StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 660 Encirclement and Counter-Encirclement

"Starboard alert, Leviathan spotted forty degrees ahead!"

"Turn left twenty degrees! Broadside salvo!"

"We were hit! The midship deck was penetrated!"

"Here on the Knight of Terrador, we have been hit hard! Hit hard!"

"Abandon ship! Abandon ship! We're going to crash!"

"Move back to the M7A area, fire all artillery groups forward, break through!"

"Successor, charge the main gun and fire! Two Leviathans? Then shoot both of them!"

"Clear this area, leaving no survivors!"

The orders and shouts from the captains of each ship in the Tyranid Empire fleet channel in the Tiberus galaxy came one after another. Bright artillery fire cut through the darkness, emitting dazzling bright orange and red light. Hundreds of giant cannons roared at the same time, brighter than the white stars.

The war has already entered a truly cruel and intense state. The mighty insect swarm army is spread all over the galaxy, and it is so thick that it even obscures the brilliance of the stars. There were fierce battles everywhere, and the huge wrecks of Imperial warships and Zerg biomass warships were scattered across the galaxy.

"Another swarm fleet. They want to defeat us from the front. These bastards don't take us seriously." On the bridge of the Iron Justice, Lieutenant General Gal stared at him with an ugly face. Looking at the holographic display, his face was illuminated by the beating numbers and the strong flashes of light from the portholes.

"The Overlord has lost patience and is ready to swallow us all up." Admiral Horace Warfield scanned the shocking numbers on the screen indicating the number of zerg:

"Our flanks are being exposed to the Sky Hive and the Kukulkan Hive. Order all fleets to immediately assemble towards the flagship Iron Justice. Shrink the front and establish a defense line!"

Just at this moment, as a flash of light suddenly illuminated the bridge, a bright pillar of fire rose up from the huge hull of the Hesper. The shock wave of the ammunition explosion killed countless people clinging to the armor of the battleship. The zerg on board also dismembered the entire hull.

Suddenly, the Hesper fell into a terrible sea of ​​fire. The hot flames swept through every cabin of the ship, burning everything along the way to ashes. After the last violent explosion, the torn-up wreckage of the battleship finally stopped moving, as if it were someone who finally took his last breath.

Dozens of lifeboats flying out of the Hesper were quickly destroyed one by one by the surrounding alien dragons. In the blink of an eye, thousands of Imperial Navy soldiers were reduced to nothing, trapped in a purgatory of iron and fire.

Another majestic Minotaur-class battlecruiser was dismembered by the acid spewed by many corrupted flying insects under the noses of Warfield and Garr. The hull was scarred and bruised, and even the side armor could be seen exposed. And out of the pipeline. Countless alien dragons are pouring into the hull from the holes etched by the acid, and from time to time the hull falls off the main body.

Several other Imperial battlecruisers desperately wanted to get close to friendly ships, but they were unable to protect themselves when surrounded by a large number of zerg. Everyone could see that the Imperial fleet, which had fought hard for many days, was already exhausted, and new Zerg troops were arriving every moment.

The outcome of the battle was very unfavorable to Warfield and his fleet, but this was expected. The generals of the fleet already knew the fate they were facing. In order to firmly attract the zerg of the Tiberus system, everyone was prepared to sacrifice for the Empire.

"Our mission is to hold on to Tiberus until the combined fleet encircles and annihilates the swarm." Warfield's expression was as tough as steel: "No matter what the cost."

Prince Arcturus Mengsk was right when he said that they put a hand into the lion's mouth so that with the hand behind his back he could take a sharp ax and open the head. ladle.

The so-called strong man cuts off his wrist, but that's all.

A few hours ago, Horace Warfield's Tyranid Empire fleet was surrounded by multiple large insect nests in the Tiberus system, and could be swallowed up by a steady stream of insect swarms at any time.

And suddenly, as the jump signal of a large number of human and protoss warships suddenly appeared, tens of billions or more of the Zerg troops were rushed by the three parties of the Tyranid Empire, the Durham Protoss and the Purifier fleet. Stuck in the Tiberus galaxy, facing the dilemma of being surrounded and annihilated.

The Overmind and the Swarm Masters soon realized that the talented and scheming Emperor of the Tyranid Empire was just using Tiberus's huge Tyranid Empire fleet as bait, and they were just fish that took the bait.

