StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 652 Imperial Marshal Reno

The Behemoth Hunter sailed out of the wide anchorage of the Ursa Shipyard with unstoppable momentum and rose into the sky under the guidance of tens of thousands of signal lights and searchlights. Numerous frigates, destroyers and battlecruisers followed this majestic flagship, waiting for the pilot ship to open the hyperspace channel. The scene was very spectacular.

The family members of the soldiers standing below the fleet were watching the warship carrying their families leave under the shadow of thousands of imperial flags. The darkness was like silent ants. Standing in the crowd were many Imperial Navy officer candidates who came here for further studies. Sooner or later, they would have to board a battleship like this.

Witnessing such a spectacular sight with your own eyes will inevitably make people's hearts swell. The Gorgon is the largest warship in the history of the Tyranids. Its violent multi-turret aesthetics and the extremely aggressive and intimidating lines of the jet-black hull are enough to intimidate the Tyranid Empire. every enemy.

Whenever such a warship is dispatched, it means that the menacing enemy must be terrifying. Since the first Gorgon entered service, it has never been shot down or damaged by the enemy, and the loss of each warship will be a painful blow to the Empire.

At this moment, the camera crew of the main station of the UNN Universe News Network is methodically broadcasting live footage of Gorgon's launch. The host, Donny Vermilion, boasted about the powerful new Imperial warships in front of the entire Empire's audience with great glory. At the end, he even pulled and trampled a wave of Federation rebels in a weird way. His enthusiasm almost spilled out of the screen. , as if giving him a pair of wings can fly into the sky immediately.

But at the moment, this is not fake news, because compared to today's imperial government, the rebels are the real negative image.

In the year when the Zerg invaded for the third time, the voices within the empire saying that Emperor Augustus had built a large fleet and engaged in military warfare, wasting people and money since the day he came to the throne were getting smaller and smaller. There is no doubt that without this expanded fleet, the Empire will not be able to stop the menacing swarm.

The fleet did not delay for too long. Along with the flagship Behemoth Hunter, it opened a space-time rift surrounded by black glare and sailed into it without hesitation. The crowd below was noisy for a while, and they were unwilling to leave until the fleet completely disappeared from sight. People felt empty in their hearts, and sadness soon overpowered their excitement.

With just this goodbye, the next contact may be thousands of light years away.

In contrast, the media people are much happier than the military families. They can't wait to send off the fleet with colorful flags, gongs and drums, shouting to be loyal to the emperor, defend the empire, and make achievements today. At the moment, this is really a scene of joy and sadness.

"Jimmy, I just took a look at the munitions list of this ship." When the Behemoth Hunter had sailed into the hyperspace channel and was driving smoothly, Tychus and Renault were walking into an interior corridor leading to the senior officers' cabin. middle:

"Guess what, mother, there is an unlimited supply of beer and cigars here. Just look at it, hey hey, sooner or later I will eat up that old boy Augustus."

Right now, Renault Tykes and the two had just attended a brief welcome meeting and got to know the senior officers on the battleship.

Both of these two people have seniority and are well-known in the military. These days, everyone knows Marshal Reno, and of course they treat him with respect. Tychus also has a reputation, but most of it is not a good one. ——He still steals all the time.

A large part of the crew of the Behemoth Hunter has never experienced the baptism of blood and fire. This was also a helpless move. When the war started, the first to go were veterans. Even if they were well-equipped and well-trained, the casualties could not be controlled. Zerg are different. They are already experienced hunters from the moment they emerge from their eggs.

Then, they visited the various cabins inside the battleship, from the captain, deputy captain and staff to the cabins of ordinary gunnery officers and sailors. All kinds of facilities are available, just like a city in space. There are not only bars and cafes here, but also a gymnasium. Soldiers can even make tea and coffee anytime and anywhere in the restaurant, and watch the most popular programs while drinking coffee.

No matter what, as the most powerful warship in the Tyran Empire at present, this kind of supply is absolutely guaranteed. Of course, if you don't encounter colonial planets and supply depots, the longer time passes, the more trouble you will have, and you will eventually have to eat military rations.

