StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 630 Oh, Colonel Orlan

This Brutalist-style square reinforced concrete building is made of tons and tons of cement poured directly on the steel frame. The rough cement walls, prefabricated board walls, red bricks and other structural materials are not even plastered. Mud and paint, all the windows were narrow and small, obviously to prevent anyone from peering in.

Augustus knew that this Scott O'Bannon once owned a magnificent "Royal Palace" in the Port of the Dead. Its exquisiteness and grandeur were even comparable to the Sky Tower of the Creation Family, and its interior furnishings were even more exquisite. Luxurious, and that's just the tip of the iceberg revealed by his huge wealth.

At the height of O'Bannon's criminal empire, it seemed as if the entire planet existed just to support him. In the Port of the Dead, Scott O'Bannon used to have ten thousand bodyguards and servants, which was much more than the number of employees in the huge Augustgrad Palace.

But since escaping from the Port of the Dead and coming to the Devil's Market, O'Bannon has been much more low-key, unassuming, and rarely even leaves his house. The reason is obvious. This demon once thought that no one in this world could cure him.

In the old Federation era, the nobles in Tarsonis were not worth mentioning at all, and they did not care about anything other than grabbing more profits and wealth. Now, Koprulu is ruled by a huge empire. This new emperor may be the most ambitious and controlling generation in the past two centuries.

Even if Scott O'Bannon is really the emperor of the fringe world, he still has to bow at the feet of Augustus Mengsk.

At this moment, this cold gray building had lights on everywhere, all the doors were open, and rows of servants in black suits and stiff collared shirts stood on both sides of the road and bowed to greet him.

"We were chasing people away just now, and now we're sending out a welcome team." Renault looked at the downcast faces of these servants and the bright lights behind them:

"I really can't cry until I see the coffin."

"Your Majesty, I have always opposed your taking risks." Matt Horner stopped Augustus when he was about to walk in.

"The person who put himself in danger was Scott O'Bannon." Augustus pushed Horner's hand away and walked straight in.

"Boy, when you were still sucking breasts, we single-handedly broke into Andrea Tagore's birthday party and destroyed the place on the territory of the Supreme Council of Stars." Tychus said:

"What's there to be afraid of? Augustus Mengsk has me, old Tychus, by his side!"

"Oh - this is what I am most worried about." Matt said softly after Tychus followed Augustus with confident and arrogant steps.

"Scott O'Bannon didn't know why we came at first, so he used the Tiger Claw mercenaries to test Augustus's attitude." Reno said to Matt: "He knows that if the empire is If you come here on your own, just a few battleships can make everything clear, and there is no need for the king of a country to personally take action. This bastard knows his own weight, and he knows it very clearly."

"Guess how O'Bannon is shaking now. Augustus can easily erase everything here, but he still pretends to talk to him. So O'Bannon has to rack his brains to think I wonder what kind of bargaining chip he has to allow a murderous emperor to spare his life."

"Your Majesty can't be said to be a murderer." Matt is an honest man.

"That's true for those criminals." Renault smiled and followed Matt.

They really have nothing to worry about. Augustus always has more than ten times more bodyguards than he looks like.

"Jimmy, look, she's so pretty. I bet Augustus would take one look at her and O'Bannon would put her in Augustus' bed overnight. You know, that kind of thing doesn't happen to these beasts It's a very common thing." Tychus pointed at a housekeeper as he walked, looking like someone who had been there before.

This housekeeper with curly maroon hair is indeed slim, young and beautiful, wearing a black dress with suspenders and white silk and red shoes.

"My sweet old mother!" Tychus Finlay showed an envious expression.

It's a pity that Augustus didn't even take a look. He had certainly seen better ones.

"Look, I like the one with blond hair and olive skin." Tychus commented.

"Do you still remember what you came here to do?" Raynor struck Tychus.

"What do you think you're here to do, seek justice? Come on, Jimmy boy," Tychus scoffed.

"I'm afraid that's the case," Reno said. "The thought of arresting a criminal like this makes my blood boil."

After so many years, Renault still hasn't changed much. His parents taught him to be an upright person, so they followed through. Compared with the old oilman Tychus, Renault is still the kid from Shiloh Farm.

