StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 650 The Emperor of Connections

"A Purifier Protoss!"

General Christopher exclaimed as he stared at the heavy armor that shone like platinum in the light. He had never actually met Talandar, but had only read about the prototype Purifier warrior brought back from the planet Gracius by Emperor Augustus in the Empire's top-secret black archives.

Although I don’t understand why Emperor Augustus did what he did, he must have some insight. And according to what this Purifier just said, he is probably the key to establishing friendly diplomatic relations between the Tyranid Empire and the Purifier protoss.

Moreover, Emperor Augustus has always had many protoss friends, and his friends are all over the Koprulu Sector. Even if one day he said that he knew Xel'Naga, others would probably just say "Yeah".

"A living one." Hanak didn't know whether he should use the word alive. He suspected that these protoss who had digitized their consciousness and uploaded it to their mechanical bodies were actually dead people.

"Guards!" General Brody stood up suddenly. He was huge and tall, really like a standing walrus. Dozens of senior imperial officers around him also stared at Talandar with vigilance, and many of them even put their hands on the guns at their waists.

Tarandar the Purifier is like a real steel giant. His thick arms can easily break up rocks and cut people in two. If he drives Wushuang here, no one can stop him.

"Everyone sit down, sit down." Augustus waved his hand and asked all the surrounding royal guards to retreat: "This is Talandar. A friend of the Lun Empire. And I would say that he may be the only one who can communicate with the angry Purifier Protoss right now."

"We must prepare for a war that may be about to break out between the Tyranids and the Purifier Protoss, but if there is a possibility of peace and even alliance, we must try."

Since the emperor said so, the empire's generals had no choice but to sit back one after another.

Most of the generals here are not very fond of the protoss and have a cold attitude. They have all experienced all-out wars and fought through mountains of corpses and seas of blood. It is natural for them not to trust aliens. Only protoss such as Tassadar and Fenix ​​who have helped humans will receive courtesy and respect from humans.

The empire's generals stand out among so many soldiers because of their wisdom, bravery and loyalty. In this era, if humans want to survive in the outer space of the Koprulu sector, they must not be merciful. The interests of the race should be above all else.

When they realize that the Purifiers are a huge threat that must be eliminated and do not believe that it is possible for both parties to live in peace, they are more inclined to strike preemptively. Instead of trying to figure out the other party's attitude and stance towards humans, and pinning the safety of the fringe colonies on the non-existent mercy and kindness of the Purifier protoss, it would be better to join forces with the Duram protoss to deal with them.

The generals were not war-mad, but they were not afraid of any enemy. The men of Emperor Augustus were such people who had the courage to attack extremely powerful enemies even if they only had an axe, saw or pickaxe in their hands. Edmund Duke was a master of this, and he was an ax himself.

"Your Majesty, do you hope that the Empire can ally with the Purifiers?" Chief of Staff Graham captured the key part of Emperor Augustus's words.

"Yes, it would be great if the Purifiers could become our allies." Augustus nodded: "Even in the worst case scenario, a new war should not break out between us."

Augustus was not quite sure of the current intentions of these purifier protoss. He said cautiously that it would be best not to actively provoke them. But on the other hand, caution will not help change the status quo.

"However, the Dalam Protoss and the Purifier Protoss are at war. According to the military alliance treaty, we should stand on the side of the Dalam Protoss and participate in the war - at least symbolically sending an army."

"We will send an army to maintain order, but we will not help any of them." Augustus said: "There is no need to worry that this will affect our relations with Durham."

"It would be best if there was no war, but only if they want that too." Vice Admiral Julian Byrne leaned on the back of his chair and looked at the approach seriously with his dark blue eyes. Talandar: "This is difficult to handle. We never understand what is going on in other people's minds. Forget about the protoss, they are still mechanical protoss. This is the first time I have seen this in my life. kind of thing."

"I'm not very good at this. A soldier's duty is to win the war, not prevent it from happening."

Julian Byrne was originally the commander of the old Tyranid Federation. He was a pragmatic and action-oriented military leader. In the federal army at that time, he could be regarded as someone who rose to high positions based on strength rather than blood and qualifications.

Bourne's experience is also quite legendary. He was born into a wealthy federal family and lived a comfortable and carefree life. Just like many children from rich families who don’t have to worry about life, their original intention of joining the army may just be to add some fun to the current boring life.

