StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 631 He is a talent, but he will be detained for two years first

"We know you." Augustus leaned on the intricately carved rosewood chair and clinked a glass of wine with Reno next to him in a relaxed and comfortable manner. He drank the amber liquid, but his words made Orlan opposite him. The colonel's expression changed:

"In my mind, you are a wanted criminal."

Augustus said, his eyes fell on the purple tapestries in the restaurant that showed nobility, but he sneered. The current fashionable people in the Koprulu Sector will think that wealthy people really don't need to fill their houses to show off their wealth, unless they are really impatient to show it to everyone.

"Former federal rebels? At least they have to be dragged to New Folsom." Renault glanced at Orland and said.

While the first and second leaders of the empire were intimidating others, Tychus was enjoying the fine wine and food by himself. He always liked to eat and drink with Augustus, which was the same as the royal brainworm who gained thirty kilograms in one winter.

On the other side, the sky can tell. Hearing these words, the former federal colonel's thick beard trembled. He quickly argued: "Since General Duke was captured by you, Alpha Squadron has long existed in name only. Wait until the earth The people took Tarsonis and dissolved the Federation Council, so we can only go our separate ways."

"Some of my former comrades-in-arms joined anti-imperial organizations like the Federation Renaissance Movement, but I did not." Orlan said hurriedly: "After the fall of the Federation, I knew that the new empire could not tolerate the former federal government accomplices, so I had no choice but to find them. Some like-minded partners went to the Port of the Dead to start a mercenary business, and whoever paid the highest price would work for him."

Just like Orland's mercenary nature of going back on his word, his words are not credible. To this day, Colonel Orlan is still dressed like a Federation soldier in the past, and even has a Tyranid Federation flag draped over his shoulders. Apparently, he was also obsessed with memories of the glory days of the past Confederacy.

There are fewer and fewer such people in the Tyran Empire today, but there are always people who still dream of bringing the old federation that has collapsed and sunk to the bottom of the water back to the light of day.

"If you were doing legal business, we wouldn't have to compete with you." Renault nodded: "But why did you get involved with a guy like O'Bannon?"

"Are you still working for O'Bannon?" Augustus's voice also turned cold: "That is even more aggravating and unforgivable!"

O'Bannon's face turned blue when he said this, as if it was too bad to have a relationship with him, and he didn't give him any face. But O'Bannon was well aware of how bad what he had done. Even though he had accumulated countless wealth, in the eyes of the rulers of the empire, he was just a king among the rats in the gutter. Role.

Scott O'Bannon once thought he was one of the richest men in the world, able to buy an area of ​​Augustgrad with just the money between his fingers. This interstellar drug lord who covers the sky with one hand also controls the fate of thousands of people. Countless people abandon their wives and children and sell their souls just to get a few grams of drugs from him.

Even so, Scott O'Bannon still clearly understood who was the most powerful person in the Terran Empire, and the person he could least offend was actually sitting in front of him, using that Gray eyes like a pair of eagles stared at him.

God, when he learned that Augustus Mengsk had appeared in the Devil's Bazaar, he was so scared that he collapsed to the ground and was so panicked that he fainted frequently.

"O'Bannon hired me to encrypt his private network for him and ensure information security. This was only a month ago. Forgive me, I have never interfered in his business." Orlan kept pleading. , I was really scared.

"It's hard to tell." Augustus exclaimed. It's hard to imagine that this evil-hearted guy still likes to tease people:

"Mr. O'Bannon, is he telling the truth?"

"I did spend a lot of money to ask Colonel Orlan to upgrade my security network, and I didn't allow him to interfere in my business. Of course, I have to take this kind of thing into my own hands." What a shrewd person O'Bannon is, Naturally, he knew that Augustus was trying to sow discord between them so that the criminals could fight each other.

"Are you trying to exonerate Orlan?" As Augustus spoke, O'Bannon's waiter brought another fine cigar and lit it for him. He could tell that this was the truth. Orlan was just a mercenary and not qualified enough to intervene in O'Bannon's drug business. Drug lords would only give such things to their henchmen.

