StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 585 The Return of the Master

"That insect nest has taken root in the most prosperous part of the Tyranid Empire two months ago. But if a brave and upright police chief hadn't discovered something strange deep in the slums, my most proud imperial officials would still be in the dark. In the drum.”

In the Augustgrad Palace, Emperor Augustus Mengsk of the Terran Empire made no secret of his anger towards the incompetent in front of all the officials. For a while, he even smiled angrily, and his smile made the most powerful The powerful officials of the empire were frightened.

Augustus certainly has reason to be angry. Since a larva mixed into Tarsonis has transformed into such a huge swarm in such a short period of time, it won't be long before they can turn Tarsonis upside down.

This is a signal. Since the new advanced zerg species have appeared openly in the core world of the Tyranid Empire, it means that they have the ability to interfere in any other world.

The zerg are always evolving, growing, and transforming. Not only their fangs and claws, but the Overlords and Cerebrates are also fighting with wisdom. They know that the Terran Empire's army must rely on weapons, ammunition, food and medical supplies provided by rear factories to survive.

And not counting other losses, if a factory the size of the city of Tarsonis were to stop production, the entire Tyranid Empire would be seriously injured. You know, Tarsonis' economy accounts for 17% of the entire empire, and its output is even more astonishing.

If Augustus hadn't tried his best to save Tarsonis, the Terran humans who lost their first star would not have recovered so quickly.

To this end, Augustus mobilized a large number of ghost agents to the city of Tarsonis. Never before had so many ghosts acted together. Fortunately, the Imperial Ghost did not disappoint him, and finally captured the insect queen alive in the sewers of Tarsonis at a very small cost, and is now transporting it to Korhal.

If so, forget it.

This matter was undoubtedly of great importance, but in the end, the officials of Tarsonis were busy shirking their responsibilities, and they still had the nerve to claim credit and reward after the matter was resolved. Fortunately, they don't have to shirk anymore, now they are all admitted to New Folsom.

Perhaps no one person was indispensable in the emperor's heart, and his officials had to recognize this.

"Maybe I should drive those losers to become police officers and let Sergeant Wilkes Butler take over Tarsonis Customs." Emperor Augustus, wearing gold and red clothes, glanced at He glanced at the ministers present:

"Everyone, what do you think about this matter?"

The emperor summoned his ministers in the largest room of the palace. This time, not only important officials from various departments of the empire came, but also local senators and border law enforcement officers from some marginal colonies.

This room is tall and large, with crystal lamps that emit dazzling light without any energy hanging from the towering dome. Outside the many large windows is the misty Augustgrad evening with drizzle.

Emperor Augustus spent very little taxpayer money on building the palace. The furniture and furnishings were also moved from the home of the founding family of the old Federation, and the rest were antiques from the Protoss in El Mao.

It has to be said that the diligent and thrifty emperor was actually very good at calculating his budget. Of course, when it comes to rewarding his subordinates, he still spends generously.

"What does Sheriff Butt think? I think he is happy to leave New Sydney and accept this decent job." Among the ministers present, only Admiral Jim Raynor, who represented the Augustgrad Naval Headquarters, dared to accept the emperor if.

Generally speaking, if Augustus might do something, it means that he has basically decided to do so.

At this moment, the imperial officials wearing red tweed uniforms and blue ties were sitting on one of the thousands of mahogany chairs. Most of them had never seen the emperor angry, so they couldn't help but sit upright and silent.

Originally, the emperor summoned them for the frontline war and to listen to the voices of the people in the peripheral world. But as luck would have it, when he walked in, he was obviously angry.

Emperor Augustus Mengsk was gentle and patient most of the time, but when he was angry, those imperial officials who caused big troubles were inevitably criticized head-on.

There is an official who is from the south seas. This group is very different from other Tyranid people in the Koprulu sector. Their hair is dark and thick, and their bodies are bigger. They all look like giants, even wearing a suit. You have to find someone to cut it specially. Augustus had suspected where Tychus came from, but it turned out that he was a Mar Sara, but this guy probably had forgotten his hometown long ago.

But right now, this barbarian who speaks like thunder and has a body like an iron tower is shivering on a chair in the corner. God knows what is going on. Even the storm in his hometown has never stopped since he grew up. He has never been so scared.

The emperor was only 29 years old and was already the founder of the country, so his momentum was naturally extraordinary.

"I've asked people to ask But's opinion, but he rejected my offer." Augustus snorted, not knowing who he was angry with.

"Boot said Tarsonis had too many rules for him to handle, and that catching wanted criminals in New Sydney would be more suitable for him."

"He is a good police chief." Renault said: "In the past, I always thought that after retirement, it would be a good idea to go to Mar Sara and become a local police chief."

