StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 663 Watch out, this is how tvz fights

The space of the Tiberus galaxy is filled with flashes of fire from human and protoss warships. Deadly laser flames and terrifying particle beams sweep across the entire space. The remains of humans, protoss and zerg are scattered in every corner. It is so tragic. The scene is truly appalling.

Few people noticed an Imperial battlecruiser jumping out of the distorted space-time fluctuations at the edge of the galaxy, and her majestic ship shadow was crossing the battle line, heading towards the battlefield alone at full speed, like a lone hero attending a meeting alone.

Once they jumped to the Tiberus galaxy, countless radio signals were sent to the Hyperion communication tower like snowflakes. Without exception, they all came from the full-channel communication signals of the Tiberus Empire fleet. It seemed that there were several A thousand people were talking, shouting and screaming at the same time.

A Phoenix fighter plane was crashing past the bridge of the Hyperion, with several alien dragons clinging to it. The Phoenix fighter's maneuvering speed was much faster than the flying speed of the Allosaurus, but it had obviously been seriously injured before it was caught.

On the bridge of the Hyperion, Admiral Matt Horner's serious face and eyes like deep water were sometimes illuminated by the bright firelight outside the porthole. Dr. Emil Narud was standing on the other side with a calm demeanor. The large white uniform was suddenly worn by him like a ball gown, and he tasted the war on the sand table like an old-fashioned aristocrat.

Occasionally, when Narud saw the ferocious-looking alien dragon flashing past the porthole, he would show a small expression of fear at the right time, elegant and unpretentious. It seemed that if there weren't other people standing next to him, he would be unable to restrain himself from fighting.

As the Hyperion accelerated towards the center of the Tiberus system, and they were getting closer and closer to the core of the battlefield, the number and strains of the zerg gradually increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, the flashing lights on the Imperial battleships and Protoss battleships were vaguely visible, and the red and blue bridge lights were faintly visible in the dark curtain of the universe. The density of the zerg is also many times greater than the outer space of the Tiberus galaxy. The Hyperion seems to be chopping through the waves in the ocean of zerg, unable to move even an inch.

The remains of a Swarm Leviathan are gradually enlarging under the bridge of the Hyperion, and it seems to be only a small part of its huge body.

It is unimaginable what kind of terrifying weapon tore this small half of the body from the "Moon of the Insect Swarm" covered with strong and heavy armor. The section that was cut open by a sharp blade was like a cliff of flesh and blood with a very high drop. The bright red blood stagnated in the space like a falling waterfall. The squirming meridians and blood vessels seemed to be trying in vain to repair the damaged parts that had been severely damaged. body.

There are also huge metal debris scattered around this Leviathan that is emitting bright golden light. It is conceivable that it was once part of a protoss battleship.

Not far away, a dimly lit Imperial Minotaur-class battlecruiser was parked alone next to Leviathan's corpse. Its magnificent hull was already covered with scars. Sensors showed that there was no longer any sign of life on this great imperial battleship.

Matt just hoped that the crew of this battleship would be transferred to another ship in time, but he knew that this was just a luxury. Even in the best-case scenario, a battleship sunk in a fierce battle will inevitably take most of its crew with it.

After a while, multiple messages will be sent to the Imperial Navy headquarters in Augustgrad. Then, parents would receive news that their children had been deemed killed in action or missing.

Every battleship is more than a number or a spiritual symbol.

When the Hyperion passed by the battleship at high speed, the tragic scene on it was immediately displayed in front of everyone on the bridge. It can be seen that multiple fatal wounds even penetrated several decks, and the ship's cabin was full of scorch marks burned by the flames. The stern of the ship seemed to have been run over by a pair of invisible giant hands. Even the ribs on the side were exposed from under the fallen armor plate. Huge pipes extended out like flesh thorns, with charred flesh attached to them.

Miserable, sad, and desperate, what those Imperial soldiers experienced before their death was far more miserable than what was described on paper.

