StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 661 Dog Emperor, you are plotting against me again

A few minutes later.

"Suppose we have a beam of light that is fast enough to illuminate the universe, and the brightness of this light is enough to blind all eyes. Then, when dealing with all races with eyes in the universe, this beam of light is an invincible weapon."

Dr. Emil Narud has a distinctive and easily recognizable face. The iconic walrus beard and the mustache on his chin reveal the arrogance of the old aristocracy from top to bottom. Rao was humble and polite to others, but deep down he never looked down upon anyone.

"This is a good metaphor." In the laboratory of the Hyperion, Egon Stetman is communicating with the bridge through the communication terminal. Behind him is the triangular prism artifact shining with copper-blue light. .

"The Xel'Naga Artifact's Nova Impact is that beam of light that is enough to illuminate the universe, but except for the Zerg, all of us cannot see it. In short, we are lucky because we are all blind." When Taitman looked this way, many imperial experimenters in white coats were coming and going in the Hyperion Laboratory:

"It's a pity that Nova Impact cannot cover the entire universe. Otherwise, you can clear out all the zerg with just one click of your finger - this must feel great."

"As long as there is enough energy supply, the nova impact of the artifact can kill all the zerg in the Tiberus galaxy." Although his hair and beard are all white, Narud is still strong and strong, with sharp eyes, completely unsettled. Like an old man who has reached his twilight years.

Hearing this, Matt Horner couldn't help but nodded slightly, but before he could say anything else, he heard a wailing sound behind Stetman.

"I don't dare anymore! Pony, save me! Save, save me!"

I don't know when, but the royal brain worm that was still jumping alive in the bridge just now has been carried into the laboratory, and was stuffed into a huge glass cryogenic tube along with the three brain worms that powered the Xel'Naga artifact. Inside, several engineers holding laser welding guns are welding alloy steel to firmly weld the glass cover to the base.

The frightened green brainworm was constantly banging its head against the thick glass cryogenic tube, making a loud banging sound. The other brainworms are in a deep sleep state due to being injected with a large amount of psychoactive drugs, and are soaked in an ice-cold green nutrient solution.

It is no joke to provide energy for the Xel'Naga artifact. This thing can drain a person completely when it is running. The last time it was used, it was so ecstatic that it almost collapsed.

It didn't want to go back to the state where its whole body was drained and completely weak.

"For a zerg, this is the safest place at the moment." Narud's eyes flashed with a cunning look: "I am very sure that the Nova Impact will never affect the energy supply facility."

"You are simply not human!" Although Alpha's body surface has become quite tough after the transformation of the original Zerg, he was still unable to break through the specially modified glass cryogenic tube, and in the end he could only collapse to the ground helplessly:

"Narud, one day I will also tuck you in!"

"I didn't want to imprison you." Narud finally understood why Emperor Augustus liked to persecute this and that brainworm so much. He really had the toughest mouth in his whole body.

"Pony~" Alpha still refused to give up, but pretended to be pitiful: "You must help me!"

"." For some reason, when Matt heard this familiar tone, he immediately thought of his fiancée Mira Han, and suddenly his hair stood on end, and even his expression changed:

"Emperor Augustus has an order: Since the royal brainworm Alpha has eaten so much rice in the palace, now is the time for you to shine for the empire."

"When did I eat his rice, ah - the Dog Emperor plotted against me again, you and I are at odds with each other!" Brainworm sobbed, his face turned ashen: "This is too vindictive."

"It's all done." On the other side, Dr. Stetman was checking with satisfaction whether the cryogenic tube housing Alpha was welded properly: "Alfa, I can only ask you to stay here for a while."

"Don't worry, the pain is only for a moment."

"Oh, because I will faint in an instant." Alpha said coldly: "So you just want to fatten up the pigs and then slaughter them. Emperor Dog, is this also your plan?"

"Don't worry, the Xel'Naga artifact only extracts part of the psychic power from your body, and it will not endanger your life." Stetman made a metaphor: "This is just equivalent to a blood draw."

