StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 640 Original Brain Worm

"Do not be afraid."

"That is the catalytic liquid from the original splitting pool of Zerus, which contains ancient and powerful power." Augustus pointed to the green liquid that was bubbling behind the glass curtain wall and said: "For the original alien For the insects, if they want to become the supreme overlord of Zerus, the power of the original split pool is essential."

Augustus' tone was calm and confident, as if the pool of catalytic fluid was just warm water for bathing, full of bath bubbles and little yellow ducks: "And to absorb the power of the original split pool, you have to immerse yourself in the pool water. "

"Then what's the price?" The brainworm's small inverted triangular eyes stared at Augustus.

This big-tailed wolf never does anything good when he greets it, and the Kehal Wolf Lord has a dark heart.

"There is a certain risk." Jaco replied for Augustus: "If you can withstand the powerful power of the primitive split pool, you can complete the evolution, otherwise you will fail and die. We lost many primitive zerg tribe leaders in it , but there are very few successful examples.”

"As for whether species other than the original zerg can draw on the power of the original schism pool, this remains to be seen."

The brainworm became more vigilant: "I can feel that those catalytic liquids contain powerful essence. They will definitely be exploded."

"You said before that as a great swarm master, you also shouldered the mission of saving the swarm." Augustus complimented it and said: "When you emerge from the cocoon and become a butterfly and are reborn from the ashes, you will be the third generation master. .”

"Sometimes what flies out of the cocoon is a fly." Tychus smacked his lips, happy that the brainworm had deflated him. It did not deserve sympathy at all.

".I don't remember saying that." Although the brainworm has been immune to Augustus for a long time, it did become interested in what the other party said:

"What's the probability of success?"

"Dr. Egon Steitmann said that the danger of the diluted and improved original splitting pool catalyst liquid will be greatly reduced." Augustus explained: "We can take it slow and gradually increase the dose until you can adapt." The highest concentration of catalytic fluid.”

At the beginning, Egon Stetman was just an unknown person picked up by Augustus from the Terrador III. Now he is an indispensable and important figure in the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

Although still very young, Steitmann has already proven to be a genius, leading the research efforts to miniaturize and standardize personal shield force fields.

Through his research on zerg cells and protoss kaidarin crystals, Stetman advanced the Empire's research and development of new technologies such as regenerative biosteel, cell reactors, and new structural casting alloys. Considering that he was truly talented, his many annoying quirks were bearable.

"Egon? I'm even more worried about this." Among humans, Alpha Brain Worm has the best relationship with Egon Steitmann, and he also knows more clearly that this young scientist, who is naturally lively, neurotic, and naive and romantic, is involved in big events. It's somewhat unreliable.

"I can't deceive you." Augustus said to the brainworm: "No matter what, the risk is always real, and this cannot be ignored."

"But you didn't give me a choice." Brainworm said.

"Yes, as long as you obey, you don't have to work hard to repair that statue." Augustus nodded.

"Look what you said, I just like to build statues." Brainworm said.

"Are you going to do it or not?" Augustus asked.

The brainworm stared at Augustus hesitantly, trying to find clues of conspiracy in his difficult-to-see thoughts. But to say that the emperor of the empire, who has so many things to do, really has the leisure time to toss it every day to satisfy his own evil taste, that's not true.

Even though it is just a salted fish now, it still wants to pursue powerful power and dreams of one day unifying the insect swarm.

".Do it!" Brainworm paused: "Do it!"

"Then, let's start now." Augustus clapped his hands: "Guards, take it away."

Four Royal Guards in power armor walked in and skillfully took away the dumbfounded Royal Brain Worm.

"You're plotting against me again!"

"Let's go and have a look." Augustus smiled at Jaco and Harnak, and everyone headed to the Augustgrad Palace Laboratory amid laughter.

When everyone else disappeared, only Augustus and Kerrigan remained where they were.

The emperor looked cold and said nothing.