The interior of the Gorgon-class battlecruiser is luxurious and spacious, and the sailors' cabins are two or three times larger than those of the old battleships. This alone can make veterans of the Behemoth-class and Minotaur-class battlecruisers Slobber. Having said that, the ship seemed empty and cold. These two people were wild boars who couldn't eat fine chaff, and they always felt that the smaller Hyperion was much warmer.

"Just watch it if I let you see it." Renault still didn't know what kind of urine his old friend was, and he knew what he was going to fart as soon as he stuck his butt out: "What kind of intention do you have?"

If Tychus took a look at the armories and warehouses, he would be harboring evil intentions. He is like a mouse in the rice barn, and he always gets fat in the end.

"Aren't you worried that the quartermaster missed something important when unloading the goods from the military port?" The Tychus people are tall and strong, with a muscular face and big eyes, but they always give Renault a look. The feeling of a snarky eyebrow. This guy is arrogant to everyone, but not everyone is afraid of him.

"I guess you've already been counting the supplies you're preparing to embezzle." Renault turned left and crossed a connecting bridge. Below was a freezer filled with potatoes and sausages. The front section leads to the bakery. Walking here, you can hear the hum of the fans in the air inlet and outlet ducts. There are fifty or sixty people inside who are constantly baking bread for the entire ship. They use enough flour for a day. Drown people.

"It depends on connections, relationships and a little bit of luck." Tychus sighed: "The business of reselling military supplies is not easy to do these days. The person in charge of the warehouse heard that I am Tychus Finley. No matter how much he bribes, he is just as upright as that kid Matt."

"Because you have already entered so many people." Renault took out a cigar and was about to light it: "You, the main culprit, are fine, but the others are dead."

"Oh, they always want to take advantage of the loopholes of the law, and they are so bad. Hey, they deserve it. Can he steal Augustus's things? How many people did he kill before he ascended the throne? Now, You can cut more." Tychus smiled: "You can't blame me for that."

Everyone who had cooperated with Tychus in reselling imperial military supplies before thought that this guy had a strong relationship. Unexpectedly, the military police had been waiting for him for a long time, and they were the ones who waited until the matter was exposed. No, wherever Tychus goes now, he is regarded as the god of plague.

"So you know." Renault said.

"I said, Jimmy, we have been friends for many years. You have to help me with this - I saw that the Behemoth Hunter's No. 114 cabin is full of Umojan cigars, although they are also cheap. , but it can be sold for a lot of money on the black market." Tychus's trick of deceiving people has never changed: "At that time, each of us will get half, and the more will be mine. This is what I deserve, you know now But who takes the risk?"

"I heard that you are now the commander. How big a deal is this."

"Come on, keep it to yourself." Renault waved his hand as if to shoo away flies.

Now speaking of it, Renault is also a top figure in the imperial army. Although he is only the commander of the Marine Corps, there is no sense of violation in commanding the fleet. After all, veteran generals like Warfield, Reno, and Duke have always been unique in the imperial army.

There is a lot of discord between the Sailors and the Marines. The former believes that Marines are fond of picking up soap in the bathroom, while the latter believes that the Navy likes sheep's butts.

In fact, this is still caused by a lack of sufficient understanding between the two parties. When the war actually started, taking a hot bath was really a luxury for the Marines, while the Marines ate a whole fan of mutton chops in the cold storage of the meat warehouse, with no mutton butts visible at all. .

"Then I'll find a way myself." Tychus spread his hands, ready to make a clever name. Wherever he stood, his mind was full of bad ideas.

Before leaving, Augustus had told Renault that if he found Tychus annoying, he would throw him directly onto the battlefield. Then he could focus solely on killing the enemy and saving his own life.

"How much do you owe?" Renault knew that Tychus liked to make money because he always liked to spend all the money in his hands.

Imperial soldiers who don't know whether they will survive tomorrow are always in a hurry to spend all their money. But Tychus is not such a person. He is simply a spendthrift. And it is impossible to get that much money through legitimate channels.

"Not much, just a few million credit coins." Tychus sighed: "I am very familiar with the people at the Imperial Bank, but they are unwilling to even out some money from the printing press for me to deal with. "

Tychus doesn't have any lofty ideals, he just wants to eat and die.

