StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 662 Beating the Little Master

Upon the arrival of Alexei Stukov's Imperial Char fleet and Purifier Executor Koralion's fleet, Admiral Matt Horner was convinced that both the balance of power and the current positions of the enemy and ourselves were disadvantageous. It was advantageous, so he ordered all the fleets under his command to retreat backwards in order to lure the Tiamat swarm fleet in front of them to go deeper.

At the same time, Stukov's Char fleet was approaching at high speed from the left side of the Tiamat swarm, with naval guns opening the way and gunfire roaring. In the other direction, countless Purifier fighters were roaring out from the leaping mothership Sebros.

The pincer is about to close.

There was no advance tactical drills or battle planning, and the arrival of the Purifier fleet at this time was not even expected by the empire. However, the commanders of both sides accurately assessed the situation in a very short period of time and decisively ordered the fleet to start attacking immediately.

To put it one-sidedly, the Tyranid Empire and the Purifier fleet, which have arrived after a long journey, are not only quite exhausted, but may not be ready for a battle. The Tiamat swarm waiting here can be said to be waiting for work, but this is not the case. Let them take advantage of you.

The situation on the battlefield reversed in an instant. Even the sinister and sophisticated Dagos, Lord of the Swarm, commanding the Tiamat Swarm Fleet from far behind, was still blinded the moment he saw the Purifier Fleet appear.

Relying on the zerg's innate ability to sense psychic creatures, Dagos did not feel any trace of essence or biomass from this protoss fleet. It was as if the warships were driven by a group of dead people.

Which lost world did this group of protoss come from that was forgotten by the protoss empire?

Immediately afterwards, Coralion's Purifier fleet gave the Tiamat swarm a small mechanical protoss-like shock.

From the vicinity of the Sebros, new jump signals continue to emerge. One after another, the huge streamlined hull Purifier aircraft carriers sail out of the hyperspace channel, and the terrifying shadows of the ships occupy the vast starry sky. . Although it still lacks the support of motherships, the number of aircraft carriers in the Purifier fleet has reached an astonishing number of more than 400.

For a battleship of this level, this number can crush the enemy to death even by smashing it.

Like the force of thunder, a massive number of unmanned carrier-based aircraft, attack aircraft, and reconnaissance aircraft piloted by legionnaire personalities attacked the right wing of the Tiamat swarm fleet like huge ocean waves. This terrifying number was even greater than the one used to win with numbers. The swarm of insects is even more terrifying. This made the Imperial Navy officers present suspect that the Purifier Protoss was actually another form of insect swarm.

The huge forge and repair shop (Purifier Repair Bay) on the Purifier mothership Sebros were originally prepared for launching large-scale interstellar wars. In other words, fighting is their specialty.

For a moment, an equally large number of Purifier fighter jets and Tiamat swarms came close to fight. On the scale of an interstellar space battlefield, it was simply a duel between two people holding pistols at a distance of less than fifty yards.

The most terrifying thing about the zerg is that for the victory of the group, they will never care about the sacrifice of individuals. All individual zerg are just extensions of the main hive's will. But the Purifier Protoss is also not afraid of any sacrifice. Even if the carrier carrying the Purifier heroic personality is destroyed, they can be reborn immediately by uploading to another carrier.

The moment the two sides started fighting, it was truly a fight to the death regardless of the cost. However, in less than a quarter of an hour, the mechanical wreckage of Purifier fighter planes and the huge bloody skeletons of Zerg flying everywhere. The battlefield covers an area so vast that it must be measured in astronomical units on the scale of interstellar warfare.

Burning, capsized battleships and flying insect creatures filled with flesh and blood occupied the entire battlefield.

At the same time, the two fleets of the Tyranid Empire also blocked the Tiamat swarm's retreat, forcing them to face the wrath of the Purifier protoss. And although all warring parties have paid considerable losses, the Zerg is undoubtedly much greater in comparison.

The Cerebrate Dagos discovered that it was losing the war, but the current situation did not allow the Tiamat swarm to evacuate the star field, because if the reinforcement fleets of the Tyranid Empire and the Purifiers were allowed to continue to advance, the Tyranids would The main force of the insect swarm in the Beerus galaxy will have to be made dumplings.

