StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 658 Encirclement and reinforcements

In September 2500, the planet Tiberus in the northeastern corner of the Koprulu sector ushered in a tragic bloody storm. What turned out to be a local conflict over a zerg raid on a new Tyranid Empire colony turned into a vast interstellar war surrounding the planet.

In just a few days, multiple large insect hives with tens of billions of zerg suddenly appeared in the star field around Tiberus. In an instant, more than 17 Tyranid Empire worlds were exposed to the blood basin of the swarm army. In front of a large mouth. Imperial Marshal Horace Warfield was ordered to lead the Imperial fleet to defend the Tiberus system and fight to the death.

Korhal urgently mobilized surrounding fleets to rush for reinforcements, and suddenly a large number of imperial fleets gathered in the direction of Tiberus from all directions.

In the Tiberus galaxy, the battle is particularly fierce in space, and the battle is no less fierce on the ground.

At this moment, Lieutenant Colonel James Densenor is in purgatory.

James Danther served in the 336th Airborne Division under Warfield. This airborne division was part of the Omega Squadron with a long history and a fierce reputation, and it was also a battle-tested division.

Dansenor was not the first Imperial soldier to parachute into Tiberus. When he and his soldiers arrived, the ground was already a hell, with corpses everywhere and rivers of blood flowing everywhere.

Nearly one-third of the Airborne Division soldiers lost contact within minutes of landing, and most of the Imperial warriors who first set foot on this land are now gone.

Tiberus has now become the most brutal battlefield in the Koprulu sector, a meat grinder filled with blood, comparable to Char during the Brood War. Tiberus is just one of the thousands of light spots on the star map of the Koprulu Sector. It has no characteristics or outstanding features, but behind her is the empire.

"Sir, the communication satellite has been shot down, and our communication with the command center has been interfered with." The hoarse words of an imperial soldier came from Danseno's channel.

"The 468th Battalion has been defeated and they are retreating."

With a loud thunder in the sky, the sky darkened again, and the rain became heavier and heavier.

The climate in Tiberus is really different from Anselm, Dansenor's dry and cold hometown. It rains endlessly most of the day, and the air is damp and humid.

Dansenno's battalion had just taken over a position near the landing point not long ago. The position was built on two opposite highlands, firmly guarding a meandering river. The Imperial Engineering Corps has built impregnable fortifications on the high ground. The solid fortification walls connect the bunkers and sentry turrets reinforced with fine steel frames, and are shrouded in the shadow of anti-aircraft missile towers on all sides.

There were enough ammunition and food reserves in the camp to last a week, but most of them would not survive that time.

"Damn it, I've never seen any reinforcements other than verbal reinforcements." Captain Bill slammed the flickering holographic projector on the table, which still had two Hydralisk spine needles stuck in it. The broken machine finally returned to normal.

The quality of this holographic projector is quite good. It uses the technology of the Terra family and is produced in Augustgrad. The quality is guaranteed.

"Tsk, isn't this fixed? Am I a genius?" He stared at the information panel on the holographic projection for a while, and then said dullly:

"It seems that reinforcements will not be coming."

"Maybe they all died on the way here." Densono said after being silent for a moment.

Dansono has been fighting for many years, and there are still only a handful of battles as dangerous as today. Sadly, the average survival time of an Imperial soldier on the ground in Tiberus is measured in minutes.

"They're coming up again!"

"Focus on that thunder beast!"

"Fire! Fire quickly!"

The earthquake on the ground indicates that a large number of tunnel worms are approaching, and the screams of the swarms are like the wails of thousands of fierce ghosts.

As he walked out of the bunker that served as the temporary battalion headquarters, Dansono once again glanced at a photo hanging on the wall.

It was taken by Dansono with his newlywed wife before he answered the call to enlist in the army. Like many military couples who decided to get married at that time, they wore slate gray uniforms and the woman wore a wedding dress.

The battleship was about to set sail, and the insect swarm was advancing vigorously. Time waited for no one.

Soldiers are required to get married before departure, so that their wives can enjoy all the preferential treatment given to the families of fallen soldiers. But after all, who doesn’t want to go back alive?

Relying on government relief, widows do not have to worry about their own and their children's lives, but most of them will still remarry. this is the truth.

