StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 657 Who is calling the fleet?

"Embrace the glory of battle!"

Filled with countless bloody fights and desperate counterattacks on the edge of life and death, this encounter known as the Black Grass Raid has lasted for nine sunshine cycles.

The fanatic Teredal felt the angry shouts and sad echoes of death in Kara that could not be subsided for a long time, and knew that the last moment when his soul returned to Kara was not far away.

On this planet named Tepperus, he and his compatriots have been surrounded by a sea of ​​insects. The Templars have suffered numerous casualties, and the Archon who led the expedition is also dead. Seriously wounded.

Tiberus is located in the Koprulu Sector, quite far away from Sagulath. It is neither a colonial world of the Protoss Empire nor an outpost.

The Protoss Empire has discovered many such worlds in the galaxy, but has not interfered much and has kept them exactly as they were.

This sudden battle originated from a rescue signal sent from Tiberus, which came from a fleet that had been missing for a long time. When the protoss troops arrived for support, they found that the insect swarm army had been waiting underground for a long time.

And Tiberus was just a trap. This was a carefully planned ambush. The protoss controlled by the parasite sent a wrong distress message to Teredal's fleet, making them willingly fall into the trap.

The ruler of this swarm is a Cerebrate named Auza, who has observed that since the fall of Aiur and the decline of the people, the Protoss will never abandon their compatriots as long as there is still a glimmer of hope.

So Osa took advantage of this.

"Don't move!" The person who spoke was a Dark Templar. The Templars all communicate through Kara, but only these Protoss warriors from Thagurath have to use the language of the mind to communicate.

"Listen, they're approaching."

Teredal looked around and saw the rustling of a dense emerald jungle not far away. The Overlord's hounds quietly approached, suppressing their roars of thirst for blood and killing. There were tens of thousands of them, and even counting the taciturn Dark Templars, there were only three warriors left around Teredal. There were more than ten people, and their shining armors were already scarred with scars.

Not long ago, on this distant planet, there was a group of Terran Empire humans who fought side by side with Teredal to resist the invasion of the zerg.

They are immigrants from the Tyran Empire. They come from various worlds in the Tyran Empire. There are only about two to three thousand people. They just hurriedly opened up a small settlement in a corner of the planet, built houses and living facilities, and just reclaimed the land. A piece of agricultural land used for growing crops.

This young race of humans is ambitious and greedy, but possesses certain qualities that the eldest son of God has long forgotten. If a resource-rich planet is discovered, colonization will begin soon. This short-lived race is unusually intelligent and tenacious, and they are able to establish a foothold on most planets known to the protoss.

When the Zerg arrived, the human settlement was immediately brutally attacked. They came too fast and in too many numbers. The Imperial soldiers guarding the settlements were all wiped out, and the settlers were massacred.

Teredal, who was besieged here, encountered some of the few remaining survivors in the settlement. Even in such a desperate situation, they were still struggling to survive in the complex jungle. They believed that the Terran Empire's army would definitely come back. Save yourself.

Not only that, they are also willing to cooperate with the protoss to fight against the incoming zerg. In just a few days, Teredal established a life-and-death friendship with these humans.

It's hard to imagine why these humans are so sure that the Terran Empire's fleet will come back, considering that a few years ago the human government never paid attention to insignificant external colonies. The leader of these humans was Emperor Augustus Mengsk, whom they respected as much as the Teredal respected Tassadar.

Teredal was so impressed by the tenacious will of these humans that he couldn't help but put aside his contempt for this race.

But later, they all died, succumbed to the infection and corruption of the infected.

Hanging on the armor around Teredal's waist was an old-fashioned human revolver, which originally belonged to a Terran Empire border law enforcement officer. The lawman gave Teredal his sidearm as his last relic.

"Warriors, prepare to fight!"

This place is located on an island on the planet Tiberus. The terrain is long and narrow, and the area is only one-third of the island of El Fufire. The rivers on it are crisscrossed and lush.

It rains constantly on the island, and the temperature always remains within a relatively stable range. The lush green jungle is covered with bushes hanging with red fruits and moist mosses. Various animals with moist skin and webbed limbs live in it, similar to some kind of frog that is always making noises. .

Although it can be seen that the creatures here basically come from the same ancestor, in just a few million years of evolution, the species here have evolved in a variety of ways, forming a complete ecosystem.

Tiberus covers its surface with a violent ocean, and there are tens of thousands of such islands. On the larger main continent, there is another completely different form of life. According to the observations of protoss scientists, it will not take long for lower-level intelligent life forms to evolve on Tiberus.

But now, all life on Tiberus will come to an end, either assimilated and absorbed by the swarm, or headed for tragic destruction, just like Teredal's ending.

"They are coming!" Teredal reminded his comrades, and with the assistance of his greaves, he charged at the Hydra Hydralisks that were roaring from behind a jungle.

Protoss Zealots always press forward. They are battle-hardened warriors, always the first to attack and the last to retreat. There is no retreat in the Zealot Order's creed.

Teredal jumped up high after a lightning-like run-up charge, and trampled the roaring hydralisk under his feet like a boulder falling from the sky, using his spirit glowing with fluorescent blue light. It can cut open its hard-shelled chest with a sharp blade, and the hot psychic energy will dry up its heart, lungs and blood in a blink of an eye.

A group of screaming springtails jumped out from the other side. They were covered with carapace and sharp fangs. Their terrifying appearance was like a terrifying nightmare from another world. Compared with the Battle of El, these terrifying monsters have become more ferocious and terrifying.

The other four zealots followed Teredal closely. They charged like blue phantoms, their psionic blades shining with psionic flames easily splitting these screaming little monsters in half with one strike. .

