StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 647 Adun is here, here comes the man who wants to fight for the inheritance.

"Purifier Protoss." Kerrigan, who was sitting on the other side, also noticed this message: "Aren't they already sealed as restricted weapons by the Protoss Empire?"

The Purifier Protoss are a unique branch among the many Protoss factions and a monument to the glorious ancient technology of the Protoss Empire. This plan aims to digitize the memory and personality of the legendary heroes of the Protoss and upload them to the forged mechanical host body, so as to preserve the target's way of thinking and decision-making ability during his lifetime. The clone can reach 99.3% similarity with the memory original, almost indistinguishable.

With the support of this technology, the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire can continuously recreate the greatest warriors in the history of the empire and manufacture mass-produced mechanical warriors controlled by artificial intelligence on a large scale. In other words, as long as there are enough mechanical platforms, manufacturing matrices and construction materials, the Purifiers can continuously produce new warriors, thus overwhelming the enemy in numbers.

This is the Purifier Protoss, a mechanical Protoss accurately modeled on the Protoss Warrior. In fact, this can be regarded as an independent protoss race, and even has the characteristics to develop another civilization, but the people who created them did not realize this.

This protoss faction is composed of a huge warrior class, and their memory personality copies are equivalent to immortality. Even if the original host body carrying their consciousness data is destroyed, they can be resurrected in another body. .

The Purifiers have been born for war. This is their only known mission.

"Obviously, this seal is not strong." Augustus put away the holographic screen: "In other words, someone secretly sabotaged it."

"Purifier Star Spirit." Louis raised his head and asked Augustus: "Is it a Star Spirit like Talandar?"

Ever since he returned to Korhal from Gracius with the Terran Empire fleet, Talandar has been staying inside the Augustgrad Palace. Usually this uncle is in some kind of standby mode, and occasionally he goes out for a walk to see what the human world is like.

In the words of Tychus, you will never understand how many strange things live in the palace of Augustgrad.

"Yes, Tarandal may have been the only purifier still alive in the world." Augustus realized with surprise that with Tarandal's presence, the Tyran Empire had the ability to communicate with those ancient purifiers. way.

As long as there is still talk, there is still room for maneuver.

"They are mechanical protoss, but they are not the kind of robots made by the Terra Group. The protoss' method of creating the purifier protoss is much more sophisticated." Kerrigan added: "It is equivalent to a robot with human consciousness, a living one. Humanity."

"They are already creators who give life to machines." Augustus said: "The Purifier Stars are mechanical stars, and they are mechanical lives with digitalized consciousness. But as Karax said, what about us humans? What about machines that aren’t made up of countless precision parts?”

"Talandar said he was not a mechanical protoss." Louis was always serious about this: "He said he was a mechanical templar!"

"So I made a mistake." Kerrigan admitted her mistake to Louis: "Talandar is a mechanical templar."

Then, Augustus thought of a possibility: "I'm not sure, Orega is causing trouble again."

When encountering this kind of thing, Augustus first thought of Eamon and Narud, and then the dark archon Orega.

"A few months ago, Orega's servants attacked the Protoss Empire and the restarted Purifier project facilities on Gracius." Augustus said: "It is possible that he took this opportunity to learn about the ancient Purifier Protoss. The sealed coordinates."

"The ancient Purifiers were enslaved and oppressed by the Supreme Council and extremely hated the Templars." He paused: "Once the Purifiers revive again, they will inevitably have to settle old and new grudges."

In ancient times, the Purifier Protoss were treated like slaves by their creators, as the rulers of the Protoss Empire viewed these warriors not as sentient beings but as tools in their hands. They also ignored the most important point, that is, the copied legendary heroes also naturally inherited the dignity and pride of the memory primarchs as warriors.

The Purifiers perform their duties throughout and ask for nothing but respect.

Eventually, uprising and rebellion broke out between the Purifier Protoss and their creators.

This mechanical rebellion triggered a terrible tragedy, bringing countless killings and deaths. After the rebellion was suppressed, the shocked rulers of the Protoss Empire believed that intelligent machines with independent consciousness and self-personality were too dangerous, and ordered a halt to all artificial intelligence research.

The remaining Purifier protoss were also sealed into their mothership Sebros, which had been cut off from power, and were exiled to the vast deep space.

The conflict between the Purifier protoss and their creator is almost irreconcilable.

"The Purifiers want revenge?" Kerrigan looked at Augustus: "But the protoss who once enslaved them may be long gone."

"Star spirits can live for a long time, but the digitized consciousness of the star spirits is immortal. As long as the data in the memory bank is not damaged, the Purifiers will not forget any trivial matter." Augustus pointed this out:

"In other words, they hold grudges terribly."

"If there is another bloody conflict between the Dalam protoss of Tassadar and the Purifier protoss, it will be even more unclear," Kerrigan said.

"In fact, it may have already happened. Lorcadia is a world of the Protoss Empire." Augustus reminded Kerrigan.

Augustus knew in his heart that the Purifier protoss did not trust their flesh and blood compatriots, and vowed never to return to the era of slavery and oppression. If the end of the world hadn't come, they would rather go out independently than join forces with the Dalam Stars.

Considering the hatred between the Purifier Protoss and the Protoss Empire, Augustus could roughly guess Orega's plan.

Orega didn't even need a complicated plan. He only needed to wake up the sleeping Purifier protoss and attack them disguised as El protoss. Then he would sit back and watch the fight.

Augustus imagined this scene in his mind: a group of mechanical protoss rising from the coffin rushed into Aiur to take back their inheritance. This may or may not happen.

"Lorcadia, how far is it from us?" Kerrigan asked.

"The nearest is Cirion." Augustus replied: "We have a large military force stationed in Cirion, so we don't have to worry too much about the threat of the Purifiers."

