StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 641 My Alpha is no longer the same person as I used to be.

Before the brainworm Alpha could make a sound, it was thrust into the green water filled with the catalytic fluid of the original splitting pool with a steel fork by the royal guards behind it. The bubbling green water looked like demon blood, containing terrifying power.

This time the movement was not that big. The obese brainworm sank to the bottom and surfaced again after a while.

At this moment, this stupid insect must have been filled with despair and thought that he was dead. He was lying quietly on the water and drifting with the current, like a pale and bloated floating corpse. But when it suddenly realized that there was nothing wrong with it, it immediately resurrected with full health.

The brainworm moved its muscles and bones a few times and actually swam in it. ——Although the swimming style of this brainworm is not much better than that of a struggling cabbage caterpillar that fell into the water, it made a large splash of water when it fluttered, but it couldn't swim very far.

"It has a big heart," Tychus complained.

"That's not true." Augustus said to himself that this is a brainworm who can live in the human world as a fat house, and he has a big heart.

"Does it mean that the catalytic fluid has no effect on the zerg?" Jako stood on the other side of Augustus, frowning.

"How do you feel?" Augustus said to the brainworm swimming in the pool.

"That's all." Anyone can feel the contempt and disdain in the brainworm's spiritual language. He is a kind-hearted and fat master. He forgets the pain when his scars are healed. He bullies the weak and fears the strong and does all kinds of evil. Even Augustus only raised him as a husky.

"I feel so comfortable that I almost want to pee in it, is that all?"

"Well" Augustus pondered for a moment: "Dr. Stetman, is it possible that the catalytic solution is too diluted?"

"No, no." Stetman nervously fiddled with his fingers, which made people wonder whether he was as confident in this experiment as he said: "It shouldn't be like this. I should have confirmed it repeatedly. , the dilution ratio is about 1:4, maybe it is."

"That being said, the dose should be increased."

"It's okay, just wait. Don't care about my opinion." Augustus pressed his hand and signaled Stetman not to be nervous.

Even though Steitmann was already well-known in the imperial scientific community, he still seemed a little lacking in confidence. Moreover, even though Augustus always had a pleasant appearance, it was inevitable that most people would panic for a while in front of him.

After all, Augustus was the emperor of the Tyran Empire and the true king of a country. Anyone in front of him could feel a lingering sense of oppression. Contact the imperial emperor's methods of suppressing opponents and rebels, and you will inevitably have cold hands and feet.

Stetman's performance today was pretty good, at least his tongue was not tied.

"Lululu—" Unexpectedly, the brainworm, which was swimming happily on its back, suddenly screamed, took two gulps of green water, and sank again with a gurgling sound.

Under the undulating water of the pool, the fat body of the brainworm gradually changed. It curled up and bent into a crescent shape, and the soft skin that seemed to be broken by a poke became as tough as leather, and finally transformed For a sturdy hard case. Like an insect chrysalis that spins silk and spins a cocoon, unimaginable transformations are taking place inside its unknown interior.

"It's forming a cocoon." Kerrigan had been watching from afar since just now. Due to a certain talent, Kerrigan's perception of the zerg is extremely keen, and she can vaguely feel what is happening to the cerebrates.

"Oh, it's working, it's working." Stetman's eyes suddenly lit up. He clenched his fists and jumped up as if to celebrate with the people around him. After half a circle, only Hanak gave him a high-five with a smile.

"Ah! It's unbelievable! It's amazing! Oh, yes, it's unbelievable!"

"Explain it, doctor." Augustus did not find any useful information from Stetmann's excited words, unless he could keep up with the other person's wild ideas and abstract expressions.

"Ah, I think that's it. It's exactly what I calculated. Yes, it's exactly the same." Stetman couldn't hide any expression on his face. He was so happy now:

"We made it!"

Stetman seemed very happy, so he turned around and hit Harnack again. But from beginning to end, only the dull-eyed red-haired imperial general didn't understand what was going on.

Augustus couldn't help but think: If Abathur, the evolutionary master of the swarm, was caught here, things would be much easier to handle.