At this time, the arrows represented by the multiple Tyranid Empire and Duram Protoss fleets in all directions were already pointing directly at the Tiberus Galaxy. Not only was the main force of the Tyranid Empire fleet deployed, but in order to teach the swarm a bloody lesson, most of Sagulath's Durham Gold Fleet was also deployed, and even the Arkship Spear of Adun was on its way.

Therefore, it is obvious that the situation is gradually becoming unfavorable, but the Tiamat swarm is still increasing its troops. Fleets belonging to Tiamat and other swarms are constantly jumping in, and they are determined to fight to the end. Formation.

Even in an extremely unfavorable situation, the power of the Tiamat swarm itself cannot be ignored. Especially when the brainworm Dagos concentrates its forces on one point, it is not easy to defeat this swarm.

Especially when other insect swarms are also reinforcing the Tiamat insect swarm, the situation becomes unpredictable again, and the balance of victory and defeat that has tilted towards the empire once again begins to waver.

For the Tyranid Empire, the situation has become tricky again, because their mission is to rush to the designated location as soon as possible to complete the encirclement, so as to relieve the siege of the Warfield fleet in the Tiberus system, rather than follow them here. The Tiamat swarm is fighting to death.

The situation is changing rapidly, and if there is a slight delay, the fighter opportunity may be missed and the entire Warfield fleet will be annihilated.

"Admiral Matt Horner, we must defeat the Tiamat swarm here, and the sooner the better." On the main screen of Matt's flagship Hyperion, Alexey Stokov A thin face appeared, surrounded by several senior staff officers in military uniforms.

The military uniforms and insignia of the Char fleet are different from other imperial troops. They are dark brown that is more in line with the color of the Ash World. As the war eagles under the throne, these elite soldiers of the Char fleet are naturally impressive.

Compared with two years ago, Lieutenant General Stukov was also thinner than what Matt remembered. Fortunately, time and the Emperor's respect have erased a lot of the impact of the defeat. Stukov is still the Earth guy sitting on a mountain of corpses piled with Zerg bones, swearing and drinking vodka.

The most admirable thing about Stukov is that he is a rare general among the imperial generals. He is resourceful and foresighted. He must make strategic plans when using his troops and has never been careless. He is a wise general who can see the key points that affect the outcome of the battle at a glance.

"We can't delay here for too long." Matt said to Stukov: "But the current strength of our army is not enough to defeat the Tiamat swarm in a short time."

There was no need for Matt to say this. If he wanted a quick victory, he had to see who the enemy was, but he just wanted to know what Stukov had to say about this.

In front of Stukov, Matt can be said to be just a fledgling boy. As early as when Matt was still ignorant, Stukov had already begun to eliminate the rebellious Earth colony rebels. Although Matt will not think that he is inferior to Stukov because of this, the other party's advice can definitely be followed.

From a strategic perspective, of course, the Tiamat swarm must be eliminated as soon as possible to complete the encirclement. Even taking a step back, they can detach a squadron to contain the Tiamat swarm, and at the same time send the main force to continue advancing towards the Tiberus system to further put pressure on the main force of the swarm within it.

But there is no doubt that the Tiamat swarm is definitely a tough guy.

"Yes, the Tiamat swarm is much more difficult to fight than Carlos and Gerald's swarm." Stukov said: "But it will be completely different if we have a big killer weapon in our hands."

For a moment, Matt thought of the psychic crushers that the Stokovchar fleet was accustomed to using on the Char battlefield. It is said that they even installed psychic disruptors and crushers on their own battleships.

The only problem is that one is that the energy consumption required by the psychic crusher is too staggering even for a battlecruiser to be activated at the same time as the shield. The other is that the coverage is quite limited. Merely covering the area of ​​a city is of no help at all on a cosmic scale, and can only be turned on in close combat.

This determines the simple and crude fighting style of the Char fleet. They often fight in the face of the fleet, which is very different from other imperial fleets.

However, after absorbing a large amount of original zerg genes, the current zerg's psychic link has also evolved a certain immunity to the psychic crusher. Now it is not easy to make them suffer a big loss.

So, Stukov is talking about the Xel'Naga artifact in Matt's hand.

