StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 632 Kaimorian Pirates

G-2275 is an unparalleled icy blue gas giant planet with a volume equivalent to about 800 Korhal IV, surrounding a thin star ring thousands of miles wide. Most of this ring is made of ice crystals that sparkle with faint blue flames. Under the light of stars, they are like light bridges refracting countless dazzling rays of light.

Although the Kaimorian pirate capital ship can be regarded as a magnificent giant ship, in this situation, it is just a small thing dragging a flame towards G-2275, just an icy small thing on the star ring. Planets can smash it into pieces.

No matter how many times he sets foot in space, Tavish Kerr always feels a sense of insignificance that frightens him as he approaches these behemoths in the universe on a battleship.

Below the majestic star ring of G-2275, a sea of ​​clouds composed of hydrogen and methane is vaguely visible. Under the methane clouds, it seems that there are endless icebergs standing, but it is still just another sea of ​​clouds, condensed under the squeeze of gravity. For liquid state. Just the eye of the storm surging in the clouds is enough to swallow dozens of Moria.

This is a constant reminder of the magnificence of the universe to those arrogant people among humans who claim to have conquered the universe.

Just like the ebb and flow of the tide, the rise and fall of the moon, countless civilizations have risen and perished, and humans have no idea about it. In the long wait, mankind finally stepped out of the cradle of life. With awe and wonder, this young race still struggles to survive in a dangerous universe.

"Mr. Cole, I hope the information you gave is accurate. There is really a technology center here that has been abandoned by the old federation." A sound of footsteps came from behind Tavis Cole, and the person came wearing gorgeous clothes. He wore a coat and long boots, and a long-brimmed military hat with a skull emblem sewn in the center was worn on a red face that looked a little funny.

What made Tavis feel particularly weird was that Captain Alfred's hat was raised high and twisted weirdly, making strange noises from time to time.

It's not surprising that some eccentric pirate captains keep strange alien pets in their hats.

"Don't worry, Captain Alfred, it's absolutely accurate." Tavis just stared at the gas giant planet ring outside the bridge window: "Otherwise I wouldn't have come here personally, but would just send a deacon."

At this time, a shadow slowly spread out of the porthole window. It was the only satellite of G-2275. It is so inconspicuous on the star map that it is not worth mentioning at all.

"I hope the treasures here will make our trip worthwhile." Captain Alfred couldn't help but rub his hands and laughed.

The satellite shrouded in the huge shadow of G-2275 has become bigger and bigger. Half of its area is shrouded in the shining light of the star. From this pirate warship, it looks like a huge eye with only the whites of its eyes. It is so quiet. The scattered light and shadow are mesmerizing.

The main engine of the pirate capital ship stalled at this time, and the fine-tuning thrusters were gently pushing the spacecraft into orbit bit by bit. Now the satellite seems to be a crescent moon hanging above everyone's head, while the gas giant planet in the distance is a huge blue background with no end in sight.

Icons temporarily drawn by the supercomputer appeared on the holographic projection screen, showing the data obtained by repeated scanning of the sensors.

"There really is a scientific research center here, and it seems to have been abandoned not long ago." Captain Alfred was overjoyed after passing the communication with the main control center:

"It is said that the wealth left by the Terran Federation is enough to start a new federation. I want to get rich! The imperial government of Augustus Mengsk has been looking for the technology laboratories left by the old federation, but by some strange combination of circumstances, these old federations The Confederate patrimony falls into our hands.”

Judging from the high-precision pictures and three-dimensional modeling taken from orbit, this old federal scientific research center covers a large area and has supporting star ports and even hydroponic farms. This means that this scientific research center was once very large in its heyday, and it also means more wealth.

Even though the technological development of the Terran Empire has not stopped at all due to war and reconstruction work, the lost Federation technology still contains unimaginable value. In that crazy era, technological progress even surpassed human ethics.

"It's us, we're going to get rich. My father has been funding you, and our people have discovered this place, so don't forget it." Tavis took the trouble to correct him: "The direction of these federal technologies is in Thailand. The Lun Empire is very sensitive, and only my father has a safe market."