"You're fair and square, and I'm just telling the truth." Many would call O'Bannon a "villain," because he looked like a velvet pillow wrapped in a gorgeous bear-tooth sofa. A creepy evil doll. In fact, this dwarf was the most greedy and cruel person Augustus had ever seen.

"I have always only talked about business and not feelings. Those who are capable will receive preferential treatment here, and vice versa." He said: "In fact, whether it is Orlan, Shezal or Orega, I They don’t care what they’ve done in the past.”

O'Bannon read an electronic book from ancient times on Earth, telling the story of three ancient kingdoms competing for hegemony. And he liked one of the characters very much and his style of doing things. What makes O'Bannon successful is meritocracy.

"It sounds like you are a good boss." Augustus stared at O'Bannon, feeling disgusted with this man's tone and demeanor.

Regardless of the fact that O'Bannon is a complete scumbag, he is indeed very capable and thoughtful. Few people can escape the telepathic mind-reading abilities of the Fuhrer's ghost, but O'Bannon can do it. Such people usually have countless surface thoughts to hide their deepest intentions, so that they can deceive those who deal with them.

"Many people are willing to deal with me, and they all think my price is fair." O'Bannon actually regained some of the dignity and confidence he had in front of Emperor Augustus when he spoke: "Generally speaking, I hire people to do things. Once it’s done, it’s a one-shot deal.”

In front of him was the ruler of an empire. Just not showing timidity in front of Emperor Augustus could be regarded as an excellent psychological quality.

As he spoke, O'Bannon opened the holographic projector handed over by Colonel Orlan. This holographic projector can be considered an old device. It also uses an old-fashioned burning disc. It can be said to be quite retro. Compared with ordinary equipment, it can be said to be mini.

After O'Bannon struggled to open more than a dozen security settings such as fingerprint lock, voiceprint lock, and gene lock, the holographic projection device slowly turned on.

"It records the customers who have done business with me over the years, and even established files." O'Bannon said through gritted teeth. Now that he can't escape, others can't have an easier time. The crime he committed can't be solved by concealing the crime. All he can beg for is to survive.

He knew that Augustus came to him to clean up the large criminal organizations in the empire and rectify the corruption problem in some parts of the imperial world.

"I hope this is worth your life." Augustus' expression turned cold.

Augustus will not let O'Bannon go. Whether it is from a personal emotional point of view or from the perspective of a king of a country, he cannot allow a generation of drug lords to go unpunished. As for whether there will be someone to replace O'Bannon after he is arrested, it can be said that this is certain.

As long as there are dark corners in this sector, evil will never stop taking root.

Since the old Tyranid Federation has become increasingly corrupt, drugs have become more and more prevalent in various Federation worlds. For those who are interested in seeking excitement, it is easy and cheap to obtain drugs at first, but once they are hooked, it is extremely difficult to get out.

Although the Tyranid Empire government has banned drugs, this kind of thing is always prohibited, especially in the fringe worlds far away from Korhal.

"More than enough," O'Bannon said.

Augustus silently checked the information on the holographic projector, his face as cold as a glacier.

It clearly records how many drugs O'Bannon has manufactured and sold over the years. Especially under the severe crackdowns by the empire in recent years, such in-demand things are always easy to sell.

The reason why O'Bannon was able to penetrate the market into the core world of the Tyranids must be protected by many high-ranking imperial officials.

"Governor of Borea!" Reno next to him widened his eyes: "What is this kid doing!"

The climate of Berea is similar to that of Braxis. The weather is cold, and mountains and canyons covered with layers of snow dot the dark blue surface of the entire planet. Strictly speaking, this is an affiliated colony established for military and scientific research purposes. It is also a resource-based world. There are not many residents on it and the settlements are distributed near military bases.

The Governor of Berea was also born in the Revolutionary Party. Before appearing on this list, he was considered the most promising one. Berea may be just a bitter cold place, but it is just a training experience, and it won't be long before he will be transferred back to the core world.