Sheriff Wilkes Butt was indeed a competent peace officer and a conscientious and capable man. He worked in the local police station in the red mesa of New Sydney during the old federation era. Those lawbreakers who lived in the frontier areas were afraid of Sheriff Bute's methods.

After the establishment of the empire, old federal government officials like Butt who were indeed well-known in the local area were retained, and the emperor did not care about their past identities. As for those who are arrogant and accustomed to using their official status to oppress the people or seek personal gain for themselves, they have been swept into the garbage heap of history by the Tyran Empire just like the Creation Family.

Bute has been given the opportunity to be promoted to Tarsonis more than once. Many officials in the border world have worked hard for half their lives to be transferred to the prosperous core world. But Bout refused without exception. The reason was very simple. Handling cases in Tarsonis, a place where bureaucratic interests are colluding and full of political odors, not only depends on the boss's face, but also what cases can and cannot be handled.

It's better to just die.

Although Tarsonis is much better now than it was in the past, the Creation Family that was weighing heavily on the people has been eradicated. All nobles who claim to have noble blood are worthless in the eyes of Emperor Augustus. There is only one noble in the Tyran Empire, and that is the Mengsk royal family.

But after much hesitation, Bute refused the emperor's request, even for a position in the palace, and still decided to return to New Sydney. Augustus couldn't resist him, so he had to wave his hand and let him go back to be the police chief.

Although the golden and red flags of the Tyranid Empire are hung all over Tarsonis, and the Creation Family is no longer a big mountain weighing on the people's heads, the atmosphere of the past still exists, and the wind of revolution blows over the heads of the Tarsonis people. At that time, there was really little effect. Its huge middle class was not interested in the revolutionaries. On the contrary, they were more accepting of Augustus's proclaimed emperor.

"I still want to go back to farming, Jimmy. There are many, many things I want to do." Augustus glared at him: "But before that, I don't know if I will be pissed to death by these idiots. "

"I left you a piece of land in Mar Sara." Renault explained: "I bought it with my own salary, not to embezzle the empire's property."

"Thank you... But if this continues, when the swarm of insects kills all humans, I will have to raise insects in a pig pen in Mar Sara." Augustus pulled up a chair and sat down, deciding not to Let’s talk about this again.

"It's simple. Even if they only eat crystal minerals, they can be fed very fat." Renault said with humor.

Augustus shrugged and looked at Senator Huntley, who was looking down at the palace floor tiles: "Okay, Huntley, tell me about your visit to Nafu II and Bukari V. ) of what he saw and heard.”

"Am I that scary? Huh?" Augustus looked at the somewhat panicked Senator Huntley, his eyes became sharper.

Augustus turned to look at Imperial Councilor Corbin Phash again, but the black-haired young councilor responded with a confident look.

"Ever since you executed tens of thousands of people in one breath, everyone now knows that you are a killer who kills without blinking an eye." Renault spread his hands and said to Huntley: "Man, there is nothing to worry about. People who can sit here There may be some minor flaws, but there is absolutely nothing to fault in terms of loyalty to the emperor and work attitude."

Renault had already adapted to court life. He was the founding general, and on ancient earth he would have been a hereditary duke. For Emperor Augustus, Reno was like a mirror. This man was very upright. He was born as a commoner and always thought about issues from the perspective of the people.

"No one is wronged." His Majesty Augustus called this move very novel.

He called this Heaven's Punishment.

The outside world believed that the Emperor of the Terran Empire had executed all the old Federation war criminals, corrupt officials and heinous pirates in one go, but in fact they were all just thrown into the resocialization factory.

As long as they don't turn into ashes, these people will still have to shine for the Tyranids.

"If you have a clear conscience about your work, then you have nothing to fear." Augustus said to him: "I will punish sinners severely, and of course I will reward those who have merit."

"Yes, Your Majesty." After all, Huntley is also a figure. Before entering the Imperial Parliament, he was famous for his management of the Port of the Dead. He was a smart man and knew the consequences of fooling Emperor Augustus.

"The people in the Nafu II factory are very enthusiastic about their work. Orders are flowing in and salaries are rising. The economies of several surrounding worlds are also rising due to the income from raw material output and the booming transportation industry."

Augustus nodded repeatedly and motioned for Huntley to continue: "What else do they want?"

Nafu II was originally an industrial center of the old Federation, and the people there once lived under the brutal high pressure of the Federation.

There, people are inseparable from factories and mines from birth to death. Both boys and girls must learn the knowledge of exploration and mineral identification before graduating at the age of 13. The giant factories that dominate the planet are their lifelong destination.