This is the imperial hall where Augustus summoned his ministers in the palace. Silver chandeliers and sparkling mirrors reflected his majestic face. A huge crimson flag hung from the towering wall of the dome. It is the coat of arms of the Mengsk family and the Empire embroidered in gold thread.

Under the floor-to-ceiling windows that occupy an entire wall is the brightly lit Augustgrad, a city of silver, gold and steel.

"Do you think Alpha can do it?" At this time, Kerrigan walked up to Augustus, reached out and gently tugged on his cuffs.

"If you can't even do it, then I won't let you take the risk." Augustus turned away, his thoughts surging under his calm appearance.

"Zeratul wants me to try." Kerrigan's beautiful green eyes stared at Augustus' side face: "You and I both understand that this must be related to the hope of salvation that Zeratul said."

The prophecies brought by Zeratul are related to the destruction and end of the world. However, except for Augustus and Tassadar, the leaders of their respective groups, neither humans nor protoss will regard this as imminent. danger.

Therefore, for Zeratul, Augustus's trust is really valuable. Zeratul knew very well that he was a mourning crow, and what he was destined to throw at him would not be flowers and praise but stones and ridicule.

"Even Zeratul cannot understand the truth behind the prophecy. It is just an illusory and unrealistic hope, and we have to die generously for it." Augustus took a deep breath, but he could not Find excuses to numb yourself:

"Surely, there will be other ways."

Only Kerrigan as the new Xel'Naga can stop Amon, and now it seems she has to.

To put it simply, Kerrigan must build an ascended body to accommodate the essence of Xel'Naga, and absorbing the power of the original split pool is only the first step. Kerrigan's existence is now more than human, but that's not enough.

This is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose everything.

Because of the appearance of Augustus, Kerrigan's fate has undergone earth-shaking changes, and she even ran in the opposite direction to the original, which only added many uncontrollable variables.

Kerrigan's fate in the original timeline was dark and cruel. Her life was filled with conspiracy and killing, betrayal and being betrayed, use and being used. In contrast, Kerrigan is now on a completely different and bright path.

Kerrigan did not become the Queen of Blades, nor did she bear the sin of eight billion lives. She was human and the queen of the Tyranid Empire.

Ever since Augustus realized this and knew that there was no turning back, he kept this worry in his heart.

It is still unknown whether the human Kerrigan can go through many tests and become a new generation of Xel'Naga like the Queen of Blades Kerrigan.

Queen of Blades Kerrigan went to the end step by step for revenge and atonement, but Kerrigan now has no such belief.

"Augustus, my dear." Kerrigan took Augustus's hand and stood face to face with their fingers intertwined. She stared at her husband with love in her eyes.

"Look at me carefully."

Augustus was surprised to find that no matter how many times he looked at the owner of these emerald eyes, she was always so beautiful and blooming like a flower.

These hands are not delicate or soft at all, but are covered with a layer of calluses that is difficult to remove. That's the hand holding the knife, tough and strong.

"You are like the sun, warm and kind but inaccessible. I can see through people's hearts, but I can't see through you." Kerrigan held Augustus's hand tightly, as if she was afraid that he would leave her one day: " If there's something you have to keep inside, it's because you can't tell the world about it yet."

"I know that you always see the longer term than others, and you also bear more burdens that ordinary people cannot understand." She said, "I also want to help you and protect the world I love."

"For you and your empire, and for our people."

Some time later, the Palace Laboratory.

Surrounded by pale walls and dazzling light, all shadows are invisible, and the air is filled with the sound of electricity and machinery. People were coming and going in the laboratory, and Imperial researchers in white overalls could be seen everywhere. All the main roads leading to the palace were guarded by Imperial Royal Guards with live ammunition.

"The catalyst fluid in the original splitting pool has been stabilized after readjustment, but further confirmation is needed." Stetman looked so excited that he no longer seemed so stuttering or restrained.

The current Stetman is considered a big figure in the empire. After all, he is also a veteran who followed Emperor Augustus through the Revolutionary War.