But this is really hard to achieve. According to the confession of Cerebrate Sars, who was recently captured by the Empire, Abathur has also been reused under the new generation of masters. It can be said to be the invisible hand that leads the evolutionary path of the insect swarm.

"The chemical effects of the alien cells are being integrated and absorbed by the zerg cells, which are surprisingly receptive to experimental samples, and the mutations and mutations occurring at the cellular level are extremely alarming on a macro scale. All mutations will be recorded and tracked, and the survival of the fittest will be followed. The principle of survival of the fittest is endlessly replicated. Even on the Zerg, this rate of evolution is far beyond expectations." Stetman's assistant Isabella Yuling explained on his behalf: "This is countless A chorus of cellular evolution.”

"In other words, the Cerebrate will complete its evolution at the terrifying timely evolution speed of the original Zerg."

"But what is the end point of the brainworm's evolution?" Augustus looked at You Ling.

Isabella Youling is a beauty with long black and shiny hair. She has fair skin and good looks. It is true that Augustus would have been surprised to see such a bright color in a corner of the palace that he had not noticed.

She was indeed beautiful, but I already had a queen, and God, how much I loved her.

"Master." You Ling replied.

"That's right, no one ever said that there can only be one master of the insect swarm." Augustus nodded.

"But there is no room for two tigers in one mountain," Kerrigan said, hands clasped on her hips.

"I don't have to worry about this at all." Augustus spread his hands.

In fact, Augustus didn't have much expectation that his brainworm would become a new generation of masters. Even if one day all the brainworms die and only one of them is left, this matter is still open to question.

"What if the tester is not a zerg?" Augustus asked again.

"This is beyond the scope of orthodox science, Your Majesty." You Ling looked at Augustus. Her eyes are violet, which is a very rare color.

"None of the empire's secret scientific research projects fall within the scope of orthodox science," Augustus said.

"If you would allow me to use humans for experiments," You Ling's indifference in her words was chilling.

"Very well, if it's just some death row prisoners with unforgivable crimes, it doesn't matter." Augustus made an immediate decision: "During this period, the prison is already overcrowded."

"Of course, this experiment is a special case, and that's my attitude."

"What? I don't think Dr. Narud will accept such inhumane human experiments." Stetman's eyes widened, and his expression was like a fish with a strange light emitting from its eyes.

"There's no need to treat them as human beings, kid. If you've seen how those pirates don't do anything to human beings, you'll know why I said that." At this time, Tychus had just lit a cigar, and the ceiling on the laboratory ceiling The automatic fire-extinguishing spray drenched him from beginning to end.

With Augustus here, the old boy didn't dare to attack even if his face turned red. "Damn it! Why are you carrying it like this!"

"I said, this time is a special case." Augustus almost couldn't hold back: "This is your laboratory, Dr. Egon Steitmann, you are the master here."

Steitman may be one of the few innocent children who still firmly believes that Dr. Narud is innocent. If nothing else, he still regards Narud as his life mentor.

It was about Kerrigan, and there was no way Augustus would let Narud get involved. Under his direction, the experiment was kept strictly confidential to all but the participants.

"Huh? I just work here." Stetman couldn't help but think about Augustus's words. Yes, this is his laboratory! This is his biggest dream in life.

What a great leader, Stetman is willing to contribute every bit of his strength to him. Recalling the afternoon when Augustus picked him up from Terrador III, Stetman couldn't help but be stunned again.

"Relax." Augustus saw that Stetman's feet were shaking due to excessive excitement. The child still couldn't hide his emotions.

Augustus himself said casually that Stetman had a high fighting spirit, which always reminded him of that lively and happy little milk dog.

Tychus talks nonsense as soon as he enters the battlefield, while Stetman talks nonsense when he is nervous.

"Think about it, if I can provide you with all the necessary equipment and experimental samples, can you try to let humans use the catalytic fluid." Augustus tried to guide Stetman.