"It's not a wise idea to fish all the water." Alpha said, "You know how to raise pigs."

"Okay, how do you feel in there now?" Egon Steitmann said as he knocked on the glass cryogenic tube.

"Feels good," said Alpha. "That's what the pig feels before it's served to the table."

"So it turns out there have always been so many dramas?" Matt Horner, who is always known for his seriousness and meticulousness, suddenly said this.

"It seems so." Narud shrugged.

"General, a large number of jump signals have been detected. They are zerg!" At this time, Matt's adjutant Porter suddenly reported.

The flickering light spots on the star chart table suddenly jumped like snowflakes, and a large number of insect swarms Leviathan and Behemoth appeared on the radar scan of the Hyperion.

This starry sky is located in the desolate area between the two star systems. It is cold and dark. Large numbers of behemoths and ferocious zerg are attacking the Tyranid Empire's steel fleet lined up in a row.

The Tiamat swarm is one of the oldest hives. Its fleet contains not only new strains of corrupted flies, flying snakes, and brood lords, but also the swarm guardians and devourers from the old master period. At the same time, numerous Behemoths are also the key to sending billions of Tiamat hive warriors to the surface.

"It's the Tiamat swarm, the dominant guard, the absolute main force." Matt immediately saw which hive troop it was, after all, the iconic bright red carapace of the Tiamat swarm It's really easy to identify.

"As soon as they noticed our jump signal, they couldn't wait to annihilate us here." Adjutant Porter said: "Is the Master worried that we will merge with other fleets of the protoss?"

"That must be the last thing the Lord wants to see." Matt nodded.

Once the coalition fleet surrounds most of the swarm fleet in the Tiberus system, the zerg will inevitably suffer heavy losses. Even if hatcheries can be used to mass-produce swarm warriors, each zerg cannot be conjured out of thin air. If all the main forces are lost in Tiberus, the swarm that has been seriously damaged may not be able to survive again for another year or two. Launch a large-scale offensive.

"All battleships listen to my instructions and prepare to engage the enemy!" Matt immediately ordered on the fleet channel.

Matt's fleet has more than a hundred battlecruisers, all of which are new Minotaur and Gorgon-class battleships. The only problem is that most of its crews are recruits and lack the experience and experience to participate in large-scale wars. Necessary psychological literacy.

While at the Imperial Naval Academy, naval officer reservists used holographic simulation equipment to conduct battlefield simulations and tactical rehearsals. But even after practicing countless times in the rear, it was completely different when it came to the real battlefield.

Following Matt's order, the Tyranid Empire fleet took the lead in launching an attack. The missile bay loaded on the battlecruiser launched the first round of attack, and a dense cluster of missiles ejected from under the battleship. Immediately afterwards, the various artillery groups of the imperial fleet also opened up their firepower and fired wave after wave at high speed at the insect fleet.

In the face of the devastating firepower of the Imperial fleet, which was like a violent storm, the Zerg at the front suffered a heavy blow, and their flesh and blood were flying everywhere for a while.

But for the huge insect swarm fleet, this casualty is completely insignificant.

Like a swarm of bats flying out of the cave at dusk, countless mutalisks and brood lords flew out of the vesicles on the bodies of Leviathan and Behemoth. The most terrifying thing is that as the mothership of the swarm, Leviathan itself can also hatch a large number of zerg creatures, which means that they are the main nest of the swarm on the move.

A particularly large Queen-class Leviathan was at the forefront of the swarm fleet, and thus took the main firepower of multiple Imperial battlecruisers. After the dazzling light of more than a dozen Yamato cannons flashed, multiple red flames immediately appeared on the surface of the Leviathan, bringing with it countless broken carapace and blood.

But it only made this unparalleled behemoth let out a cry. It was too huge, and it was so powerful when it sailed towards the own fleet, as if it was unstoppable.

Under Matt's order, about one-third of the Imperial battleships assembled in the middle to attack the menacing insect swarm fleet, while the other Imperial warships were divided into two wings to occupy superior firepower points and pour firepower on the incoming insect swarm.