"May the spirits of these heroes rest in peace." Dr. Narud made a prayer gesture, with a look of deep sadness on his face. As a xel'naga, Narud is fully capable of showing human empathy at the right time, but he will never feel the same way.

"They are all great!"

Matt withdrew his gaze from the wreckage of the battleship and said nothing.

More wreckage of imperial warships appeared. These steel behemoths that once guarded various imperial worlds to ensure peace were now just iron coffins that were either burning or waiting to cool down.

Not only human ones, but the remains of protoss battleships are also scattered in this cold starship cemetery. Even if they have been destroyed, they are still as beautiful as fragments of gold and blue glass. The battle in the Tiberus system has lasted for many days, and more than just a few battleships have been lost.

In contrast, there were much more zombie corpses, so many that they could be counted in millions. But what does that matter? It's just that, the master doesn't care about this level of casualties.

Not only are the corpses of mutalisks, corrupted flies and swarm devourers, but the remains of Leviathan and Behemoth are also common. Obviously, the insect swarm that had been unable to capture the Tiberus system also paid a heavy price.

The only thing that gave Matt some relief was that the number of blasting mosquitoes in the second-generation dominator swarm was not too large, otherwise the battle would have been much more difficult.

Emperor Augustus ordered Alexei Stokov to lead an elite fleet to guard Char. It was a prescient move. He lost the largest number of mosquito nests in Char's Bone Trench. Now the second generation of mosquitoes is The number of explosive mosquitoes in the swarm has been depleted, and the newly born mosquitoes are far unable to keep up with the consumed ones, so that there is a dilemma of no troops available.

Soon, the remaining Imperial warships in the Tiberus system discovered and responded to the Hyperion. The good news is that although Horace Warfield's fleet has been severely damaged, there are still more than 80 warships that can still fight.

Some Imperial warships have been completely destroyed, and their wreckage is scattered in the dark and cold space. Others have simply lost the ability to move or fire, while the Imperial Navy soldiers on them are fighting for the Zerg that have entered the warship. Fighting to the death for control of every inch of space.

On those crumbling battlecruisers, damage control personnel were still racing against time to reinforce damaged bulkheads, connect damaged fire water pipes and hydraulic mains, and lay emergency circuits. They tried their best to make their battleships operational again. Get up and even get back into the fight.

But for God's sake, this isn't something that one or two SCVs can fix.

Currently, the remaining Imperial warships are forming a dense defensive formation together with the protoss fleet, which can withstand the torrent of insect swarms.

The bad news is that as the three-point coalition forces further advanced towards the outer reaches of the Tiberus system, the Overlord tripled the number of troops in anger, intending to deal with the Warfield and Artanis fleets of Tiberus as soon as possible.

But that might not be bad news. For Matt, who was about to rush into the formation to activate the Xel'Naga artifact, the more zerg in the Tiberus system, the better.

Looking at the star map, Matt realized that it was entirely natural for the Overmind to be anxious.

Edmund Duke's Alpha Squadron has arrived in the neighboring system of Tiberus, only a few light-years away. Mira Han's Imperial Reaver Fleet could arrive in less than half a day to support them, but now a Hive Fleet was holding them back.

Thinking of Mira, Matt shook his head unconsciously. Just seeing the name Matt made him a little taller. She was one of the few women he couldn't resist at all.

In the other direction, the fleet of Koronis, the executive officer of Duram Protoss, is also approaching the Tillborn system, and is fighting an inextricable battle with the main force of the Grund swarm.

The fleet under Koronis has been formed since the era of the Protoss Empire, and has carried out expeditionary missions to capture the Dark Templar and find Xel'Naga ruins in peaceful times and in the galaxy.

But not only were the Dark Templars nowhere to be found, Koronis and his men also regretted not being able to return home in time when Aiur fell. Because of this, these Templars, who live in pain and self-blame all day long, are the first to atone for the crimes they have committed.

These noble protoss could not wait to rush to die with the zerg before the fall of Aiur. The fighting power of these noble protoss can be seen in the spirit of disregarding death.