Tavis Cole is the son of a wealthy crystal miner in Kemorion, and his dealings with these pirates are just for "business."

Space Pirates are absolute speculators and opportunists, coyotes in the wilderness. As long as they can fill their insatiable stomachs, they don't care about status and dignity, they don't care about rummaging through trash cans for food or looking for opportunities to steal unsupervised children.

The Cole family of the Kemerian Federation is not a good person. The most they do is to collude with pirates to drive away the indigenous people in a mining area, and then embezzle the land and all property on the land. Gradually, the crystal mine merchants and pirates became fat and strong, but there were more and more homeless people.

Pirates are all scum, predators who kill without blinking an eye. Don't expect them to be the kind of interstellar adventurers and freelance mercenaries who are heroic and righteous.

However, the Camorian pirates, who are mainly composed of Camorian people, still continue the tradition of large families and clans. They value family and the connection between family members, and generally do not cause too much trouble to the ships of the Camorian people.

"Of course I know that." Captain Alfred smiled again: "You don't need to remind me again and again."

Even the well-informed and ruthless Captain Alfred had to admire the courage of the Cole family heir. It takes more than just courage to dare to board a notorious pirate ship alone.

"Captain, the first batch of landing ships are ready." While they were talking, a graceful purple-black haired girl wearing a gray tights came over, with a bone pendant hanging from her earlobe, and her exposed breasts The arms are covered with conspicuous tattoos.

The women on the pirate ships were either prostitutes and abducted slaves, or they were extraordinary ruthless characters. Tavis only vaguely remembered that this woman had been a member of the old Federation's Ghost Project, but had escaped after the Federation collapsed. Out of her deep distrust of the government, she did not choose to join the new empire.

It is said that this miko can see into a person's heart just by looking at him, and can explode a person's blood vessels with a blink of an eye.

There are almost no professionally trained telepaths in the Kaimorian Commonwealth similar to the Federation Ghost Agents and Umoyan Shadow Guards, which also casts a veil of mystery on this woman, which is very attractive.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let them go quickly." Captain Alfred's deep-set blue eyes swept over the female ghost.

"Are you worried about other pirates and scavengers getting involved?" the female ghost said: "Be careful of long nights and frequent dreams. There are imperial outposts a few galaxies away. I always feel uneasy. This is an ominous sign."

"The scavenger pirates in the empire are finished. We may be next."

The Scavenger Pirates are not a third-rate pirate organization. The news of Alan Schezar's arrest has basically announced the destruction of the Scavenger Pirates, and the remaining fish that have slipped through the net are completely useless. What shocked the pirates most was that even the largest place for selling stolen goods, the Devil's Bazaar, had been uprooted by the Tyranids.

To the pirates, this was a dangerous sign. The relatively young emperor had always hated the criminal forces in the sector, but he had not personally dealt with them for several years.

Even in the old Federation era, the domineering Terran humans were always the ones bullying others, not to mention that the new empire was already another new behemoth.

In the past, the pirates had never been afraid of anyone, but the name of Augustus Mengsk could make these scum jump up and down.

"No, don't worry. The Imperials are busy dealing with the zerg, so they don't have time to care about us." The pirate captain positioned himself very accurately, that is, the kind of rotten fish and shrimps that are not worthy of the Imperial Navy. Although he was worried about running into the imperial fleet, he didn't think he would really be that unlucky.

Now the insect swarm is invading the Koprulu star region in large numbers. Countless fleets of the Tyranid Empire are gathered in the eastern and western borders of the empire. How can there be so many manpower to encircle and suppress the pirates. Moreover, pirates are always difficult to arrest. Their base camp is never fixed, and they can abandon everything and flee if necessary.

"It's better to be careful." Ghost said, "Once the situation changes, we have to get off the track quickly."

"It's not because you're cautious that the Imperial law enforcement ship won't be able to find it here." The captain said, "But our firepower is enough to deal with them unless we encounter a real Imperial fleet."

"But for the sake of my ancestors, I can only encounter this kind of thing once in five years, and it has to be when I raid the Imperial Space Station."