Long before each fleet set off, Emperor Augustus summoned the fleet commanders to inform them of their intentions and designate their tasks. Stukov knew that Matt had the Xel'Naga artifact.

But Stukov should also know that now is not the time to use the Xel'Naga artifact. After all, the coverage area of ​​Nova Impact is limited, and it cannot be used on just a swarm of insects.

On the other hand, it is absolutely not possible to reveal that the Xel'Naga artifact is here, otherwise, with the personality of the second-generation master, it can be said that he will definitely run away. As a majestic master, it has fully used up its skill points for running around and trying to survive.

Taking a lesson from the sudden death of Al, the previous master, seeing that the situation was not good, the current master would not hesitate at all.

"I just thought that we could change the plan temporarily." Stukov looked at Matt and said.

Stukov does not like to fight by the rules, but uses reverse thinking to win unexpectedly. His success often comes from a flash of inspiration in battle. During the battle, Stukov did not fail to do things such as temporarily changing the march route to outflank the enemy's rear and cut off supplies. Therefore, he was also called a sinister villain by the narrow-minded Edmund Duke.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to activate the Xel'Naga artifact now." Stukov said: "Your mission is just to send the super bomb on the flagship into the Tiberus system and detonate it, and the zerg may They wonder why a flagship suddenly disappeared on the battlefield, but they can’t guess what the truth is.”

"Well, considering the Hyperion's sailing speed, even if the Overlord guesses it and responds quickly, we can still use the Xel'Naga artifact to severely damage the Zerg that failed to evacuate in time." He continued:

"In my opinion, the Overlord has been vigilant, but it does not think that it will fail. The situation is not good for the Overlord. It has naturally made a mistake that we all make. If it just wants to fight to the death and make a comeback, it will Expose flaws."

"In that way, once the main force in the rear is defeated and a large number of Cerebrates die temporarily, even the Zerg will inevitably lose morale."

At this moment, looking out from the bridge of the Hyperion, the situation on the battlefield can be described as chaos. The warships of humans, zerg and purifier protoss are bombarding each other, and countless fighter planes and zerg are fighting in between. .

The main gun of the aircraft carrier of Coralion opened fire at this moment, and a terrifying golden solar beam penetrated the entire battlefield in an instant, and tens of thousands of zerg were instantly wiped out.

The three-dimensional imaging of parallel sensors shows that the number of zerg is still increasing, and the zerg killed are not even as many as the ones that have recently entered the battlefield.

"I understand." Matt said after thinking for a moment: "Pass the order, all warships are under the command of Lieutenant General Alexey Stokov."

"Navigator, enter the jump coordinates of the Tiberus system immediately."

Matt Horner's fleet actually has another mission, which is to seize the opportunity of the encircling fleet to push as many insect fleets as possible to the Tiberus system and jump into the center, killing all the aliens in one go. Insects exploded into the sky. In other words, you have to wait until the net is closed before frying fish.

But that doesn't mean you have to wait for all the enemies to enter the network as expected before activating the artifact. Generally speaking, it is impossible for the enemy to follow the plan completely.

Emperor Augustus the Great, who was far away in Korhal, knew the secrets of war, believed in the talents of his generals and delegated power appropriately. He only gave orders to each fleet in terms of grand strategy, but gave each fleet commander great autonomy and authority. trust. After all, the time it takes for the information from the front line to reach the Augustgrad Palace and then the orders from the palace to reach the front line is enough to finish several large-scale interstellar wars.

This means Matt can make practical decisions.

"Dr. Stetman, make sure the Xel'Naga artifact can be activated at any time." Matt connected to the Hyperion laboratory again.

At this moment, Stetman was teasing the brainworm Alpha in the cryogenic tube with a cookie, and the latter was trying his best to lick through the specially treated reinforced glass with his tongue.

This guy is an optimist. No one pays attention to him. After a while, he will find a place to play by himself. If he is tired, he will dig a hole and lie down in it.

"Yeah! This is called the center blooming." Stetman said excitedly: "Please imagine the happy scene of throwing the grenade into the cesspool, yes, that's it."

After hearing what he said, Matt couldn't help but imagine it, and black lines appeared on his forehead. There are very few incompetent people among the colleagues within the empire, but there are still many assholes and fun-loving people.

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