StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 659 Artanis, take them away

"General, Tiberus Fortress No. 47 and No. 56 have fallen, and the zerg have blocked the sky. They cannot withdraw."

"Fortress No. 12 has also been lost, and now there are less than 20 fortresses still holding on. The other legions have also been scattered by the zerg, and the enemy is dividing and dismembering our army!"

"Damn, there are too many bugs, we can't kill them all."

On the Iron Justice, the flagship of Imperial Marshal Horace Warfield, officers and staff in crisp uniforms were milling around the star chart in front of the bridge. The severe situation before them and the continuous bad news could not help but make these battle-hardened officers feel dry and solemn.

Not only is the ground battlefield of Tiberus a stalemate, but it is also a stalemate in space. Majestic steel battleships are pouring barrage firepower on countless insect flying creatures that are used like evil spirits, and dazzling lasers flash by flash. Light up the dark universe.

The number of battleships in this Tyranid Empire fleet is quite large. At a glance, they are all lined up with large ships such as battlecruisers, Valkyrie frigates, Liberator frigates, Hercules transport ships, and science ships. It can be said to be a powerful force. vast.

As the flagship of the Warfield fleet, the Iron Justice was the first to bear the brunt. It was surrounded by swarms of zerg, stinging the rising green shield force field like a group of wasps exploding its nest. There were zerg from time to time. Burnt to ashes by roaring laser cannons. Several Imperial battleships on both sides of the Iron Justice moved closer to the flagship while trying their best to get rid of the entangled alien dragons, corrupted flying insects and flying snakes. Their guns roared and their lights flashed.

The Iron Justice is a meritorious battleship of the same era as the Hyperion. Its original performance has gradually lagged behind the times, but after many modifications and upgrades, it has reached the level of a Minotaur-class battlecruiser. To this day, the Iron Justice remains Horace Warfield's flagship.

At this moment, Warfield, whose face was getting wrinkled and his whiskers were turning white, was just staring calmly at the three-dimensional tactical map projected in real time by the holographic image in front of him. The radar and supercomputer have uploaded the scan results to the star map main console, and now anyone can see what the red triangle symbol, which is far more than the green light dots, means.

They had fallen into the vast sea of ​​​​worms, and Warfield and his fleet were like a man about to drown.

Endless and ruthless.

But they couldn't give up on Tiberus and jumped away. This system was not strategically important at all, but it became a key gateway to the Tyranid Empire when the zerg invaded from the northeastern part of the Koprulu sector. All the generals in the Imperial Command suddenly realized that once Tiberus was lost, tens of billions of insect swarms might march straight into Korhal.

But if they insist on defending the Tiberus system, this fleet may be surrounded and annihilated here.

Just in terms of the number of capital ships, this fleet has more than two hundred ships, and more than one-third of the imperial warships are here. Even the Tyranids cannot bear the cost of losing such a large fleet.

By now, the intentions of the second generation master have become obvious. It surrounded the Warfield fleet in Tiberus in order to force other fleets of the Tyranid Empire to come for reinforcements, and then destroy the imperial fleets that came for reinforcements one by one.

If Warfield abandons Tiberus, the Overlord will go straight to Korhal and take Augustgrad.

No matter what, Tiberus cannot be lost, but Warfield cannot sit back and let the entire fleet be ruined here.

"Send the drop pod." Warfield's voice overwhelmed everyone for a moment: "Call Gorgon to support the battlefield. We must defend this planet and never let it fall into the hands of the Zerg."

If Tiberus is transformed into a brood world, the Tyranid Empire will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future.

"General, the number of zerg on Tiberus far exceeds ours. I am afraid that no matter how many troops we send, it will not help." A staff officer said.

"Do you want me to watch the soldiers on the ground die in Tiberus?" When Warfield spoke, everyone could see the veins popping up on his forehead.

There are still more than two million people and more than a hundred Imperial Marine divisions on the surface of Tiberus. But if we continue to send more landing troops, it will just be a refueling tactic with no hope, unless Warfield firmly believes that he can win.

There is no way around this, and in such a war, human lives have to be taken to fill the battlefield.

Warfield was a veteran general in the imperial army and the first general after Emperor Augustus came to the throne. Even if there was some hesitation, his orders were immediately and meticulously implemented.

