StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 651 Gogogo Gorgon

Chapter 651 Gogogo Gorgon

"Monster Hunter" is the third Gorgon-class battlecruiser built by the Cerros Shipyards on the main planet of Vadona, and the eleventh in the empire. She is the Tai The shining jewel in the crown of the Lon Empire's military industry and the pride of the Imperial Navy. Before the new class of warships were put into service, the Gorgon was the largest and most powerful warship in the Empire."

General Jack Brody stood on the edge of a rumbling vertical lift platform, leaning on the railings painted with yellow warning signs to show Emperor Augustus and the imperial generals behind him that the giant platform was parked like a mountain. Super battleship in the dock. This super battleship is like a real steel behemoth. The decks are strewn with heights, and the towering huge turrets are ready to go. The dark muzzle undoubtedly hides the power of destroying the world. The black and red meet. The paint shows its oppressive and intimidating power.

The Gorgon battlecruiser is a super battleship built by the Tyranids after three wars to maintain order in response to external invasions. It has the largest hull and the most terrifying cannon to date. It is extremely powerful, sturdy and powerful. , containing the beauty of steel and fire. Every inch of steel on Gorgon's body demonstrates the power of mankind, and every naval gun is built to destroy mankind's enemies.

This is the Ursa Shipyard of the Tyranid Empire, located on Ursa, the second moon of Korhal IV. Gravity is only about one-tenth of standard gravity. After continuous transformation, the surface of Ursa has been completely covered by industrial cities, interstellar ports, shipyards and urban colleges connected by countless ramps, in an artificial atmosphere and gravity field. There are tens of millions of people living on the satellite and the surrounding space stations, which is already more than the population of some of the colonies on the edge of the empire.

Building an interstellar battleship is the key to demonstrating the strength of an interstellar civilization. It requires unimaginable resources. It requires the concerted efforts and wisdom of a large number of engineers, architects, smelters, forgers, welders and other workers in various positions to build it. This is also a long and arduous process.

But overall, it's definitely worth the money.

Ursa has the largest naval base in the empire, and graduates of the entire Augustgrad Naval Academy will come here for further studies. At the same time, this satellite is also the cradle of the restarted Imperial Ghost Project, which continues to deliver military talents to the entire empire.

Standing on the satellite Ursa and looking into the sky, you can see countless Imperial star warships and ships coming and going. Korhal on the horizon is just a huge dark blue moon.

When Augustus looked up at the sky, he always thought that although there were thousands of stars in the sky, not many of them belonged to humans.

"She is stunningly beautiful, isn't she?" Emperor Augustus nodded slightly: "We have the best warship in Koprulu. This is a direct reflection of the imperial navy and industrial strength."

He said: "With the new Gorgon battleship, the empire has a constantly advancing fortress in the interstellar space."

Several UNN special reporters nearby took photos one after another. They used old-fashioned cameras with limited permissions, and their hands when pressing the shutter button shook like Parkinson's disease. As usual, these reporters would record in detail the entire process of Emperor Augustus's inspection of the shipyard, and finally edit it themselves according to publicity needs.

These people are all elites in the industry. They can cut black into white and men into women.

Among them is Domi Vermilian, who is known as a rising star in the journalism world. He is currently wearing a meticulously cared red uniform, fidgeting with his blue tie that is restless in the flowing air, and looking serious. It ensured that the camera lens could capture the heroic gesture of the imperial head of state delivering an important speech without missing a second.

"In Phoenix's memory of the Aiur battlefield, he once fought side by side with the soldiers of the Human Revolutionary Army. At that time, your battleships were not as majestic as they are now." This group of people also followed the Purifier Talandar, whose huge His figure is too conspicuous among humans. After a while, Talandar will take the human warship in front of him to the Purifier Protoss base camp on Aedion for negotiations.

"Humanity's technology is also constantly improving." General Brody's praise of Talandar was very useful. He tugged at the walrus beard and pointed at Sang and Huai: "Beyond the Tyran Empire, there are evil wolves spying on human homes everywhere. Only those who build Only a powerful naval fleet can keep the enemy outside the country's borders."