Unexpectedly, just like this, this person couldn't stand it any longer. He used his position to provide shelter for drug lords, and might even have a relationship with the army. This was something Augustus would never tolerate.

"It even involved the entire Haven Customs Department. They actually allowed drugs to flow into the refugee camp so openly." Augustus slapped the table hard, making the tiger's mouth numb and startling Tychus who was devouring it. I had to hiccup.

Not only these, O'Bannon's trading network involves hundreds of people, all of whom are powerful figures in the imperial government. Augustus knew that he could not prevent corruption and crime, but he was furious when he learned that the Sheriffs of the Edge World were helping drug dealers.

The truly heinous parts had long since been destroyed by O'Bannon, but even this in the device was adequate.

"They are all revolutionaries, and they did not abandon His Majesty even in the most critical times." Matt said, "But what they are doing now is any different from disregarding human life."

"The impact is too bad!" Tychus said immediately.

"Shameless!" said Renault.

"This is your life." After a while, Augustus closed the pocket-sized holographic projection: "Not only that, if you further cooperate with the empire's anti-corruption work, you will also receive preferential treatment."

"Of course, my life is in your hands." For someone like O'Bannon who has seen great wealth, the more he sees it, the more he cherishes his life.

"This empire is too big. Over time, people's minds will inevitably change." Renault was as angry as Augustus. After all, the Tyran Empire was the foundation built by these old guys together.

It has been almost six years since Augustus came to the throne. Six years is enough to change a lot of things, enough to make people completely different.

"Matt, give this to the OGB people and let them handle this matter." Augustus knocked on the table and emphasized.

"Tell them my attitude. I will never tolerate or let them go. I want a list now."

"I'll do it right away," Matt said.

"The emperor's list will scare the shit out of so many people." Tychus, who was gloating over his misfortune, didn't care about politics, and he didn't even bother to think about it.

"Unfortunately, I know you are up there occasionally." Reno made Tychus shut up with just one sentence.

"Very good, very good." Augustus said "very good" twice in a row, but the brewing storm on his face suddenly disappeared, and he drank the port wine calmly, as if this was the case Little things were not enough to make him angry.

"You don't need to pay attention to these scum until they are all jailed." Augustus looked at O'Bannon again: "How much do you know about the pirates in this sector."

"We have dealings with Chimera pirates, scavengers and Kaimorian pirates." O'Bannon knew this was an opportunity to reduce his guilt: "I know several base camps of these pirates, and I also know their contact information. .”

"The Kaimorian pirates are indeed a scourge." Augustus nodded.

Since the days of revolutionaries, the Chimera pirates have been beaten many times by Augustus, and now they are hiding in the territory of the United States of Umoyan. The scavenger pirates had already been tossed to pieces by Orega and were not worth mentioning at all.

However, the Kaimorian pirates have recently become more and more destabilizing factors in the Tyranid Empire, and have become a hidden danger to the internal security of the empire that cannot be ignored.

As the economy of the Kaimorian Federation tends to collapse, prices in various territories within the Federation have skyrocketed, and unemployment has soared. More and more Kaimorians have chosen to leave their homes, move to other planets, engage in trade or become bandits. .

Even if Prince Arcturus had ordered the Immigration Bureau to display this banner: "For all those who want to leave that wasteland to find a better life, Korhal is a safe haven for all of you." It would not help.

"I can also hack into the security networks of these pirate bases for you." Colonel Orlan seized the opportunity and said, "I hope this can atone for my sins."

"In the Port of the Dead, Colonel Orlan is a well-known cracking expert. It is effortless for him to break into the empire's security network." The voice of the ghost of the head of state was very soft, but everyone present happened to be able to hear it.

"I never said that I had invaded the empire's network." Orlan waved his hands repeatedly: "Absolutely not!"

"Of course, if you don't do that, I will throw you into a wormhole." Augustus smiled kindly.

"Lock him up first!"

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