StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 610 Scavenger Pirates

When the Durham stars left, the black tea in the silver tea set was still warm, and the ripples of the spiritual echo in the tea had not dissipated. Governor Harry, who had just recovered from the conversation between the two heads of state, wanted to ask someone to clean up the living room, but found that the cups and dishes were still as they were before the guests arrived, and the red carpet on the floor was not even dusty. fall.

"The Protoss is also in a state of distress right now. I originally thought we had enough mess on our hands." When Renault spoke, he was taking out a cigarette and lighter from the pocket of his long military coat. It could be seen from the look on his face when he lit the cigarette. It can be seen that he is very worried. It seems that the protoss has brought a lot of bad news.

Some time ago, something went wrong when the Dallam Protoss recaptured the Aiur moon Sharok, which affected Tassadar's reputation.

Now, the evil Dark Archon Orega, who has made a comeback, has brought an army of dark templars, El worm swarms and human pirate mercenaries to invade the protoss world outside of Sagulas.

At the same time, there are still many conflicts within the Durham Star Spirit. The protoss of Sagulath, who had originally accepted the refugees from the Aiur, increasingly felt that their distant relatives, whose population was far greater than theirs, tended to occupy the magpie's nest in their homeland.

Archbishop Durham must take into account the differences and estrangements between the two ethnic groups and coordinate the internal conflicts. A slight deviation will most likely trigger a new conflict. ——Especially when the extreme racist Orega of the protoss of Saguras is still causing a lot of tragedies.

Therefore, the strict and even harsh policy of adhering to the equality of El Protoss and Sagulath has become rigid and unhuman, and has tended to evolve into a politically correct tendency. It cannot be said that there are many factions in the Durham protoss, but the conservatives and radicals are full of contradictions.

If that were all, Tassadar wouldn't have to seek help from the Tyranid Empire. The Duram protoss are indifferent to matters outside of Sagulath, and the people have no intention of consolidating or strengthening the cooperative relationship with humans.

The Protoss Empire, which was severely damaged after the fall of Aiur, has never recovered, and now it is just cleaning up the trouble. However, the executive officer Moyo who was captured by human pirates was missing at the human border and is probably being hidden somewhere in the core area of ​​the human empire.

Concerned about the safety of Mojo and the other captured protoss, Archbishop Tassadar of Dallam, who valued his people and compatriots, immediately thought of his human friend Emperor Augustus Mengsk.

"When is this less important, Jimmy." Augustus raised his eyes: "In the past, when we were still young, we thought that any question would be answered and any problem could be solved once and for all."

"Everything in the world is unpredictable. I never thought that one day I would have to stand in the position of a human being and have a lot of trouble." Reno was originally just a farm boy in Shiloh, but now he has to intervene in military affairs for an emperor.

"You should think better. When you stand high, you have to see far." The emperor looked at Governor Harry who was sitting obediently next to him: "Harry, in the name of the imperial government and the royal family, please put these fruits on the table and cakes were given to the refugee children who came to Jiggins. I ask that all refugees who come to Brocas Hull can live in comfortable and safe resettlement houses, and they do not have to worry about food, clothing and medical care. .Their children deserve, however meager, candy for Christmas.”

Augustus was even more convinced that he had sent Tychus away before meeting Tassadar, otherwise the scene on the table would not be much more beautiful than a pig trough.

"Brocas Hull is like spring all year round, and this winter will be very warm." Governor Harry immediately complied, and there was really wind under his feet when he walked out resolutely. There was an expression of relief on his face, and it seemed that being by the emperor's side was indeed stressful.

Although Augustus showed signs of increasing conceitedness, he did not become an autocratic emperor, but always received advice from his chamberlains and marshals.

However, once Emperor Augustus believed that something had to be done, most people could only play the role of listening, no doubt.