"." Tavis glanced at Captain Alfred, who was sweating profusely, and said to him, "Shut up."

Outside the portholes, several landing ships ejected from the pirate capital ships had disappeared from the end of the field of vision in a flash.

"Hope everything goes well." He said looking at these spacecraft that looked small but could actually carry hundreds of people.

"Our people have enough weapons to deal with any emergencies." said the female ghost.

"No matter what monsters there are, they can't withstand the artillery." Captain Alfred stood with his hands behind his back, calm and calm.

Although Tavis did not say it explicitly, everyone knew that there must be many dangers inside this so-called scientific research center, otherwise the armed miners and mercenaries of the Cole family would have taken away all the wealth.

Wealth and danger coexist in the old federal scientific research center. Some people became rich overnight after excavating a warehouse storing crystal minerals, while others stepped into a laboratory full of zerg.

The secret scientific research projects related to the Old Federation are more or less crazy, including human experiments, genetic monsters and zerg experiments. Sometimes, there may even be a protoss Dark Templar who was tortured crazy by human scientists. warrior.

But a Kaimorian pirate capital ship is enough to cope with all emergencies, at least that's what Captain Alfred and Tavis think.

At this moment, as the pirate capital ship was parked quietly in orbit, the scene tens of thousands of miles below gradually converged into a black shadow and darkness.

"Captain, a nearby jump signal has been detected, and the identity of the enemy ship is being identified!" In an instant, the alarm sounded on the pirate ship.

"Does anyone else know about this place?" Captain Alfred was stunned for a moment, then turned red and yelled at Tavis standing next to him.

"I guess they just happened to be passing by, or they happened to find this place. In any case, I am also on your ship, and there is no need to betray such important information to others." Tavis said calmly:

"Is he from the empire?"

"It's the Chimera pirates. That's Captain Buzan's flagship!" said the first mate on the pirate ship.

"These haunting bastards, why are they everywhere!" Alfred punched the star map table.

They are both pirates. The Kaimorian pirates and the Chimera pirates don't deal with each other very much, and they have fought many times over the loot.

This group of Chimera pirates lives by smuggling and selling technological products. They also engage in human trafficking privately, selling beautiful girls to nobles and rich men. The Kaimorian pirates look down on the Chimera pirates, and the other side also dislikes them for being rustic. Anyway, the conflict has been going on for a long time.

"Hello, Alfred." The famous Captain Chimera Buzan appeared on the home screen, holding his iconic pipe in his mouth.

"You son of a bitch is still alive. I should have stuffed your head into your mother's ass last time."

"Buzan, I'm going to kill you now," Alfred roared.

"Haha. It's just you miners." Captain Buzan said mockingly: "I have to remind you that the technology here is ours, so those who know better should get out of here."

"Chimera pirates, they are a bunch of bastards who dare to steal things from our hands." Captain Alfred shouted: "Come on, you guys."

The Kaimorian pirate capital ship is large and fast. It is equipped with huge cannons that are rough in shape but have comparable firepower to the Imperial battlecruisers. There is no need to be afraid when encountering armed caravans.

"Open all channels and call other pirate families for support."

The Chimera are very powerful, but the Kaimorian pirates are often no match for them in a single fight. However, the Kaimorian pirates have close ties with each other, which means they can call other nearby captains over.

"Mglrmglmhglmgl!" When Alfred was furious, an amphibian creature with green skin also jumped out from under his hat. It looked weird, resembling a fish that had just grown its limbs and stepped on land.

"Oh my God! What is that?" Tavis was not intimidated by the Chimera pirates, but was frightened by this little monster that suddenly jumped out.

"This evil little animal is full of hatred and longs for revenge, but it can't find its way home." The female ghost said: "It comes from a place called Azeroth, but all our star maps There are no coordinates for that planet anywhere on earth.”

"What a strange pet," Tavis said.

"Mrgllll glrrm gl!" cried the strange creature.

"What does that mean?" Tavis asked.

"Maybe, attack," Ghost said.

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