"Where are the other fleets now?" Warfield asked again.

From the holographic projected star map, you can see that the green light dots representing your own side are surrounded by dense red light dots in the center. The flashing icon shows that the front of the Warfield fleet is the famous Lee Dots. The Vitan Brood, the Jormungandr Brood, and the Sky Brood.

Only the Sky Hive is a newly emerged large-scale insect hive. Its insect swarm is composed entirely of zerg flying creatures and has a large number of insect swarm Leviathan. It seems to be specially created to deal with the fleets of humans and protoss. . The current ruler of the Sky Hive is still unknown, but he should be a veteran Cerebrate or a powerful nameless Cerebrate of the first generation, because there has never been a precedent for the second-generation worm swarm to have a queen lead a large swarm.

Outside the insect swarm's encirclement network is the Imperial fleet coming from all directions, including Edmund Duke, Jim Raynor, Matt Horner, Mira Han and Alexei Stowe. Cove's fleet and a dozen medium fleets. However, these fleets also encountered swarms of insects on the way and were unable to reach the Tiberus system.

The Tyranid Empire has made up its mind to start a decisive battle with the zerg swarm, and the zerg have also sent out their main force. Judging from this posture, the Overlord is ready to go to war with the Tyranid Empire and the Daram Protoss. , to defeat Korhal and Sagulath in one go.

The Imperial High Command also responded quickly. Augustus ordered to mobilize heavy troops in Tiberus and assemble all Imperial allies to counter-encircle the main force of the swarm. Because the Overlord not only did not expect that the Purifier Protoss had become the new ally of the Tyranid Empire, he did not even know of their existence.

Warfield's mission is to firmly attract the main force of the swarm until the main forces of the Tyranid Empire, Duram Protoss and Purifier Protoss arrive to join forces to encircle and annihilate the Tiberus zerg.

This is a risky move.

Warfield was under tremendous pressure, and only he could be entrusted with such an important task by the emperor.

"The closest ones to Tiberus now are the fleets of General Duke and General Renault, and General Duke's Alpha Squadron is only 7 light years away from Tiberus. They will arrive after the next jump." Lieutenant General Gal said .

"It's too slow." Warfield knew that they could not hold on for long. Berog and Grund swarms appeared in the Tiberus galaxy.

Speaking of which, the fastest one to come was Duke's poisonous snake.

Duke was a savage and cruel man who had few friends in the Tyranid Empire's navy. If this kind of person deals with you, he will never play tricks behind your back, but he will always put on an arrogant face.

Although Duke is not very likable, the reason why he stands out among the generals of the Terran Empire is entirely because he only wants to be a high-ranking general from the beginning to the end rather than a powerful minister who overturns the government. In front of the emperor, Duke clearly positioned himself and knew who to bow his proud head to.

This vicious snake seems to have no idea what fear is. As long as the emperor gives an order, he dares to lead the fleet to rush towards the master.

Warfield could already imagine Duke's arrogant face when he arrived at Tiberus first.

"But there is no news from the protoss yet." Lieutenant General Gal said at this time: "We alone cannot deal with so many zerg."

As soon as he finished speaking, the vanguard of the Tiamat swarm had already appeared in the Tiberus system. This is the largest and most powerful swarm known to date. The leader of the swarm, the brainworm Dagos, can be described as He is the great steward under the two masters.

"Dalaam Protoss always keeps its word." Warfield waved his hand and said, "There is nothing to worry about."

"Level 10 zerg flying creature detected, general, it's Leviathan!" Suddenly, a huge space-time channel appeared in front of the Iron Justice, and an unparalleled behemoth appeared in the whirlpool glowing with blue-black cold light.

The size of this Leviathan is much larger than that of its kind. Even the Iron Justice looks small in front of it, and only the new Gorgon is slightly more impressive.

"A Queen Leviathan." Warfield immediately ordered: "Blow it down!"

Following Warfield's order, many Imperial battlecruisers, including the Iron Justice, aimed their guns at this behemoth and fired at it. Queen Leviathan's body was covered with a solid chitin carapace. Suddenly the light flickered.