"What I want is to be foolproof." He said forcefully: "This must be difficult to achieve, but it is exactly what I want you to do."

"It's hard to say." Stetman is obviously in trouble. He is used to boasting, but he doesn't go so far as to make full guarantees that he is not good at uncertain things. He still knows this.

"But I can give it a try. Ah, in this case, it may take many attempts to get results. Ordinary humans cannot bear the catalytic fluid at all, but enhanced telepaths still need to be closely monitored and protected."

"Further evaluation is required."

"I have a little inspiration." Stetman suddenly thought of something.

"What is it?" Augustus' eyes lit up.

"I can't tell." He said seriously.

".Do what you should do. Dr. Stetman, you will become the greatest scientist of mankind in Koprulu." Augustus sighed and could only say some nice words.

Even using the rudimentary research facilities on the Hyperion, Stetman was able to create such an artifact as the main hive mind simulator, not to mention the fact that he had received a large amount of resources from the empire. In other words, the future of Stetman's talent is limitless.

"However, compared with Dr. Narud, it is still far behind." Stetman was happy with the emperor's praise, but at the same time he felt ashamed because he could not keep up with Narud.

"It's a good thing to know that there are people outside the mountains and there are people outside the mountains." Augustus thought that Narud's existence would always flog these young human scientists.

"Egon, one day you will become the pride of the empire." Kerrigan also gave Stetman a sip of chicken soup at the right time.

Kerrigan intuitively disliked Narud. I think this man is too smart and cunning, but Stetman is much more real. After all, Steitmann was trained by Augustus and was truly one of his own.

Even when Steitmann was still a teenager, Augustus concluded that he was a rare talent.

"Even I haven't thought about it that way." Stetman really feels that today is his lucky day, and what could be more exciting to be praised by the two people he respects most.

At this moment, the cocoon transformed from the brainworm Alpha in the pool suddenly trembled slightly.

"Dr. Steitmann, do you know how long Alpha's transformation will take?" Augustus looked at the cocoon floating on the water, and then at Steitmann.

"Maybe. Maybe very fast." Stetman thought for a while and said: "The dosage of catalytic fluid is not much."

Before he finished speaking, the cocoon formed by the brainworm Alpha slowly cracked open. Soon, a brainworm that was even larger than before emerged from the cocoon.

The newly born brain worm has a more intimidating body. It has a few more pairs of small bright red eyes. Its originally soft skin is also covered with leathery hard skin, and there is a ridge along its back. Sharp thorns. At the same time, the brainworm's body size continued to expand, reaching three times its previous size, and its size was as large as a small truck.

"Well, it's like what I said." Stetman blinked: "Very fast."

"This is only the effect of one-fifth of the concentration of catalytic fluid." Augustus touched his chin.

Possibly, with further evolution, it could become completely incapacitated.

"Gee, Alpha isn't as cute as he used to be," Kerrigan couldn't help but say.

"Hahahaha!" the newly born brainworm roared: "Unparalleled power! I am simply! I am simply invincible!"

"Me! My Alpha is no longer the same me as I used to be, the Dog Emperor!" Brainworm laughed, and the terrifying psychic scream buzzed:

"Today, I will achieve my revenge here!"

The brain worm shook its huge head, opened its mouth and inhaled a few mouthfuls of catalytic liquid, then aimed at Augustus in the distance and sprayed it out: "Watch the move!"

"." Augustus looked indifferent: "Don't be ridiculous."

Before Augustus could say anything, a ghost figure of the head of state in a tight-fitting black and gold uniform appeared in front of the emperor and deployed a shield force field to block the water jets sprayed by the brainworm.

"Its spiritual power has been greatly strengthened, and it should be enough to control larger insect swarms." You Ling said, "But other than that, the improvement in combat effectiveness should be quite limited."

On the other side, the angry Brainworm saw that the move failed and rushed towards Augustus. But it swam for a full two minutes before slowly swimming to the edge of the pool under everyone's gaze.

But before he could climb up into the pool, his body slipped and he fell back, causing water to splash everywhere.


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