As a result, Stetman even had a beautiful female assistant, Isabella Yorin, by his side, which he could not believe before, even in his wildest dreams.

Now in front of Stetman was a square pool made of a new alloy, about a hundred feet wide, filled with green liquid that was bubbling. There are beautifully patterned tiles on the edge of the pool, and wisps of white steam rise from the calm water, which seems to have been heated.

At his feet was a brainworm that was constantly twisting and was being stabbed to the ground by seven or eight explosion-proof steel forks.

"The water is already hot." Stetman said to himself with anticipation, "The temperature is just right."

"This sounds like pork under hot oil." Brainworm screamed.

Stetman said nothing, but stared at the pool with interest. In other words, he was immersed in his own world and didn't notice the brainworm around him at all.

Then Steitmann simply asked his assistant You Ling to throw a live rat into the pool.

In an instant, the water in the pool boiled and surged, and the white-skinned albino rat inflated like a balloon as it screamed. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a small beast with pointed ears, its teeth were long and pointy, the hair on its skin transformed into a sharp mane, and its muscles were tangled, like a weird bulldog.

Evolution continues and the rat is transforming into an even more terrifying monster. But soon, with a loud bang, it exploded into a disgusting mist of blood, with no bones left.

"Hey" Brainworm suddenly calmed down and swallowed nervously.

"Don't worry, Alpha, you are much better than this mouse." Only then did Stetman remember the brainworm next to him and immediately comforted it.

".I have nothing to worry about." Brainworm hesitated: "I'm not afraid."

"Well, gentlemen, throw it in." Stetman rubbed his hands.

"Wait a minute." Brainworm shouted.

"Huh?" Stetman looked at the brainworm: "Remember, we are close friends."

"We're best friends." Stetman nodded.

Speaking of which, Steitman has always been a brainworm breeder and can be regarded as half a dad. Although the child is bad-tempered and naughty, Stetman never bears a grudge against him.

Seeing that the brainworm didn't reply, "Dui" made another gesture.

"Stop!" Brainworm roared: "Don't you understand human language!"

Steitman said seriously: "I'm listening."

"I remembered that I have something else to do today." Brainworm laughed a few times: "Can you?"

"Of course, that doesn't mean I'm scared."

"Aren't you the Lord of the Swarm? Alpha, don't let us look down upon you." Hanak was still blaming him.

"I don't care what you think?" Brainworm turned his head and roared.

"You wretch, you coward." Tychus sneered.

"I am the bravest brain worm of the master!" The brain worm was furious.

"Alfa, think about it, this is probably your only chance to surpass the veteran cerebrates like Sars Dagos in terms of strength." As an imperial general, Yaco still has a fair understanding of the relationship and strength between the cerebrates. Understood.

"." The brainworm hesitated for a moment, but when it thought about the possibility of dying, it suddenly felt that it was no longer so eager to gain power. Aren't you happy being a salty fish in the empire?

At this time, Augustus stepped down from a descending ladder, followed closely by Kerrigan.

"Dr. Steitmann." Augustus walked towards Steitmann: "If Alpha transforms into a primitive zerg, does that mean it will lose its main hive mind and will no longer be able to control the zerg swarm?"

"I think this concern is unnecessary," Steitmann replied.

"Can Alpha's safety be ensured?" Augustus asked.

"All emergency plans have been activated, and the emergency medical team is also ready. They have rich experience in treating zerg." Stetman stuttered a little.

"Very good, are you ready now?" Augustus nodded.

"Ready, but..." Stetman hesitated.

"But what?" Augustus looked at him.

"But Alpha seemed scared," Steitmann said.

"Is this true?" Augustus looked at the brainworm again.

"I'm just in a hurry to urinate, I'm not afraid." The brainworm was so angry that he couldn't speak at all. Due to his excessive emotion, a variety of colored lights even appeared on his body.

"Throw it in," said Augustus.

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