StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 609 The Star Spirit Visits

Brokas Hel is a vibrant, green and beautiful planet, its vast and fertile land covered with dense forests, azure oceans and crystal veins. Everyone who comes here will be impressed by the breathtaking scenery, getting lost in the wilderness of long grass and the dark forest under the thick fog.

Since the first Tyranids set foot on the vast fertile land of Brokas Hel, this world has belonged to the Tyranid Empire in the Koprulu Sector. Its prosperity began with the ambitious Emperor Augustus. A great era of development, pioneering and colonization.

It was early in the morning when Augustus arrived at Giggins, the largest city in Brocas Hel, and he happened to witness a magnificent scenery while sitting on the transport ship.

As the height of the transport ship continued to decrease, steel buildings and traffic lines with orange-red lights suddenly jumped out from the crowns of towering trees. Gothic spiers rose little by little among a few cumulus clouds, and the fog Among the beautiful streets with low hanging trees and entwined tree roots, strange and gorgeous birds fly in large numbers over the charming city in fairy tales and poems.

Brocas Hel's history as a human colony is not long, and most of the areas maintain their original primitive state. The land here is rich in fertile resources, but the population is sparse. The immigrants who immigrated here do not have to compete with the local vegetation and biological communities for living space.

The Tyranid Empire government defines Brokas Hel as a storage world, and the habitable planet itself is also an important reserve resource. The remote and peaceful wilderness of Brocas Hel is home to numerous military ports, barracks, engineering stations, storage warehouses and other facilities, and those dangerous forests and grasslands are also training grounds for Imperial Marine recruits.

"Before you even set foot on this vast land, Governor Brocas Hull has been adhering to his duties and promoting the authority of the empire and the royal family among the people at all times."

When the emperor's spaceship landed at Jiggins Airport, Imperial Governor Harley was waiting here early with officials from the Governor's Office.

"Your Majesty, the people of Brocas Hull are now grateful to you for giving us this land, allowing the poor and suffering people to rest and recuperate on your pastures, valleys and forests. Your arrival has made the entire Brocas Hull Herdu is honored."

Harry is a brown-haired man in his early thirties. He wears a neatly pressed suit with a stiff white stand-up collar. His leather shoes are shiny and he is meticulously groomed up and down.

The young Imperial Governor was a wraith pilot for the Sons of Korhal, and had distinguished himself in battles on Tarsonis and Aiur. After retiring, Harry chose to enter politics. With the help of his old boss and comrades-in-arms, he quickly established a foothold in Augustgrad's political arena. Of course, this is also inseparable from his own talents.

Augustus had Harry in mind when he decided and planned to establish the colony of Brocas Hull. As a colony of great strategic value, Brocas Hull must have an official with a revolutionary army background as the imperial governor.

"Don't do this. I can't see any sign of joy on your bitter face, nor can I see even one enthusiastic local." Augustus was still wearing a coat when he stepped off the transport ship. After getting off the gray-black coat, he took it off and handed it to Faraday next to him.

Jiggins Airport is a large port, and the sky above it is filled with medium and large transport ships with roaring engines. These gray and red iron birds are really spectacular when they fly among the dense canopy of trees.

In the center of the airport, there is a statue of the emperor cast from spaceship steel plates, with large gilded letters on the base saying: Rule this land in the name of Emperor Augustus Mengsk I.

"Don't you think so, Harry?"

Harry, who didn't look very good, could only awkwardly smooth his shabby forelock, realizing that he had made a mistake in not allowing the public to approach to ensure the emperor's safety, but the emperor would be disgusted if he made arrangements in advance.

Augustus Mengsk was not a moody emperor, but he was notoriously low-maintenance.

"I asked who the governor of Brocas is. It turns out to be your boy." Jim Raynor, who came down from another gangway, came to the rescue: "I didn't even have the courage to curse when Al fired at the Arbitrator fleet. Where have you gone?"

