StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 646 Mineral reserves are insufficient. Let’s open a mine.

The emperor's special plane took off from the palace apron on time and headed for the Aurora Central Starport, accompanied by an air wing of Air Fury Viking fighters.

At this time, multiple huge imperial fleets located above the main city of Aurora were waiting, waiting only for the order of Emperor Augustus to set sail. These majestic behemoths fill the sky one after another, like suspended cities, and their bright lights are faintly visible even in geostationary orbit. Thousands of imperial spaceships with sharp steel lines surround these giant ships, with thousands of sails competing and hundreds of rivalries competing.

When the first colonial mothership arrived on Tarsonis more than two hundred years ago, the ancestors of the Terran humans may have never imagined that they would one day achieve such great things when they returned to the stars.

To this day, even the most ordinary citizen of Korhal feels a sense of pride when witnessing these majestic ships.

"For me, Korhar is where it all began." Augustus sat on the seat of the emperor's plane, with Kerrigan next to him and Louis in the middle: "And Augustgrad is both a piece of history and The end is also a new beginning.”

"Augustegrad is your name," said Louis.

"No, that was the name of your great great-grandfather." said Augustus. "Angus said that my grandfather was happy that I used his name, but he could not see what happened further ahead. .”

"Teacher Hansen said that Augustgrad and the people who built him will be immortal, and the history of Korhal will be remembered by everyone in the empire." Louise could feel the complex emotions surging in her father's heart, but she couldn't figure it out Very understandable.

"Well," Augustus said, "Khar is the forge that hammered our dynasty into shape. She was raw and bloodstained on the anvil of history."

"Every inch of Korhal is engraved with our time, and her story is our story."

The porthole on the side of Augustus is facing the morning light of Augustgrad. The warm red sun rises from below the jagged skyline of the city. Under the bright sunshine, the entire glorious and majestic city is in full view. . Augustgrad is also a remarkable symbol of the Terran Empire's perfect combination of science, creativity and industry, displaying the glory of the Empire to all mankind.

The imperial capital of Augustgrad is a city of miracles, standing alone in this barren land full of radiation wastes and oceans of dust. This great city expanded outward with every second of her breath, until it occupied the entire eastern wasteland of this continent.

In order to build this imperial capital that would definitely leave a mark in the history of the empire, Augustus summoned the elites from the human world of Koprulu, including even Earthlings from the distant Orion Arm.

The population of Korhal IV now exceeds 7 billion, with two-thirds concentrated in Augustgrad. With the imperial capital as the center, the empire's economy, technology, and culture all flourished like a spurt during the reign of Augustus the Great. The population of the Tyranid humans also expanded with their territory and the advancement of synthetic food technology and nano-medical technology. Steady growth.

Today's Augustgrad can be said to be the largest complex industrial city in the Tyran Empire. Countless busy suspended trains and underground railway systems connect industrial parks, complex commercial groups and residential areas. The forest of steel and glass is passing through. The golden sun shines brightly through the clouds. .

Augustgrad is not a strip-shaped industrial city with large farmlands on the outskirts of Stillling City. Its dense roads and steel buildings are as inseparable as fine blood vessels and blood. But this is not a monotonous city made entirely of metal, because as long as you walk in the city, you cannot ignore the vast green belts, parks and boulevards that cast their shade.

Viewed from the sky, Augustgrad looks like a silver beetle lying in the sun, exuding a beautiful metallic luster. This was an outstanding contribution made by Emperor Augustus the Great to the place where he was born, and all imperial historians will inevitably have hindsight when writing this great history, saying that Korhal began with the birth of Augustus Mengsk. Destined to be extraordinary from day one.

The emperor's special plane gradually flew out of Augustgrad, and the vast desert that stretched between the two cities was in full view. By the fifth year of the reconstruction of Korhal, this dark blue desert has regained new vitality under the governance of the imperial government. Grasslands and forests are taking root in the revived land, and hundreds of light blue buildings are Lakes dot the grass-green vast land.