"Your Majesty Augustus, I am Phillip Randall, the butler of Mr. Scott O'Bannon." A butler who was dressed in a crisp uniform and was immaculately groomed. He was about 30 years old. He was in his fifties or sixties, with iron-gray hair neatly combed back.

"To welcome you, Your Majesty, would you like to have dinner?"

This is exactly the kind of professional housekeeper that a wealthy person would hire. They are as ruthless and ruthless as machines and follow the rules and do everything meticulously. In the past, most of the nobles who hired professional butlers were the nobles of the founding family, and those nouveau riche who were considered to have suddenly acquired huge wealth in one or two generations also followed the same example in order to show their status.

Since the collapse of the ruling class of the old federation, it is not uncommon for professional housekeepers to avoid liquidation and find other ways to make a living.

"Why refuse Mr. O'Bannon's hospitality?" Augustus waved his hand and led the way through the door.

Compared with the low-key and rough decoration outside, the decoration inside this building is magnificent. It is full of elegant and luxurious high-end furniture, inlaid pendants and scrolls, and chandeliers hanging from the Victorian tree-shaped dome. The brilliance reminded Augustus of the days he spent in the Mengsk Sky Tower.

The decorative style in the building is a mixture of ancient Baroque, neoclassical and Gothic, which is also what the old federal aristocrats regarded as elegant and fashionable. Apparently, Scott O'Bannon, who was born into a humble family, also liked this.

To this day, those who miss the old federal era the most may be these former drug lords.

To entertain the distinguished guests, the luxurious and elegant restaurant has been filled with sumptuous food, from caviar studded with gold to priceless Earth Port wine.

The owner, Scott O'Bannon, is sitting on a sofa made of beartooth hide in the dining room.

Compared with O'Bannon's vicious reputation, he himself was surprisingly short, even thinner than Augustus' old friend Hiram Fick, the Demon of Heaven, and certainly not 5 feet tall, like Tychus. A giant is nothing compared to a dwarf.

He had an impressive pair of small eyes, which were always narrowed, as if he was calculating something all the time, which reminded Augustus of those money-grubbing goblins in Harry Potter.

Although O'Bannon is short in stature, he is a real tyrant. There are several beautiful women crawling under his feet, and the transparent clothes on his body seem to be invisible. Such a cruel person naturally treats women as playthings and trophies. This is also what the old nobles are most passionate about.

"I heard that O'Bannon has more than a hundred lovers, numbered from 1 to 1, so many that even he can't remember them. This bastard really knows how to enjoy himself." Tychus, the beast, said that a real man should be If so.

"What a joy." Tychus gritted his teeth.

"Why are you envious?" Renault asked.

"Your Majesty Augustus, your humble servant has been waiting for you for a long time." O'Bannon usually spoke in a glib and frivolous tone, but now he was respectful and did not even dare to speak to Augustus. Sitting in front of them.

This means that evil people will be punished by evil people.

O'Bannon respectfully asked Augustus to sit down and said, "When the insect swarm invaded, I also donated a lot of money to the government and refugees."

"Hey, you may not know that during the Keha Revolutionary Army uprising, I also donated a lot of money, crystal mines, guns and ammunition."

"Is there such a thing?" When Augustus casually pulled up a chair and sat down, the maids lined up to bring them delicacies, coquettishly hoping that the emperor would like him.

"He may have indeed donated money anonymously." Renault sat down next to Augustus: "We can't say for sure. Even the Creation Family has given us money."

"So, you still contributed to the empire?" Augustus smiled, picked up an open bottle of port wine on the table and looked at it. The emperor was a drinker, and many people knew this. For the king of a country, this may be exploited by someone with intentions.

"This is what an ordinary citizen of the Empire should do. Everyone knows that without the Empire, the zerg would have devoured the entire Koprulu sector." O'Bannon said not daring, but still had a smile on his face.

At this time, a royal ghost wearing a light golden tights and carrying two titanium alloy sabers appeared. She raised her mask and took a few sips before handing it to Augustus. This scene made O'Bannon on the opposite side turn blue with fright.