"I think this is necessary." Talandar said boldly: "And my blade was born for this."

Vermillion carefully looked at this cool and scary-looking mechanical protoss, and in his heart he just attributed it to the category of advanced imperial technology.

If information about this mechanical protoss had not been strictly forbidden to be reported until the intelligence was declassified, Vermillion would have thought of something like, "Under the wise leadership of the head of state Augustus, the empire has developed a mechanical protoss army!" The title stole the show.

"Kate, cheer up, don't miss every wonderful moment of the head of state!" Vermilian pointed at a black-haired female reporter next to him.

"I swear this is the most energetic time in my life." Kate Rockwell was focusing on adjusting the camera. She is the new host of the UNN Universe News Network. With her sweet and lovely image, she has attracted a new audience across the empire.

This made Vermillion very jealous, thinking that one day she would threaten his position.

"Looking at the entire Imperial Navy, the Gorgon battlecruiser has significant advantages, whether it is armor thickness, propulsion system, weapons armament, and various coefficients." Brody did not realize that he was asking a protoss Bragging about the imperial warships is really a bit of a fool's errand, but fortunately Talandar doesn't know much about this aspect either.

"Take the Behemoth Hunter as an example. The ship armor used by it uses the latest hardened alloy plates, and the hull is coated with a black nanogrid coating to resist electromagnetic interference and attacks. Just for these new types of We have been preparing for plates for four years and have placed orders with more than a thousand companies." He said:

"The Behemoth Hunter is equipped with a J23 ship-to-ship missile launcher, heavy-duty platoon guns, fixed-point defense systems throughout the ship, missile bays, and defense matrices. Its equipment's enhanced 'Y'-type Yamato cannon can severely damage or even destroy it with one hit. A Minotaur-class battlecruiser built at the same time."

"We are very satisfied with the performance of the new warships, and we can fully believe that they can compete with the warships of the Protoss Empire!"

"Imagine what it will be like when these behemoths occupy high-altitude orbits and fire towards the surface!"

"Bang——" Renault next to him responded in time.

"General, do you mean that the Empire is completely capable of sweeping the protoss fleet?" Vermillion jumped out like a gopher jumping out of the ground.

"If it's the Protoss colonial fleet, of course." Brody couldn't say that he could at least escape unscathed in front of the Protoss Empire's main fleet. That would be too embarrassing. After all, although the Empire has begun to equip Gorgon-class battlecruisers, there are not many of them.

"I understand." In Vermilion's heart, the protoss was already vulnerable, and the people of the empire had to maintain confidence anyway.

"The Protoss has also been developing new types of warships in recent years, such as the Storm Warships that are appearing on the battlefield of Niflheim. We are still evaluating the threat of this new type of warship, because this kind of warship carrying a huge beyond-visual-range cannon even Being able to launch attacks outside the galaxy is enough to destroy our warships before the radar detects the enemy." Brody used the topic to play:

"I think the Imperial Navy should develop weapons that can counteract this kind of protoss warship."

"This situation must be considered," Augustus said at this point.

"However, the protoss are not the enemies of the Tyranid Empire. Our main target should still be the zerg on the border."

"Grandma, the air here smells pickled and creaky." Suddenly, an inappropriate voice suddenly came out.

The dark bags under Tychus's eyes were clearly visible. He also looked fairy-like. He might have been drunk: "Ah, who knows where the public toilet is? I drank too much yesterday and now I want to pee and I can't hold it in."

Yesterday, he was still naked when he was pulled up from the bed by several Imperial OGB agents, and there were several beauties lying beside him. This bad guy was lying on the bed, no one could move him, and finally he was willing to leave only after he paid for the prostitute.

"Remember to cut this off." Vermilion told his partner, "This is an imperial secret."

"Understood." Kate blinked her big light gray eyes and made an OK gesture.

"Lieutenant Finley, I think so too." Vermillion walked up to Tychus and wanted to get close to him for an exclusive interview.

"You want to pee too?" Tychus never liked these reporters.

"Uh, actually no." Vormilian had already made up his mind to stay away from this person in the future.