But this is just the vanguard of the insect swarm. The restless forest behind it indicates that tens of millions of terrifying insects are approaching quickly.

The Templars were brave and skilled in fighting, but they were at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, and the zerg were hundreds and thousands of times outnumbered.

The enemy is numerous and we are few.

always like this.

Numbers are one of the zerg's strengths, but that's exactly where the protoss army's weakness is. Protoss spirits are individually powerful, but their numbers are very rare.

There was no resentment or despair in Teredal's heart. He knew that death was the fate of all warriors. Templars live to fight and should die fighting.

There was a strange rustling sound, and a huge insect swarm destroyer tore apart the trees along the way and appeared in Teredal's field of vision. This ferocious and violent creature is a variant of the cockroach. It was originally rare, but now it is becoming more and more common.

Compared with before Brood War, the current zerg are not only more ferocious and violent, but also have more diverse strains. Although specialized variants of the old Overlord system still exist, they have been gradually replaced by species such as cockroaches, banelings, and corrupted flies.

The Protoss Empire has not stopped developing new weapons and restarting ancient sealed weapons. Stalkers are a product of this era. There were many stalkers among Teredal's companions - although they were beaten into pieces by the Hydra Hydralisk's spine needles in the first few battles.

There used to be two huge Colossi in their ranks, but now they have long been turned into a pile of burning scrap metal, and those loyal mechanical sentries have long been torn to pieces by the violent springtails.

At this time, another destroyer appeared, spitting acid as hot as fire, followed closely by multiple bloated poisonous banelings. These grotesque and twisted creatures are walking bombs, filled with horrifying amounts of acid, and when they appear in swarms, they are a nightmare for any enemy.

Whenever poisonous banelings appear in large numbers, cockroaches and hydralisks will follow. They are numerous and never tire of it, and Teredal has been fighting hard for many days.

Without any words, the Zealots charged simultaneously, for Kara's presence made their hearts truly one, rushing toward their enemies like blue phantoms.

The Dark Templars in the darkness also joined the fight, and even the proud Templars had to admit that their compatriots from wild places like Sagulath fought with grace and ruthlessness.

The Dark Templar wanders among the enemy like a dark phantom, wielding a giant icy warblade that spins and jumps like a waltz dancer, bringing up a shocking blood mist. The Sons of Sagulath have already proven with practical actions that they are all respectable warriors.

Soon, the zerg fell in pieces under Teredal's sharp blade, but they were still numerous, tireless, and endless.

The first warrior to die was a friend of Teredal, a zealot who was born and raised in Aiur. He came here to protect his people, but he didn't seem to protect anything at all.

He had killed dozens of zerg when he fell, but more struck him from behind and killed him.

The second was a female Dark Templar who was torn in two alive by a hydralisk. And she could have abandoned her companions and fled into the shadows. It is said that she was very close to a high-ranking templar, but it was destined to have no consequences.

Teredal slew zerg after zerg until the bloody bones piled up at his feet. He stood side by side with the last few Templars, protecting the seriously injured Archon.

Thousands of zerg surrounded them, and the sky was crawling with king worms and mutalisks.

"It's all over." Teredal said, "Brothers and sisters, this is the last battle."

Teredal is not afraid of death.

In the blink of an eye, the sky suddenly changed color, and some bright light spots fell from the sky like rain.

That was the human airdrop pod, and the thunderous roar in the sky was the sound of battleships firing.

The humans did come back, but they came too late.

A large number of airdrop pods fell from the sky and landed heavily on the ground. The heavily armed Tyranid Empire soldiers gathered and poured out astonishing firepower on the roaring insect swarms without hesitation.

The warriors of the Tyran Empire firmly believe that guns are just tools, and a heart of stone is a weapon.

At the same time, more armored vehicles were delivered to the surface, gathering into a powerful steel army. Today, the Terran Empire's army is armed to the teeth. They have experienced hundreds of battles and are well-deserved elite troops.

"Humans, they shouldn't be here," one of the Templars said.

"But they are coming," another Dark Templar said.

"The place is full of zerg."

"They're everywhere, too."

One airdrop pod crashed near Teredal, carrying an entire squad of Terran Empire marines. Another airdrop pod that landed shortly after came out of a raider wearing heavy heavy armor. Solid like a thick wall.

Marauders are battle-hardened Imperial veterans, and the Punisher grenades they are equipped with are a powerful weapon against heavy armor.


With just a loud bang, the marauder's grenade shattered a cockroach's heavy carapace and sent it reeling back.

"This is Team Sigma. We found the protoss at the landing site." These humans obviously did not expect that there were protoss here. They cleared the zerg at the landing site and cautiously approached Teredal.

In the past, these human soldiers would likely have been immediately ordered to kill without mercy, because in the eyes of the human government, the protoss were as dangerous as the zerg.

But the Tyranid Empire does not. They are allies of the Dalam Protoss.

There was another deafening roar, and a huge Odin mecha was delivered to the surface. After a while, another Odin arrived, and they were like two mountains as they marched!

Odin was followed by several T-285 heavy space construction vehicles (T-285 space construction vehicles), which were improved versions of the old Tarsonis T-280s. They were larger and more powerful, but in Odin's case The giant mecha also looks dwarfed next to it.

"I am General Horace Warfield."

"By the order of Emperor Augustus Mengsk, I occupied this planet in the name of the Tyranid Empire." Warfield said:

"I will never lose my position!"

While watching the live broadcast, I didn't even dare to look at it, my legs were shaking.

I watched another IEM match recording today and almost didn’t finish writing...

After watching the game for so many years, I have always been disappointed. The semi-finals are just around the corner, and I don’t even dare to hope for a championship. Today is really like a dream.

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