Sirion is a developed imperial world with endless industrial buildings located on the surface of the planet shrouded in thick fog all year round.

In the days of the old Federation, Sirion's reputation was not very good, and it is not much better even now. In those despised years, Sirion's entrepreneurs gained wealth by signing unequal contracts with their employees that were comparable to contracts of prostitution, and made a fortune through ruthless exploitation and oppression.

Now, the new Imperial government has outlawed Sirion's sweatshops and established a world based on Imperial law and order.

Based on Sirion's important industrial output, the Tyranid Empire stationed a large number of military forces on the planet to guard this important imperial world.

"Perhaps the situation has not reached the point of no return." Kerrigan said: "We can only trust Tassadar."

Kerrigan had learned the secrets of controlling psychic power from Tassadar and many high-ranking templars. In the eyes of the Augustus family, Tassadar, Zeratul and Fenix ​​were more like friends than friends. It's half a relative.

"Unless Tassadar can prove that the Durham Star Spirits will no longer enslave the Purifiers like the Supreme Council." Augustus was not optimistic about this: "But even if the Purifiers stop fighting here, they may not join Dassadar." Lahm. In fact, I think the possibility of that is very low now."

As the "successor of the will of Adun", Tassadar is worthy of being a great leader of the protoss in this era, but the purifier protoss may not accept this. ——Although the Purifier's way of thinking is not as absolutely rational and efficient as a real machine.

But for the Purifier Protoss, they don't even have to pay attention to or care about the attitudes of Tassadar and the Council of Light and Shadow. Purifiers can withdraw from all conflicts and find their own freedom.

"General Jack Brody ("Cactus" Jack Brody, summon all officials of the Imperial Navy." Another screen lit up in front of Augustus, and opposite him was an Imperial soldier with a terrible scar on his right eye. :

"We must mobilize fleet strength to deal with the new threats in the Northern Sector."

"Yes, Your Majesty," General Brody replied immediately.

At present, it seems that although the Purifier Protoss has caused a new series of unrest at the borders of the Tyranid Empire, fortunately, humans do not seem to be among the enemies they believe must be "purified".

But this is still a powerful and ancient protoss faction with great war potential that is resurrecting under the eyes of the Tyranids. Regardless of whether its true intentions are detrimental to humanity, Augustus and the imperial government will never ignore it. This potentially huge threat.

When the enemy has deployed troops on the border, even if he keeps saying that he is friendly, it is really difficult to convince the generals and the people of the empire.

At this time, even if we do not take action first, military forces sufficient to deal with this threat must be deployed at the border.

"Hopefully it's not too late," Kerrigan said.

"Why do we have to fight them?" Louis pointed to his eyes, and the long gray eyelashes could not help but tremble.

"Because most of the time, that's what we have to do," Augustus said to his daughter.

"War is not an end, but a means." He said: "If diplomacy can solve the problem, I would rather my people do not have to shed blood.

"Humanity is still very weak, inconspicuous in this galaxy, in this universe with hundreds of billions of galaxies. Diplomacy and peace are only built on cannons and giant ships."

Augustus didn't expect Louis to understand, but maybe many years later, the future queen of the Tyran Empire would still remember what his father said at this time.

"Faraday, don't add these words to "The Sayings of the Emperor", do you understand?" At this time, Augustus suddenly thought of something again and turned to remind the captain of the Royal Guard who was sitting behind him.

"Understood." Faraday nodded expressionlessly and put away the personal terminal and digital pen in his hand.

"As long as you understand." Augustus suspected that Faraday didn't understand at all. These words may not be added to the emperor's quotations, but they may appear in some more important place, such as the empire's propaganda airship broadcast.

But this was something that Augustus couldn't stop. After all, what did he know about Augustus the Great?

At this time, the emperor's special plane had already flown over the Aurora Airport to prepare for landing, and the warships that had been left behind were still so huge that they seemed like mountains that had been climbed over.

Under the Aurora Airport, battleships, fighter planes and transport spaceships are rumbling up. The ups and downs between the launch track and the landing pad are like the surging sea surface and the swollen and sunken deep valleys.

There is a huge super colonial carrier that is still on board. Riding on the rising automatic gangway, the immigrants who are preparing to go to the new world of their dreams are densely packed into a black trickle.

Each colony carrier carries a hundred thousand people, carrying frozen embryos of all known human domesticated livestock and seeds of crops. Most of the settlers came from Imperial worlds that were either barren or had been destroyed by the zerg, and few Korhals with stable lives would join this doomed expedition into the unknown.

The people carried on these colonial ships are only the first batch of immigrants on the future planet, and their task is only to initially establish a settlement that can accommodate immigrants. By the time the settlements were self-sufficient, the second wave of settlers had almost arrived.

After this, there will be a third and fourth batch, depending on the further evaluation of these colonies by the imperial colonial department. Official immigration will be completely suspended only when the organizational structure of the colony has been perfected and everything has entered a stable rolling development model of the imperial colony.

At this time, the colony will officially become a world under the rule of the Tyranid Empire and gain limited autonomy. Then, this new colony will become another dam built by mankind in this cruel universe to resist the crisis of genocide.

Of course, the premise is that the people in these colonies can survive the unknown environment in the new world, including the possible emergence of powerful viruses or the "other immune systems" that come with the planet, or they may perish due to internal chaotic management and external strikes. . Until this colony can operate independently and thrive even without the support of its home planet, it can be considered truly independent.

As for those colonists who unfortunately perished before this, the Terran Empire had no choice but to mourn. After wiping away the tears, the next batch of colonists will still set off.

In the era of interstellar colonization, to put it coldly, no one can be sacrificed for the survival of the race, and this is also their choice.

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