He originally drove a sleepwalker transport ship (Sleepwalker), but he also drove Vulture vehicles, arc light tanks and other things on the ground. In this imperial army, it is not an experience worth showing off. After all, Duke also drove a tank when he was down.

His early experience on the frontline also shaped Julian Byrne's perseverance. In the old Federation era, he was the mainstay of the Tyranid humans' fight against the zerg invasion.

When Augustus the Great ascended the throne in Kerhal and proclaimed himself emperor, Byrne, as a federal naval general, neither surrendered nor joined this cannibalistic war, and finally chose to retire and return home. It was not until shortly before the second full-scale war that the emperor personally visited and invited the veteran out of a small farmhouse in Dela IV.

"As far as I know, Purifiers are very different from ordinary protoss. In fact, they are machines, and their thinking logic is probably different from any creature in this universe." Leonid Celsu Leonid Celsus had a cold face from the beginning, and his ice-blue eyes seemed to be carved from solid ice. Even when Talandar walked in, he did not move at all.

"Who knows how the Protoss Empire dealt with other races in the era of the Purifier Protoss. Maybe they were simply tools created to destroy other life forms. The Purifiers were weapons of war, and even the combine harvesters of the old Federation were out of control. It can also kill many people."

Celsus is the head of the Tyranid Empire's Ghost Project and is known as the Ghostmaster or Ghost Admiral. What is little known is that he once dispatched hundreds of Imperial Ghosts to secretly eliminate the leaders of Imperial rebel organizations.

The Imperial Ghost Program is another branch of the military service independent of the Marines and Navy. Their mission is to train future elite Imperial warriors for the Emperor.

"Ah, no one knows how their mechanical brain circuits work, whether it's tick-tock or waka-waka." Hanak tried to interrupt, but no one paid attention.

With distinguished guests present, even Hanak put away his frizzy look and revealed a cold expression, lest he, who was confused about the situation, couldn't help asking questions and turned into a monkey jumping up and down. After all, sitting in the position of Imperial General, even a person like Hanak becomes shameless.

"You are right, Leo. But if we assume that the Purifiers have implanted the thinking of the protoss, even if they only simulate the way of thinking of the protoss, it means that they are at least reasonable." Raynor cleared his throat and said a few words: "The combine harvester can help us harvest crops, and it can also crush a swarm of springtails ready to jump on your head. It depends on whether you can straighten the control panel of this old machine."

"I almost thought this was the first time in our lives that we had the same opinion." Celsus glared at Renault coldly: "Next time, you can directly deny me, the good gentleman of Mar Sara."

Renault can be regarded as a good man with noble character, but Celsus is different. He seems to be a real ghost, cold and silent, always glaring maliciously at everyone who comes into sight. —Except the Emperor Augustus.

"Good sir, I like this nickname." Renault thought it was not bad.

"I'm not complimenting you." Celsus sighed deeply, showing a hopeless expression. How could he compete with the leader of the three idiots in the empire?

"Okay, now that it's all said and done." Renault spread his hands: "You grandson, do you want to have a fight now? For the sake of Sacco Angelini, I will be careful not to hurt your poor The neck is broken."

Reno's "grandson" and "grandson" were all right, and he obviously heard it from Augustus, but he always said to others that it was a compliment, "you are as smart as grandson." Indeed, among the required readings in the military academies of the Tyran Empire is the art of war written by the ancient Earthling Sun Tzu, which is an e-book recorded on the supercomputer of the colonial mothership.

"I'm happy to accompany you." Celsus stretched out a robotic hand modified by a mechanical prosthetic limb. He could read minds, and of course he knew that this was actually a curse.

Before things get more serious, Talandar the Purifier also joins the meeting. Of course he couldn't sit on a human chair, so he could only fold his heavy limbs under his huge body, making it as square as a white box.

"Generals of the Tyranid Empire, I must explain what I said before." Although Talandar's voice was simulated, it was by no means an emotionless mechanical voice:

"I believe that the Purifiers do not need to start a war with the Tyranid Empire, because that is not the mission given to them by the Protoss Empire, and they have never been given the mission to destroy other races in the universe."