This was a head-on battle between powerful forces. The first contact between the two sides was bloody and brutal. Battleships bombarded each other and fighter planes roared. This unknown place that was not even marked on the navigation map immediately transformed into a cruel purgatory.

Just ten minutes after the war started, an Imperial battleship was torn apart by the overcoming alien dragons and corrupted flying insects. However, the next moment, the Imperial fleet led by four Gorgon battlecruisers severely damaged an Imperial battleship. Vitan, beat it till its flesh and blood are scattered everywhere.

Matt Horner's flagship Hyperion was also heavily surrounded by swarms of insects. The raised shield was filled with flying alien dragons, and the roaring gun crew's firepower rotated to lock on the densely packed targets. This time The horrific scenes make people's heads tingle.

Even in this case, even though this is a newly formed imperial fleet, its internal radio channel is still in order, and the entire fleet is permeated with the belief of victory.

At this time, in the Hyperion laboratory, Stetmann's assistant Isabella Youling took out a control panel: "The Xel'Naga artifact is ready and can start Nova Impact at any time."

"Don't worry, now is not the time to start the Nova Impact." Matt waved his hand, signaling Isabella to calm down. This is an imperial general who already has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. Two years ago, he would have urged the commander to release the Nova Impact of the artifact every few minutes.

"Activating the artifact now is just to alert the snake." Narud said in his mind that for every additional brainworm purified by the Nova Impact, he could absorb an additional amount of energy used to resurrect Eamon. How could a small researcher be allowed to disrupt the plan:

"To release the nova impact, it must be in the center of the Tiberus galaxy where the insect swarm is densely populated."

Narud's abacus was ringing. Everything he did on the surface seemed to be serving the empire, but in fact it was all for Amon's plan to return to the universe.

It's ridiculous that Emperor Augustus was still kept in the dark and didn't know it.

"Well, where are Stukov and the Purifier Protoss? They should be here now." Matt nodded, looked down at his watch, and then looked at his adjutant:

"They're always on time."

A minute later, Lieutenant General Alexei Stokov's flagship Fearless Highlander appeared at the position of several astronomical units of the Hyperion. It was a battle-hardened Minotaur-class battlecruiser. Its iron-gray paint job and huge golden eagle logo showed its unparalleled power.

The moment the flagship completed its jump, more Imperial battlecruisers appeared in the sector.

Stukov's fleet has less than eighty Behemoth-class and Minotaur-class battlecruisers, and there is no newer Gorgon, but it is a large fleet that ranks quite high in the empire. .

This is an elite force forged in a dead place like Char. Only the bravest Imperial warriors dare to join the Char fleet, because they must be vigilant at all times against the terrifying zerg on Char.

What is most puzzling is that Emperor Augustus actually handed over such an important fleet to a former general of the UED expeditionary force, but he has always been trustworthy in employing people and not using others in doubt.

Upon arrival, the Stukov fleet launched a fierce attack from the flank of the Tiamat swarm fleet, and a large number of Valkyrie frigate rocket clusters severely suppressed the swarms of mutalisks.

After another ten minutes, the Purifier mothership Cybros also appeared on the other side of the Tiamat swarm. In the blink of an eye, the Tiamat swarm fleet that was attacking Matt Horner's fleet was faced with being surrounded by three fleets.

"Storm Battleship." Matt noticed that the new battleship of Durham Protoss also appeared in the Purifier fleet, and it was completely obvious that it was built by the Purifier themselves.

Although there are only a few dozen ships, when these Purifier storm warships open fire, the high-energy charged particles that accumulate extreme explosive power can be said to have the first advantage and the momentum is terrifying.

And this also shows that the Purifier's ability to develop and build battleships is quite amazing.

"It seems that in order to gain the support of the Purifiers, Archbishop Tassadar of Durham paid a considerable price." Matt said:

"He actually directly handed over the construction technology of the Storm Battleship to the Purifiers. This is because he is confident that the Purifier protoss will not easily start a war with him again."

Tassadar is simply saying that I treat you as my brother, not my enemy.

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