As soon as he stepped out of the command post, rain began to hit Dansono's helmet visor, and a chilling atmosphere hit his face.

Imagine millions of strong bulls running at once, and imagine the most terrifying sound you have ever heard in the world.

Like a black tide composed of carapace, they surged up again.

Densono recalled his father's last words to him.

I should give you some more advice, because you are my last son: don't be a hero, let those who make war, let those who are the upper class, the officers and those who rule this empire. War is war, honor is always short-lived, but death and fear always follow.

Anselm has tens of millions of people, and Tarsonis and Korhal combined have twelve billion people. My son, the Emperor of Korhal has no shortage of loyal and brave soldiers, but no one needs you more than we do.

Just like his father's words, Dansono knew he was right this time.

But Densenor left anyway, because on that desperate day, the zerg came to Anselm and took away all his family members.

Densenor has seen many recruits who were intimidated by the zerg. They didn't know why they had to go to this remote planet to fight to the death with the zerg. Tiberus was as far away from home as it was in the world. the end of.

And even Lieutenant Colonel Densono did not know the true intentions of the Imperial High Command. The task they were given was to defend the Tiberus system at all costs, nothing more.

And if even Densenor didn't know why the emperor launched this battle, the Cerebrates and the Queen would have no way of exploring the Tyranids' combat intentions from his brain.

The duty of Imperial soldiers is to be loyal to the Emperor, to protect the people, and to carry out their duties without reservation.

Everyone who came to Tiberus had their own different reasons, but no matter what, they came anyway.

When Densenor and Captain Bill walked onto the battlefield together, in response to the swarm's offensive, artillery fire was fired in the main position. The Imperial soldiers used all the weapons in their hands, and did not hesitate to use the ammunition in their hands. Wolf Warrior and Thor also moved to the most critical place on the battle line, and even if they just stood there, these war weapons piled up with armor plates and rail guns were like fortresses.

The gurgling river under the position was already close to the eyes, but now it was dyed red with blood. Huge corpses of Zerg and human remains were piled on both sides. Screaming artillery shells continued to hit the river. A surging water column rises.

The shattered armor and flaming tanks sunk in the mud were now nothing more than pathetic graves, the battlefield strewn with remains and dying soldiers.

Almost every step of the way, Dansono could see the miserable corpses of humans and insects. Blood flowed across the ground. It would be an exaggeration to say that it was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

This battlefield is located in the eastern part of the main continent of Tiberus, with dense hills and crisscrossed rivers. It was originally covered with dense orange vegetation. There were magnificent and beautiful flowers growing wildly all over the mountains, like a flower carpet extending under your feet. It's as gorgeous as morning glow under the sunlight.

Such beautiful scenery naturally attracts people's imagination and lingers, which can be seen from the fact that just a postcard from the Imperial Immigration Office attracted many immigrants and tourists.

The scenery is picturesque and full of harmony. No one would have imagined that this place would look like this. Now, even the fragrant fragrance of flowers can't cover up the smell of blood.

Dansenno no longer thinks about how many people were killed. Many times, those people he knew well disappeared so suddenly. What killed him might just be a blade flying over his head. insect.

All human holographic horror films are no match for the real mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and the hundreds of thousands of infected humans staggering towards the cities and towns where you live.

"They're coming up!"

The vegetation here also grows too tall and dense, as tough as flax. Completely different from the dreamy scenes shown in those beautiful photos, the vegetation in Tiberus is actually harmful to humans. Their aroma has hallucinogenic and narcotic effects. If immigrants want to farm here, These native plants have previously had to be eradicated.

This is the problem that immigrants have to face. Sometimes the life forms on an entire planet will instinctively reject and kill the invaders. Fortunately, the situation in Tiberus is still within the acceptable range.

The worms, on the other hand, are not afraid of the psychedelic effects of these vegetations, which will even make them more violent. Not only that, after absorbing the genes of native creatures, the zerg also learned to use these tall vegetation to set up ambushes or launch surprise attacks.