Behind Colonis, the 7th fleet of the Protoss Empire was also on its way.

It was another fleet from the Protoss Empire era. Even if it was just a microcosm of the old Invincible Fleet, this fleet was already quite large. This perfectly explains what it means to have a strong family background, and a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

The protoss always like to directly jump to existing battleships and buildings instead of building new ones. You never know what horrible things the protoss can pull out of their ancestral graves that they have almost forgotten. It is possible that there is a huge fleet of protoss sleeping on the planet under human feet, and when it wakes up, it will clamor to regain its ancient ancestral land.

"Admiral Horner, the sensors show that a large number of zerg are leaving the main battlefield and coming towards us." Matt's adjutant Porter reminded at this time:

"It's the winged hive of the Sutur Swarm, with four Swarm Leviathans in it."

Before he finished speaking, the iconic blue carapace and blood-red eyes of the Sutur nest seemed to be close at hand. The Sutur zerg have always been known for their terrifying aggression, and can be called the berserker branch of the swarm.

In the shadow descending under the Hyperion, like a furious swarm, a large number of mutalisks and corrupted flying insects pounced on the majestic imperial flagship, and acid and shields immediately appeared on the rising green shield. The fire produced by force field collision and erosion.

Hyperion's naval guns roared again, and the powerful and violent firepower of this legendary warship with outstanding merits immediately and mercilessly tore apart every Zerg that tried to get close.

At the same time, more zerg life signals appeared on the Hyperion's main screen. The red light spots on each display panel jumped crazily. The number of zerg in this area exceeded one in a few minutes. Ten billion.

"Why did they suddenly come towards us?" Narud's gray eyebrows frowned uneasily: "Maybe the Zerg have noticed the existence of the artifact, and their perception of the Xel'Naga creations is quite keen."

"Maybe the master has doubts." Matt nodded: "Then let him be afraid for a while longer."

"Potter, contact all your own empires and protoss battleships and put what I want to say next on the public channel."

"It's General." The adjutant immediately obeyed.

"All our captains who have heard this communication, this is the Hyperion, and we are heading towards the center of the swarm fleet." Matt knew that the commander of the Protoss fleet could also hear what he was saying:

"We have a Xel'Naga artifact in our hands. Repeat, we have a Xel'Naga artifact in our hands and we are heading towards the center of the swarm fleet."

"Requesting covering fire."

"General Horner, the Shield of El has been received." A moment later, the voice of Artanis, the senior executive officer of Durham, came: "Attention, all fleets, we need to help the Hyperion open a path to the swarm. Fleet Center Road.”

"Follow my flagship, we will break through from the front!"

"Did you hear them all?" Warfield's tired but still determined voice came slowly from the other side: "No matter what the cost, no matter how many sacrifices are made, we must ensure that the Hyperion can reach the center of the formation."

"All Imperial fleets, advance!

Artanis and Warfield knew what Matt was preparing to do, but ordinary captains didn't.

Just like that, all Imperial and Protoss warships who received the order, without exception, turned their bows to attract the zerg firepower for the Hyperion.

The Imperial Gorgon-class battlecruiser The Thunder is on the Hyperion's path. In the previous battle, the shields of this warship that had been attacked by the swarm had long been exhausted. All over, the surface is devastated.

Without any hesitation, Thor's Hammer went straight towards a Leviathan that rushed towards the Hyperion. In the dark void, two huge phantoms collided head-on.

Immediately, the captain of Quake ordered the four Titan fusion reactors on the battleship to be detonated. The terrifying flames immediately engulfed the battleship and everything around it.

Under the absolute disadvantage of size, the Jupiter Minotaur battlecruiser still met the Leviathan in front of Hyperion, and the damaged hull once again burst into flames.

Another battleship's radio channel went completely silent, a chilling silence.

Hyperion marched all the way on the battlefield of iron and fire, and countless battleships sank along the way, and countless insects lay dead.

Flames engulfed the entire Tiberus system.

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