Not only did the Duram Protoss of Saguras come out in force and press the enemy's territory, but the appearance of another protoss fleet completely disrupted their deployment. If things go wrong, most of the main force of the insect swarm will probably be lost in Tiberus.

For a moment, the insect swarms that were about to be besieged in the Tiberus galaxy were rampaging like an enraged swarm, intending to concentrate their efforts on defeating any one of the three coalition forces before more enemy fleets arrived. When the situation became Worse could turn the tide of battle before.

The Warfield fleet, which was in the sea of ​​​​insects, was the first to bear the brunt and had to face the wrath of the swarms.

It turns out that the Overlord was just besieging and not attacking the Tyranid Empire's Warfield fleet in the Tiberus system, in order to attract more sources of imperial fleets so that they could defeat them one by one. Who knew that this was a chain of links, and the fishermen were fished instead.

At this moment, the angry Lord no longer had any need to keep Warfield's fleet.

Like a series of heavy blows, large numbers of insect swarm fleets entered the Tiberus system. They wanted to cut through the mess quickly and directly deal with the Tyranid Empire fleet inside it and then turn to deal with the enemies on the periphery.

Fortunately, Warfield's fleet is not alone now.

When as many as twelve large hives attack the Tiberus system, Warfield's fleet will be completely severely damaged even if it can survive the first round of offensive. However, a golden fleet led by Artanis arrived at this time.

This was the earliest fleet that set out from Sagulas, and it traveled under the stars and at night, with its initial destination being Tiberus.

When Warfield's fleet was shrinking and retreating, the Durham mothership Ayr's Shield opened a hyperspace channel directly to the Tiberus galaxy. A large number of protoss aircraft carriers, Phoenix fighters, void glow ships and storms The battleship rode directly on the face of the Leviathan Hive.

The moment those layers of golden-blue ship shadows appeared, the Lords of the Insect Swarm in the Tiberus Galaxy were even startled.

Artanis's flagship, the Aiur Shield, appeared like a supernova under the dazzling energy dome. A series of blue flashes passed through a Leviathan that was seriously injured by multiple Gorgon battlecruisers from the inside. Splash out. This terrifying desolate beast was immediately torn into pieces, and the layers of ribs under the skin were exposed to the hot and shining prism rays of the void glow ship, and were dismembered and disemboweled by hundreds of dark blue rays.

This is a real feud. Naturally, the Dalam protoss will not be polite to the Zerg. The moment it appears, the golden fleet is full of firepower. As the superheated particles from the Storm Battleships rapidly advanced in the Tiberus Galaxy, countless aircraft carrier-based aircraft and gorgeous Phoenix fighter jets roared towards the swarm troops that hurriedly responded to the battle.

Now, the tables have turned.

The flagship of the Terran Empire's Eighth Fleet, the Hyperion.

The magnificent bow of the Hyperion jumped out of the hyperspace channel and out of the blue arc, followed by a large number of Tyranid Empire battlecruisers. These battleships are all the latest Minotaur and Gorgon-class battlecruisers, and every piece of armor and screw comes from the foundry in the core world of the empire. During the period when the Augustgrad shipyard was operating at full capacity, an average of ten Minotaur-class battlecruisers and one Gorgon left the dock every week.

Admiral Matt Horner held one hand in front of the star chart table, which showed that the Tiberus Galaxy was in sight. At the same time, Alexey Stukov's Char Empire fleet was also heading in another direction a few light years away from Horner's fleet.

Stukov's Char fleet is a powerful imperial fleet. Some of its soldiers are former UED soldiers, and the rest are elite soldiers tempered by years of fighting against zerg in the harsh environment of Char. In order to deal with the viral infection of the Charcarlos swarm, the equipment of the soldiers of the Char fleet has also added more protective equipment, special medical troops and medical support ships.

Any imperial army would feel more at ease if they heard that the Char Fleet was their friendly force.

The other direction is the fleet of Purifier Executive Officer Korora Leon. In contrast, what he brings is not just a fleet, but the Purifier mothership Sebros and all the purifiers on it. The protoss is the main force of this encirclement operation.

Thinking of this, Matt couldn't help but admire Emperor Augustus' literary, Taoist and military strategies.