The insects came too fast and too urgently, like a gust of wind and rain, but the faster they attacked, the harder they fell when they hit the copper wall. In an instant, the sounds of Gauss rifles were heard in succession, and a large number of Zerg were swept down by the dense rain of bullets, and soon fell into a pool of blood. The hundreds of springtails at the front were quickly shattered into pieces by the gushing tongues of fire, and then they crashed into the bunker cluster.

Immediately afterwards, what these zerg faced were the tongues of fire spurting out from the red armor of the Evilbat mecha. The new Hellbat mecha is transformed from the Hellfire Chariot, and has gradually replaced the old Firebat as the backbone of the Tyranid Empire's frontline.

The tall marauder walked heavily to the outermost perimeter, using strong armor to provide cover for his comrades. The Widow Ray used sharp blade appendages to sneak into the ground, quietly waiting for enemies who fell into the trap.

But there were still too many zerg, and they rushed into the position facing fierce firepower, roaring and tearing apart all the enemies they could catch.

"It's on me!"

A soldier wearing black power armor was suddenly thrown to the ground by several springtails that jumped out. The sharp claws pried open the cooling tower and the armor behind the armor as if breaking a shell, tearing it apart. Large chunks of flesh and blood were opened.

Just like an instinctive reaction, other imperial soldiers around him immediately shot at the soldier's back, making the hateful-looking monsters retreat repeatedly. One of the springtails was hit in the head by a grenade, screaming and falling to the ground struggling.

From time to time, people were knocked down by the ferocious zerg and torn to pieces mercilessly.

But even so, the Imperial soldiers under Densenor still stood silently on the front line, and continued to fight even at the last moment of their lives.

Dansono's soldiers are all resocialized soldiers, and even these brainwashed and transformed soldiers will still feel fear in front of the insect swarm, but their brains will ignore these emotions and order their fingers to continue to pull the trigger without Take half a step back.

However, compared to the old Federation period, the Empire's resocialization surgery has caused much less trauma, and while ensuring obedience, it retains a part of the independent personality of the transformed person, and implants a memory of absolute loyalty to the Empire.

And although the brainwashed soldiers in the past were amazingly calm, in Dansono's view, they were just staying there until they were not afraid of death.

Omega Squadron is one of the few Imperial forces that still maintains a large number of modified soldiers. They are dead soldiers who can be sacrificed at any time.

The origins of the soldiers in Omega Squadron are also extremely complex. Before undergoing social transformation, they are likely to be death row prisoners, members of anti-imperial organizations, or prisoners imprisoned for other crimes. All in all, they are all hopeless scum and would not regret their death.

As far as Dansono knows, there are also a large number of old federal nobles and their vassals and supporters who have been transformed into resocialized soldiers.

Emperor Augustus himself overthrew the old federal regime and ascended the throne. He was never merciful to the remnants of the old federation and anti-imperial elements.

"Lieutenant Colonel, these zerg should be the elite brood guardians of the Nightmare Hive. Among them are a large number of Hunter-Slaughter Hydralisks and Devourer Springtails. I suspect there may be Unclean Scorpions lurking underground."

There was a red-skinned springtail that caught Dansono's attention. It was undoubtedly the elite among them, stronger and smarter than all its kind.

A Devouring One, a cunning and greedy flesh-eater whose strong armor is even more difficult to deal with than a cockroach. The devourer springtail roared and pounced, followed by more springtails like its servants.

The emergence of elite bugs such as Devourers and Hunterslayers here means that the bugs on Tiberus are at least the descendants of the first-generation dominance of the old nest colonies. They are very powerful, but the resources and time required for hatching are limited. Much longer.

The Nightmare Swarm is also an old enemy of the Tyranid humans. They were once the culprits that forced the protoss to destroy the planet Cha Sara. This erratic swarm of insects has brought destruction to many Tyranid Empires and Daram protoss worlds. Just like a real nightmare, humans and protoss hate them with itch.

Obviously, since there are a large number of elite individuals, it means that the main nest of the Nightmare Insect Nest is likely to be nearby. Generally speaking, their brainworms should be too.

"We should call for a fusion strike." Dannoson stared at the zerg: "If we can't defend this place, then we will die with them."

It's really like a dream.

Li Peinan was so excited that he didn't sleep much in the past two days after winning the championship. He almost died after repeated tastings of the competition.

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