All imperial officials knew that although Emperor Augustus was friendly, teasing or slighting him was like sticking your head into the mouth of a crocodile. In the eyes of his subordinates, Governor Harry was like a lion that was difficult to please and approach, but in front of Emperor Augustus he was nothing more than a belly-turned cat.

"There are enough supplies stored in Brocas Hull. It will not be a problem for the refugees who come here to avoid it. But what should we do next? They can't live here forever." Renault sighed:

"It is a good idea to divert to other worlds and uncultivated habitable planets, but not everyone is willing to start from scratch in a strange world."

"If there is a better choice. Yes, we don't have to let our people rebuild their homes in pain and blood." Augustus leaned on his chair, and those who suffered and died were still there It bothered him and tortured him.

The southern star field of the Tyranids Empire has been almost destroyed, and some worlds have even completely turned into a world of ashes and a world of death, which cannot be rebuilt at all. Even on planets that are not seriously damaged, restoring the past order requires the support and time of the imperial government.

"In this cold and dark universe, Tyranid humans have been defeated time and time again, but everything has been rebuilt on the ruins again and again." He said to Renault:

"It's time to open up a new home, a new world."

Considering that most of the worlds in the Tyran Empire are vast and sparsely populated, there is a lack of infrastructure and educational resources, and some places are still undeveloped and dangerous wilderness.

The imperial government has spent a lot of resources relocating refugees from war zones and ensuring their minimum living needs, and the acclimatization and public security problems caused by resettlement are difficult to avoid.

But staying alive is the most important thing. The vast Terran Empire will never have too many people. Opening up new colonies can effectively quell internal resource constraints and add new sources of raw materials to the empire.

"Many virgin lands have been discovered in the Sigma sector, but if we develop there, we will inevitably have conflicts with the Tal'darin stars there." Renault nodded:

"Remember those Tal'darins? Even if you touch a single hair on the Altar of the Stars, they will rush up and fight you to the death."

"Then use artillery fire to bargain with them." As Augustus said, a clerk in the Governor's Palace of Brocas Hull presented a holographic projector. This holographic projector is connected to Brochus Hel's government network and can retrieve data on the empire's administrative districts and population.

As can be seen from the above, Brocas Hel originally had a population of just over three million, but now it has increased by about twenty times in a few months. Brokas is a world with a large amount of supplies, so it is the best choice to resettle nearby refugees.

"The most critical thing now is to ensure the safety of new colonies and transportation routes." Renault agreed with Augustus's words. Among these imperial generals, none of them are ruthless. Some use space stations to hit people, and some use nuclear bombs to embarrass their faces. , I have never been timid.

"We are still fighting bugs at the border and cannot spare so many manpower to protect the waterways, so these pirate bastards have begun to take advantage of the opportunity to grow and develop." He said to Augustus.

The Tyranid Empire is the main force fighting the Swarm, and even the size of the army it has mobilized is unprecedented.

The war was so tragic that the situation has changed. Now those who were so traumatized in the war with the swarms that they cannot take care of themselves are beginning to demand resocialization in order to forget the pain and seek "eternity." of tranquility”.

"That Alan Schezar and his scavenger pirates were little more than interstellar smugglers when he started out on some unknown world on the frontier. You know, the kind of guys who will do anything for money. "Augustus found the information he wanted from the control panel under the holographic projector:

"The rumors about Alan Shezar are shrouded in mystery. Some say that he was already active in the fringe world of the Tyranid Federation before the UED invasion. In their heyday, these vicious scavenger pirates even controlled More than one planet, becoming the de facto ruler of those worlds.”

The Kaimorian pirates come from the Kaimorian Federation, the Chimera seems to be related to Umoyan, and the latest scavenger is a force that is causing trouble for the Tyranids.

The Scavenger Pirates are not pirates in the traditional sense. They are a large and well-organized super criminal group. Beginning with stealing, modifying, and selling spaceships, the Scavengers then moved on to kidnappings, plunders, and assassinations, selling their weapons to wealthy entrepreneurs and interstellar traders.

