilities. The domination mask can strengthen the mental power of these ghost agents and help them control the minds of others.

There is no doubt that Vega has this talent. As an expert in the field of mind control, Vega is extremely dangerous because unless equipped with psychic shielding equipment, powerful figures may become her playthings.

At this time, there was a dying mimic larva in front of Vega. It had been shot several times and was squirming in a dying struggle. Its everted tissue shape was somewhere between that of a human and an insect. The meaning of the birth of mimic hatchlings is penetration and destruction. This is the mission given to them by the insect swarm.

Except for feral zerg and special individuals, ordinary zerg individuals do not have complex thoughts.

Just as Vega stared at the monster for a few seconds, its struggle immediately softened, like a puddle of dark purple glue.

Only high-level ghost agents like Stone can feel Vega's powerful mental power. For her, controlling a person's brain is as easy as destroying him.

If Vega can control the commander of an army, the situation on the battlefield may quickly reverse.

Ten seconds later, Vega shook her head, raised her thighs wrapped in bright white tight-fitting combat uniforms, and trampled the squirming mimic larvae to death, muttering: "This pig."

Immediately afterwards, Vega pulled out the pistol from his waist and shot into a dark corner. A hidden eyeball was instantly shattered into pieces and slowly fell off from the carpet of creeping bacteria. It was these living eyeballs that the zerg used to discover the secretive ghost agents.

The swarm is connected by a huge psychic network. After invading the mind of one of the zerg, Vega can obtain vital information.

"I can't imagine that these monsters might do evil in His Majesty's face." When he saw Vega trample the dying monster to death, Stone couldn't help asking: "What information did you get?"

"I have to admit, when I smashed that handsome face, I felt a little regretful." Vega picked up his C-20A shotgun again and replied:

"It's rare that the intelligence department didn't do something stupid. They were right. There is not only a completed main nest here, but also an insect queen. At the same time, there may be tens of thousands of zerg in this area, and they are all the descendants of the insect queen. .”

"Insect queens? They are new variants that emerged after the original zerg invasion. They are rare in places like Tarsonis." Tanya said with a venomous tone: "And this insect queen in Tarsonis is probably The first living specimen we'll catch."

"I've read the data about queens in the combat manual. Compared with queens, they have lost the ability to fly and become more like an arachnid, and they are bigger than a truck," Stone said:

"How did she get in here?"

The Tarsonis Customs Department has strict quarantine measures for imported goods, and not even an alien rat can slip in. More likely, something is wrong with some of them.

"All the zerg in Tarsonis come from the same insect mother, mimic hatchlings, springtails, hydralisks, cockroaches, including those worker bees working deep in the sewers." Vega said:

"And this insect mother mutated from a larva that parasitized in the body of the new Sydney Sheriff. The law enforcement officer was promoted due to his dedication to his duties and was transferred to the Tarsonis Police Station. When passing through customs, he asked The customs officers paid a large sum of imperial credits to skip the review process.”

"It's such a shame that his wife and four children, who he left behind in New Sydney, are still waiting for news from Tarsonis."

"Did you fight that insect queen just now?" Tanya said.

"She is controlling the mimic hatchling." Vega looked very relaxed: "The Queen's mental power is very powerful, but it is not as strong as the brain worm in the palace. It will take a lot of money for me to fight with her for control of the mimic hatchling. A lot of energy, this is a true battle between heaven and man."

"Obviously, at that time, his brain was already controlled by parasites in his body." Captain Pierce continued:

"Do you know the location of that insect queen?"

"I know, the insect queen is not far from us." Vega said: "But there are a large number of zerg protecting her.

"As long as we kill her, the zerg here will immediately turn into a ball of loose sand." Pierce said.

"Just us?" Tanya said.

"Upload the coordinates of the insect queen to the tactical network, and other ghost agents will immediately know what to do." Pierce said.

"Uploading." Vega said.

"What about Team D and Team E?" Stone suddenly asked.

"They can take care of themselves." Pierce said: "The mission has changed. Now our target is the insect queen."

"The other teams who heard our report will be here soon."

Pierce's team took action again. As they went deeper and deeper into the intricate pipes of the sewers, there were more and more traces of the battle. The ground was littered with numerous metal fragments from the Widow Mine and shattered zerg bombs.

These loyal machines are at home in the complex and changing sewers, and when necessary, they will sacrifice themselves to clear the way for Imperial forces.

The Wraiths were moving so fast that once the eyes that monitored the sewer network were knocked out, the zerg were blinded. It is undoubtedly difficult for ordinary imperial combat troops to advance in such complex terrain, but ghost agents are experts at infiltration.

Stone and his teammates quietly passed by the zerg that were anxiously patrolling the sewers, watching the huge Hydra Hydralisk looking at the undulating carpet of bacteria in confusion, and they kept waving their sharp blades. The Bone Scythe tried to pick out the enemies in the air, but they were all swatted away by the agile ghost agents.

These super soldiers have always been synonymous with efficiency. They did not waste time on the zerg on the periphery.

Gradually, there are more and more tissues, insect organs, and entangled insect intestines attached to the surface and walls like a thick blanket in the sewer. Green insect eggs as tall as a person can be seen everywhere, piled up in clusters, carefully guarded by diligent worker bees, like an orderly colony of termites.