There are few people here, and huge railways running through the desert connect Augustgrad and Aurora, like an umbilical cord. Every moment, these suspended trains speeding on the rails are transporting massive resources and manpower, and during wartime, they become soldiers, armor, artillery, ammunition and various supplies.

"Dad, you and your mother also met for the first time on Keha. What happened then?" Louis asked this question abruptly. It seemed that she was very curious about her parents' past.

"This is a tortuous experience." Augustus knew that Louis would know all this sooner or later, but he still did not explain it clearly: "We were in hostile camps at the time. Later, we went through many hardships before we came together."

Back then, your mother was carrying two knives to chop off your grandfather's head, and then she did it to your father and your aunt. Unexpectedly, your father had figured out everything and used his tricks to catch your mother and treat her docilely.

Kerrigan looked at Louis and then at Augustus, but hesitated to speak. She had never revealed the side of herself as a federal killer in front of her daughter. After all, that was Kerrigan's darkest past, and many good people died in vain at her hands.

Kerrigan had every reason to excuse herself. After all, after being implanted with a psychic suppressor, the ghost agent became a butcher knife that could not control his life. She had killed many people, but none of them followed her own will. However, Kerrigan still sees this as a sin she has committed.

These memories are still tormenting Kerrigan. If she hadn't met Augustus, the guilt and kindness in her heart would have been exploited by someone with intentions, and she would have embarked on an irreversible dark path.

"This is a long, long story." Kerrigan blinked: "It can't be finished in a short while."

"Oh" Louise didn't ask any further, because at this moment she had already seen the main city of Aurora standing in the sky from the porthole behind Augustus.

Aurora is a star port city, itself a giant port city, mainly to share the pressure of Augustgrad's shipping routes. In the sky above the towering launch port support of Aurora Star Port, colonial motherships as huge as cities are climbing into the sky with majestic momentum, and the fuel pipes connecting these motherships and launchers have long been disconnected. Each one is surprisingly thick.

These supercarriers are very similar to those that brought the Terran human ancestors to this world. This is mostly to pay tribute to the pioneers of mankind. Each mothership is loaded with ambitious settlers and the necessary supplies to establish a settlement. In other words, each one represents a colonial world of the future Tyranid Empire.

Most of the immigrants have been genetically modified, or it can be said that such seeds have long been buried in the genes of Tyranids to ensure that they can adapt to the changing and diverse environment of the new world.

The destination of the colonial fleet had been decided before the spacecraft was built, and it belonged to a habitable planet that had already been marked by exploration ships, inspected in detail, and evaluated by the Imperial Immigration Department.

Usually, the initially selected colony planets are real geomantic treasures, but such planets are extremely precious. In this case, we can only resort to looking for worlds with some minor flaws. Of course, if the detection team had made a mistake, this minor flaw might have turned into a sinkhole.

It is not that something like this never happened in the early years. Due to negligence, a colony ship landed on a planet that was not suitable for human habitation, and the atmosphere of that planet was toxic to humans.

However, the current Imperial exploration fleet is still quite reliable. In order to find a new home suitable for human survival, they are the loneliest and bravest group of people in the universe. Some people are much older when they return to their hometowns, and some never come back.

They will record everything on the planet, including the composition of the atmosphere, topography and water systems, as well as the available resources, flora and fauna. And one day, the information imported into Korhal will come in handy.

"These colonial spacecraft are going to the Sigma sector." Kerrigan said: "And so far, our understanding of that strange sector is only the tip of the iceberg of the dark world."

The Terran humans have dominated all known worlds, but their ambitions for expansion will not stop there. This is an era of progress and positivity. In order to survive between the Protoss and the Zerg, humans must keep moving forward.

In fact, the degree of development of the internal resources of the Koprulu Star District is still at the preliminary stage, far from the point of resource scarcity. But for a huge interstellar empire, sufficient colonial support is very necessary. If you are facing a very aggressive race like the Zerg, then you need a lot of depth.