As their power grew, these scavenger pirates began to get involved in the drug trade. Initially they only manufactured drugs, but later they controlled all businesses related to manufacturing, transportation and sales, and then extended their hands to gambling, prostitution, arms, enhancers and illegal implants of prosthetics.

When the Tyranid Federation was weak, the Scavengers once controlled several planets and monopolized all criminal activities on the planets. From the planetary governor's palace to the parts factory, from officials to ordinary workers, everyone was closely related to the Scavengers' industry. While working hard to line the scavenger's pockets, the people of these planets became addicted to local competitions involving drugs, enhancers, and bloody racing.

When Augustus Mengsk overthrew the Tyranid Federation and the UED to establish the Tyranid Empire, the Imperial fleet that was ordered to take back the distant world once eliminated and cleared these pirates. At that time, these pirates were nothing more than nothing in the eyes of the Imperial Emperor. He is a clown.

But when the insect swarm invaded again, the scavenger pirates once again took advantage of the situation.

"This is no longer an ordinary pirate force." Renault lit another cigar and raised his eyes: "They have touched the bottom line."

"The scavenger pirates won't be able to escape for much longer." Augustus raised his eyebrows: "Shezar once created his criminal empire, and now he will watch its destruction with his own eyes."

In the old Federation era, the Kehal Revolutionary Army was the most vicious anti-government armed force in the Koprulu Star, and even the most powerful pirate fleet had to take a detour.

In the era of the Tyran Empire, the empire's armed forces were far stronger than in the past. Over the years, Augustus hanged more pirates than there were bacon hanging on his walls.

Augustus was not afraid of pirates taking over the throne in any small world. If they just relied on the speed of their warships to cause mischief in the territory of the Tyran Empire, it would give him a headache.

"Who was asked to come over?" Renault asked.

"Mira Han, she knows how to deal with these criminals best." Augustus said.

Mira Han leads the most brutal and brutal army in the Tyranid Empire's armed forces. These battle-hardened veterans come from the Port of the Dead and the harshest slums in the universe. Nowadays, they have long stopped engaging in gray area industries, but their violent behavior has been passed down.

"Mira? I heard that her method of treating criminals is not very humane." Renault thought for a while: "I have heard about it."

"It's just tying the pirates to a chariot of evil fire." Augustus shook his head: "You just don't know the more cruel methods."

"I've never been against justice," Leno said.

"In the final analysis, they are just a group of pirates who formed a shabby scavenger fleet with outdated weapons and ships plundered from the federal arsenal. How did Moyo get caught by a group of pirates?" Augustus said:

"Tassadar refused to say."

Thinking about it, Dallam Protoss still needs to be embarrassed. A dignified executive was caught by a second-rate pirate in the records of the Tyranids. This is not something to be publicized.

"I heard about it from Artanis." Renault said: "When the Golandel swarm invaded Besifal, it was Moyo's fleet that arrived and attracted the attention of the swarm. How they ended up in the hands of Alan Scherzal is unknown."

"So, we owe Moyo a favor." Augustus nodded.

"Shezar's scavenger pirates are not weak. I heard that there are ghost agents working for Sherzar." Renault said to Augustus: "What else can I say?"

"I thought no one in the world would trust a mind-reading telepath except you and me."

"Believing and using are two different things. The Federation has also used psychic suppressors to control ghost agents." Augustus said:

"The most troublesome part is that Shezar is getting involved with the Dark Archon Orega. I thought that protoss would not trust anyone other than the protoss of Sagulas."

"You also said that there are two different things." Renault said: "I'm worried that Mira may not bring enough people."

"Don't worry, it's definitely enough."

At this time, the holographic projector next to it flashed, and a fleet of scientific ships located on the edge of the Koprulu sector sent back a report, showing that the Durham protoss was constantly adding troops to an ocean planet called Glacius.

"Glacius, do we want to intervene?" Renault exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Next to our territory," Augustus said. "The Empire must intervene."

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