"You can't blame them for this. After all, they are old and young." Renault was speechless for a while: "They can't think like you and just walk away after committing a crime."

"I have no family." Tychus spread his hands:

"Augustus always said that I am not as responsible as you because I have nothing to worry about."

"This is exactly what you don't have at all," Reno said.

"If my mother had still stayed in Mar Sara, she would have been burned to ashes by now." Tychus said, "But I still miss her - at least in my dreams."

"In just one week, you spent so much money in Augustgrad?" Renault did not continue.

"You remember Daisy from the Silver Maid Bar, right?" Tychus grinned.

"How do I remember?" Renault was shocked. It would be better if his wife Elizabeth heard this.

"Sophia?" Tychus asked.

"I've been there just like you." Renault shrugged.

"She is really cute." Tychus added a few words without thinking:

"But that comes at a price. You have to buy it with money, and you have to spend a lot of money to package yourself."

"How many girls like this have you found?" Renault looked at him.

"One or two hundred, I can't remember exactly." Tychus said: "I haven't slept for seven days and seven nights. I partyed and drank all night long. Who knows how much money I spent."

"Are you going with Augustus? He's rich." Renault said in his heart that he was really an iron man: "His face is printed on the banknotes of the empire."

"Do you want me to drop to Private again?" Tychus stared, smacked his lips, and breathed through his nose in fear: "I don't care about this at all, but he can really drop me to New Folsom. "

"Is that where people stay?"

"Are you afraid of Augustus?" Reno gloated.

"No one is afraid of him!" Tychus said, "Oh, you are crazy. Look what happened to that brainworm." "No one is afraid of him!"

"Yes, there's no one who doesn't love him," Renault said.

As he said that, the Behemoth Hunter's hull trembled again, and it had already jumped to the edge of the Korhal Galaxy.

In just one short jump, the sun in the Keha system turned into an out-of-reach white point of light. Renault thought that the world is really wonderful and human beings are really insignificant. There are seven billion people living on that little white dot no bigger than a fingernail. The joys, sorrows and joys of so many people can be seen in the eyes of countless civilizations in the universe who are looking here. It's just a white spot.

Except for humans, no one cares about what happened to this little white spot, and no one cares whether it will disappear one day.

For a very large battleship like the Gorgon-class battlecruiser, such a short jump is just a slight bump across a rapid. In a few hours, she will once again enter the hyperspace channel of a long-distance jump, and when she reappears, she will not be far from her real destination.

Renault walked into the upper deck, and a much larger cabin appeared in front of him. That was the command cabin specially prepared for him, which was separate from the captain's room and the vice-captain's room.

Renault had already heard about it before he came. This unique captain's cabin is three times larger than the captain's cabin of the Hyperion. It not only has a separate toilet and bathroom, but also a complete set of luxurious mahogany furniture.

The door to the Commander's cabin was guarded day and night by a Royal Marine, a great honor and symbol of the Commander-in-Chief's role as agent of the Emperor's orders.

"Marshal Reno! Captain Finley?" The Royal Marine did not see the rank mark on Tychus and hesitated.

"I'm a lieutenant now." Tychus explained to the other party in a friendly manner: "Recently, I did something small."

"You may have to go down another level in two days. Hey, get used to it."

The battle-hardened veteran of the Royal Guards was muttering to himself, and he had also heard a little bit about the strange deeds of this legendary figure.

seventeen days later

The Behemoth Hunter was the first to appear in the Kayadir system, followed closely by two Gorgon-class ships, the Devoted Soul and the Super Nova, respectively from Dai. Larian Shipyards and Immortal Forge Shipyards.

"Purifier fleet discovered." The star map flashed on the bridge of the Behemoth Hunter, the alarm bell blared, and the intelligent adjutant was reporting the detection results to Renault.

"That's the Purifier's aircraft carrier fleet, which contains a large number of reconnaissance aircraft and shuttles." Tychus said:

"I heard that they are all unmanned. Damn it, these Purifier Protoss are controlling their warships to fight us."

There are only two Gorgon ship names that have appeared, White Star and Bucephalus. Here I use the achievement names in the game.

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