"Mission? But betraying the Protoss Empire is not their mission." Celsus decided to put aside his opportunity to beat Raynor: "I happen to know that the Purifier's original mission was to protect the Protoss Empire and their people. .”

"Yes, I can't deny this." Talandar did not make any defense for the Purifiers, because he believed that he was both a Purifier and a member of the Protoss Empire: "Just overthrow Augustus Mengsk. Just like the Tyranid Federation established the Tyranid Empire, the oppressed will definitely resist those who oppressed them. I am not justifying the behavior of the ancient Purifiers. This is of course unforgivable in the eyes of the Protoss Empire, but in the eyes of the Purifiers In my eyes, it was just a revolution.”

"The memories of the newly awakened Purifiers must still be in the revolution thousands of years ago. For them, the resistance is still continuing." He said: "As long as I prove to them the Durham Star Spirit The leader is not the Supreme Council of the past, and everything will be solved."

"Tassadar has explained it to the leaders of the Purifiers countless times, but they don't believe it at all." Raynor said helplessly: "Or as the old saying goes, prejudice is a big mountain in people's hearts."

"Why do you think that the Purifier Protoss will believe your words?" asked Mother Ragham.

"Because I am a Purifier, the only Purifier who understands the world today. In the data network, Purifiers have no secrets." Talandar replied: "In the face of the threat of zerg, civilization can only survive through unity."

"But the war between Durham and the Purifiers has begun." Celsus said: "The blood of hatred has been spilled, and it will never be recovered."

"Even so, I have to try." Talandar said: "I must go to the Purifier mothership Sebros to let the Purifier's top executive know who their real enemy is."

"And the human warships will serve as messengers to pick up the peace messengers." Augustus said: "This idea seems to me to be a good one."

"If the Purifier Protoss can help us deal with the Zerg, then it's no big deal to say a nice word to them. Your face is worth a few bucks." General Martin (Martin) is an old man with silver hair. He has fought more battles than those here. All generals put together are more.

"But what if this is not only useless, but also has counter-effects. This is not just playing house, we have an empire of tens of billions of people behind us," Wachowski said.

"As I said before, we still have to send a fleet." Augustus said.

"The power of the empire must be shown to the Purifiers, so that they will talk to us on an equal footing." Brody's eyes lit up.

"Yes, we need to send a Gorgon battlecruiser." Harnak imitated Warfield's accent.

"One ship? Do you treat the Imperial Navy like a beggar?" General Byrne glared: "What do you, a fire-breathing can, know?"

"Old guy, it seems we have to have a fight." Hanak cheered: "You look down on the fire bat?"

"You brat, I will be your grandfather in a few more years." Bourne stood up.

"Everyone save it." Augustus raised his eyelids: "Everyone, who wants to lead this fleet?"

As always, Emperor Augustus called them here to hear what they had to say, and most of the time he just listened. At the end, he slammed the table and said, "Who's going?"

The emperor is younger than most of the generals, but he is undoubtedly the most authoritative person here.

"I'm going!" Renault shouted in front of everyone. He had long been overwhelmed by the trivial military matters in the imperial capital of Augustgrad.

"Then you," said Augustus.

"In addition, I also want some ghost agents and locking bullets. They are experts at dealing with machines." Renault said.

"This is an order from His Majesty, not you." Ghost Admiral Celsus didn't even bother to look at Renault.

"I'm just making a suggestion." Renault sighed.

"Rules are rules, business is business." Celsus snorted.

"You are so powerful, but do the ghosts always talk like this?" Renault was glad that although his son was also a telepath, he did not have to become a ghost agent, but instead served as a psychic examiner for the Imperial Supervision Department.

"Just do what Jim said." The emperor still favored Renault: "I need a fleet. Form it now and set off immediately."

"We also need additional weapons to deal with possible conflicts. If the situation is critical, we should force entry into the Purifier mothership Sebros."

"The Navy has long been prepared for a head-on confrontation with the Purifier fleet." General Brody geared up.

"Are you going to fight? Pay attention, you must be careful. Purifiers don't pop out of the cracks in the rocks!" Rory Swann almost fell asleep after hearing this, and he was choking on his own saliva. woke up:

"I bet. Well, I know you can't bet on military affairs. This matter is mine."

".Is there nothing else to do? Then I'm leaving."

It’s a new month, don’t lose perfect attendance!

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