At some point after the fall of the Federation, Augustus received a distress signal from the Knaff II, and he immediately ordered Horace Warfield to send troops to recover it. In the Imperial Age, Nafu II, with a population of only 400 million, achieved brilliant results as the core world.

Nafu II is also the largest producer of military heavy industry in the Tyranid Empire. More than 40% of the armored vehicles and walking mechas are produced in its factory. The armored regiments recruited from the planet can drive through densely packed factories as soon as they enter service. Rush to the front lines with armored vehicles like Siege Tanks, Drakken Laser Tanks, Sidewinders and Zeus Tanks.

There were recent rumors that the Federal Zionists and other anti-imperial organizations were instigating a rebellion among the workers of Nafu II. Although Augustus did not think that the Federation had any supporters in Nafu, he still sent officials to express his attitude.

"The Na'a'for want to obtain the mining rights of the H-3324 system, which can greatly increase production. However, the transportation cost of minerals from Moria and other places is too high. You know, that system previously belonged to Nidho lattice galaxy," Huntley said.

"I know about this." Augustus nodded. No one knew whether he was wondering whether Henryt had any interest in this matter.

This matter is actually very simple. Both Nafu and Nidhogg in this mining area have the ability to mine the resources of this star field, but the size of the latter is not as large as that of the former, and the military industry is also pitifully small.

The territories of the Tyran Empire actually have grievances and conflicts with each other. Some can even be said to be incompatible and feuding. Even if they suffer a loss, they do not want to see the other side gain. Before Augustus came to the throne, there was a lot of friction between the two worlds of Naf and Nidhogg. Although the empire was moving toward a centralized monarchy, it had to consider the reactions among its various territories.

Some of the worlds that the Empire acquired from the Federation have very different cultures. On a planet that has lost contact with the core world for more than a hundred years, people on it still believe that the Emperor of the Empire wants to exercise the right of first night there.

If Augustus agreed to this matter, he would simply die.

"Naf can mine the mineral deposits in this sector, and I will give Nidhogg equal compensation." Augustus said: "Accordingly, I must see the increase in production they promised."

"Isn't this too hasty?" Renault questioned.

"If others are still walking fast, we have to start running, understand? Jim." Augustus said: "Run!"

Huntley immediately breathed a sigh of relief. This was of course a decision that was beneficial to the empire. However, if the newly united Nidhogg people thought they had suffered a loss because of Huntley, they would certainly not dare to resent the emperor, but he must have wanted to Thrown into the alloy furnace.

"Grayson, I know you have just returned from the edge world that is being invaded by the insect swarm." He looked at another official next to him: "I have received many reports related to it, but I must listen to it with my own ears. Hear the words of those who have experienced it firsthand.”

Grayson is a local magistrate at the border of the Tyranid Empire. He is a middle-aged man with a worrying hairline, medium build, and dark skin. He looks like the kind of hard worker who often travels back and forth in the star region.

It turned out that he was not at the level where he could meet the emperor of the empire. But God knows what, maybe Emperor Augustus just happened to see Grissom criticize his policies against the zerg in a speech.

"There is no doubt that your majesty, my monarch, the new master has made a comeback." Grayson was not afraid of Augustus. Although Grayson was quite bad-mouthed when criticizing current affairs, he did not think that the emperor would harm an emperor. Loyal minister.

He was right, the empire had detected the appearance of the second generation master in Tasha. Just like what the past masters had done, it transformed into a huge meteorite and fell from a high-altitude orbit, razing an entire Imperial earth-shattering cannon emplacement to the ground.

He announced his return to the world like a king returning.

These years are indeed not peaceful, and even the protoss are not having an easy time. The massive decrease in population has forced Tassadar, the current Archbishop of the Duram Protoss, to reactivate the abandoned Purifiers.

Archbishop Durham also told Augustus privately that he wanted to follow the example of the Nerazim brothers and completely overthrow the caste system of the protoss, so that every protos has the opportunity to embrace the glory of battle. ——It’s really great.

But this too avant-garde initiative will of course be opposed by the Templar class, and even shake Tassadar's status, because it is the Templar class that supports him in the process of fighting against the Arbitrators. The resistance to this matter is even too great, and there is simply no way to implement it.

Augustus was just about to go to another local official when he thought of something. He looked at the small control screen attached to his wrist, turned around and said to Faraday, the captain of the guard next to him:

"That insect queen is about to be delivered. I have to go and take a look. I have to know how this thing appeared and whether the master will create more similar things."

"Faraday, call the brainworm."

"I'm afraid it doesn't dare to come." Renault smiled.

"Find a maid who is passing by the brain worm's nest and tell her that I am about to entertain guests on the first floor of the palace." Augustus said: "Champagne, wine, potato chips and fried chicken."

"Augustus, yo, you better understand it."

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