For an interstellar empire, colonies mean dominance, resources, and population, but this is not something that will bear fruit in a short time. But during the reign of Augustus, it was visible for a generation or two.

In the era of great escape from the nuclear strikes of the Old Federation, the scattered Korhal people have established more than a dozen different colonial worlds. Today, with further colonization by the empire, these colonies that have inherited Korhal culture have become quite large. Some colonies became trade transit points, some exported grain to Korhal, and others also provided meager troops.

"The Fourth Fleet will escort us along the way, so it won't be a problem." Augustus looked at the city of Aurora outside the porthole.

The city of Aurora is located at the intersection of Wolfrec Province and Keresh Province. This majestic city is much smaller and more delicate than Augustgrad. It is itself a super-megastructure city formed around a central starport. It is a complex of countless engineering stations, ports, platforms and maintenance facilities. The giant structure formed looks like a dazzling High Gothic church crowned with countless spiers from a distance. Surrounding Aurora City, two rivers that reappeared due to geological changes meandered around the city and flowed into the distance.

Facing such a magnificent city, people will inevitably have doubts in their hearts. Is this really a city that humans can build?

"After the colonial fleet arrives in the New World, the various problems that the settlers need to face can only be solved by themselves." Augustus continued: "The Sigma Sector is a long way away, and of course there will be no disadvantages. An eye-opening pirate.”

It is well known that interstellar pirates are a group of opportunists, wandering the star sea in search of lone prey like hungry hyenas and sharks.

For the hordes of interstellar pirates, the colonial fleet can be said to be a fat sheep, which means that colonists who have not received official government authorization and lack fleet protection are extremely vulnerable to attacks by pirates. . Fortunately, during this period, as the imperial government spared no effort to crack down, the pirates' activities have basically disappeared.

Moreover, most pirates now have no courage to attack the official ships of the Terran Empire anymore. Even if they are just harassing civilians, they must be careful, for fear that one day the Empire's warships will suddenly arrive at their doorstep and collect taxes with Yamato cannons.

"Why do they go so far?" Louis asked Augustus.

"For the continuation of mankind, to open up a new home in this vast sea of ​​stars." Augustus said to Louis: "In the past, it was our ancestors, and now it is our turn."

Whether now or in the past, Tyranid humans have never stopped expanding outward. The new world means new risks, new opportunities and new hopes. But some people never dare to step out of the land they live on. For life on the planet, space also means the unknown, mystery and desolation of the deep sea.

Many people of this era grew up in a neo-colonial environment. They knew nothing about their parents' hometown. From the first time they opened their eyes, they thought the world was only so big.

"Those ships are really big." As the spacecraft got closer and closer to Aurora City, Louis was gradually attracted by the giant mothership that occupied the entire sky. She has lived in the palace since she was a child, and this is the first time she has seen these behemoths with her own eyes.

"But what is that?" She pointed in another direction.

Following that direction, one can suddenly see the corner of a giant ship lined with turrets. It was a Gorgon-class battlecruiser, larger than any colonial carrier, and its loaded main gun was enough to level a city.

"Gorgon battlecruiser," Kerrigan replied. "The pride of the Terran Empire."

"It's so big!" Louise raised her hands in the air, as if she were holding up the sun in the sky, and almost poked her emperor father's nostrils.

Augustus suddenly had a sense of absurdity that this child might also want to sail a battleship.

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from General Matt Horner - directed to you." At this time, a holographic screen suddenly flashed in front of Augustus.

"The Protoss Empire world of Lorcadia was attacked by an unknown force." Augustus continued to look, but he was truly surprised: "Research shows that this unknown force is related to the Gracius facility. The Purifier protoss is highly similar."

Why did these mechanical protoss suddenly jump out of the coffin? Are they here to fight for the inheritance left by their ancestors?

Who the hell knocked on the coffin boards of these living ancestors? Looks like you're very angry now

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