After a bright flash, the Yamato cannons of the three Minotaur battlecruisers fired at the same time, and Leviathan's huge body immediately flashed with dense firelight.

But after that, more than a dozen hyperspace channels emerged at the same time, and more Leviathans appeared.

Judging from the flashing gray flashing carapace of these swarm Leviathans, they are none other than the Leviathans of the Sky Dome Hive. Since it first appeared in human sight, the Sky Dome Hive has been the ruler of the sky.

Each Leviathan is equivalent to the flagship of the swarm fleet. Not only can they carry huge swarm warriors, they are also terrifying biological battleships themselves. Not surprisingly, this is definitely the main force of the insect swarm.

The situation immediately became more unfavorable. A Minotaur-class battlecruiser found itself sandwiched between two Leviathans in the blink of an eye. By the time the captain reacted, it was already too late.

"Get out of there!" Lieutenant General Gal punched the star chart table, but it didn't help at all.

A horrifying scene happened in the blink of an eye. A large amount of dense green fluorescence emerged from the bodies of the two Leviathans, heavily bombarding the battlecruiser's shield force field. It was an organic anti-air projectile called a bile worm swarm, an astonishingly powerful biological missile. If it was mixed with blasted mosquitoes, it would be fatal to any human warship.

In just ten seconds, the Minotaur-class battlecruiser's shields were already running low.

Immediately afterwards, the multiple huge hollow tentacles stretched out by Leviathan even directly pierced the shield of the battlecruiser and penetrated the armor. A large number of zerg were frantically pouring into the battleship through the tentacles that penetrated the armor. .

By the time other imperial warships arrived, the Minotaur-class battlecruiser had been grabbed and dragged away by a Leviathan with its tentacles. The entire warship shriveled like a trampled tin can.

Regardless of size or destructive power, Leviathan is far above the battlecruiser. It often takes multiple battlecruisers to slay a ferocious Leviathan, and in most cases it can only be severely damaged.

When these terrifying behemoths attacked menacingly, the captains of the Empire could only bravely attack them.

"Contact with an enemy ship is imminent!" A siren sounded from the Iron Justice.

As if receiving a certain order, countless mutant dragons and corrupt flying insects roared out from the vesicles in Leviathan's body, like large black clouds.

At the same time, more imperial battlecruisers have arrived, and a fierce battle is about to begin.

The Iron Justice almost met the huge Queen Leviathan head-on. The shields were opened and the artillery fire roared. Every minute and every second, a large number of zerg died under the ferocious firepower of the Imperial fleet, but this point The number is completely insignificant to the insect swarm. On the contrary, whenever humans lose a battleship, they will be heartbroken.

Warfield realized that the Overlord was determined to annihilate his fleet here.

However, this probably also means that a large number of coalition fleets have begun to surround the Tiberus system and arouse the surrounding zerg, forcing them to destroy the Warfield fleet inside first.

At this critical moment, the Iron Justice suddenly received an unexpected piece of information.

A protoss templar wearing shining armor like platinum appeared on the main screen of the bridge of the Iron Justice. Behind him was the broad and bright bridge of the protoss mothership Aiur's Shield.

"Human Commander, I am Executive Officer Artanis, and the golden fleet has arrived." His gentle spiritual voice was like a breath of spring breeze:

"Oh, salute, old General Horace Warfield."

"En Taro Adun, Executive Officer Artanis, you came at the right time." Warfield raised his eyebrows.

The first one to come was actually the Star Spirit.

"Today, we will definitely defeat the Zerg here again and avenge our shame." Artanis said.

"General, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but we just received the report that Tiberus is about to fall." General Garr said at this time.

"Deploy transport ships and let the wounded go first." Warfield said immediately.

With protoss joining the battlefield, Tiberus can be recaptured even if it is temporarily lost.

"More than half of the fleet's transport ships have been shot down by the zerg, and there are simply not enough now." General Garr said with a frown.

"I think we can help you evacuate the wounded on the surface. This is to repay your kindness in the Battle of Ayr." Artanis heard this and said: "Selandis, order Admiral Yurlan to prepare for the shuttle. Armed with machines and warp prisms, I have gathered a group of brave Templars to join us in this glorious war."

"Thank you for your help, Executor." Warfield said:

"Artanis, take them away."

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