He had heard of the reputation of the Ghost of the Führer, a super soldier who could take off his own head with just a drop of a knife.

"Mr. O'Bannon is sensible." Augustus tasted the port wine with satisfaction and said, "How much are you going to donate this time?"

"This 1 billion credit coins!" O'Bannon knew that this money might be able to buy his own life.

Originally, O'Bannon knew that he would probably not survive today, and even being imprisoned in New Folsom Prison would be considered lucky. O'Bannon's crimes were enough for Augustus to have him cut to pieces, but judging from the emperor's attitude, this matter may still be turning around.

O'Bannon originally had the intention of killing Augustus Mengsk, but he knew that this was impossible.

"My mother." Tychus was shocked: "So rich?"

"It's more." Augustus said generously: "Let's use this money to help the Sami people rebuild their homes. If that's the case, I can build another monument for you there."

"What do you think?"

"I do." O'Bannon was about to cry. In this world, Augustus Mengsk is the person who should not be messed with. Anyone who has provoked him will not end well.

Augustus won the throne by conquering the north and south, subduing the insects, and chatting and laughing with the protoss. Today, this can only be regarded as a small scene.

He, O'Bannon, covers the sky with only one hand in a small place like this, and he is nothing in the eyes of these big shots.

"Look, I'll tell you." Augustus said to Renault and others next to him:

"Mr. O'Bannon is willing to cooperate."

"There's no need for us to use the knife." Renault said as if they were the thugs sitting here, and opposite them were the trembling hostages:

"You saved your life."

"This is about gaining leniency from the Empire," O'Bannon said bitterly.

"Before these words, the only thing you can fight for is the difference between the death penalty and a reprieve." Augustus' smile made people feel chilly.

Augustus was about to use O'Bannon to wipe out all the criminal groups and pirates related to Devil's Bazaar. Thoroughly cleanse the starfield to ensure that no one takes the opportunity to cause trouble behind the scenes when the Imperial forces are fighting the Zerg on the front lines.

"One more thing, do you know about the Scavenger Pirates and the Protoss Dark Archon Orega?" Augustus said.

"I know a little bit." O'Bannon knew that he had no chance of being careless. He was a smart man.

"The Scavenger Pirates have some business dealings with me, and I have some friendship with Alan Schezar. I sell these pirate arms, and they help me solve the business problems I encounter." He hurriedly vomited out what he knew. Come out: "Of course, I know all the pirates here."

"As for the Dark Archon Orega, I have met him."

"Have you seen him?" Reno took a careful look at O'Bannon: "Then you are incredibly lucky to be alive until now."

"Alan Scherzal just told me at first that he wanted to introduce a new customer, saying that he had the latest and greatest drug formula. You know, what a new drug formula means to us, its toxicity It shouldn’t be too strong, but it should be addictive enough, and the cost should be controllable.”

"Orega wants you to make poison? But he is a protoss." Renault asked him in surprise.

"The drug he gave us is called sunset. This drug can even affect the protoss." O'Bannon said painfully:

"I will never forget the day Orega arrived - he was cloaked and shrouded in shadow. When I noticed he was a 'faceless man', I almost collapsed with fear."

"But you still cooperated with Orega." Renault said.

"The conditions offered by Orega are really hard to refuse, and the law does not stipulate that we cannot cooperate with the protoss." O'Bannon spread his hands and said: "We are just doing business honestly and doing our part. The rest Leave it all to God.”

"You are sophistry." Renault was angry.

"Do you have any information and finished products about this drug?" Augustus said, "I want to see it now."

"Yes, I'll ask my people to bring it." O'Bannon shouted, and a man wearing a beret moved a holographic projection. The Alpha Squadron logo and iconic square face on his hat immediately attracted people's attention. Augustus frowned.

"You are Colonel Orlan." Augustus recognized this man. He turned out to be a mercenary from the Port of the Dead. He originally served in the Federation Alpha Squadron and had disappeared since the establishment of the empire.

"Your Majesty, do you know me?" Orlan, who was opposite, put the projector on the table and was startled.

It would not be a good idea for someone doing his kind of work to be remembered by Emperor Augustus Mengsk.

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