Harry is the ace among the Wraith fighter ace pilots and a crew member of the Hyperion. He once single-handedly destroyed a space platform of the Terran Federation. Based on his merits, it would be much easier to replace him with a colonel now, and he would naturally have been personally decorated by Augustus.

"Marshal, at that time I was still what others called a bastard boy, and I still had a lot of hair on my head." Harry immediately regained the feeling of following Augustus and Renault to fight around the stars.

"Harry, what the hell are you doing here?" Tychus Finley also walked down, also wearing a black and gray coat of the same style: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you have become a high official too. "

"When will the money owed be paid back?"

"?" Harry didn't remember at all. He used to be a frivolous person who played cards in bars all year round, but he basically never lost.

"Yes, 488 credits, just remember it." Tychus grinned: "I have to ask you one more thing, where are the women here?"

"You don't want to go anywhere!" Augustus spoke out at this moment, announcing Tychus's death sentence: "Don't think about anything until you save the flower in my captain's room."

"Damn it, how can I be saved?" Tychus was still mumbling before he was caught and taken away by the Royal Guards:

"It's impossible to force someone to do anything!"

"Harry, you know I didn't come to Brocas Hull for inspection." Augustus looked at Harry's clothes again - this was a uniform that had been washed again and again, including leather shoes. The heel is almost worn out.

The Imperial Governor has a high salary and enjoys a lifetime allowance, but Harry has been donating his salary to the Terran Empire's retired veterans organization. But if you show too little desire, this is questionable. Too many revolutionaries in the Revolutionary Army have been corrupted by the prosperity of the core world, or in other words, they followed Augustus from birth to death because they wanted to pursue Life among the Nobles of the Old Commonwealth.

A character like Harry, who had become famous in the imperial political arena in just three or four years, was naturally someone the emperor valued. Brochus Hel may not be as wealthy as Tarsonis or Viridia, but it is a good place.

Among other things, the Brocas Hull Storage Center stores a large amount of extremely valuable gold minerals. This rare mineral is a strategic resource and is truly priceless.

If he wasn't afraid of death, Harry could use his authority to make a lot of money in Brochus Hel. After all, colonies farther away from Korhal would be harder to control. The current territory of the Tyran Empire is not too large, and as its territory continues to expand, there is no guarantee that the governor candidate Augustus has carefully examined and considered repeatedly will not do evil.

But overall, according to the ghost agent's report, Harry did a pretty good job at his job.

The imperial governor had great powers and could even mobilize local troops. Although they were not the rulers of the colonies, they were only officials appointed by the emperor. In the old Terran Federation era, there were examples of local governors colluding with illegal forces.

In order to prevent governors from cultivating their own families and forces in the local area, each imperial governor must return to Korhal after his term of office ends. If any governor is deemed unqualified during his term, he will be recalled by Korhal before the end of his term.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Harry dared to joke with Renault Keyes, but he did not dare to laugh in front of the emperor. Even in the era of the revolutionary army, the army had strict military orders that could not be questioned.

"The place to receive distinguished guests from the Star Spirits has been prepared, and it will definitely satisfy the distinguished guests from afar."

"Very good." Augustus asked no further questions, and then asked Harry's subordinates to arrange the itinerary.

You don’t need to prepare any fine wine and food to entertain the protoss, but you must make them feel comfortable and feel that they are respected by humans. This is a magical race that only needs to absorb star light to survive. In theory, it may be a good choice to prepare a grand sunbath for them.

"We haven't seen each other for almost four years. Why did Tassadar suddenly think of coming here to find us?" Raynor patted Governor Harry on the shoulder.

"Four years may not be that long for the protoss. Moreover, Tassadar happened to be passing through here." Augustus followed the imperial official who led the way into a land vehicle, and Renault followed closely. back.

"He said he had something important to discuss. - If it hadn't been something important, Tassadar wouldn't have thought of looking for me."

The car then drove slowly towards a bright silver building outside Jiggins Airport.