"The Tiberus Galaxy is just ahead, let's do it, I can't wait." At this moment, inside the bridge of the Hyperion, there was a brainworm that was only the size of a small dog, jumping around. Shouting:

"Today I will punch the Lord! I will kick Archbishop Durham!"

This brainworm is Alpha, the royal brainworm who was favored by Emperor Augustus and Queen Sarah.

Matt heard that it had carried out a certain secret experiment. It was not only more powerful than before, but also had a whole face and became greener.

When Matt brought the brainworm out from Augustgrad, he also found that it was now smaller than before, with a body length of less than four feet. However, although the royal brainworm no longer looks bloated, it looks more and more like a horny cabbage caterpillar. It was also affectionately called the evolution from green caterpillar to armored pupa by Emperor Augustus the Great.

Alpha, on the other hand, seemed smug and quite satisfied with the status quo. ——Concentration is the essence.

"Our mission is not to rush up and fight these zerg, that is what other fleets have to do." Matt was helpless against this brain worm.

To be honest, Matt didn't want to bring this brainworm here, but it seemed to be a little swollen recently, and it angered Emperor Augustus for some reason, so he had no choice but to sneak out and take refuge.

After all, this brainworm is just a naughty kid with amazing intelligence.

"Dr. Narud, Stetman told me that the Xel'Naga artifact has been assembled. I want to know if it can now activate the nova impact at maximum power as you said?" Matt looked back and looked towards him. Dr. Emil Narud came.

More than four years have passed since Emperor Augustus ascended the throne in Korhal, and it is obvious that Dr. Narud has become much older.

This is of course. In order to live up to the Emperor's trust, Dr. Narud not only has to complete various Xel'Naga reverse engineering experiments, but also splits his time to prepare for the repair of the Xel'Naga World Ship.

Under such high-intensity work pressure, I am afraid my hair will become bald. To be fair, Matt still respects great people like Narud who have devoted themselves to the empire selflessly.

Although Emperor Augustus personally wrote to Dr. Narud every time to take care of his health, he became more diligent every time and was worthy of being a model worker in the empire.

"General Horner, don't worry, everything is ready." As Narud said, a holographic screen suddenly popped up on Hyperion's bridge.

What was displayed on the screen was the scene inside the Hyperion laboratory.

The Xel'Naga artifact that has been assembled is being placed in the center of the laboratory. From a distance, four huge cryogenic tubes are connected to the Xel'Naga artifact. What struck Matt was that in addition to the three brainworms contained in the cryogenic tube, there was also a Tal'darin Ascendant.

It is said that he is one of the top four high-level upgraders in Tal'darin's upgrade chain.

Obviously, those are used to power the Xel'Naga artifact.

"Haha." A different look flashed in Narud's eyes.

This time the Xel'Naga artifact swept through the insect swarm and must have gathered enough power to resurrect his master. The day when he returned to the universe was getting closer.

Augustus thought he was the one behind the mantis stalking the cicada, but the real winner was Narud.

Oops, it’s already too much to win.

"It turns out it was you who did the good deeds, you bitch! You are so evil!" Seeing this terrifying scene, Brainworm Alpha's arrogant face stiffened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene was really too scary for a young brainworm.

Narud looked at the brainworm in silence for a while, and was so angry that he couldn't speak. He just said that he would put you in next.

Matt's face darkened, and he took out a box of beautifully packaged sweet chocolate from his pocket and handed it to the brainworm, trying to block its mouth.

"Put it away, put it away, we are all brothers." Although Brainworm said this, he actually swallowed the box in one mouthful, which was not polite at all.

After swallowing it wholeheartedly, it didn't even taste anything, so it licked its face and asked Matt:

"Any more?"

"It's gone." Matt waved his hand and said to Narud: "Doctor, once we arrive at the predetermined location, we will immediately activate the Xel'Naga artifact and use the most powerful nova impact to kill all nearby zerg. .”

"Of course, General," Narud said.

"Then what should I do?" Brainworm asked his own question: "I am also a Zerg!"

"This part is not in the plan. I have to ask." Dr. Narud was stunned, as if he had not thought about it at all: "No one told me that you would come with me."

"Dear Dr. Narud, I admit that my voice may have been a bit loud before." Brainworm Alpha's voice obviously became quieter:

"forgive me."

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