"Shit, I want to pee." Tychus had no image of an imperial hero, he just opened his mouth to pee and pee.

"Let's deal with it right there. Remember to lift one leg and don't think of yourself as a human being." Augustus glanced at him and said.

"I'm not a dog." The Emperor is the most difficult person for Tychus to deal with.

"Then just hold it in," Augustus said.

"Wow," Kate said. "That's a real man."

The lifting platform stopped when it reached its highest point. Multiple parallel electromagnetic acceleration tracks were located below. The signal lights there were flashing as the fighter planes took off and landed.

At this moment, a tunnel connected to the docking bay of the Gorgon-class battlecruiser Behemoth Hunter had appeared in front of Augustus, and the captain of the Behemoth Hunter who greeted the emperor had been waiting for a long time. Imperial Navy soldiers in gray Imperial Navy uniforms also stood on both sides.

"Captain Brown." Augustus walked over and shook hands with the naval captain wearing a wide-brimmed military hat: "I am very happy to see that all the officers and soldiers on the Behemoth Hunter are ready to welcome a new arrival. Preparations for an interstellar war to defend the Empire."

"It is my honor, Your Majesty." Captain Brown is a slender imperial soldier with bright eyes. He may be only a little older than Augustus.

Jackson Browne was an outstanding naval talent who emerged during the New Empire. He once commanded Behemoth-class and Minotaur-class battlecruisers.

His most outstanding achievement was commanding two Imperial Behemoth-class battlecruisers to repel a Federation battleship four times his size in the Battle of Brontë. In the Second Total War, this courageous Imperial The captain even fought his way into Sanger, the homeworld of the Tiamat swarm, after losing contact with the main fleet, scaring the second-generation master into hastily turning in.

At this time, the Imperial Navy soldiers behind Brown saluted Augustus.

The UNN reporters' eyes immediately lit up. This was the best material for military recruitment propaganda.

The Behemoth Hunter has a crew of more than 8,000 people, and if you include the Imperial Marines it can carry, it can carry up to more than 20,000 people. As a newly commissioned battleship, the key officers on this Gorgon battlecruiser are all from the old fleet, but most of them are still new recruits.

The Gorgon battlecruiser is much larger than the Minotaur-class battlecruiser and can fully support its voyage deep into the edge of the star sector. In the future, these crew members are likely to live on a battleship for at least half a year, and this ship will be their future home.

For these young soldiers, this experience must have been extremely difficult, because they could only contact their families when the warships returned to Imperial territory for maintenance. But on the other hand, their family also supported their motivation to join the Imperial Fleet.

Imperial soldiers are a symbol of honor, and today's young people are proud of it and consider joining the fleet as their life plan.

"I have to say, the people in the Admiralty are not bad." Renault also followed Augustus into the cabin.

Compared to the Hyperion, the flagship they built from scratch, the space in the Gorgon is as big as a luxury hotel. Even the corridors are several times larger. Maybe you can even drive a Vulture car inside. Renault knew that there were even several bathrooms in this super battleship, and they still used water.

Because it is still a new warship, the cabin of the Behemoth Hunter still smells of paint and polish, but the spacious bulkheads and ceilings are always neat and bright, and the red-brown carpets are as grand as being in a gorgeous palace. In the reception hall. It's so comfortable and cozy that the sailors can even have softball games during their breaks.

It's just that despite the continuous progress of the times, people like Augustus and Renault are still reluctant to part with the Hyperion.

"I dare say that if you drive this guy to the outer space of Umoyan territory, they will be shocked for a while." Renault's face seemed to have just picked up a luxury car and was eager to go out and show off. impressive.

"Count me in." Tychus was still looking for the toilet.

"Take Tychus with you." Augustus said to Renault: "I think he is almost ready to hatch."

"Oh, the debauchery of Augustgrad stirs my heart." said the great poet Tychus.

"Bon voyage, warriors." Augustus ignored him: "I am waiting for you to come back in Keha. The lights here will always flicker for the warriors."

Another fleet has been sent away, and I don’t know how many families will toss and turn at night, unable to sleep.

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