A huge insect queen appeared in front of Stone and others. Her astonishingly terrifying body was crawling among a large cluster of egg worms. The specialized egg-laying organ on its abdomen continued to produce rice-like worms. egg.

Insect queen.

After the Brood War, the shortcomings of the Cerebrates, although they have powerful spiritual powers but almost zero defense capabilities, were also exposed. Under the orders of the new master, the queen worms, which were originally responsible for guarding the nest and spreading parasites, evolved at an alarming rate under the transformation of the evolutionary master Abathur, and became a higher-level commander.

The insect queen came into being. They not only have the main hive mind to control the huge psychic network, but also have the powerful body to deal with the assassination. This is obviously another life form completely different from that of metazoans, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a rebirth.

In the original zerg homeworld of Zerus, the overminds and cerebrates learned new things from their distant relatives, so much so that they forged another advanced zerg entity with the ability to lay eggs.

The Overmind and the Cerebrates still rule the swarm's power pyramid, while the Queen is one level below the Cerebrates. They do not have the ability of brainworms to regenerate, but there are more of them.

In order to prevent the queen from threatening the Cerebrate's status, this new strain of zerg, although highly intelligent, does not have an independent personality. They must still serve the nest without the possibility of betrayal.

Stone realized that this queen was different from the one in the data. This may be due to the differences between different hive strains. Over the years, the evolutionary differences between the various branches of the swarm have become increasingly apparent.

In his opinion, this insect queen is a strange mixture with characteristics of zerg, human and protoss.

The insect queen is like a centaur with the upper body characteristics of a human female, except that the lower body of the horse has been replaced by the torso of a centipede and the appendages of a crab. There are all kinds of sharp spikes and blade-like thorns covered with solid horny skin. Layers and thick bone plates on top of the body.

Compared with this hideous and terrifying body, the insect queen's upper body is actually somewhat beautiful. The insect swarm must have drawn inspiration from human women, so the insect mother has become like a human, except that the body with female concave and convex features is covered with exoskeleton armor and bone spurs, and the angular face is actually covered with insect teeth. and hazy yellow eyes.

Her head covered with huge bone armor looked like that of a protoss, which was probably just a coincidence.

As a "loving" mother, insect queens have strong maternal instincts and loyally guard their nests, and rarely step outside the range of the creep, which is why they are extremely difficult to capture.

As for why she looks so human, it probably has something to do with the psykers captured by the swarm. Perhaps the zerg took a fancy to the maternal qualities of humans and saw this as an excellent trait that would help protect the pack.

At this moment, the insect queen didn't seem to notice Stone. Her attention was focused on the zerg that were fighting other human troops.

Stone passed through the hydralisks crawling around the insect queen and slowly approached the insect mother. Invisibility does not always work. After the terrible blow the Dark Templar gave the swarm, there is no hive that does not take strict precautions against these warriors who can become invisible.

Vega was faster, walking in front like a nimble cat. This ghost always talks about being afraid of hardships, and he is always the fastest and most accurate in his attacks.

Ghosts are always silent.

But just when Vega was still dozens of yards away from the insect mother, the hydralisks guarding the insect queen suddenly became frantic. If it weren't for Stone's quick reaction, he would have been almost cut into pieces.

"This cunning monster." Stone, who was well prepared, immediately used a C-20A shotgun to kill several springtails at close range, but more zerg worms rushed over immediately. The C-20A's piercing rounds are effective against the carapace of the Hydralisk, but the ammunition is limited. The Ghosts often use snipers to kill key enemies instead of jumping in between enemies like the Templars to kill them.

If the insect mother could see the invisible Stone, she was just pretending not to. Compared with the past, these new species are not only larger and more dangerous after absorbing genes from other species, but also have higher intelligence.

"Vega, it's up to you." Pierce said, but he took out the handle of a single-molecule psychic blade, and then, a pure blue psychic blade spurted out.

The psychic blade is indestructible, capable of cutting gold and stone, and can kill a zerg with just one strike.

A Dark Templar master once said that once the starlight and the enemy discover your traces, when you are surrounded, young apprentices, a shadow rush is in front of you.

Every Imperial Ghost is a disciple of the Dark Master of Nerazim.

After hearing this, Vega kept running towards the insect queen without stopping. She was carrying nanomedicine that was enough to anesthetize the master. That's what's left of UED, and it's extremely effective, but difficult to replicate.

Emperor Augustus ordered the potion to be cracked, but with little success.

There is an Easter egg stamp of the Worm Queen at the back.

(Tanya’s sister is called Tanya Caulfield, a character in the official novel Evolution. In Red Alert, she is Tanya Adams.

In the RTS field in the 1990s, Blizzard's main competitor was Westwood, which developed the Command and Conquer series. "Command and Conquer: Red Alert" released in 1996 had a female commander named Tanya.

Here comes the interesting part. There was a big incident at that time. In 1994, ice skater Nancy Kerrigan was hit hard on the knee with an iron rod by the boyfriend of her competitor Tonya Harding. So, the producers of StarCraft said that in order to respond to Tonya, Kerrigan should be moved out.

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