Jiggins Starport is built between several towering trees with lush foliage. These giant trees are unusually tall, and their branches can even support light buildings like bird's nests. The atmosphere of Brochus Hel's people living in harmony with nature is also what the El Protoss likes.

"Tassadar has been really busy lately. The plan to recapture El's moon Sharok has unexpectedly gone wrong. Now I heard that Orega has made a comeback." Renault shook his head repeatedly in the back seat.

"That Orega is also colluding with human forces that are not under our control. This is why Tassadar asked the Tyranids for help." Augustus said: "That's Alan Shezar, listen. Said he also captured a protoss executive."

"I heard about it too." Renault said: "I really don't know whether to say that this scavenger pirate is too despicable, or that Moyo is too unlucky."

Moyo, the executive officer of the Protoss Empire, is also an old friend of Augustus and Renault. Since he is in trouble, Augustus also wants to intervene. After all, this pirate group has threatened the safety of the southern border of the empire.

"These pirates have a fleet, and their strength has suddenly expanded. I suspect this is related to the federal remnants or the UED. In short, we cannot ignore it." Augustus said.

When Augustus arrived at the canopy house used to entertain guests, Archbishop Durham Tassadar's flagship star shuttle also arrived at Brochus Hel, and soon several gorgeous shuttles landed At Jiggins Airport.

The first to walk in were a group of Templars and another group of Dark Templars led by Tassadar's disciple Executor Artanis. These protoss warriors dressed in simple white-gold heavy armor and dark armor were neatly standing in front of them. Stand on both sides of the road.

Archbishop Tassadar of Durham was also imposing when he walked in, wearing a shining archbishop's robe, followed by the protoss protector Zamara.

The moment Tassadar appeared, the light and shadow in the hall suddenly became chaotic, as if the layers were stacked and collapsed when the game crashed. Many Dark Templar warriors guarding the Emperor of the Tyranids bowed to him and returned again. Into the shadows.

At this scene, even Governor Harry, who thought he had experienced countless big scenes, was so frightened that his expression changed. Only Reno next to him remained motionless.

Tassadar's sky-blue eyes shone brighter than ever, and the icy void energy escaping around him indicated that he had mastered the mysteries of the void like the Dark Templar. Tassadar is truly the most talented of the Templars.

"Emperor Augustus Mengsk." Tassadar's words echoed with lingering psychic energy, which may represent the powerful psychic power of the protoss.

What puzzles Augustus is that Kerrigan has also shown signs of this recently.

"En Taro Adun, Brother Tassadar." Augustus stood up immediately.

"En Taro Adun, brother." Tassadar looked up.

Tassadar and others sat down according to human etiquette. He sat opposite Augustus, while Artanis sat on one side with Raynor.

"Hello Artanis, I haven't heard about you gathering troops in the Koprulu sector for a while." Reno elbowed Artanis in the armpit.

"Hello, Marshal Renault, I haven't heard you mention the story of you and your good brothers for a long time." The muscles on Artanis's eyes wrinkled, but he was not angry, and just responded politely:

"In order to deal with the threat of Orega and the swarm of insects, the Daram Protoss is ready to fight at any time!"

"I must ask for your help, Emperor Augustus." Tassadar got straight to the point: "The fleet of the human pirate Alan Shizar raided Moyo's flagship and took him away. It's a pity that we have nothing to do with these. Humanity knows very little.”

"The Terran Empire will do its best to help you." Augustus nodded.

It was true that it was a bit embarrassing, but Tassadar was not one of those arbitrators, and he would not hide from Augustus just for the sake of face.

"I heard that Alan Schezar is still Orega's subordinate." Augustus said.

"Yes, according to the information we received, it was Orega who paid a lot of money to hire these human pirates to work for him." Tassadar said: "Orega also used enslaved insect swarms to gather an army of insects in Aiur. A large group of armies began to attack the colonies far away from Sagulas."

"The planet Gracius we are heading to is located on the border of the current Tyran Empire."

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